Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Worth playing?

Just ask yourself what you’d rather. One stacked server stomping two other servers with no presence, or three servers who’re all topped up with presence for people to play with and against at as good to all hours of the day? There is nothing inherently wrong with “stacking”.

Its time to be more pragmatic and reasonable about this. If players want a fulfilling game mode then they’ve all got to collate in a single tier for a more well rounded fight. Server imbalance still occurs due to people/guilds overstacking into a single server, usually pre-seasons. But to take the picture as you’ve painted it is just plain ignorance.

Uhhh… must come from Tier 2. Cause in T1, BG is dead as a doornail in WvW. JQ and TC zergs are MASSIVE. And then there’s us. Effing tiny with no presence. It’s not 3 servers “topped off” up here. It’s a total mess. And why you ask? Because of the issue addressed here in this thread.

It’s not good for the Gw2 (WVW) community at large. And it needs to get curbed. Hard.

Your population is full yet your WvW participation is low. That’s exactly what has been discussed is part of the root cause. The servers in lower tiers all have “Very High” population yet very low WvW participation. Players transferring is just a coping mechanism.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Worth playing?

Just ask yourself what you’d rather. One stacked server stomping two other servers with no presence, or three servers who’re all topped up with presence for people to play with and against at as good to all hours of the day? There is nothing inherently wrong with “stacking”.

Its time to be more pragmatic and reasonable about this. If players want a fulfilling game mode then they’ve all got to collate in a single tier for a more well rounded fight. Server imbalance still occurs due to people/guilds overstacking into a single server, usually pre-seasons. But to take the picture as you’ve painted it is just plain ignorance.

Uhhh… must come from Tier 2. Cause in T1, BG is dead as a doornail in WvW. JQ and TC zergs are MASSIVE. And then there’s us. Effing tiny with no presence. It’s not 3 servers “topped off” up here. It’s a total mess. And why you ask? Because of the issue addressed here in this thread.

It’s not good for the Gw2 (WVW) community at large. And it needs to get curbed. Hard.

Is this a joke??
BG complaining about zerg?? and about guilds recruitment in a single post??
Are you kittened or you just purchased an account into BG or something??
BG started this whole giild recruiting thing..
And still bg zergs as much as jq and tc in t1…it just lost coverage in off hours…but in prime time…its blob festival up dont need to lie… tc and bg are at same place right now….they blob in prime time and lose coverage in oce hours and thats when jq is stomping jq has more coverage and also blobs on prime…
We would have great fights if the server would allow it..but whenever the 3 servers meet… skill lag comes into place and its 4-8 seconds to cast something…like last reset on TC garry when we had 3 servers in lords room… jq had their blob there…bg had their blob thee and tc had their blob there.. skill lag for all 3 servers and in the end BG took it..

So again…plz don’t come here now after all BG did saying that TC AND JQ zergs and that guild recruitment is bad…that makes you look silly..

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


unfortuantely, the game is heading towards a direction where the idea of “rebuilding” a server is quite impossible due to lack of population. as the population decline, wvw become inbalance and then it become less fun.

You are mistaken as I see it. The game is moving the the exact direction to build up a servers population. Nothing revitalizes and MMO like an expansion pack.

how sure are you the expansion will have a increase in lasting population? that’s just assumption isn’kitten

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


unfortuantely, the game is heading towards a direction where the idea of “rebuilding” a server is quite impossible due to lack of population. as the population decline, wvw become inbalance and then it become less fun.

You are mistaken as I see it. The game is moving the the exact direction to build up a servers population. Nothing revitalizes and MMO like an expansion pack.

how sure are you the expansion will have a increase in lasting population? that’s just assumption isn’kitten

And how many Pvx will escape back to pve for a bit as most of the things mentioned in the expansion so far are pve…

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


unfortuantely, the game is heading towards a direction where the idea of “rebuilding” a server is quite impossible due to lack of population. as the population decline, wvw become inbalance and then it become less fun.

You are mistaken as I see it. The game is moving the the exact direction to build up a servers population. Nothing revitalizes and MMO like an expansion pack.

how sure are you the expansion will have a increase in lasting population? that’s just assumption isn’kitten

And how many Pvx will escape back to pve for a bit as most of the things mentioned in the expansion so far are pve…

More people playing the game overall means more people to play WvW, should they choose to. It’s an opportunity , not ANet promising to “add more players to WvW”.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


unfortuantely, the game is heading towards a direction where the idea of “rebuilding” a server is quite impossible due to lack of population. as the population decline, wvw become inbalance and then it become less fun.

You are mistaken as I see it. The game is moving the the exact direction to build up a servers population. Nothing revitalizes and MMO like an expansion pack.

how sure are you the expansion will have a increase in lasting population? that’s just assumption isn’kitten

Fairly certain, but yes it is a very informed guess. I would hardly call it an assumption. If you wanted to call it an assumption, you would list me an MMO that didn’t increase in active player population with a major expansion release.

Secondly, Gayle has made multiple post proclaiming that it is a fact that the player population has increased significantly, starting immediately after they simply announced the expansion.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The only thing that people need to know is that transfers in general move from low tier to upper tier and in upper tier they quit. The small population servers are emptier than they were a year ago and then they were emptier than a year ago before that.

My server moved up a bunch of tiers from last year and it and the competition are emptier than tier 8 was last year.

This is the only problem in WvW worth talking about and as far as I can tell it’s never getting fixed (it was our first CDI! Remember that everyone?).

You really shouldn’t generalize. A few months ago, a good many guilds from T1 servers transferred to, what was then, a T3 server. It then became locked in at T2. Since then, several servers moved from T1 down to the varying T2 guilds. There are 4 servers in relative competition. Thus, one is generally stuck in T3. It is my opinion, that the surge in these complaints come from T3 having one sever around that generally has a much higher average playing population then the other 2.

So I feel your claim that guilds only move up is very untrue.

unfortuantely, the game is heading towards a direction where the idea of “rebuilding” a server is quite impossible due to lack of population. as the population decline, wvw become inbalance and then it become less fun.

You are mistaken as I see it. The game is moving the the exact direction to build up a servers population. Nothing revitalizes and MMO like an expansion pack.

On point 1: Your feeling is wrong. Anecdotes aside, the lowest tier servers are smaller than they were a year ago which was smaller than they were a year ago. The general movement of guilds is up tiers.

On point 2: it doesn’t matter if there is a population bump, the method by which the lower ranked servers bleed people to higher ranked servers will continue. The game started and had a big population on all the server for a while after launch but the game has incentives for players to move to higher ranked servers and players will respond to incentives.

Gate of Madness

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


1. Matchup variety. If t1-3 could mix together somewhat like EU does atm, there’d be a lot of different servers/playstyles/guilds to fight.

Then you’d get people complaining about imbalanced matchups. You also neglect to consider that there are people and guilds that want to face certain opponents consistently because they provide the best fights to them.

2. Tier 3 won’t be a complete mess.

You don’t know that. Coverage is still a factor.

3. More guilds overall to fight. Once current t3 servers can pop into t2, and t2 can pop into kitten will basically be able to fight all the best guilds from all around, t3 will get to learn to get gud by consistently fighting t2 servers, and t1 will get to ppt against new people. lol

You mean less guilds to fight? The less guilds on a server the less guilds to fight. logic. 2 guilds spread across 24 servers or 8 guilds across 6 servers. Which gets more fights? This game doesn’t have enough wvw guilds left to spread across servers. Get over it.

4. It could remove the full population from certain servers, making it possible to actually patch up coverage holes with transfers if the need arises.

You know full well server population has nothing to do with wvw population. Anet has made transfer to servers free and even that never patched up any coverage holes. Let’s be realistic here.

5. It’ll make the mobility between tiers not so screwed up like it is now. If a server wants to get into t2, it won’t have to beat on tier 3 servers for ages to drain glicko. Whenever that sorta thing happens, like it’s happening in t3 and t6 right now, it’s damaging to the game’s population.

Again, you don’t know that. 2 years ago when populations were more spread it took forever to move up tiers. Remember Sorrow’s Furnace being stuck in t8? The immobility between tiers for NA has a lot more to do with the seasons creating artificial barriers by isolating the servers within their leagues. Also T1 is being match manipulated.

The isolation between leagues doesn’t happen in EU thanks to Baruch Bay tanking their rating after each tournament.

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Then you’d get people complaining about imbalanced matchups. You also neglect to consider that there are people and guilds that want to face certain opponents consistently because they provide the best fights to them.

Why would we complain about imbalanced matchups anymore than we do? FA dominates T2, T2 reject of the week dominates T3, and JQ usually wins T1. Furthere, it’s not necessarily the case matches would be imbalanced. EU matches, when a t2 server gets into t1, are often quite competitive (as I’ve previously mentioned, just last week the 5th ranked server, basically their version of YB, beat the 1st place server and second place, basically JQ/TC).

I’m suggesting that it’d be best if we could have a setup that ALREADY EXISTS in EU.

You don’t know that. Coverage is still a factor.

Sure, I don’t know that if you quit smoking it’d be more healthy for you… but I can still say you’ll be more healthy if you stop smoking. The possibility that an alternative could occur does not negate a person’s ability to rationally state something will happen lol. Like I said, if the destacking occurred in a balanced fashion, t3 could reach a point where it’d compete with t2 w/o winning.

You mean less guilds to fight? The less guilds on a server the less guilds to fight. logic. 2 guilds spread across 24 servers or 8 guilds across 6 servers. Which gets more fights? This game doesn’t have enough wvw guilds left to spread across servers. Get over it.

I used the word “overall” for a reason. Do you know how many guilds are on my small t4 server? There are 8+ guilds that raid freuqently in a zerg busting capacity, with 10+ people, including OCX and SEA guilds. We have 4 guilds who GvG frequently in 15s, and at one who I believe can do 20s now. Further, we have multitudes of non zerg busting guilds that exist.

I said the OVERALL amount of guilds would increase. I did not say there’d be more guilds in any specific matchup. T3 would obviously be far more active, t1 would be somewhat less, t2 would be somewhat less. So even if you think having the most guilds in a specific matchup, with 0 variety and 0 ability to fight other guilds in WvW, you CANNOT argue that it’s not a valid reason to say there’s more guilds overall to fight because you’d be drawing the large amount of native t3 guilds into the mix.

Further, it wouldn’t even be a massive reduction in guilds for t2/1. You do realize it’s 100% a myth that t3 don’t have off hours guilds right? My server has 3 guilds that run SEA, 1 that does so daily, and 1 guild that runs ocx (we actually have queues lasting well into early ocx), + pugs. HoD has 1 Ocx and 1 SEA guild + pugs. We’re not as lively as t2 at all, but you it’s not like we’d just get wiped off the map instantly. Off hours are less populated overall, so the amount of off hours guilds we’d need wouldn’t be as large as you seem to think it’d be.

You know full well server population has nothing to do with wvw population. Anet has made transfer to servers free and even that never patched up any coverage holes. Let’s be realistic here.

Yes, I know, but that’s 100% irrelevant. Anet made it so you can’t transfer to full servers, it makes it a pain to transfer to these servers. If DB can’t compete in NA against FA, it needs NA guilds, but it can’t get those if the server itself has the full status almost 24/7. That’s a problem, because that makes t2 impossible to be balanced (and generally guilds moving up try to move up in zones that they feel they can help in, unless it’s ocx/sea which have such low pop where sometimes they just want ppl to play with).

5. It’ll make the mobility between tiers not so screwed up like it is now. If a server wants to get into t2, it won’t have to beat on tier 3 servers for ages to drain glicko. Whenever that sorta thing happens, like it’s happening in t3 and t6 right now, it’s damaging to the game’s population.


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

(edited by Arius.7031)

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: pepper.6179


these threads never really achieve anything. Non-stop bickering but no solution will ever be fit for the situation.


Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

There are really two choices here:

-Get used to it
-Stay mad about it

Either way it is not going to change, guilds will always come and go…Most are dependent on where the fights are…Make no mistake, if the world turned upside down tomorrow and the new fights tier was on T7, then T7 would be full of transfers.

The biggest issue is the snowballing, pugs hear: Guild ____ went to server ____ and then all of the sudden a few follow. Then another guild, more pugs, etc etc.

Chaba is right, people/guilds leave because they want to. If they really were having fun where they were then they couldn’t be bought. Remember MOST of these transactions are just covering the cost to transfer. (I know there are all these wild rumors of legendaries, etc…But that is mostly false).

So if people are just getting paid what it costs to move their guild (IE: no really profiting), then that just goes to show you that it really is what the playerbase wants. The last issue is one of attrition, this game has a lot of it right now. The overall pop. cannot field 24 servers. But you have people that refuse to leave their 19th ranked server, and then you have people that can’t wait to leave because they wanna go have fun in a game (WHAT A CONCEPT RIGHT?).

The long and short of it, barring what happens with the pops. after HoT, if this trend continues in about 1-2yrs you will probably have 8-12 populated servers at best. And the lower few of those will be barely populated. The quicker you come to terms with that then the better off you will be.

I know to the lower tiered players it sucks (I played T8 my first 1.5yrs of this game), but the reality is no one wants to xfer down there and have nothing to fight outside of some pugblobs on reset.

Mag Server Leader

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Alteros.3019


Why are you ignoring those (Dh/IoJ/HoD/EBay/NSP)?

I don’t know much about WvW since I’m new, but I do know that the guilds that left my server transferred to two of those listed servers. In fact one of them is allegedly buying guilds from us and other lower ranked servers. I strongly doubt they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. I imagine they are all mini band wagon servers, for people who don’t want to go beyond tier 3 and still want that small server feel. If I was to leave my server, it would be to ride their coattails to victory, not to go for tier 1 or 2.

At the moment though, I’m just waiting for thing to stabilize before I make a final judgement call. At the moment tier 3 to 7 look pretty rough with unbalanced match ups of varying degrees. Even tier 2 seems to be suffering a bit. Just look at those scores! What a terrible mess and a terrible time to join the GW2 WvW community. The only tiers that seem to have balanced matching is tier 1 and 8.

Agreed. To call the last month on Tier 6 where I currently reside the most nightmarish and miserable gaming experience I can honestly recall is to put it mildly. And I’ve been playing WvW for over a year and a half on my server. We have been pounded, steamrolled, and demolished relentlessly. We haven’t had the power to flip our Bay Keep in 3 days…to put things into perspective. Forget about PPT, it took my guild-mate over an hour just to get a POI in the ruins because once the death blobs ran out things to eat, they became zerglet gank-squads that now relentlessly roam all the borderlands looking for wayward players.

If there is an influx of players into the game who happen to be making their way into WvW, its certainly not on my server. Notwithstanding the two guilds that left prior to this mess starting, we’ve basically lost all our player base. I honestly don’t know if they’ve left because they’ve transferred up or just quit WvW altogether. And if the matchup is the same this coming reset as it has been in the past months, I’m seriously going to reevaluate if 1) I’m going to continue being a part of my server and 2) honestly consider just leaving behind WvW (and probably the game) until I hear all the details of what HoT is going to bring for WvW. Everybody has their red lines they draw, and mine isn’t winning the PPT war which my server has only done a handful of times in the year and a half I’ve played. I draw the line when I can’t do anything other than be a walking loot bag.

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


It is a well known fact that other servers buy other servers guilds. On the server I am on now they are currently funding a war chest to fund such guild moves. On our TS council meeting each week we have guilds stating they will leave our server if we stay in our current rank because they are looking for fights and it’s boring on our server now in T3 since we dominate each week. There is nothing your server can do if one of your current fight or GVG guilds wants to move. In order to remain competitive with the hope of going back to T2 you have to buy other guilds or you loose your current population. This pride of your server is no longer a factor. Coverage is the overall defining theme.

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


It is a well known fact that other servers buy other servers guilds. On the server I am on now they are currently funding a war chest to fund such guild moves. On our TS council meeting each week we have guilds stating they will leave our server if we stay in our current rank because they are looking for fights and it’s boring on our server now in T3 since we dominate each week. There is nothing your server can do if one of your current fight or GVG guilds wants to move. In order to remain competitive with the hope of going back to T2 you have to buy other guilds or you loose your current population. This pride of your server is no longer a factor. Coverage is the overall defining theme.

No, the poster above you is on Anvil Rock and has had a month (this being the fourth week) of dealing with Maguuma. The first week wasn’t as bad, but there has been lots of people moving to Maguuma since then, so it has been just crushing that tier.

GoM and Maguuma are going to switch places, and thus tiers, for reset, so there’s a high likelihood that T6 will have a different matchup this week.

That said, GoM is no pushover either, but at least it’ll be something different.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Menaka.5092



Wow? Those kinds of shenanigans are that pervasive?

I guess that answers my question on whether or not the mode is worth playing.

Servers have been buying guilds for a while, the end game is 9 servers full of players and 15 barren wastelands full of people screaming “SERVER PRIDE”.

HoT may slow or hasten the process.

Best description of WvW I read in a long time. Sadly.