Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: cdsmith.1072


The idiotic match ups killed Crystal Desert. We’ve had weeks of getting our kittens handed to us and everyone stopped playing WvW. I don’t even recognize any of the commanders anymore. They all left.

You certainly blobbed all over the place enough last week to make me doubt the “… and everyone stopped playing WvW” part.

Yeah we had a blob occasionally last week but we see outnumbered buff more often than we blob.

Yep, we could occasionally get some groups together and there are some people playing. I’d say we have far less than half our previous population in WvW anymore.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


The idiotic match ups killed Crystal Desert. We’ve had weeks of getting our kittens handed to us and everyone stopped playing WvW. I don’t even recognize any of the commanders anymore. They all left.

You certainly blobbed all over the place enough last week to make me doubt the “… and everyone stopped playing WvW” part.

Yeah we had a blob occasionally last week but we see outnumbered buff more often than we blob.

Yep, we could occasionally get some groups together and there are some people playing. I’d say we have far less than half our previous population in WvW anymore.

Blob tactics aside, we were a bit surprised at your lack of overall coverage – this week against HoD is more what we thought fighting you would be like, i.e. constantly outnumbered, ridiculous point differences, etc.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


In my eyes T3 is an dead end since over an year. T3 atm kills the rest of the fun you actually have gotten. IoJ is just the last victim, I have lost the interest in wvw and in the game itself.

NSP and IoJ are more vocal about the disparity because it’s worse than ever, but T3 has been the meat-grinder since launch. The only balanced matches have been during seasons, or when an implosion comes down and hasn’t quite hit bottom yet.

I think the number of implosions that brought NSP to rank 8 are the real culprits for the problems. Before S3 any of the T3 servers could have done ok against T2; but they chickened out then went on buying sprees for guilds afterwards.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


I would be curious to see how FA does VS a T1 server.

Heiann – NSP

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


I would be curious to see how FA does VS a T1 server.

Last league was in Sept. At that time FA performed vs JQ or TC as T3 now did vs them or SoS

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Exciton.8942


I would be curious to see how FA does VS a T1 server.

Last league was in Sept. At that time FA performed vs JQ or TC as T3 now did vs them or SoS

They should be close or slight stronger compared to SoS in the Sept tournament. In addition, they are running with more blobs now thanks to the shift towards that direction in T2 these days.

I would say the gap between T1 and T2 is much closer atm compared to T2 and T3.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I would say the gap between T1 and T2 is much closer atm compared to T2 and T3.

It is much closer yet still quite far.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


I would say the gap between T1 and T2 is much closer atm compared to T2 and T3.

It is much closer yet still quite far.

We will not find out till a possible next league. T1/2 are unbridgeable separated by Glicko distance.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: tym.3791


I was on FA when we faced a T1 server. Think it was JQ. WOW. They owned us hard. I agree it seems like I am seeing more people move to t2 for the fights, and the fun. May be wrong, but if you love wvw, T2 seems to be the sweet spot.

I see lots of people moving to FA. My guess they see us at the top of the heap at the moment, so go there. Could be FA keeps getting players, they may make us fight a T1 server. FA will get owned kitten T1.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


DB is full status so they can’t go there. Players are cool on SoS because guilds have left it even though SoS has the most potential since it is not full. So players see only FA and YB as a choice unfortunately.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

In my eyes T3 is an dead end since over an year. T3 atm kills the rest of the fun you actually have gotten. IoJ is just the last victim, I have lost the interest in wvw and in the game itself.

NSP and IoJ are more vocal about the disparity because it’s worse than ever, but T3 has been the meat-grinder since launch. The only balanced matches have been during seasons, or when an implosion comes down and hasn’t quite hit bottom yet.

I think the number of implosions that brought NSP to rank 8 are the real culprits for the problems. Before S3 any of the T3 servers could have done ok against T2; but they chickened out then went on buying sprees for guilds afterwards.

This. It’s interesting that NSP is now ranked 8th… all the way up from around rank 20… but it’s population has been relatively stable: NSP is definitely no bigger than a year or even two years ago. That’s how far WvW population has fallen.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Yeah I’m on NSP since launch and our pop never really changed. Most of us are fine with that. We are very resilient and I think it’s what define my server.

I remember while we were on lower tier that each server had 1-2 guilds that defined those servers but now I still see those guilds but they all moved to one of the tier 2 servers. FA really got bigger lately and I would be really curious to see how they do VS a T1 server.

I’m also curious to see what will happen to the T2 server stuck in silver when the next season is announced. I do think that minus SoS silver league is pretty much well balanced.

DH,SBI, HoD are coming to T3 and hopefully give NSP/IoJ a break form time to time. NSP is doing fine but I think IoJ is really getting tired. Those new server coming to us will be all pumped up this will bring new blood but I really can’t wait to see how they will do and or how long they will last.

Heiann – NSP

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Curo.2483


As someone who has been pretty involved with NSP for a while, I’ll just tell you a few things. We were rank 15 at the end of the last tournament, and may have temporarily dropped a few ranks when burnout hit and we had some bronze matchups. Since then, I’d say our rise to 8th place is 50% higher tier servers weakening, 25% regulars coming back to the game, and 25% transfers from SoR. We also saw the development of a strong fight-oriented WvW guild other than [Os].

Currently, I’d say NSP and IoJ are almost neck and neck with the tier 4 servers such as DH, SBI, and HoD. However, the gap between us and those above us is IMMENSE. We do realize that SoS is the weakest of the 4 tier 2 servers, however that only means the difference between them having 80% of the score or 75% of the score. It’s really not fun when the enemy can field 3 times the people on one map that you can field on all 4 maps. We’ve got our strong NA primetime where we can usually queue a map, but beyond that, WvW is a deadzone. I really do see SoS starting to weaken a lot, and I hope that continues to the point where we can have some good competition.

Until then, I encourage anyone stuck in this matchup, whether NSP, IoJ, or SBI to stay strong and support your server. These matchups are not indicative of your strength as a server or a community. I know that a lot of us have worked very hard to create a strong community on NSP, and I hope that keeps people around for the long haul. Transferring servers for short-term benefit often leads to long-term disappointment.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: SoupRGyro.9017


New EotM player here… there are a LOT of “wvw imbalanced” topics, so it’s pretty evident that it’s been an issue for a while. So putting my 2 cents in… since all my experience with EotM is on the tiny teams that get absolutely hammered by teams that outnumber us 50 to 1, I fail to see the “fun” in EotM. I guess destroying a little team in 10 seconds might be fun once or twice, but would seem to be really boring. From the little team perspective, it’s not fun at all to be instantly killed the moment you leave your start zone.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


As someone who has been pretty involved with NSP for a while, I’ll just tell you a few things. We were rank 15 at the end of the last tournament, and may have temporarily dropped a few ranks when burnout hit and we had some bronze matchups. Since then, I’d say our rise to 8th place is 50% higher tier servers weakening, 25% regulars coming back to the game, and 25% transfers from SoR. We also saw the development of a strong fight-oriented WvW guild other than [Os].

Currently, I’d say NSP and IoJ are almost neck and neck with the tier 4 servers such as DH, SBI, and HoD. However, the gap between us and those above us is IMMENSE. We do realize that SoS is the weakest of the 4 tier 2 servers, however that only means the difference between them having 80% of the score or 75% of the score. It’s really not fun when the enemy can field 3 times the people on one map that you can field on all 4 maps. We’ve got our strong NA primetime where we can usually queue a map, but beyond that, WvW is a deadzone. I really do see SoS starting to weaken a lot, and I hope that continues to the point where we can have some good competition.

Until then, I encourage anyone stuck in this matchup, whether NSP, IoJ, or SBI to stay strong and support your server. These matchups are not indicative of your strength as a server or a community. I know that a lot of us have worked very hard to create a strong community on NSP, and I hope that keeps people around for the long haul. Transferring servers for short-term benefit often leads to long-term disappointment.

No intentions of transferring from IOJ, but I have to admit that I am not logging in-game as much. It took 11 weeks for that result. I am just an average wvw’er, so I tend to get stomped quicker than the experienced players. The staunch players that do log everyday and keep fighting against ridiculous odds need to be commended. It would be awesome to have a week or so to catch our breath.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: gnoams.3129


This game has so much potential to be awesome, and falls flat on it’s face. Once in a blue moon you actually get a balanced amount of people from each of the three servers and it’s fun. But most of the time it’s just big servers running over the little ones because they have 10 times the players on the map. And then you get players who just sit there camping at the spawn cause they think its fun to grief other players and not let them enjoy playing the game. And you can’t even talk to them, they’re just nameless jerks. All you can do is give up and let them win. It’s frustrating to the extreme.

I don’t know how you can fix the balance issues, but not being able to talk to the opponents or even see their names always confused me. What led to that decision? In my experience not being able to talk to your opponents in pvp type games leads to hatred and griefing because players feel no accountability and no consequence for their actions. Sometimes it’s totally innocent, one player thinks its all in fun and the other is kittened cause they were trying to get some skill point etc and the other guy keeps getting in their way. I just can’t see any good reason to not be able to talk to each other.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

WvW is pretty balanced in and of itself. The only imbalance that I can see from the post above mine would be individual player skill. But that’s the beauty of this pseudo open world PvP. If you fight an enemy that has more skill than you, you’ll always end up dead. And we get to rub it in with awesome Gem Store Finishers!

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


No worries OP, artwork and pretty graphics makes game balance awesome, every skrirt love pretty graphics.

High damage and easy win against non meta is what make players return to the game.
Play how you want they said.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: gnoams.3129


pretty balanced? wow, you must play a different game than I do. I’d like to play that game.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


It could be balanced with 4 servers or more in the same map, with 3 server can’t never be balanced because when the 1st one strikes the other follows and always get 1vs2.
With more servers they can balance more like they do with imbalance classes on pvp they dont let you duel but with 5v5 it looks balanced

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

pretty balanced? wow, you must play a different game than I do. I’d like to play that game.

Feel free to transfer to BG or JQ in Tier 1. Some of the best zerg fights I’ve ever been in has been in T1. Here, skill determines which zerg stands supreme.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


I don’t know how you can fix the balance issues, but not being able to talk to the opponents or even see their names always confused me. What led to that decision? In my experience not being able to talk to your opponents in pvp type games leads to hatred and griefing because players feel no accountability and no consequence for their actions. Sometimes it’s totally innocent, one player thinks its all in fun and the other is kittened cause they were trying to get some skill point etc and the other guy keeps getting in their way. I just can’t see any good reason to not be able to talk to each other.

Click on the player, then click on their portrait at the top of the screen. Block them.

Then go to your block list and you’ll find their name. Whisper them, then unblock them so they can reply.

Or, click on them and press P and invite them or join their party.

Talk away.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

pretty balanced? wow, you must play a different game than I do. I’d like to play that game.

Feel free to transfer to BG or JQ in Tier 1. Some of the best zerg fights I’ve ever been in has been in T1. Here, skill determines which zerg stands supreme.

This explains it. (S)He is playing a different game. T1 is in their own little world and can’t recognize the issues of us peons.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

T1 and T2 have higher populations of players who like to WvW. It’s a game-style choice we make. Anet can’t force T3, 4, 5, 6, 7 servers to WvW if they don’t want to.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


T1 and T2 have higher populations of players who like to WvW. It’s a game-style choice we make. Anet can’t force T3, 4, 5, 6, 7 servers to WvW if they don’t want to.

But given the way world servers work for PvE and how all PvE content ignored server boundries, why even have tiers 4-7?

Tier 1 is great. Tier 2 is alright, but it has 1 too many servers and one is always cycled out. Tier 3 is absolute [censored] because that one tier2 server that cycles out each week completely obliterates both servers in tier3.

Each week this server that’s cycled out loses hundreds of players because they’re tired of taking a break every other week when thrown to tier 3. So eventually one of the tier2 servers that cycles out will be a desserted wasteland like tier 3 and below.

Tier 4 – 7 hasn’t seen a queue in a year even 30mins after reset.

The servers need to be combined or they need to introduce the PvE world server architecture to their WvW game mode in some fashion.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

They can’t combine servers, because in the event that there’s a mass influx of new WvW players, the combined servers won’t have space to hold them all. The best option at the moment is to keep the servers as they are, and just try to give more incentive for PvE players to WvW more often.

One good way would be to force WvW rank 300 to be able to craft Precursors in HoT.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


We already know what forced PvE incentives for WvW looks like. It was called Season 1 and it made things much worse.

Your concerns about over population are also easy to fix. You just open a new server and offer free transfers to it from over populated realms.

This is how real companies handle population problems. Yes, even the ones that charge for transfers.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


Tier 4 – 7 hasn’t seen a queue in a year even 30mins after reset.

Every server in T4 and T5 has seen a queue outside of reset.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Tier 4 – 7 hasn’t seen a queue in a year even 30mins after reset.

Every server in T4 and T5 has seen a queue outside of reset.

My appologies then. I was on FC just this last reset and lol. I think I saw 20 people.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


So eventually one of the tier2 servers that cycles out will be a desserted wasteland like tier 3 and below.

Tier 4 – 7 hasn’t seen a queue in a year even 30mins after reset.

The servers need to be combined or they need to introduce the PvE world server architecture to their WvW game mode in some fashion.

Hi, tier 5 here. Had home BL and EBG queued for hours both at reset and the following evening. And it isn’t the first time, AND a month ago we were T6. But I can generalize too:

“Tier 1 is only skillless zergs k-training around in a four map version of EotM.”

Yay, that was fun.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


Tier 4 – 7 hasn’t seen a queue in a year even 30mins after reset.

Every server in T4 and T5 has seen a queue outside of reset.

My appologies then. I was on FC just this last reset and lol. I think I saw 20 people.

This just in: a single T7 server represents twelve servers across four tiers.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Tier 4 – 7 hasn’t seen a queue in a year even 30mins after reset.

Every server in T4 and T5 has seen a queue outside of reset.

My appologies then. I was on FC just this last reset and lol. I think I saw 20 people.

This just in: a single T7 server represents twelve servers across four tiers.

I acknowledge it was a generalized statement. Still kitten tier.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

With the replies to this thread, it looks like there really is no balance complaint. The real problem here is the timezone coverage, with some players not having enough allies online at the same time they are. And of course, Anet can’t fix when players go to sleep, or wake up, or come home from work/school.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


And of course, Anet can’t fix when players go to sleep, or wake up, or come home from work/school.

But of course ANet is responsible for the importance of each timeslice.
So far it always was, the fewer play the more important is it for the outcome, which is a bit … , hm, gave up to word it.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

And of course, Anet can’t fix when players go to sleep, or wake up, or come home from work/school.

But of course ANet is responsible for the importance of each timeslice.
So far it always was, the fewer play the more important is it for the outcome, which is a bit … , hm, gave up to word it.

No no no no. Anet isn’t responsible for that. WvW is an ever fighting battle, 24/7. Primetime for me is sleep time for someone else. You can’t force a server to shut down WvW just because most of their players are NA. There’s no fairness in that. If players all want to play in T1 and T2, that’s their choice. Player based decisions do not equal bad Anet policy.

Going off your thoughts, perhaps Anet could label certain servers to be NA, Oceanic/SEA, EU, etc. They’ll still be open to anyone, but it could help steer newer players to select those servers over others? Then open free transfers for a week, and allow the players to self balance coverage population. That would be a good compromise.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


Someday someone will open a thread about a situation or an opinion about coverage disparities; and Dayra will not post in it…..then the world will end.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Royale.5863


Server means nothing. Go where the fun is.


Server a distant third in terms of importance.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Someday someone will open a thread about a situation or an opinion about coverage disparities; and Dayra will not post in it…..then the world will end.

Probably Tyria will not have ended. But maybe World vs World has ended
At least it is on a good way to do so.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


I still have fun outnumbered. Last night we ate up a few chunks of EBG while home got pummeled and we tried to golem rush the zerg overlord’s keep which for the record also let us empty out SM. We made it to the inner, when their zerg from the border lands promptly mushed us and our precious omegas. But man that was a fun try. They may have double our numbers or more, but at least we gave them a bit of a go. Lobbed some stones and Goliath’s boots.

They returned the favor by eating up the rest of our home and EBG in revenge. /shrugs People claimed they had a hundred people on the map, all I see is a pile of red names to throw wells and marks at and run away screaming “No don’t hit me! I just want to fear you off the cliff! Be reasonable!”

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: ChainedOne.7369


I am having a hard time understanding some of the opinions in this thread, as they are clearly not from a server experiencing these gross balance issues in WvW. I am from Anvil Rock, and for the last 4 weeks we have been paired against Maguuma and a random other. The first week went alright, with us getting second behind by about 21k points. No complaints. Week was fun.

However, after that WvW has been terrible. For the next 3 weeks (as it has just begun AGAIN last night) Maguuma has been fielding at least twice our numbers minimum at all times. This is not an exaggeration. We had around half their total points two weeks ago, a third last week, and this week looks to be just as bad. Our server fields the same guilds, same numbers each week but it is simply not enough. The other server can field zergs on every map that grossly outnumber anything we can manage.

I understand that this happens. I don’t mind it happening every now and then, but this is the fourth week in a row. The 3rd server has been switched out, why are we stuck playing against a server that is clearly in the wrong tier? It not only ruins the experience for us but destroys our chances of gathering new players because they enter WvW and see us behind by over half.

TL:DR: I don’t mind unbalanced matches. I mind when they happen literally 3 weeks in a row. It is destroying our server’s morale to get stomped every week. Stop making us play the same server.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

T3 has it far, far worse than AR.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I dont see why they dont even want to try to turn of combat rezzing.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


I am having a hard time understanding some of the opinions in this thread, as they are clearly not from a server experiencing these gross balance issues in WvW. I am from Anvil Rock, and for the last 4 weeks we have been paired against Maguuma and a random other. The first week went alright, with us getting second behind by about 21k points. No complaints. Week was fun.

However, after that WvW has been terrible. For the next 3 weeks (as it has just begun AGAIN last night) Maguuma has been fielding at least twice our numbers minimum at all times. This is not an exaggeration. We had around half their total points two weeks ago, a third last week, and this week looks to be just as bad. Our server fields the same guilds, same numbers each week but it is simply not enough. The other server can field zergs on every map that grossly outnumber anything we can manage.

I understand that this happens. I don’t mind it happening every now and then, but this is the fourth week in a row. The 3rd server has been switched out, why are we stuck playing against a server that is clearly in the wrong tier? It not only ruins the experience for us but destroys our chances of gathering new players because they enter WvW and see us behind by over half.

TL:DR: I don’t mind unbalanced matches. I mind when they happen literally 3 weeks in a row. It is destroying our server’s morale to get stomped every week. Stop making us play the same server.

They are ranked at 16, AR is ranked at 17. It’s how it goes.

Maguuma just got/bought a few guilds, so in the short term they’re imbalanced to be in your tier. BUT, to move up, someone also has to move down. This is likely to happen after this week’s matchup – GoM will drop down to T6, and Maguuma will rise up to T5.

Also, they’re not fielding “zergs” on every map – you may want to talk to your server’s WvW community/commanders for a better picture of the overall situation. You’re not grossly outnumbers, but you are outnumbered. Mag will be running guild groups with their not insignificant number of pugs tagging along.

Build arrow carts for the rest of the week. Good luck.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Rimmy.9217)

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: ChainedOne.7369


T3 has it far, far worse than AR.

I don’t understand, is this an argument against change? I see Northern Shiverpeaks does indeed have a problem, and you are right their situation is much worse. Should that make me feel better? There is a problem that needs to be addressed, more so for Northern Shiverpeaks than for AR.

I am having a hard time understanding some of the opinions in this thread, as they are clearly not from a server experiencing these gross balance issues in WvW. I am from Anvil Rock, and for the last 4 weeks we have been paired against Maguuma and a random other. The first week went alright, with us getting second behind by about 21k points. No complaints. Week was fun.

However, after that WvW has been terrible. For the next 3 weeks (as it has just begun AGAIN last night) Maguuma has been fielding at least twice our numbers minimum at all times. This is not an exaggeration. We had around half their total points two weeks ago, a third last week, and this week looks to be just as bad. Our server fields the same guilds, same numbers each week but it is simply not enough. The other server can field zergs on every map that grossly outnumber anything we can manage.

I understand that this happens. I don’t mind it happening every now and then, but this is the fourth week in a row. The 3rd server has been switched out, why are we stuck playing against a server that is clearly in the wrong tier? It not only ruins the experience for us but destroys our chances of gathering new players because they enter WvW and see us behind by over half.

TL:DR: I don’t mind unbalanced matches. I mind when they happen literally 3 weeks in a row. It is destroying our server’s morale to get stomped every week. Stop making us play the same server.

They are ranked at 16, AR is ranked at 17. It’s how it goes.

Maguuma just got/bought a few guilds, so in the short term they’re imbalanced to be in your tier. BUT, to move up, someone also has to move down. This is likely to happen after this week’s matchup – GoM will drop down to T6, and Maguuma will rise up to T5.

Also, they’re not fielding “zergs” on every map – you may want to talk to your server’s WvW community/commanders for a better picture of the overall situation. You’re not grossly outnumbers, but you are outnumbered. Mag will be running guild groups with their not insignificant number of pugs tagging along.

Build arrow carts for the rest of the week. Good luck.

I am part of my server’s community. There are zergs on every single map. I am using the definition of zerg as 25+ members running in a group. Perhaps it’s just my kitten tier showing, perhaps the higher tiers have a more refined definition, I don’t know. Some guilds just hop maps to reinforce, but typically one group has at least 40 or so members while the other maps might be a little bit less. This doesn’t include their coverage or roaming groups. Of course, I am not trying to say they just sit on a map when no enemies are there, but it doesn’t matter how many maps you spread across or where you attack, they will have a group there to fight you and it will be much larger.

I’m not trying to argue numbers, we’ve wiped their ze-.. groups of people before, and I am not even going to go into the night crew stuff and how we wake up every morning to 650+ ppt. I am just concerned that they haven’t moved up yet.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


TL:DR: I don’t mind unbalanced matches. I mind when they happen literally 3 weeks in a row. It is destroying our server’s morale to get stomped every week. Stop making us play the same server.

Sounds like my server. I’m new and since I’ve started playing, the leading server has double the score of us almost every week. Sometimes more, sometimes a little less. At this point, I’ve never seen a balance match up and I stopped logging in as much. I don’t know what to do. I’ve shown up to help cap back and ended up with 4 people taking back our hills or bay or take some camps back only to watch them get flipped 5 minutes later by someone else while I’m try to get others back. I join this game to have epic pvp battles. I get maybe one a week where we finally pulled together enough numbers to do something and often we are still out numbered. It’s not fun.

I guess I could go do sPVP, but I really wanted castle siege wars. I could also delete my characters and start from scratch again somewhere else. Jump on the bandwagon like everyone else, but I really hate that idea.

At first I thought I could deal with the outnumbered and the balance problems, but when you finally turn a map back your colour just to see the zerg roll back in and flip back your hard work with no one there to protect it, it’s crap. Just crap.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


I am part of my server’s community. There are zergs on every single map. I am using the definition of zerg as 25+ members running in a group. Perhaps it’s just my kitten tier showing, perhaps the higher tiers have a more refined definition, I don’t know. Some guilds just hop maps to reinforce, but typically one group has at least 40 or so members while the other maps might be a little bit less. This doesn’t include their coverage or roaming groups. Of course, I am not trying to say they just sit on a map when no enemies are there, but it doesn’t matter how many maps you spread across or where you attack, they will have a group there to fight you and it will be much larger.

I’m not trying to argue numbers, we’ve wiped their ze-.. groups of people before, and I am not even going to go into the night crew stuff and how we wake up every morning to 650+ ppt. I am just concerned that they haven’t moved up yet.

I wasn’t being condescending – I’m from the tier just above you and we only got this high a month ago, so it’s not like I don’t know where you’re at or what it’s like, plus we fought Mag the other week BUT that was before they got their transfers.

From my spies/friends on Mag, it seems that the many groups they run are coordinating better with each other lately, and you’re getting the brunt of that. You’ll likely have GoM instead of Mag after Friday, so you’ll get fewer people but stronger players. Good luck.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: deepriver.5148


My server has had, with the exception of last week, been mismatched badly on a consistent basis for at least a month. I understand that server populations can vary radically from one ranking to the next and that it must be extremely difficult to maintain a variety of matchups without lopsided scoring as a result. That I can live with. What I really take exception to is the behavior of players I have seen in some servers that are at the high end of the score for most of the week. And it’s getting worse. There is no need have to tolerate disrespect and taunting from other players when a score becomes a rout. People in every server have invested time and money in building up a guild or combat scenario that they want to continue to develop. Being subjected to ridicule by opposing players is what causes these mismatches to become a bigger issue than it needs to be. Nobody wants to be on the losing end of a battle if instead of treating opponents with respect and basic courtesy, they are subjected to abusive and taunting behavior. Any match between any server can be a good playing experience if there was a lot more respect than I have seen in recent weeks. There’s just no reason for it.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Alteros.3019


My server has had, with the exception of last week, been mismatched badly on a consistent basis for at least a month. I understand that server populations can vary radically from one ranking to the next and that it must be extremely difficult to maintain a variety of matchups without lopsided scoring as a result. That I can live with. What I really take exception to is the behavior of players I have seen in some servers that are at the high end of the score for most of the week. And it’s getting worse. There is no need have to tolerate disrespect and taunting from other players when a score becomes a rout. People in every server have invested time and money in building up a guild or combat scenario that they want to continue to develop. Being subjected to ridicule by opposing players is what causes these mismatches to become a bigger issue than it needs to be. Nobody wants to be on the losing end of a battle if instead of treating opponents with respect and basic courtesy, they are subjected to abusive and taunting behavior. Any match between any server can be a good playing experience if there was a lot more respect than I have seen in recent weeks. There’s just no reason for it.

Agreed. In a matter of hours of this evening’s new matchups, virtually every matchup is totally out of whack. In my tier, the leading server is as of right now at 69K PPT. The next closest is at 20K, and we’re at 14K. Here’s the sad part: we’re not doing that much worse than 2nd place and we as a server boycotted the week’s matchup. The leading server is free to take all our homeland, but that’s all they’re going to get from us. We refuse to attempt any action that could give them any further loot. And as deepriver has stated, they’re pretty nasty as players.

Anet has to understand that if they mess up the PvE content of HoT without fixing WvW, the party’s over. Having been part of many strategic planning operations in the real world, I get the distinct impression that WvW was an afterthought addition to the game as something inserted to placate a niche player base. They honestly thought that they were going to retain their player base primarily with their PvE/Living World content. And when they gave us a whack-job Silvari that makes the cheesiest of Bond villans look somewhat respectable, a lot of players naturally gravitated to the other two aspects of the game, PvP and WvW. PvP is pretty balanced but not my style, so I’m left with WvW which is totally and utterly a broken system. Since they never gave this aspect of the game any serious thought or planning and subsequently were caught off guard by its poor design, they honestly have no clue how to go about fixing it.

The decision has been made by me and all those I know on my server to basically avoid this aspect of the game unless you really, really need a legendary (i.e. world completion). Just like in the 80s movie War Games, the correct decision to make in a game with no conceivable victory condition is not to play.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


I just laugh off the pea brains that spam /laugh or other whatever emotes after zerging you down 3:1 or more. If that bothers you, just turn emotes off. If they spawn camp, go to another bl. If they spawn cap every bl – just do something else. Let them have no fun too….

I haven’t been in matchups so bad it isn’t fun, but I know we won’t win with fa in the match. As long as I am having fun, don’t really care about 2 bonus chests…….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: deepriver.5148


Alteros and Liston, agreed to both of you. Thank you.