Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


I have read a bunch of ideas about improving WvW, some are good, some are pretty far out and most are repetitive. I want to try to keep an updated list of the best ones I have read.

1. Bloodlust Shaving and Stacking buffs like Sigils for Orbs

Providing 50 stats per Orb to a player is very significant and does exactly the job of making the Orbs sought after by servers. However, in large fights, most people find it to be quite overpowering and it can be demoralizing for the losing team. One suggestion is to cut the buff in half, only allowing it to provide +25 per Orb. This way, the most anyone could gain is +75. You could adjust it to other numbers as well but anything that isn’t 25 or 50 just doesn’t seem as clean, mathematically.

One way to overcome this is to allow players to gain a +5 all stat stacking buff for tagging players who are downed and stomped in WvW. You could get a max of 5 stacks of this per Orb. This would keep Orbs from being greatly overpowered when facing off in epic siege battles and still allow the roamers and havoc players to benefit even more from owning Orbs and Stomping players. Allowing the basic +25 would still greatly benefit the players in the large battles but gaining the stacks in these battles would be a bit more difficult, as well as maintaining them. It would also lend a sense of accomplishment to downing a player with 15 stacks of Borderlands Bloodlust, knowing that it would be removed.

The Buff would follow the same mechanics as a Bloodlust, Corruption, Applied Fortitude or Guard Leech Buff except that you could only earn stacks if you owned an Orb and tagged a player who was stomped after being downed. If you were downed, you would lose these stacks and have to stomp more players in order to regain them.

2. Objective Bounties in the Hidden Points for WvW

WvW objectives, especially SMC and Keeps are just not worth the effort to capture in outmanned matches. You can get the same reward from capturing an equivalent objective with less upgrades. The best suggestion I have heard to remedy this is to increase the hidden point bounty attached to a capture. The more upgraded a keep is and the longer it has been defended, the more the bounty for finally sacking it should be.

The effect of this would be 2-fold. It would focus the 2nd and 3rd place servers on capturing hard objectives, instead of basically karma farming each other’s objectives due to their ease of capture. It would also bolster the amount of potential hidden points a server can earn and provide a way for a server that is behind to make up ground faster than is currently available.

3. Gem Cost Adjustments for Transfers based on WvW rating

Gem costs based on overall server population is very basic but the problem is that with guesting, home server doesn’t really matter much except for guilds that participate in WvW. Therefore it would seem to make for sense to have the gem cost either directly related to WvW rating or at the very least have some sort of intrinsic effect on it in order to discourage people from transferring to servers that really don’t need any more population. Conversely if the cost to transfer servers with extremely low rating were very small, people would consider them much more serious candidates if they could move larger amounts of people for a much lower cost.

4. Map Capacity adjustments

This one I was kind of adverse to at first but once I thought about it, it makes sense. Currently the capacity is unknown but there are really only maybe 6-9 servers that can reliably queue all 4 maps on reset night and even less servers that can maintain this in NA primetime throughout the week. Most servers end up with queues on their home Borderland and Eternal Battleground. Lowering that map cap could be extremely detrimental to these servers that have very large WvW populations but it would force servers with lower populations to spread themselves out among the maps better.

No one knows the numbers behind the caps except you Anet guys, but judging from the current cascade of imbalance from Rank 1 to Rank 24, it is definitely something worth looking at. It could also potentially help a lot with the skill lag. Most of the time, this is only in 1 map because one major objective is being contested by 2 large forces that comprise of most of the maps forces in a small location. I know I have left a map just to avoid skill lag so it stands to reason that lowering the map cap would both facilitate a better combat experience and spread a server’s team out better, forcing them to fight on more maps.

In closing I would like to keep this list updated and eliminate any suggestions that have been answered for and deemed impossible by developers. I would also like to add any future or past suggestions that seem intuitive and workable based on the same criteria.
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


saved for future use
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


saved for future use
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alacrity.4312


how bout this one:

Hi everyone,

I’m posting this topic here because I’d like to discuss it, not merely suggest it in the suggestion forums and have it dwindle down rainbow road within minutes by the next nerf this, nerf that, mounts here, mounts there topic! (sorry, no TL;DR)

I’d like to discuss: Remove World versus World.

Now woaah!? Before you go all “What the hell! How dare you! I bought this game for this feature you lil insignificant ****!” I didn’t really mean remove, just an alternative, a drastic change to the core mechanics.

Hope I got your attention, here goes. Most people know, WvW is a great feature with a lot of potential. But it has its flaws. Now some would argue the biggest one are the blobs running around, or perhaps some are extremely bothered by some unbalance among classes. However, I believe the largest concern for the most fervent WvW players and casuals alike is; the unbalance among Worlds.

I’m a WvW casual, I do a little bit of everything but don’t play that much. I just finished my adventure along the US worlds and have recently returned to my EU home (Piken Square). The Tier 1 worlds seem okay right? Apart from the massive amount of players, they often are on pretty equal footing. But when they meet lower ranked Worlds, they just steamroll over everything and not much fun is gained there. We all know the problems and annoyance.

But to be honest, I’m at a point where I look at WvW and think “nothing is going to fix this imbalance, it’s just the way it is and it’s how a World versus World would look like”. This is why I thought of the following, which I’d like to share with the community.

  • Remove the concept of World versus World.
  • Introduce Alliances

In every WvW round, there’s 3 sides (Red, Green, Blue). These will be the factions (sound familiar yet GW1 players?). Conveniently enough, the lore of GW presents us with 3 sides as well. Red will be the Order of Whispers, Green will be the Vigil, Blue will be the Durmand Priory.

Players can choose to represent one of the three Orders in the WvW battlegrounds. This is done on all Worlds. Rather than representing your World, you will be representing and fighting for the Faction you choose.

  • Single players choose one of the three Orders to represent (not tied to the one in your story-line, this is the Mists man, anything possible!)
  • Guild (leader) choose to represent one of the three Orders (all members in the Guild automatically represent that Order)
  • Alliance (leader) choose to represent one of the three Orders (all Guilds, and therefore all members of the Alliance automatically represent that Order)


Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


An interesting idea but I would like to keep my list limited to things that could be considered realistic within the boundaries of the current system.
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sai Ree.5960

Sai Ree.5960

Adding smaller map instances for gvg 20v20 within the wvw map, where guilds earn wvw fame and guild-only buffs that they can take into the wvw general map for 24hrs, and with a guild leaderboard – or something to that extent.

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


I don’t really wanna touch the GvG subject other than to say I enjoy watching GvGs and support that community. I wanna stick to WvW specific ideas that can be discussed constructively. GvG is a fiery subject and bringing that into the topic would just derail it.
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Here’s a suggestion for making match-ups better: reduce the population differences between WvW servers.


  1. Unhook the one-to-one link between PvE and WvW servers
    (required for #2)
  2. Combine the low population WvW servers onto a smaller numbers of servers
  3. Cap WvW server population at the highest WvW population
    (players cannot join or transfer to a full WvW server)
  4. Make it free to join or transfer to a WvW server with below average population

The result: fewer WvW servers but with more even and therefore more competitive populations = more successful match-ups.

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


Current meta favors capping instead of holding/defending a structure …therefore it favors the karma train mentality. The immunity buff is some idea, but it doesnt solve the issue and is hindering more than helping in that matter.

Simple Solutions/suggetion is to scale rewards (Wxp/gold/Karma/chests) for objectives (camps to keeps)
First 5-15 minutes after Cap:
-> Attackers recieve no or only very low rewards for recapping in that time
-> Defenders recieve bonus rewards for building/starting Upgrades/defense
→ No NPC guards in this timeframe!
Every full Upgrade (T1-T3)
-> should resolve in bonus rewards for attackers
-> reduce defense rewards a little bit

Every succesful defense
-> +1% on rewards for attackers
-> -1% on upgrade cost for defenders
(Maybe capped at 75-99%)

Bonus rewards for uncontested objectives after 3hours
- Attackers can claim a bonus chest
- Defenders get bonus WxP & Magic find for their server for every bonus chest still in their posession

NO PvD and No Golem ports
Players SHOULD NOT be able to do ANY dmg on doors or walls.
Like speedbuffs ,ports should not work for golems.

Loyality bonus for sticking to a server
Either some WXP/magic find stuff or erase all/some ranks after a transfer.

Orb buff scaleing
Downscale for the first server, upscale for 3rd placed server.
NO Stomp WvW Score for 1st placed server at all.

Night time debuff
Between 2:00-10:00 you receive only half rewards and WvW score ticks.
The clock should be sync’ed with the local time and NA should have a spanish / french server instead of haveing NA-spanisch/french people on EU server and vice versa.

Dolyak escort reward
Sticking around a dolyak will give a WXP/MF buff and start a timer (5min?). After the timer counts to zero AND only if the dolyak arrives at its destination you will be rewarded.
The Buff will expire in 5-10 sec. if you leave the dolyak area.

Comprehensive List of Ideas to Improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


4. Map Capacity adjustments

This one I was kind of adverse to at first but once I thought about it, it makes sense. Currently the capacity is unknown but there are really only maybe 6-9 servers that can reliably queue all 4 maps on reset night and even less servers that can maintain this in NA primetime throughout the week. Most servers end up with queues on their home Borderland and Eternal Battleground. Lowering that map cap could be extremely detrimental to these servers that have very large WvW populations but it would force servers with lower populations to spread themselves out among the maps better.

No one knows the numbers behind the caps except you Anet guys, but judging from the current cascade of imbalance from Rank 1 to Rank 24, it is definitely something worth looking at. It could also potentially help a lot with the skill lag. Most of the time, this is only in 1 map because one major objective is being contested by 2 large forces that comprise of most of the maps forces in a small location. I know I have left a map just to avoid skill lag so it stands to reason that lowering the map cap would both facilitate a better combat experience and spread a server’s team out better, forcing them to fight on more maps.

In closing I would like to keep this list updated and eliminate any suggestions that have been answered for and deemed impossible by developers. I would also like to add any future or past suggestions that seem intuitive and workable based on the same criteria.

I like most of your ideas, but specifically for #4 I think would be the best as far as population balancing, we still won’t be able to work out the whole OCX/SEA/NA/EURO time difference this way but limiting the cap based on server/tier ranking would help lots and should eventually level out the playing field. Along with cap I think there should also be a limit to the number of maps or at least scaling the map down. IE cutting the BLs up, on lowest tiered servers Green BL will have Bay, Red BL will have Garrison, and Blue will have hills. each map will retain 2 towers and 3 camps. I would say leave EB the way it is as usually pugs and people casual to WvW will que there first.