Concerns over the rewards and population

Concerns over the rewards and population

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


So the new rewards coming our way are great, we’ve all been asking for a way to acquire ascended armor, and for some unique rewards. These new rewards are sure to bring a lot of people back to WvW, but how long will they stay? What happens when everyone obtains what they need?

If we examine PvP we can see a similar thing were the last season(s) had a huge influx of players joining PvP matches because it was an efficient way to obtain acceded gear. If I recall correctly I think they changed how easy it was to acquire ascended items, and a lot of players had the items they needed already so PvP ended up being a grave yard.

I would love to see new items added to WvW over time, to keep players invested in showing up. Perhaps every 3 months add a unique weapon skin, armor, or other cosmetic to keep the less hardcore people interested.