Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Exact same thing happened to Desolation we had HUGE numbers they left and Desolation couldnt recover. I then followed a mate to WhiteRidge

Desolation didn’t die. We have stabilized to rank #6 and our rating has been going up for several weeks. In fact we ended up 2nd in our match up last week and we are gonna do that this week as well. See:

We used to have outmanned “buff” on us almost all the time. Now we can even have queue to all borderlands on a non-reset night.

Nice to know.Glad it was able to recover, it was dead for a while after so many of the guilds left was so disappointing, i did love my time there. Followed a friend to WhiteRidge and then he quit the game -.-

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I agree with Delarme that server merges is inevitable now, specially with the likes of Vabbi and FoW. The only question is when.

I’m from FoW and I disagree..
I chose FoW as server since it had a nice ring to it (little did I know that it would be in T9 WvW for ages).. Should servers merge, then I’m off, transferring to a high tier server to troll, since I have no more “home” server at that time..

And I’m quite getting kitten ed because of all those kittenheads mocking the T9. Meet me in 1v1 in the battlefield, and I’ll show you T1-3 what a T9 ranger can do.. (yeah, ranger, you read it!)

WvW Tier has nothing to do with personal skill. Some of the best roaming Thieves and rangers I’ve seen were from Yaks Bend and Tarnished Coast. Yaks Bend had an awesome roaming havoc squad of thieves that I’ve never seen the likes of again

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: biglilstampie.2410


Yeah corro we haven’t even left.. and that was 1 person :P

Friendly neighborhood commander – [TaG]Mr Cuddlés – RoF

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


ANET should probably have made a few PvE only servers, with no WvW, but still can do sPvP… PvE carebears can go stack there…….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Well I dont think RoF is dead. At least what I see this week. Actually I see more cooperation than ever.
Those weeks agains Gandara and MS/Drakk were actually good for us. Many PvE people left WvW. WvWers learned some new tricks from higher tiers.
Yes another week against Gandara or FoW would probably kill us. But unexpected, we got Dzag and Ros. Halelujá

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: Hylert.2314


I’ts good too fight you again RoF’ers, your still an annoying bunch of people. But i would rather have you to fight than high pop servers, gives us a lot more fun fights then beeing run over by 70+ zerg.

<<Miranda Saxon, Guardian>>
<< Gwenyth Saxon, Elementalist>>
DeX on RoS

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


It’s not as if anyone owes RoF (the server) anything.
If you don’t like the way WvW goes on RoF then just do what I did and transfer.

I left because quite frankly at that time the ‘Commanders’ were a hopeless bunch of kittens that couldn’t organise the proverbial brewery event. That was a few months ago and I’m VERY happy with my new server.

Yo! Piken!