Not A Message.
Congratulations or Wtf French?
Not A Message.
Thats what happens when you get tons of French Canadians playing during the late night/early morning.
When it comes to scoring GW2 in not about how good coordination/guilds/players it have but more about how many players you can get from different time zones
Get use to it, stop watching the end score and rather post screen shots whats going on from 17:00 till 00:00 if in those times they are loosing then your server did a good job regardless of end result.
This again ?
Well, at least you didn’t bring out the “HURR DURR CANADIANZ”.
They just have enough dedicated people to do WvW 24/7.
Well, actually they dont need Canadians for this. A good 3-5 guilds with about 10-15players each could take over the whole map if they wanted at these early hours. I didnt want to post this to start the usual rage. Just saying, my respects will go towards those who actually show good skills, teamwork and tactics. No doubt the French ARE good, especially in peak times for all the other servers. They arent loosing everything and then win during 3am-6am. They are good, but I dont think they should feel at the top of the world:) Shiverpeak was as equally as good, and Desolation is keeping up doing our best. We will win one day:)
Looking at yesterdays WvW match, I think Shiverpeak deserves a good golfers clap (Since we are enemies:P) They held down the French, and Desolation wasnt far behind compared to previous days.
Good job all, and I look forward to all these sneaky tactics I see in WvW. I look forward to countering these tactics with my guild;)
There are African, Asian, Middle eastern countries playing on all servers. Its not only the Canadians, and it certainly is not only the Canadians who speak French in the world, who are playing on EU servers. I can tell you now, that I know a couple Asian people playing on Desolation from Asia. They dont lag, but they do play, and they do play at different times as the average EU player.
Not A Message.
(edited by DKP.4196)
Yea, well its kind of fun actually. At daytime we at FS are usually leading if we look at the points gained per tick. Few hours ago we were still number one even in total points.
After out manning us 5 to 1 at late hours they have everything, they upgrade everything, they defend everything, they have all the orbs. Then the next day comes – and suddenly, at 1:1 man power ratio, they’re unable to defend what they have (even when completely upgraded and fortified) and they loose ground on all battlefronts to a point where the may actually be the server who gets the LEAST amounts of points per tick. Makes sense? Proves something about the actual skill of the players on this server.
I don’t think that much of Vizu in overall anymore. I used to think they were dedicated and good at WvW, but after seeing how things REALLY are during this weekend.. not anymore. They loose more or less at daytimes, man vs. door at nights. That pretty much sums it up. Overall I find it rather hilarious. After playing WvW for the whole weekend almost nonstop, I know who the REAL winners are – and that is enough for me. Those overall scores are really nothing but a joke, a result of holding the 99% of the map for 6h when rest of the Europe is asleep.
Overall the best thing to do is simply enjoy of whatever resistance Vizu is able to give us at daytime/evening and be done with it. No point staring the overall score, it doesn’t really tell us anything.
(edited by Kainz.7905)
There is no need to bring this topic up again. It´s been up several times and the same arguments from the different sides all the time.
This weekend the numbers were equal (queue on both servers) and FS came out winning.
We do not have nighttime players like VS have, that´s OK. It is a 24 hour game (just like DAOC was) but in DAOC atleast on my server we had a gentlemen´s agreement not to raid relics at nighttime
Ljungen Tankk – Guardian
Member of MTM and the TNA alliance
… but in DAOC atleast on my server we had a gentlemen´s agreement not to raid relics at nighttime
This, so this. I really wish Vizu would understand/evaluate what all this does to the WvW COMMUNITY overall (on those servers Vizu is fighting with).
It’s been ages since DAOC. So basically, for the new generation of players, GW 2 is the first “proper” WvW -game they see. It means that for majority of players this is the first time they experience the WvW as a form of PvP. The current situation is severely demoralizing the new population interested in WvW, it drives them away from WvW – and fast. They feel WvW against Vizu is unbalanced, they feel cheated, they feel like they can’t win, they feel whatever they do is in vain. They don’t want to buy upgrades since it’s seems to be waste of silver. Vizu just man vs. doors everything to ground at nights. Morale drops rapidly and no one just bothers..
This hurts the COMMUNITY overall. And everyone who understands WvW knows that community is the hearth of WvW. In the end that is what gives good fights, memorable alliances and rivals alike. So.. do you want to show what WvW can be for the next generation? Or do you want to drive them away from the WvW for good.
DAOC veterans/guilds understand how the overall score goes and don’t really sweat that much about it.. they just enjoy the fights at daytime and are done with it. The overall score means really nothing, no need to look at it that much. Actually I think most serious WvW guilds/players on FS would prefer to fight two Vizus. It’d give them much much more interesting fights at daytime.
(edited by Kainz.7905)
… but in DAOC atleast on my server we had a gentlemen´s agreement not to raid relics at nighttime
This, so this. I really wish Vizu would understand/evaluate what all this does to the WvW COMMUNITY overall (on those servers Vizu is fighting with).
It’s been ages since DAOC. So basically, for the new generation of players, GW 2 is the first “proper” WvW -game they see. It means that for majority of players this is the first time they experience the WvW as a form of PvP. The current situation is severely demoralizing the new population interested in WvW, it drives them away from WvW – and fast. They feel WvW against Vizu is unbalanced, they feel cheated, they feel like they can’t win, they feel whatever they do is all in vain. They don’t want to buy upgrades since it’s seems to be waste of silver. Vizu just man vs. doors everything to ground at nights. Morale drops rapidly and no one just bothers..
This hurts the COMMUNITY overall. And everyone who understands WvW knows that community is the hearth of WvW. In the end that is what gives good fights, memorable alliances and rivals alike. So.. do you want to show what WvW can be for the next generation? Or do you want to drive them away from the WvW for good.
DAOC veterans/guilds understand how the overall score goes and don’t really sweat that much about it.. they just enjoy the fights at daytime and are done with it. The overall score means really nothing, no need to look at it that much. Actually I think most serious WvW guilds/players on FS would prefer to fight two Vizus. It’d give them much much more interesting fights at daytime.
Although I do agree something should be done, however, I don’t feel this is the answer. You can’t punish them just because their normal hours of playing are at nighttime. If you turn off WvW at night, or don’t allow them to capture stuff, than your really just banning them from WvW all together or making it extremely inconvenient for them. There has to be a better way to solve the problem at hand, whether it be you recruiting more french players, or maybe A Net allowing stronger NPC defense’s when there are no players guarding keeps and such at late hours, something like that.
<snip>We do not have nighttime players like VS have, that´s OK. It is a 24 hour game (just like DAOC was) but in DAOC atleast on my server we had a gentlemen´s agreement not to raid relics at nighttime
However such an agreement was not existing on any of the servers I played throughout the years. So it’s not like this ‘nighttime raiding’ is a new issue; it most certainly existed in DAoC as well.
We do not have nighttime players like VS have, that´s OK. It is a 24 hour game (just like DAOC was) but in DAOC atleast on my server we had a gentlemen´s agreement not to raid relics at nighttimeHowever such an agreement was not existing on any of the servers I played throughout the years. So it’s not like this ‘nighttime raiding’ is a new issue; it most certainly existed in DAoC as well.
Ofc. But as I said for all the old DAOC players, this nighttime business is nothing new. We handled it back then and it should be no problem handling it now either if just ppl stop complaining about it/feel like it´s no point.
Ljungen Tankk – Guardian
Member of MTM and the TNA alliance
No doubt the French ARE good, especially in peak times for all the other servers. They arent loosing everything and then win during 3am-6am.
Actually, they lose most of the map during the times that matter and the only reason they have any score at all is because of their “nighttime” raiding (which is daytime raiding for the players doing it). This whole night they’ve had 600+ points and they are still only leading by about 10k points.
They got almost annihilated this weekend.
It’s the same deal as DAoC where the French would lose badly only to do things like relic raids on New Years Eve to try and feel as they are part of the game and a factor to be considered in PvP. Of course every Scandinavian and German player will be drunk off theirkitten at that time of day on that day of the year.
Riverside and Desolation, the only two other servers that FS has faced in the last couple of weeks, have put up much harder fights during prime time, but sadly the scores aren’t weighed based on activity. The rankings would look much different if any thought was put into the scoring system instead of blaming us players for the current situation.
The way killing works in this game means that even the slightest advantage in numbers will snowball quickly and there’s not really room for skilled defenders keeping a larger group at bay. If there was a higher skill ceiling or scoring was improved or server populations better balanced then VS would definitely be a bottom tier server.
My friend, Trikk, i understand this can be frustrating but you just CAN’T blaming people to play. It’s always open, some people play at night, it’s an open world, we can’t blame it. Try to understand this, really.
“If there was a higher skill ceiling or scoring was improved or server populations better balanced then VS would definitely be a bottom tier server.”
sorry, but this isn’t true. I can understand a lot of thing, i can have compassion with the night cap, i can hear everything.
But you will have to face something too : we simply can’t enter all in the week-end. The kids and young people take a lot, an HUGE lot of slots.
selfquote :
“and don’t forget something : the week-end, the publicity about our #1 on official forum and on a popular website with a lot of young people ( ) make the queue horrible for us, cause they transfered mass. Lot of slots taken by young people who doesn’t want to listen. But it’s not the excuse. The main reason of our loss is that Shiverpeaks played better.”
TNA, Disorder league played better. But never forget this : (i take my guild exemple)
When we should have 40-50 War Legend, we had only 15-20 at the same times. And this is the same for all Grand Cross alliance. We can’t control people. We can’t control the slots. But trust me, we respect you and know you are great opponent. But please stay realist
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
The German server Riverside does pretty much the same thing. Zerg every WvW map at 3-8 am…
they should make points scale with the defence for of the enemy so when its night time and theres 10 people or less defending vs 40+ you get barely any points for taking everything be default.
or scale the level of the guards by a silly amount to make it a challenge
I think that if you want respect from your opponents, you should also respect them. This week end on Desolation map, Vizunah was seriously cornered by both servers, we saw Desolation groups not attacking Shiverpeak as they were both inside “Dreaming bay”, and “helping” them taking down the inside castle. And Shiverpeak doing the same thing several time (leaving Desolation groups alone when they were attacking us).
Is that bad ? No it’s the game really. That’s what we were explaining to people raging on our map. It’s fair as it is how WvW is designed. Nugs and other guilds put a LOT of pressure on us this week end, if was even worse with Desolation wanting to stay in the game and putting even more pressure on us. CPC guild and allies defended for 10+ hours “Dreaming Bay” completely out-manned on this map, walls were broken for several hours, etc… and really it was great fun. This castle was fully upgraded and defended all over the week end, at peek time, with huges buses of Nugs roaming all over the map, and Desolation attacking it all the time, when they could have targeted castle like Etherion. So sure we were disappointed to lose it, to two forces not really attacking each other. They both wanted us down, it was clear. Nugs especially played very very well a lot of times, and we can handle, that is the way they played that made them take the castle. You don’t see anybody complaining on the forum it was two against one.
So please, as we can discuss what to improve WvW, even this “capping during the night thing”, but please be respectful if you want us to be too. We don’t insult the way you play, it is frustrating of being out-manned at night because you don’t have guilds mobilized at this times, I can feel that. It was frustrating to see Desolation putting most of the pressure on us as Shiverpeaks was in numbers, and in the lead. But really this is war, people putted great efforts all over the week end to prevent the gap of the score to go crazy. And overall we had the greatest fun since the start of WvW, it seems Shiverpeaks people too.
Tbh there wasn’t an agreement on Dreaming Bay and as soon as it was capped Far Shiverpeaks jumped on us. And people thought exactly the same on Deso when you and FS were alternating attacks on DB. Was good fun though.
I thought that every day restarts of WvW were to make thi sbattle balanced after u stop restarting it…. but looks like u have failed also this one…
srsly… u give us 2 french servers?? I think it’s obvious that they will co-op against us… I just don’t know what to say… It’s so dumb…
cheers frenchies
(edited by Sidu.9708)
Honestly after playing the whole weekend in WvW i have to say that being so far behind in points because you guys cap everything during night pveing vs keeps doors , when we had lead in points for the whole weekend changed my mind about you french people .
Sure organized and WvW dedicated but nothing special .
Without the night overcapping you’d be behind FS in points and that would be the right thing since we pretty much won during the whole weekend , but you know war is not fair so i guess we have to accept it .
I didn’t say there was an agreement on Dreaming Bay (because I don’t think that), I think in a way Desolation preferred putting pressure on us on not on Shiverpeaks (and it makes sense, especially as everybody knows what is gonna happen on week nights).
And I think in a way I agree with Mescaline, I don’t feel good to see a gap of 14000 thousand waking up when we were down 8000 when I stopped last night. Then again you can’t throw rocks if dedicated players want to play at night (and only can fully play at night because of queues), how is it more “fair” than outnumbered map at peek time, or a spawn camp for a while because you can. It’s not.
But in a way I would like to see an improvement so night cap is just something between a lot of strategies, and not something that can create a gap of 20000 or more in 4 or 5 hours. So it that way I join the concern of my enemies.
And it’s true, we are not special, Nugs for example were far more organized on our map than our guild ad alliance (which with queue is only able to bring 20 to 25 people tops in WvW). And it’s our dedication, and some creative strategies that kept us alive. Overall Shiverpeaks is a great opponent, and I hope Arena Net can find ways so we can fight in a way almost everybody think is fair.
Well, I know the French are quite organised compared to other servers, very good players and fun to play against. Quite challenging, but…this morning I just logged in to check on my trading post. The picture attached is what I saw.
Either, I should congratulate the French for finding a lot of Nocturnal players who enjoy WvW or…is this a dirty tactic of theirs?
Keep playing untill all the other servers log off at around 2-3am. Then take everything that the other servers upgraded, took and defended the whole day before within 1-3hours time. Then go to bed, and the cycle repeats.
All I can say is…really? My respects to Shiverpeak, and our own very dedicated players on Desolation servers. Shiverpeaks have ramped up their plays, and have been very interesting to play against. Annoying at times because they are our enemy but that makes the game much more fun to play:)
Desolation has done great these last couple days, we are starting to unite and hold our ground. But the French…i really dont know. Good job…taking everything? It just feels like a lack of skills to take everything when most players sleep. Exhausted after a good day of work + WvW in the evening or however they live their life.
say thx to the canadians that play during night while we sleep…
during the day at least shiver server we OWN the baguettes
My friend, Trikk, i understand this can be frustrating but you just CAN’T blaming people to play. It’s always open, some people play at night, it’s an open world, we can’t blame it. Try to understand this, really.
i blame them….they should play on americans servers not europeans
Stop with the Canadians, they barely exists (I have seen none yet). People play at night, very late, but they are French, some are from my Guild (we are a 400 people guild, I didn’t heard of a single canadian), I work full time, then again I stayed until 4-5 am several times, and some other stay up to the morning.
Night cap may be a thing, Canadian people isn’t when French people play until 8-9 in the morning, time were more French people wake up and take their shift.
Its not Canadians, and even if there were, we got Asians, middle eastern and Africans in our EU servers too. You going to blame them too? Really?
Its jsut several guilds in the french side playing during the night time, which is unfortunate for the rest of us, but thats the way it is.
In the peak time, I can say that Shiverpeak, Desolation and the French are on even grounds, and we can clearly see that the French arent THE number one that they seem to be every morning. They are even with the other 2 servers. Nothing special, probably should be 2nd or 3rd after seeing these last 3 days.
Not A Message.
It’s always open, some people play at night, it’s an open world, we can’t blame it. Try to understand this, really.
What I understand, is that some people (like, let’s say, ) play during their daytime, which happens to overlap with other people’s night time and then the whole server gets to brag about victories they don’t deserve.
I’m not saying they’re the only ones to blame, Anet made a really careless decision as well, allowing players from different regions to mingle at all, but deliberately choosing a EU-zone server to abuse the timezone isn’t going to earn them (or VS, for that matter) any respect at all.
Xenobius? i told this is a fake, CaSu have 10-20 members and they are laughing at you right now. They even don’t play on Vizunah cause of queues, they move a lot on Underworld to have some fun
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
In the peak time, I can say that Shiverpeak, Desolation and the French are on even grounds, and we can clearly see that the French arent THE number one that they seem to be every morning. They are even with the other 2 servers. Nothing special, probably should be 2nd or 3rd after seeing these last 3 days.
Quoted for truth. The weekend was a fair victory for FS. We worked really hard for it and saw we can beat Vizu if we want to. We know who is the best. It’s enough for most of us. =) No matter what the overall score is. Anyways 90% of it is achieved by man vs. dooring at nights. It’s basically a joke.
Just get rid of the orbs and the bonus. Give the orb bonus to outnumbered server. And scale down points for conquering in the night times.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Anyways 90% of it is achieved by man vs. dooring at nights. It’s basically a joke.
Looking at how forcefully Troma and other people from VS hardcore PVP guilds justifying their wins in Players vs Gates it’s clear enough that they just tired from normal PVP and want to dominate trough PVE. I wonder if they will honorably hold their already earned badge “Night shift PVE conquerors” in future PVP games? Did they want to be remembered as “those guys with canadians, doing all work while enemies are sleeping”?
GW2 is a status game. And alliances here gain respect and disrespect according to their wins and actions. ATM VS alliances gaining negative karma just as fast as they gain their nightshift points.
Of course, some can say “haters gonna hate”. But there is a huge difference between types of hate. One thing if hate comes from strategic wins and really strong direct pvp confrontation (which we didnt saw this weekend from VS, honestly), and the other thing if hate comes from disgust, because someone have to face cowards that play PVE in the nights and every morning you need to start from cleaning those Augean stables on the maps.
(edited by sarmatiko.2843)
Looking at how forcefully Troma and other people from VS hardcore PVP guilds justifying their wins in Players vs Gates it’s clear enough that they just tired from normal PVP and want to dominate trough PVE. I wonder if they will honorably hold their already earned badge “Night shift PVE conquerors” in future PVP games? Did they want to be remembered as “those guys with canadians, doing all work while enemies are sleeping”?
GW2 is a status game. And alliances here gain respect and disrespect according to their wins and actions. ATM VS alliances gaining negative karma just as fast as they gain their nightshift points.
Funny thing is, if you go and talk to them on IRC they start complaining about how boring WvW is. They really don’t seem to understand that it would be more fun if they moved to North American servers and play against people who are awake at the same time as they are.
Let’s the WvWvW open only on saturday and sunday until midnight please! So FS will beat the world.
No, seriously, do you really think what you say?
Or not.
We put a fair and even fight on Desolation map all week end. I hope A.Net do something about night capping so I don’t hear about it anymore. And I don’t think you earn respect by claiming “We are clearly the best, look at this week end between x am and x pm” for a week long game. Part of this game is to get organized on the long run too. Sunday night not too late, we were behind from 8000 points which is not something we can’t get back from even without night capping. We played all day, and night on normal hours, and we want respect for that. Night capping is an issue in itself. As I said on other thread. If FS or Desolation was able to pull it, they would too, maybe not you in particular but people would. Then I would like to see you play at any time and say "no I’m not gonna cap this point is not fair.
CaSu have 10-20 members and they are laughing at you right now. They even don’t play on Vizunah cause of queues
Yes, yes, heard it a zillion times already.
You don’t have any overseas players, you just have immense skill and dedication and willpower and <insert something here>. This is precisely why you sit through sleepless nights, skip school/job/whatever during weekdays just to combat the most dreaded enemy GW2 has to offer – Gates of the Empty Keeps. A truly commendable effort, really.
Too bad that when the Moon Prism, or Power of the Night, or whatever else is turning you lot into “skilled and dedicated players” wanes, you get your behinds handed to you on a platter, eh?
Man, you can be sarcastic, you can say what you want, but the truth is : CaSu are trolling you all. It’s friend of me, i know the GM since 3-4 years, and they are Casu(als) with 20 members. If you believe their trolls, it’s your problem. The more they read posts like this, more they laugh.
Don’t feed their troll
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
You don’t have any overseas players,…
Maybe we have some. Well I think we certainly have some.
But do you think it’s really impossible to find 40/50 french players who can/want to play at night ?
It’s really priceless. G_G CaSu.
Btw, I hope you will learn me hebrew speaking somedays.
Dont compare WvW with daoc, only numbers win in this game unlike daoc where you can practicly beat 40 50 people with just 8.
All hail Vizunah and the swarming canadian hordes, SHALOM.
I thought that every day restarts of WvW were to make thi sbattle balanced after u stop restarting it…. but looks like u have failed also this one…
srsly… u give us 2 french servers?? I think it’s obvious that they will co-op against us… I just don’t know what to say… It’s so dumb…
cheers frenchies
Jade Sea here mate.
We don’t cooperate with Arborstone and never will we. We’re both in the same trouble my friend, matched up against a server we should never have been matched up against.
It’s actually the oposite that’s happening. Arborstone taking great pleasure stomping Jade Sea for some very specific reasons.
Its no use it will remain the same player versus gate guilds that makes the top bracket a farce……
We never know who is beating who with a few hero’s of the gate’s at night time.
The top bracket fight a uphill battle from the morning glory till the moon starts shining.
Each morning will be the same and it goes like this.
Being spawncamped untill enough people join.
Fighting uphill versus fully suplyd tower and keeps on our own lands.
Try to take down a FULLY upgraded Stonemist who is filled with trebs nuking our Tier 1 towers / keeps.
When Prime time begins we are on even ground again…
Untill bed time come and the Hero’s of the Night make all our effort worthless again.
Rinse and Repeat all over for a week.
I bet VS will take a AWESOME 500k lead this week if not more by their dedicated mad skillz in day time.
Keep it up <3
Btw, I hope you will learn me hebrew speaking somedays.
I was also surprised – right before I actually went to CaSu website
and found no Hebrew at all.
In fact, the writing there looks a lot like, um, I dunno, French?
(edited by Xenobius.3197)
Thanks for raging, it is a lot of fun to read. Please keep on raging, it is much appreciated
The state of WvW at the moment.
Fear the rage of 500 Canadian Jews!
It is a joke, just so you know it. Though the state of WvW is the real screen.
Here is a screenshot, taken at 10:50 PM yesterday.
I was on Shiverpeaks map (i’m a Vizunah) all day long and it costed a lot of tears and blood to take the Bay and defend it against the Deso at south, the FS at north.. We managed to take Garnison from FS while defending Bay barely in the Lord room; ending the evening with 3 fortress of the map.
Same on Vizunah map where we were starting with a full blue map, spending the whole morning to take th NE tower (can’t remember the name in english), pushing out 2 giga bus (i can’t imagine you don’t remember those 2 fights if you were there.. The second chase was an epic back and forth).
It has been rough the whole day but you can’t say you were crushing a dead body, that you were OWNING us.
I don’t care about being 1st or 2nd (i hope you won’t take it too personnaly, but imo Desolation, you are at your spot at 3rd place), it won’t change the match up. I even don’t care about being in the first bracket.. In fact, this a mostly negative cause there is a positive flux of migrating people on our server, but i don’t want to leave it (friends in other guilds, good alliance etc..).
Anyway, as we say in french : “la roue tourne”.. It means “the wheel turns”. No doubt that we will probably be taken down of this 1st place.. Maybe by FS, maybe by an other server. I just hope we will stay in a good dynamic, with a good communication between guilds and pick up zergs as we actually have.
WvW history won’t be written in a weekend, neither in a mounth.
(edited by Kada Feed.1782)
Btw, I hope you will learn me hebrew speaking somedays.
I was also surprised – right before I actually went to CaSu website
and found no Hebrew at all.
In fact, the writing there looks a lot like, um, I dunno, French?
i lol’d in real life :P
Lmao Xenobius! You made my day really.
Keep going, it’s a pleasure to read you.
Thanks for raging, it is a lot of fun to read. Please keep on raging, it is much appreciated
This thread not about raging, but merely about disgust we have to experience playing on the same server with you guys. Usually pvp’ers dont expect that pve players will dominate in 3W mode and then they will push it as “pure and fair victory”.
(edited by sarmatiko.2843)
Btw, I hope you will learn me hebrew speaking somedays.
I was also surprised – right before I actually went to CaSu website
and found no Hebrew at all.
In fact, the writing there looks a lot like, um, I dunno, French?
Ofc we speak french,tabarnak de calisse d’ostie.
You’ll be surprised when a lot of EU servers dominating lower brackets have the same kind of players coming soon on upper brackets. You won’t be able to blame canadians who don’t even exist on JS then.
Here is a screenshot, taken at 10:50 PM yesterday.
I was on Shiverpeaks map (i’m a Vizunah) all day long and it costed a lot of tears and blood to take the Bay and defend it against the Deso at south, the FS at north.. We managed to take Garnison from FS while defending Bay barely in the Lord room; ending the evening with 3 fortress of the map.
Same on Vizunah map where we were starting with a full blue map, spending the whole morning to take th NE tower (can’t remember the name in english), pushing out 2 giga bus (i can’t imagine you don’t remember those 2 fights if you were there.. The second chase was an epic back and forth).
It has been rough the whole day but you can’t say you were crushing a dead body, that you were OWNING us.
I don’t care about being 1st or 2nd (i hope you won’t take it too personnaly, but imo Desolation, you are at your spot at 3rd place), it won’t change the match up. I even don’t care about being in the first bracket.. In fact, this a mostly negative cause there is a positive flux of migrating people on our server, but i don’t want to leave it (friends in other guilds, good alliance etc..).
Anyway, as we say in french : “la roue tourne”.. It means “the wheel turns”. No doubt that we will probably be taken down of this 1st place.. Maybe by FS, maybe by an other server. I just hope we will stay in a good dynamic, with a good communication between guilds and pick up zergs as we actually have.
WvW history won’t be written in a weekend, neither in a mounth.
we owned u the whole week end just deal with it.
and say thx to your quebec friends for the nights