Congratulations or Wtf French?

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Go whine more on and ask them to open WvWvW only on saturday and sunday.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


So much hate…

I laughed so hard ! :’)

Edit : I shoud have saved that pic’, already delete

(edited by AXLORD.2045)

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


I hope they will realize CaSu trolled them all with just a little .png flag…

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


It’s something crazy a big troll like this one can work so well. Alot of brained people in here!

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Boubie.7164


I hope they will realize CaSu trolled them all with just a little .gif flag…

We’re f’ing 500, you don’t mess with canadian beavers.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Boubie.7164


So much hate…

I laughed so hard ! :’)

Edit : I shoud have saved that pic’, already delete

It just got deleted. Check your PMs.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


see ?

the difference with real 24/7 mmo pro ?

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


So it seems there is no point in arguing with our VS “mmo-pro’s”. It’s pretty obvious that they are enjoying this situation and night shifting PVE is just their playstyle.
Clown reputation is still reputation, guys. GW2 community will remember you as such.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


It’s better than being forgotten like all random whiners around.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

You are all missing the point .
Who cares if they are canadians or not ? The problem is still that they are winning because they pve vs gates , but is working as intended according to Anet so we must accept it or move to another game .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Well they Pve vs gates, cause your players are too busy PVE on the main map I guess.

Cause your server is still populated at this time. So blame your number 1 EU WvW night-players.

Or keep hiding behind Nug, Zds and Gf, and come here to blame the world when they log off instead of defending your kingdom

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Well they Pve vs gates, cause your players are too busy PVE on the main map I guess.

Cause your server is still populated at this time. So blame your number 1 EU WvW night-players.

Or keep hiding behind Nug, Zds and Gf, and come here to blame the world when they log off instead of defending your kingdom

Me and every single person i know with a job go to sleep around 01:00 , 02:00 am .
What’s your suggestion ?
Must i quit my job to play vs you guys at 4 am ? Sure .
And lol at hiding behind people i don’t even know and as commander never said one single word in Team/map chat when people from different guilds try to coordinate the zerg .
You seriously have no clue on what’s happening on FS .
You guys have all the rights to pve vs gates to win , is allowed by the game , so congrats once again .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Evene.5796


So it seems there is no point in arguing with our VS “mmo-pro’s”. It’s pretty obvious that they are enjoying this situation and night shifting PVE is just their playstyle.
Clown reputation is still reputation, guys. GW2 community will remember you as such.

This is not true. We can hear the argument that night capping it overpowered, at least I do. Countless time it has been said, that if Desolation or FS was able to pull up the same strategy they would, and FS was indeed able to do it on friday night.

We only defend the fact that we as we Europeans/French did it to face false claims that it’s done by Canadians that nobody saw. You’re the one speaking of “Clown reputation” which is disrespectful when people representing VS like Troma are not. We can debate in a positive way to make WvW better but you are the one being insulting.

And it’s not like the game has been out for years, it will be improved, on everybody will a have a chance to show what he is able to do in combat. A.Net never left PvP die. Remember heroes battle. If it’s not balanced, it will get fix, one way or another. Meanwhile, we are playing the game when we can, and that’s it.

Do you guys imagine anybody who wants to play, quit WvW just because it’s 5am and it’s not fair ? Would you do it in the same situation ? Saying yes would probably a big lie.

(edited by Evene.5796)

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: eladox.3457


So whats the problem if you are winning during primetime and losing when you sleep?
Who cares wheter they win the 7day battle if you can win fights during your playtime?
Winning a match means absolutely nothing.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Like a lot of people said on a lot of whining threads, your servers (FS and Deso) are far of being empty during nightime (there are medium or high like VS). So the problem may be also that you don’t have enough WvWvW dedicated players. That means when your WvWvW guilds/alliances aren’t there, nobody plays in battlefields and prefer PvE. Is that also our fault? The only difference about that is on VS we have 2/3 of WvWvW players, so when you have 100 players on FS during night with 80 of them doing dungeon or whatever but WvWvW, we have the same amount in WvWvW (numbers are for math, it’s not exaustive).

Don’t you all think it can be realistic?

Look at your door before accusing others about all your evil.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


I dont know if you can’t read, or if you ignore my argument on purpose , but I will explain it slowly a last time :

When ‘nightcapping’ happen your population is equal to ours at least, sometime even higher, as some previous screenshots showed.

So clearly you could defend yourself. I used you, but dont mean yourself, I mean people who are on the server at this time.

If you want to whine, whine to your server players, who prefer to do PVE when the big guilds aren’t out.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: lefteye.7890


I am happy they won’t turn off the Borderlands at off-times as they did in other games, where you could only engage in a siege at fixed times. On the other hand though, this is obviously providing an unfair advantage for people who chose to somehow “cheat”. I am not saying they are cheaters, not even remotely, I am just saying that the circumstances make the fight totally unfair, and that choosing to roll on a server outside of your intended region as a way to exploit the lack of players on the other servers AND on your server (for us Europeans playing on a NA server would mean less queueing) is pretty much being smart in order to get an advantage.

I think the only way to fix this is by introducing a mechanism so that the points you score during non-peak hours are halved, or worse. This way, fighting would still make sense, but the amount of points earned when no one else is around would have a less dramatic impact.

This, or bust. The way things are there’s no way the French will ever lose, and there’s no way for them to prove that they are good players, hence there’s no way they’ll ever get a clear win or a win that will earn anybody’s respect. Sad, but true. Not that they care. But just sayin’…

Lefteye Falconeer of Desolation
[Ajeje Clan]

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Ok guys we are all pveing at 5 am , we are not sleeping , we are not that normal to sleep during night time , we are just pvers .
Seriously is impossible to discuss about a game problem , is not you guys , i don’t blame your night pve vs gates , is allowed so is ok , i blame the fact that you can do it , and by you i dont mean you frenchs , i mean everyone including me and i just don’t like it .
Now you can come here saying you are all WvW dedicated players and i’m ok with that , but in nightcapping there’s no skill or organization involved .
War is not fair for sure , but in war you have opponents at least .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Why do you include yourself in night players? Because you are sleeping. Stop taking everything for you.

We don’t blame nobody like you think. The fact is that during nightime FS and Deso still have players playing but not in WvWvW. Is it our fault? Tell me.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: lefteye.7890


Just make it so points and captures count as full from 3pm to 3am, and they count half from 3am to 3pm. Is that so unfair? Or too hard to implement?

Vizuna Square would probably still win, and that’s OK, but it would feel less pointless for the other factions.

How can anyone, or Arenanet, disagree with this?

Lefteye Falconeer of Desolation
[Ajeje Clan]

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: lefteye.7890


People from Vizuna Square, it shocks me that you care more about winning (against gates) than about having a fair fight.


Lefteye Falconeer of Desolation
[Ajeje Clan]

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Nobody on VS disagree or will if the system changes. It only can be better. But don’t blame people who want to play when they can, even if it’s nightime.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Charmide.4891


Stay up all night. Use australians. Win during the day when the invisible army of canadians disappear. But please, stop spamming those threads.

I’m on VS and I’ve played 2h of WvW so far, because of the queues. The server just have a lot of organized guilds aimed at WvW primarly, hence a lot of players playing a lot of it, even at 4AM.
Deal with it until Anet finds a new system.

Commander@Insert Coinz [CPC] – Vizunah Square

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I cant imagine it’s much fun to zerg objectives with little to no competition. I wonder how long before the night crew complains about how boring WvW is.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Muan.1029


Gvirotay Verabotay,

First of all, speaking in the name of the entire CaSu community, I’d like to apologize (although generally speaking, others apologize to us, not the opposite) to every EU player whose feelings have been hurt by our gaming timezone.

We heard your complaints loud and clear about our night raids, but therefore, I want to explain what kind of guild we are, and, in order to understand us a little more, where we come from.

It all started a couple years ago, along the Ha! Ha! River.

The Children of Albert Johnson, a Hebrew speaking community, were working in the same wood factory. We met up one night celebrating Rosh Hashanah with friends and family, and we figured out that most of us were playing online video games.

Then, we built a small community “Casugaming” revolving around online gaming, but.. CaSually, you know. Our Holy Path brought many followers, we grew up fast, many of our work comrades joined us, and quickly we went from a couple of members to many hundreds, and figured out that with GW2 coming up, it would be the perfect game to play altogether.

As we are from Quebec region, most of us speak French, that’s why we decided to play on a French server and joined the Grand Cross alliance. Problem is, our timezone isn’t the same, so we’ve been asked to cover Europe’s night shift (how ironic given the fact that Europe tried to get rid of us not so long ago). But we are a dedicated and altruistic community, so forth we proudly accepted this request, and now consider this realm as our own Mother Land. We vow to protect it whatsoever, through hell and high water.

Our strategies are discussed and elaborated directly inside the camp, see how beautiful the view is from here.

Again, if our timezone doesn’t fit EU players, you should understand that we can’t play anywhere else than French servers if we want to play with a French speaking community.

We are open to all who want to join us, but keep in mind we speak exclusively Hebrew or French on vocal chat.

The CaSu Gaming community.

ps: I’d like to personally apologize concerning the wrong number of our members on, but the website doesn’t allow to represent the all thousand of us.

Muan — Janitor of [CaSu]
Vizunah Square

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Guy Bigsock.2136

Guy Bigsock.2136

The French have conquered on Two servers I have been on not including this one xD

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Faxa.3829


Shana tova 5773 !

Caducée / Faxa [CaSu]

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Karast.1927


To be honest the french do not zerg as much at night as people moan about. It’s usually 15-20 that move between the maps that take everything. There is a base population on each map but they don’t do much without the core to lead them.

It’s more a result of the lack of leadership, and people who join WvW only to grind karma.

Keeps and towers are left unguarded and without upgrades. Upgraded keeps and towers are rarely defended and most of those defenses fail due to a lack of leadership. No one on the mortars, no one defending mortars, zergs chasing solo players rather than pushing into the towers ext.

Nobody really runs supplies, and it’s a miracle if the xp / karma grinders even spring for a ram to take the towers they don’t bother to defend.

The borderland maps are completely neglected since the bulk of players just want to EB grind.

So the failure is 100% the result of FS players.

2-3 Nights of it is all it takes to make you decide to just not login anymore even though your US based! It just becomes a waste of time and money and the source of much unwanted frustration.

Why spend hours and gold ranking up a keep or tower to lose it while 20+ goof around at a jump puzzle flaming about stupid stuff and Canadians in team chat.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Sure guys we fail , we on FS failed the whole weekend … oh wait .
Is obviously our fault to sleep at 5 am , how dare we?
We should all quit out jobs and start fighting doors during night time .
Kitten please.

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: zarg.1853


I thought that every day restarts of WvW were to make thi sbattle balanced after u stop restarting it…. but looks like u have failed also this one…

srsly… u give us 2 french servers?? I think it’s obvious that they will co-op against us… I just don’t know what to say… It’s so dumb…

cheers frenchies

lol never,

I am of the serf PA and we have no alliance with MDJ on the contrary we kill them with more looked doggedness the scores! If there was an alliance(wedding ring) they win at it what there? Seriousness do not be of bad faith that yours not

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yes Mescaline, quit everything or you will keep losing sadly. :-(

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Honestly tho, I agree with ze french here. Im from Far Shiverpeak and proud of it.

But the idiocy seen when playing on FS is, well overwhelming. Today I watched 100+ people lay siege to bluebriar for over 7 hours, it was not until my little group of 15 people managed to get both supply camps and hold them for 2+ hours and pressure the garrison that the gate finally went down, we pulled away the majority of the french forces and turned the tide. Our taking of the supply camps ment that deslolation could get there keep back aswell.

If people use the 2 side exits in the base and do stuff like that we might be able to win, but bashing your collective heads against bluebriar for 7+ hours is justkitten You dont need to be a über player to find 5-6 people to go get a supply camp and hold it.

We got bluevale, setup 2 arrowcarts and 1 catapult and we held and destroyed over 120 french people, who attacked us for several hours. After we got bluebriar we got 3 trebs up and capped dreadfall bay. Use your brain and smaller numbers and we might beat VS.

During the weekend Disorder league hosted a 30 hour marathon and totally owned the french, but we cant be dependant on them being in the game. So start using all exits instead of mindless zerging.

(edited by nilco.8457)

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Yes Mescaline, quit everything or you will keep losing sadly. :-(

I’m mostly an sPvP player so since you guys can’t pve my doors while i sleep in sPvP i’m fine .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone,

Due to the rude tone taken by this thread, I will now close it.

Thanks for your understanding.