Corpse Scouting
I agree with this (Pretty cheesy, but it is a Valid tactic…probably nothing will be done about it)
Instead of having the body lie there, I propose:
When upon dying, the vision starts to go Blurry & Foggy (Mist like) So nobody can use there dead corpse as a scout. (THis means they can’t see whats going on around them, and is forced to ressurect)
Less time for corpses and more for sieges
Other games I’ve played have a “Burned Corpse” option.
I doubt ArenaNet could implement that though because of the prominence of the downed system. Burning enemy corpses would seem to undermine that somewhat.
But if they could implement it, save after a one minute lockout, it would reduce corpse spotting.
So you want to add another down maneuver after the down maneuver, why not just need a 3rd on into place so we can remove the ashes off the burnt corpse aswell.
Clearly what should happen is if you /dance on top of a corpse the screen should be getting obstructed with footprints that don’t fade out to simulate someone tap dancing on your face. Its fun for you and irritating for them!
I hate knowing that dead players are able to see what is going on around them and there is nothing that can be done about them. I would love to be able to burn the dead (especially some of them [Thieves] sending them to the map screen or back to their original spawn location.
I played a game called Rubies of Eventide where you could pick up dead players and move them which would also allow to move these spies to non critical locations.
At the end of the day, dead players shouldn’t be able to talk, see or gain any tactical advantage. There are many solutions that have already been posted, blanking the screen, forcing map view, making enemy players invisible or auto respawn timer would all be sufficient.
I just hope that it is on ANets To-Do list of things to resolve.
Tarnished Coast
Have their screen fade to black… that can’t be too hard to program right? Competitive FPS games already have this.
The simplest solution might even be that the camera would zoom all the way in; so you only see a close-up of your character on the ground.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Meh… happened in WAR as well…and was a legit tactic….but you had an auto-waypoint countdown so it wasnt too exploitable.
Huntsmen(HM) elem
Jade Quarry
Did you dance on the corpse? I heard it helps them respawn quicker. I can’t back that up with anything factual but It is fun dancing on corpses.
Did you dance on the corpse? I heard it helps them respawn quicker. I can’t back that up with anything factual but It is fun dancing on corpses.
Members from my guild usually sit down on their heads.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
IRL it wouldnt make sense to be able to spy when you’re dead, but it would be messed up if they made the whole screen black or something when you die lol. So I don’t think there’s much to do about it. Still, I believe that if you stay dead for too long you get kicked for inactivity.
[VII] Seventh Legion |
There is something more frustrating than dead players though.
The other night an invader used a halloween tonic to turn into a Glowing Skeleton. It made him non-attackable while able to walk around…
One way to resolve might be to make all enemy players and siege invisible to a downed player.
Anyway, I had a chuckle one day when I came across a downed corpse. He was a member of the CCTV guild. Talk about blatantly rubbing the fact in.
One way to resolve might be to make all enemy players and siege invisible to a downed player.
Anyway, I had a chuckle one day when I came across a downed corpse. He was a member of the CCTV guild. Talk about blatantly rubbing the fact in.
ah that could be one of us.
we are the Choo Choo Train Volution [CCTV] casual guild from Sea of Sorrows.
anyway, regarding the issue of “corpse scouting” i see it as a valid tactic since players are not “dead” but merely “defeated” so yeah this is working as intended.
/me emotes allow you to type whatever you wish. Anyone know if the enemy can read these?
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
Easy solution to counter corpse spies.
Either a black screen or the world map with a rezz button. No way to spy.
I hate knowing that dead players are able to see what is going on around them and there is nothing that can be done about them. I would love to be able to burn the dead (especially some of them [Thieves
] sending them to the map screen or back to their original spawn location.
I played a game called Rubies of Eventide where you could pick up dead players and move them which would also allow to move these spies to non critical locations.
At the end of the day, dead players shouldn’t be able to talk, see or gain any tactical advantage. There are many solutions that have already been posted, blanking the screen, forcing map view, making enemy players invisible or auto respawn timer would all be sufficient.
I just hope that it is on ANets To-Do list of things to resolve.
OMG. I want to be able to pick up corpses of defeated players and throw them off cliffs!
Hello Krewe
I agree that corpse scouting is a mechanic that might need some tweaking. However, being able to at least see your team or allies in my opinion is still very viable. IE: sometimes your team mates don’t always see you because of culling and rendering, terrain and clipping. Therefore sometimes you need to direct them roughly to where your defeated. So if said tweaking did happen, I would highly steer towards hiding all siege and enemy players in lieu of full screen blackouts or crazy fog.
Concerned Asuran
Having the camera pan above the character and start to slowly spin (like a soul looking down) would prevent the effectiveness, but allow for the mechanic of another person rezzing you.
Carrying off bodies would add another tactic to the game, since that would be used during large battles. Rather than leave the opposing bodies you pick them up and carry them away. That would add to repair costs (since you couldn’t come back and rez them) and no one would go for that.
Blurring the screen or zooming in sound like excellent solutions to this problem.
Blooring the screen or zooming and limiting the player’s sight CANNOT be an option. You cannot limit my sight or limit my experience I take from game anyway.
The best option is respawning the death player at the furthest waypoint automatically after a while, even if he/she doesn’t respawn manually. This would also help people not to revive an afk player by mistake.
It is cheezy, but many people do it. My suggestion(s)…
Siege is siege. Your lucky yours never got hit to begin with. Consider siege not a commodity that is meant to stand, and every time you drop a build site, consider how fast they will drop.
Now the corpses. Sure, somebody wants to lay dead for sight, go ahead, 1 less player on there map fighting, sitting and watching. I’ve seen as many as 8-10 sitting last night after a great battle at a supply camp. they want to take numbers, they want to try to determine classes, so they can throw a counter of sorts.
Get off your seige and run towards there keep out of LoS of him, see if he leaves. An unmanned siege not hitting anything is not a threat. Your going to lose it one way or the other.
Not happy with that – me neither, like you I like to hurt things … keep firing, – because you’ve now hit a time limit till your siege is set to expire. Slim chance they still will not hit it, but better chance you have less than a minute left to do some more damage. Hammer it out, till you have to leave (for your life), get out of LoS, run off and keep eyes on the keep. Give it a minute, they will come. Most like to visually run up to the said location to confirm nothing is around and danger is clear. When they move, your window of opportunity is open again. Rinse repeat
You don’t like this tactic, I kinda think it’s cheesy too. But I also think Siege on top of a crappy 2 foot wide vista is also cheesy. I mean, there is no way that thing can stand 20 feet in the air, on a ledge that small. But you do what you gotta to get it down. Siege location/placement is just as bad as players corpse sighting.
I can’t put my car on a ledge that small, how the hell does a cata or treb stay up there?
I’m impartial – because both sides of this story have issues.
Enemies should be able to take 2c out of your funds and put them on your eyes, thus turning your screen into a close-up of Tyrian copper coins. This should take a short channel and have it’s own animation.
You are effectively blinded in a nice thematic way.
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]
Blooring the screen or zooming and limiting the player’s sight CANNOT be an option. You cannot limit my sight or limit my experience I take from game anyway.
Please explain why can’t this be an option?
Dead players are no longer part of the play. They’re dead therefore should not have any further involvement until they are rezzed or respawn. Lying dead on the ground is not a good experience IMO. Blanking the screen, forcing MAP view, making the enemy invisible all work as viable solutions for a game mechanic which is being exploited.
Tarnished Coast
Vision fades to black…and if you are from SBI, Blackgate or Sea of Sorrows then soothing Billy Ray Cyrus music starts playing as you descend to hell. After a period of time you auto-respawn at nearest WP.
They’re also useful at times.
We were sweeping and found some players, killed 1 while the other ran off, he managed to disappear several times (/sigh, Thieves :p) but in the end we killed someone.
We weren’t entirely sure it was the same guy, but somebody who was camping the corpse reported that he had suddenly released, so it was safe to assume that we at least got that team :p