Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Raydaq.5421


Many solutions to this are very punishing and game breaking. I am going to put forth a couple of ideas that will hopefully not be game breaking.

Note: if your server is completely outnumbered you should be losing (this will put you in a lower bracket and you will face more equal servers). That being said some things could be changed to make it more fun.

1. More Help From Creature Camps (ie: skritt, quagan, centaur etc…)
- When a server has a low population compared to the others (ie: against a server with high night presence) they will gain automatic help from the NPC groups (without needing to go out and do the event to get their help). The NPC’s send their standard guards and random attacks as already happens (The NPC camps cannot be recaptured by the dominating server during this time).
- To help when the population difference is very large the NPCS can scale in HP and DMG.

-This may be seen as PvE in a PvP zone but it would help the problem, With a decent organized attack force the other server can still take towers and roll over the NPCs.

2. Redo “outmanned”
buff for siege equipment – Players with outmanned get an extra added dmg when using seige equipment (this makes them unable to own groups in PvP), but if they are defending a tower and build for example arrow carts they will have a better chance at defending.

buff for door and wall hp – Simple, Door and Walls get a buff to HP for the outmanned server(s) so they take a little longer to break through (again an organized attack will still have no problem breaking through)

3. Automatic Dolyak guards – “The roads are dangerous!”
- During a population difference time, the supply camps will send Dolyaks with guards (like the upgrade). When populations rebalance the guards will no longer be sent (unless the camp was upgraded by a player).

-Note: You cannot make dolyaks carry more or siege equipment cost less during these times as this would be exploitable (ie: fill up your keeps at night, and build tons of seige then)

If anyone else has other ideas like this please post or comment. I think the point is to not make the losers become the winner, but to make sure that people playing during the “night-capping” hours have a good time. With small changes like this I think we will give them a better chance.

Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Doctor Croatoan.3967

Doctor Croatoan.3967

Some of these are pretty creative. I worry about hanging 1 and 3 entirely on the fact that you are out manned. Taking the quaggan camps isn’t hard for 2 or 3 players as is. It just takes longer.

One of the things that I think would make the game easier to balance would be if points had an allegiance to a color. We already know that there are points that a server should be holding on to if the point gain was balanced evenly. So why not make it to where, when Red takes a keep that is “greens” they can’t upgrade it fully so that it makes it just slightly more vulnerable and harder to protect than the stuff that is in the heart of their territory. And I think you could even have a free upgrade or two at the lowest levels to raise survivability just a little more after the point has been taken.

I think out manned need’s work but I don’t know how fair it is to reward players for not having an active server. Its a tough problem. If Out manned allowed you to cap points slightly faster it would make a small group more effective in hit and run strategies. Or better yet, if out manned negated some (not all) armor damage because the chances are you will die a great deal and you shouldn’t be punished with heavy silver costs because of it.
You could even have the outmanned team be able to pull 12-15 supply automatically(not just with the buff) because it takes a larger group to get siege going and by the time you are noticed you are usually focused down. Just spit balling of course. I like threads like this that are about solutions and not about complaining.

Edit: And as a helpful thread that isn’t about complaining or picking fights it will sink to the bottom of the wuvwuv board.

(edited by Doctor Croatoan.3967)

Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Raydaq.5421


I like the idea of giving them the 15 supply buff. If you are outnumbered then you will not have as many people to run supply so allowing them to carry little extra shouldn’t hurt. Instead it will promote battles that are more fun.

Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

in WvW

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I like the idea of getting help from the creature camps. The guards would be more useful if they had more damage and didn’t despawn if the dolyak died, as is I just nuke the dolyak and ignore the guards.

Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Raydaq.5421


Vae that is true.

They need a re-work on that for sure. The guards should not despawn (Maybe a better cc mob in there too). Considering dolyaks can be downed in 5 seconds by a group of 4 the guards upgrade is pretty useless.