Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


I haven’t really seen a Thread about this on the official forums yet, so I was just wondering… is this a big deal, or not?

For anyone unfamiliar w/ this new Meta, guilds in T1 NA are starting to use alt accounts for the whole guild, usually repping 2 servers at a time within the same Tier. So a guild might raid in WvW for 1 server on Friday & Saturday, then raid WvW for a rival server within the SAME TIER on their alt accounts for the rest of the week. There used to be only 1 major WvW guild doing this on a large scale, but it’s now spreading, so that several big WvW guilds in T1 are planning to rep at least 2 servers within the same Tier in the same week, simply using alt accounts (Thank you for the $10 alt account sale, Anet). At least 1 guild actually requires that all members have a separate account on both servers!

So I’m just wondering, does this change the balance in a Tier when a large WvW guild does this? How about several guilds in the same Tier raiding on multiple servers in the same week? Does it make the overall atmosphere less competitive? Is it awkward for people to be following a Commander one night, only to get zerged down by the same Commander and his guild the next night? Does this make PPT/weekly score even more irrelevant? Will this improve or degrade WvW servers & communities? I’m just wondering what everyone thinks of this meta, and if it is happening in other Tiers or in EU as well, and where this meta might be leading us.

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: wutever.3756


Competitive WvW is dead.
Nothing is being done to improve it from a developmental side.

We have to fight ourselves in order to play the game in the manner in which we enjoy.

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jamezkidd.1246


PPT hasn’t been relevant for i don’t know how long. I personally don’t see anything wrong with it, since they aren’t doing anything against TOS. It seems to me they are just finding a way to keep this game mode interesting. BTW aren’t you in one of the guild that recently started doing this?

(edited by Jamezkidd.1246)

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


No one cares about the scores anymore. People want to play at times when they get the best fights. It doesn’t matter what server they are on.

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Ppt is and was irrelevant. Btw i dont know why is this a problem. If i dont hate the leveling, i may create an other account

Just the WvW

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


They would have the most fun with 1/2 repping one server the other 1/2 repping the other and fighting themselves – guild chat would be hilarious with trash talking each other…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


They would have the most fun with 1/2 repping one server the other 1/2 repping the other and fighting themselves – guild chat would be hilarious with trash talking each other…..

This actually sounds kind of awesome…

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lorx.8507


Competitive WvW is dead.
Nothing is being done to improve it from a developmental side.

We have to fight ourselves in order to play the game in the manner in which we enjoy.

This kind of thing is super relevant to server tier.

T1 servers do clash enough to be able to be called competitive. They have enough numbers to sustain that to some degree, even if it’s not for PPT, but specifically for the play of it (which tends to play out in score anyway). The competition is not 100% push all the time to win, but as a definition of “competitive” it does fit.

Perhaps more to the point, the question being raised is from the starting point that these things are already competitive. And asking what this will do to that competition, and if it’s considered a problem by Anet. Whether or not you personally see it as competitive is already beyond the point. The word “competitive” is being used to describe the current T1 WvW environment. Call it what whatever term you want, if you don’t want to call it “competitive” and choose a different word, cool. Question still remains valid, what does this do to that environment, is it negative, and does Anet consider it a problem?

El Psy Congroo

(edited by Lorx.8507)

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Its not a problem you can solve, so no point in making it a big deal. Players are free to play on whatever account they want. At least they are still i the game, in the same tier. It could have been worse, the guilds just vanish.

Personally I think it waters down server pride just as megaservers did to PvE and would never use an alt account on another server. But maybe some find it fun.

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Piteous.4165


The base problem is we don’t have a GvG system in place.

Stay frosty! Keep it tight!

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I don’t think there is any issue with it. I mean, it gives guilds a shot to test and try things against each other – like GvG style builds and format. More importantly it gives those players something newer to do. New perspectives and maybe newer engagements. It also will help share knowledge abroad in the t1 community. Overall making things more competitive.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: NINJAWARRIOR.2376


I see allot players from sfr server playing on other eu servers at least i did see them on 4 past months, i was looking for a server without sfr players because they raged me allot in the past, because i complained about allot insults on there ts from a few commanders that now left sfr server. Because i was a long time on sfr i know allot pictures of there players and i did see allot on other ts on other servers, they use almost all same pictures and some didnt even change there names. But no one cares it looks like, probely because allot know this already, or are there friends. It looks like sfr try to control more servers with there players so they can fix matches probely. They did pay allot gold to transfer allot big guilds from other servers to sfr, and now thet spread all guilds in more servers, probely till there is a new season of w vs w.
I also know for sure allot sfr players use double or more accounts, because some times i hear the same voice with other account name and other name on ts of some commanders on other servers their ts.
One thing i also know for sure, guildwars2/arenanet did get extra money for those accounts so they will not say anything about this, and i didnt see any rules that forbids players to use more then one account. And thats almost impossible to check, because some have brothers or sisters that plays the same game on the same ip.

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


The score doesn’t matter now, so I don’t really see how it could possibly matter any less. Right now, we’re in a waiting period. The game itself is set to change, and the maps will for sure be changing. It’s just a really… blah period. I think what TWL and OnSL are aiming to do is to break up the blah and have fun with it. It’s nice to play your competition, and see what can be changed/improved. You can find weak areas, and you can feel pretty good about the strong spots.

I don’t think it’s weird. I think of T1 NA as one big, messed up family. We hate each other, but clearly we don’t want people to really go away. Whether or not our way is healthy, since we’re contributing to the gridlock of the tier, I think we’re doing what we can right now to have fun with the game format that we all still enjoy. What it should do is break down the walls between the servers, create new friendships/rivalries, give a hand up to a server that needs it, and… well, I can’t find anything bad about that.

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.5237


It looks like sfr try to control more servers with there players so they can fix matches probely. They did pay allot gold to transfer allot big guilds from other servers to sfr, and now thet spread all guilds in more servers, probely till there is a new season of w vs w.

The truth is SFR’s leaders are part of the Illuminati, trying to control the whole world, starting with wvw. If they can’t do it, they’ll destroy it, so please help me out, I’m alone there to stop them!
Brothers, Sisters, lets fight together against them! Don’t let the virus spread!

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140