(edited by Static.9841)
Crystal Desert vs Tarnished Coast vs Henge of Denravi
to the CD guild DiRe, one of your members was in the jumping puzzle on the HoD borderlands fly hacking. unless she had some sweet air jordan’s, there was no legitimate way to make that 30 foot vertical jump. it was a blonde human female mesmer. you may wish to look into it.
2 things I’ll chime in on.
60 man zerg from TC? WHERE? This coming from someone who’s consistently in EB with a large group that’s rarely ever that large. A handful of our commanders garner a dedicated following when they show but while those followers may be in great number, they’re rarely ever that concentrated on one point. Why? Cooperation and coordination requires the manipulation of multiple points on the map. We’re rarely stacked that high. If you’ve ever been part of a zerg you’ll realize that the very mentality is prone to ADOS (Attention Deficit – ooh, shiny!) and many will peel off in the direction of 1-2 reds instead of the destination.
I’ll give a hand to those CDers who reclaimed Pangloss after facing our ballista ’n arrow cart setup (and then adopted the strategy). Man, that front line sure is painful being a pincushion!
I’ve indeed seen a number of CD leapsters (hax) in the jumping puzzle, which stinks. Though I’ll say it gave me a good scare (and subsequent laugh) the first time I saw someone flailing in the top righthand corner of my screen and screaming, only to catch them clearing the cliff jump from the crystal and across the pond afterward. >> Impressive distance crossing. Too fast for me to click and report, sadly.
To those of you CD in the jumping puzzle that are friendlies – we acknowledge you and happily cooperate!
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast
To those of you CD in the jumping puzzle that are friendlies – we acknowledge you and happily cooperate!
Was a pretty interesting time earlier in the EB JP. Things were peaceful, but someone from TC started camping the chest area. I reached the chest in time to see the upleveled CD we’d let through earlier being killed, and when I asked if he’d been hostile, the response had been “Eh.” Sorry for that, CD, in case any peacefuls were harmed. Though TC was wiped twice from the puzzle after that, so I guess it’s all good!
Here Omega Warlord CD [LORD] Guild.
Just pointing that when we come in game nothing can stop us retaking all map whatever is the TC zerg: we showed it twice yesterday and we had fun ! Next week will be much more fun even :p
You have in my opinion 2 kinds of wvwer:
- First is people who play for the win (those who constantly jump from a server to another)
- Second these who play for fun whatever is the score (like CD population)
Moreover anyone saying CD population in wvw decreased is not right. I am an EU player and massively EU major guilds transfer in here when a place si free. CD has a huge wvw player base but most of guilds are not giving themselves the potential to lead a war claiming keeps and waiting anyone else upgrade it… That’s a problem. War need gold as far as I know only few people dare to waste plenty money in a wvw week.
You have to know that CD almost don’t loose any wvw player base !!! Paople saying it are just making some propaganda ^^.
Anyway, for CD this week is a good 2nd place week as we will reach global rank 8 from 9.
Next week with Yak’s around serious matters will start
So far I love the rushes we did in our homeland because without the numbers we used tactics and we took over plenty times larger zerg than us. With some fast strikes and supply cuts we leaded TC in a situation when every keeps they owned were out of supplies with gates close to 0 hp ^^ so far they didnt knew what to defend and where we gonna strike. Removing commander tag and information in local chat on critical moves to keep the surprise and avoid spies helped a lot and confirmed us the placement in CD of TC spies ^^([Pink] players with their guild tag… on our side suspected !!!). We took back our ground in 2hours and TC provided us like 15free golems supplies from their keeps fully supplied that we have been taking.
Then suddenly TC disappeared after loosing their zerg plenty times and running away in every ways ^^.
So remember [LORD] is a guild you have to deal with in serious matters now. We are awaiting for our EU players (France/German and UK) that are leading their way to CD everytime transfer is possible !
Thanks for visiting our wvw ground and provide us much fun and loot bag (So many badges since the week started !!! =>about 200+ ^^)
CD are skilled palyers and is a server that is not basing their gameplay only on zerging, oh yeah !!!
Titan War (Warrior)
I have not read this thread so not sure if it is filled with QQ or not. I am on TC and CD has shown excellent ability to fight back the zerg and WVW these last couple of days.
There will always be at least one zerg in wvw ……but it would all be a great bore and waste of time if you didnt have a skilled defender like CD who is willing to fight it out.
Good show CD.
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
I am failing to see the issue of the zerg when our small 7-8 man squad quietly took back our garrison, and the rest of the CD BL. Sure, every once in a while there are overwhelming numbers of TC players – but I can tell you this; both servers are FULL servers, which would imply that they have the same amount of population.
If we in CD are being outnumbered on a map, it is either because;
A.) our troops are in a different map
B.) we are not organized and forming groups to take objectives
C.) we are failing to garner the populations interest in Wv3
I get that we are losing, and by a large margin – but as far as I am concerned the number means nothing. Every time TC takes something, we fight for it and take it back.
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
confirmed us the placement in CD of TC spies ^^([Pink] players with their guild tag… on our side suspected !!!).
I’m not in Pink, so I can’t say whether there was or not, but are you sure it was the same guild? There are guilds on other servers with the [Pink] tag, but they are different guilds. We ran into one such guild last week vs. SoR I know. Not sure if there are others on CD.
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
confirmed us the placement in CD of TC spies ^^([Pink] players with their guild tag… on our side suspected !!!).
I’m not in Pink, so I can’t say whether there was or not, but are you sure it was the same guild? There are guilds on other servers with the [Pink] tag, but they are different guilds. We ran into one such guild last week vs. SoR I know. Not sure if there are others on CD.
I am fairly certain I saw [PiNK] players yesterday too, but as you said there is no way to guarantee it was the same guild, because I didn’t click on them to read it.
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
Did someone say “retaking all the map from the TC zerg?” – what zerg? – Might I direct you to this screenshot of today’s valiant defence of Stonemist keep:
Yes, you’re not imagining things, that’s the “undermanned” buff on my bar. There were literally no more than 12 of us (And we recalled ALL our forces to the keep), quite possibly less, vs what must’ve been at least 40 CD attackers (it was enough that the walls were carpeted end to end in ele and necro AoE). Look at that screenshot then look me in the eye and tell me that we’re were zerging – it’s physically impossible, we didn’t have enough in the zone to make a zerg :p
Garnished Toast
Did someone say “retaking all the map from the TC zerg?” – what zerg? – Might I direct you to this screenshot of today’s valiant defence of Stonemist keep:
Yes, you’re not imagining things, that’s the “undermanned” buff on my bar. There were literally no more than 12 of us (And we recalled ALL our forces to the keep), quite possibly less, vs what must’ve been at least 40 CD attackers (it was enough that the walls were carpeted end to end in ele and necro AoE). Look at that screenshot then look me in the eye and tell me that we’re were zerging – it’s physically impossible, we didn’t have enough in the zone to make a zerg :p
I hope you aren’t referring to my post – because if you are I am implore you, please reread it.
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
Nah, I started typing my post before you posted. A few posts accused TC of zerging during tonights defence, which would’ve been tricky seeing were were in total defence most of tonight trying spread what little forces we had between objectives (Until an hour or two ago we were perpetually “undermanned”)
Garnished Toast
Nah, I started typing my post before you posted. A few posts accused TC of zerging during tonights defence, which would’ve been tricky seeing were were in total defence most of tonight trying spread what little forces we had between objectives (Until an hour or two ago we were perpetually “undermanned”)
Oh okay, great. For what its worth, I have enjoyed all of the scuffles I have been in, regardless of whether or not there is a TC zerg. The core CD players can put up a fight no matter what kind of numbers the opposition brings!
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
if you notice them again, let us know what the full guild name is, as well as a description of the character if it’s the right PiNK guild. there was some debate over whether TC should start employing spies since the higher tier servers are using them, and the general consensus was that if we need to sink that low to win, we’d rather not win. we’d at least keep our dignity that way. we’ll punch you in the mouth. we’ll stab you in the back. but we’re not going to pretend to be on your side while we do it.
if you notice them again, let us know what the full guild name is, as well as a description of the character if it’s the right PiNK guild. there was some debate over whether TC should start employing spies since the higher tier servers are using them, and the general consensus was that if we need to sink that low to win, we’d rather not win. we’d at least keep our dignity that way. we’ll punch you in the mouth. we’ll stab you in the back. but we’re not going to pretend to be on your side while we do it.
Good man. TC seems to be a good community server – this is what I like to see.
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
Here Omega Warlord CD [LORD] Guild.
Just pointing that when we come in game nothing can stop us retaking all map whatever is the TC zerg: we showed it twice yesterday and we had fun ! Next week will be much more fun even :p
You have in my opinion 2 kinds of wvwer:
- First is people who play for the win (those who constantly jump from a server to another)
- Second these who play for fun whatever is the score (like CD population)Moreover anyone saying CD population in wvw decreased is not right. I am an EU player and massively EU major guilds transfer in here when a place si free. CD has a huge wvw player base but most of guilds are not giving themselves the potential to lead a war claiming keeps and waiting anyone else upgrade it… That’s a problem. War need gold as far as I know only few people dare to waste plenty money in a wvw week.
You have to know that CD almost don’t loose any wvw player base !!! Paople saying it are just making some propaganda ^^.Anyway, for CD this week is a good 2nd place week as we will reach global rank 8 from 9.
Next week with Yak’s around serious matters will start
So far I love the rushes we did in our homeland because without the numbers we used tactics and we took over plenty times larger zerg than us. With some fast strikes and supply cuts we leaded TC in a situation when every keeps they owned were out of supplies with gates close to 0 hp ^^ so far they didnt knew what to defend and where we gonna strike. Removing commander tag and information in local chat on critical moves to keep the surprise and avoid spies helped a lot and confirmed us the placement in CD of TC spies ^^([Pink] players with their guild tag… on our side suspected !!!). We took back our ground in 2hours and TC provided us like 15free golems supplies from their keeps fully supplied that we have been taking.
Then suddenly TC disappeared after loosing their zerg plenty times and running away in every ways ^^.So remember [LORD] is a guild you have to deal with in serious matters now. We are awaiting for our EU players (France/German and UK) that are leading their way to CD everytime transfer is possible !
Thanks for visiting our wvw ground and provide us much fun and loot bag (So many badges since the week started !!! =>about 200+ ^^)
CD are skilled palyers and is a server that is not basing their gameplay only on zerging, oh yeah !!!
Titan War (Warrior)
Man. Really? I don’t mind the chest thumping and propaganda, but are we still doing that thing where we call out guilds on the forums without evidence? PiNK just kicked out every member of the guild not on TC two or three days ago.
there was some debate over whether TC should start employing spies since the higher tier servers are using them, and the general consensus was that if we need to sink that low to win, we’d rather not win. we’d at least keep our dignity that way. we’ll punch you in the mouth. we’ll stab you in the back. but we’re not going to pretend to be on your side while we do it.
That’s why I love being on TC!
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
As a player on Crystal Desert I want to commend Tarnished Coast on a fun week of PvP! You’ve got a very active server, but also some well organized tactics.
I think some of the confusion about your “60 man zerg” is, that from what I can tell TC does run around fairly often in big zerg, just taking undefended keeps, but this is really only in the border lands, and usually during off hours. In EB you’ve been playing smart, like an organized team. To Crystal Desert, it’s not that hard to break these zergs if you hit them as an organized force.
On a bit of a sour grapes note… I’ve noticed a bit of uncalled for arrogance on TC as well. A bit too much dancing on corpses for my taste, and spawn camping in Halloween outfits is a bit pompous, imo. Obviously every server has this type of player, but I’ve seen it much more often this week than in the past.
This goes out to everyone, don’t make your server look bad with tasteless individual behavior.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Here Omega Warlord CD [LORD] Guild.
Just pointing that when we come in game nothing can stop us retaking all map whatever is the TC zerg: we showed it twice yesterday and we had fun ! Next week will be much more fun even :p
You have in my opinion 2 kinds of wvwer:
- First is people who play for the win (those who constantly jump from a server to another)
- Second these who play for fun whatever is the score (like CD population)Moreover anyone saying CD population in wvw decreased is not right. I am an EU player and massively EU major guilds transfer in here when a place si free. CD has a huge wvw player base but most of guilds are not giving themselves the potential to lead a war claiming keeps and waiting anyone else upgrade it… That’s a problem. War need gold as far as I know only few people dare to waste plenty money in a wvw week.
You have to know that CD almost don’t loose any wvw player base !!! Paople saying it are just making some propaganda ^^.Anyway, for CD this week is a good 2nd place week as we will reach global rank 8 from 9.
Next week with Yak’s around serious matters will start
So far I love the rushes we did in our homeland because without the numbers we used tactics and we took over plenty times larger zerg than us. With some fast strikes and supply cuts we leaded TC in a situation when every keeps they owned were out of supplies with gates close to 0 hp ^^ so far they didnt knew what to defend and where we gonna strike. Removing commander tag and information in local chat on critical moves to keep the surprise and avoid spies helped a lot and confirmed us the placement in CD of TC spies ^^([Pink] players with their guild tag… on our side suspected !!!). We took back our ground in 2hours and TC provided us like 15free golems supplies from their keeps fully supplied that we have been taking.
Then suddenly TC disappeared after loosing their zerg plenty times and running away in every ways ^^.So remember [LORD] is a guild you have to deal with in serious matters now. We are awaiting for our EU players (France/German and UK) that are leading their way to CD everytime transfer is possible !
Thanks for visiting our wvw ground and provide us much fun and loot bag (So many badges since the week started !!! =>about 200+ ^^)
CD are skilled palyers and is a server that is not basing their gameplay only on zerging, oh yeah !!!
Titan War (Warrior)
Man. Really? I don’t mind the chest thumping and propaganda, but are we still doing that thing where we call out guilds on the forums without evidence? PiNK just kicked out every member of the guild not on TC two or three days ago.
[Pink] =/= [PiNK]; Two separate guilds on TC.
Cyrus Quintillus | 80 Mesmer | Asbrandr Godrikson | 80 Warrior
Fort Aspenwood [FLOT]
We’ve only ever had one out-of-server guy in Principality (Jadon’s PiNK), and he got the boot pretty quickly.
CD, you shouldn’t worry about the points, you’ve been playing a very good game in EB, I’m looking forward to the next matchup where we will have a 3rd server joining the fray,
RE ‘taunting’. I agree, it’s in bad taste, sadly, as much as you might want to call TC players on it, I’ve been witnessing the same thing from CD in EB, mostly from your wafer-thin backstab thieves, I’m not going to lie, my general rapid response is to murder said thieves swiftly and taunt them back for the guy they just did it to, whilst this doesn’t exactly help with the behaviour, it’s kind of a slap in the face to the kitten who thought it was funny to start in the first place. Aside from that instance, I don’t like to do it, it’s pretty crass behaviour.
CD in the jumping puzzle: Friendlies, you’re safe, I won’t harm you. To the BEAR Guild in there yesterday, thanks so much for all the free kills and medals, you guys are lols.
TC player here. I despise poor sportsmanship. There are exceptions though, when I think an emote or two is appropriate:
- Thief targeting you and only you over and over because he killed you easy once – you dance on his corpse – face it he deserves it
- Corpse spy giving intelligence over a long period of time. I usually sleep with them.
- Vengeful enemy that comes after you because you had the gall to kill them once. They appear in a rage and die over and over. I usually kneel to them or cry.
To be certain, I never gloat. That is terrible.
Also to the [LORD] guild gentleman above. Yeah, you guys are pretty kitten good players. I have faced some of you this week. I’m the necromancer that helped push you back all weekend long. A certain warrior in dragon gear really didn’t like me and kept going after me. I had a lot of fun with him. I think you guys are pretty tough no doubt, but your body twitches in the dirt just like the rest… evil necro laugh
P.S. Phantom for President and I think CD is one of the most honorable servers we have faced, both in winning and losing.
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
(edited by sceptus.9415)
Whoever this dude is in the attached image, thank you! Hope you got your chest loot as well. Wish the peace lasted longer than it did.
The max. size of zerg that atleast I’ve seen at any moment from TC is around 35 to maybe 40. 60 is outrageous lol. Glad I’ve not been around such huge sizes. As a guardian, I like to push from the frontline when on offense, and stay behind the gates burning the enemies ramming our gates down. CD has brought good fights in this match and it has been a fun week. I love to stick to my home BL and defend whatever we have, while chatting with friends and not sure how things run in other maps, but during NA offpeak hours, TC BL is a ghost town. This is when the Asian guilds from CD start zerging around taking our map and before you notice everything that was green turns red.
So…yeah, every server zergs the other server when having numbers advantage, and this is how most of the games have been happening, atleast where there is a lack of coverage for one or the other timeslot.
I also notice that CD lacks coverage during NA primetime hours but not much though, compared to our deserted maps during offpeak times. It’s not like TC or CD isn’t a good player or just afraid to bring a fight (as someone labelled as a troll by the rest of the posts above said), its just how state of things are currently. We’ve faced servers like BG/SoS/SoR as well who have 24×7 coverage and just stomped us into ground, but they clearly acknowledged our will to bring a fight despite the odds. Last week was an exception due to Halloween event. I’m just hoping we get good 24×7 coverage if we’re ever dreaming of heading up into higher tiers and also wish the same for our opponents, so that there’s little bickering about number games. It is how it is.
So let’s move on and talk about actual face-offs we had.
Tee See
during NA offpeak hours, TC BL is a ghost town. This is when the Asian guilds from CD start zerging around taking our map and before you notice everything that was green turns red.
i’ve been waking up early and helping to defend, and it’s a pretty weird phenomenon. CD starts taking it to us, and i mean HARD. and we’re just making these desperate stands and then falling back to our next location until we’re nearly forced off our map. then….. suddenly….. nothing. within a 20 minute time frame, CD is down to like, 5 people on the map. which makes me wonder, maybe it isn’t asians. maybe it’s vampires who need to flee from the sunrise and get back to their caskets. fortunately, we’re the RP server, and most of our members are very familiar with fighting vampires. so we end up with at least a couple areas left to start back out with.
tomorrow, i’m telling everyone to start packing garlic…..
during NA offpeak hours, TC BL is a ghost town. This is when the Asian guilds from CD start zerging around taking our map and before you notice everything that was green turns red.
i’ve been waking up early and helping to defend, and it’s a pretty weird phenomenon. CD starts taking it to us, and i mean HARD. and we’re just making these desperate stands and then falling back to our next location until we’re nearly forced off our map. then….. suddenly….. nothing. within a 20 minute time frame, CD is down to like, 5 people on the map. which makes me wonder, maybe it isn’t asians. maybe it’s vampires who need to flee from the sunrise and get back to their caskets. fortunately, we’re the RP server, and most of our members are very familiar with fighting vampires. so we end up with at least a couple areas left to start back out with.
tomorrow, i’m telling everyone to start packing garlic…..
Time to farm garlic.
WTT 10 Packs of garlic with a cookie
Tee See
Wow, talk about some intense fighting tonight. I got to play 6 hours and spent almost all of that time in Eternal (except when I first queued and when my pc crashed and I had to requeue).
It was good to see HoD starting to take some of their space back half way through the night. And the fighting over Stonemist between us (TC) and CD was epic. I got a few screenshots of trebs pounding the castle, us defending, CD attacking. I don’t think I’ve ever participated in a battle like that in any game. Well fought everyone. See you on the battlefield again tomorrow. <salute>
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)
You are welcome Garreth =)
I had fun giving TC hell today in Eternal from Anz tower. =D
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
Actually, cd has pretty much lotsa cmders during NA primetime but they are not in wvw. Having commanders without troopers mean nothing. Only during our asian primetime theres a few commanders together with their guild capping and fighting
This is true. Many turn off the icon lol.
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
TC lost SM to a 5 golem zerg from CD a few hours ago. They zerged the north outer gate, got through, and we wiped about 75% of their forces.
But noone watched the golems, and they ran to the east inner gate and knocked that down. CD was in the Lords room while most where still outside on the clean up job. Lost SM a few minutes after that.
Few hours later, after CD caps all of HoD’s stuff off of us, main force attacks SM with trebs, tear a wall down, go north, and attack it. 5 of us rock up, decide to go hit the south gate to see what happens.
CD pushed the main force back out and downed our trebs, but the 5 of us took down the south gate before they noticed. We rallied those left outside the south wall, ported them in, roflstomped into the Lord’s room, and reclaimed Stonemist back in the name of Tarnished Coast.
Fun night thus far.
Quit waking me up Quaggan!
No but really, I’ve had a blast in the HoD BL tonight. Thank you everyone that’s taken part in this magical sleepy time.
Someone reported a treb in one of the jumping puzzles? Is it true? Pics?
Someone reported a treb in one of the jumping puzzles? Is it true? Pics?
That wouldn’t be the first time.
TC lost SM to a 5 golem zerg from CD a few hours ago. They zerged the north outer gate, got through, and we wiped about 75% of their forces.
But noone watched the golems, and they ran to the east inner gate and knocked that down. CD was in the Lords room while most where still outside on the clean up job. Lost SM a few minutes after that.
Few hours later, after CD caps all of HoD’s stuff off of us, main force attacks SM with trebs, tear a wall down, go north, and attack it. 5 of us rock up, decide to go hit the south gate to see what happens.
CD pushed the main force back out and downed our trebs, but the 5 of us took down the south gate before they noticed. We rallied those left outside the south wall, ported them in, roflstomped into the Lord’s room, and reclaimed Stonemist back in the name of Tarnished Coast.
Fun night thus far.
That’s awesome. I went to bed just after we lost SM :P grats guys. I gotta admit that CD has been pushing really well even when the score is not with them. That’s a server and how they should be fighting. SCORE MEANS NOTHING.
GL everyone. I will be coming in next match up. Probable on Sunday
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
Someone would argue that recruiting lots of Asian and European guilds for the sole purpose of doing most the fighting by night is unsportsmanlike, but as my personal favourite quote goes:
“If you’re fighting a fair fight, you need to rethink your strategy”
Garnished Toast
@Scyntrus – Many of us don’t agree with the type of gate camping in your first screenshot (I would argue that the second screenshot is not camping at all). Personally, I was there when we pushed CD back into the north gate a little while ago. I made it clear I don’t like camping gates and mapped back. Obviously some of our players took it to the next level. All I can say is that its going to happen on every server even with the best intentions. Keep fighting and good luck out there.
Looking forward to tomorrow night. For the Toast!
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
(edited by sceptus.9415)
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
to be fair, that’s not really spawn camping there. as you can see, there’s a tower held by TC directly behind that group. that’s just defending that tower. if that defending group leaves, the tower is forfeited.
the other screenshot, yeah, that’s spawn camping. i don’t recognize the guild tag though, but if i see one of them, i’ll say something about it to them.
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
to be fair, that’s not really spawn camping there. as you can see, there’s a tower held by TC directly behind that group. that’s just defending that tower. if that defending group leaves, the tower is forfeited.
the other screenshot, yeah, that’s spawn camping. i don’t recognize the guild tag though, but if i see one of them, i’ll say something about it to them.
Next time highlight a player when you screenshot so we can get the guild name. Word would probably get back to them on The Coast not to do that.
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
We were just trying to kill that treb and cata that you guys got into the no siege deploy zone. I’d like to hear about how you did that though.
After those were dead he just threw some cows in the invincible area, which if that counts as spawn camping rather than just wasting time, well I’m not sure what to tell you.
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
We were just trying to kill that treb and cata that you guys got into the no siege deploy zone. I’d like to hear about how you did that though.
After those were dead he just threw some cows in the invincible area, which if that counts as spawn camping rather than just wasting time, well I’m not sure what to tell you.
That makes sense. I think we should refrain from posting things condemning other servers (from any side of this) in the future and just concentrate on ending this week on a good note. For what its worth, I have nothing but respect for CD (and HoD for that matter, whom I sympathize for because of all the ship jumpers. The people that are sticking around must be a great core of players).
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
There is no true spawn camping in this game seeing as how there are multiple ways to exit. If you can’t find another way to avoid a confrontation leaving spawn then I’m at a loss for words.
With that being said I enjoyed killing several of you tonight.
Zergbuster of Malum Factum
Tarnished Coast
I want to say, CD, I had the most fun tonight going back and forth at Redbriar. Another guildmate and I was defending, and about 4-5 of you were attacking. Neither of us had siege equipment, but neither of us could get the upper hand. As odd as it sounds, I had a blast dodging your attacks, and getting a few licks in, before one of you jerked me off the side of the building. Then it was on like donkey kong. Y’all swarmed like crazy when one of us fell, and it was a rush to try to make it back inside.
It was the best 30 mins – hour I have had in WvWvW. I thank y’all for the awesome fighting spirit and want to say “Keep It Up!” Massive respect! =D
Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency
See you after work tomorrow CD! And HoD, I have faith you’re going to pull together one day and climb right back up.
I’m from TC, and I enjoy fighting you guys a lot… I really just love the idea of maintaining a sort of chivalry and a level of fairness between all of the servers. Heh, then again… I miss the idea of RPing while WvWing…
I liked this one guy who managed to successfully blend defending, RPing, and just managed to juggle the two extremely well. I’m just waiting for the free server transfers to end so we’d all start seeing more steady levels of people in servers. :P
See you after work tomorrow CD! And HoD, I have faith you’re going to pull together one day and climb right back up.
And thanks again for leading that group Coral. CD went through with a 30+ man group, capped everything on their own borderlands against TC’s 10 or so. And then left.
Grabbed a few more people, then ran a karma train that capped everything but Cliffside, due to CD getting some re-inforcements in.
Got a few easy levels out of it, so no complaints here of PvDooring at the end of a matchup.
To the CD Charr warrior that faced off against the TC Necromancer just north of RL last night… Dude, that was an awesome kill. I’ve never been trounced so quickly and thoroughly … lol