Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


This poll is flawed. The latest update was to help load assets faster for players with slow machines, and changed to friend/foe binning for assets being rendered vs an all or nothing.

Culling has not been resolved, it’s servers side, and the devs have clearly stated they’re still working on resolving it.


Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


This poll is flawed. The latest update was to help load assets faster for players with slow machines, and changed to friend/foe binning for assets being rendered vs an all or nothing.

Culling has not been resolved, it’s servers side, and the devs have clearly stated they’re still working on resolving it.

Anet: “Hey guys, we are still working on resolving the culling issue but in the meantime we are going to go ahead and make the game worse for 67% of you.”

Bottom line: What matters is the enduser’s gameplay experience. Roughly 67% of those who have voted are saying that their gameplay experience is worse under the new system than the old system.

Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


This poll is flawed. The latest update was to help load assets faster for players with slow machines, and changed to friend/foe binning for assets being rendered vs an all or nothing.

Culling has not been resolved, it’s servers side, and the devs have clearly stated they’re still working on resolving it.

Well the latest update made it worse.

My computer matches the minimum requirements. My guild-mates have more up-to-date computers and it has been worse for all of us.

Had an instance where 2 of us wanted to flip speldan. Before engaging I noticed what looked like a ride the lighting far away near mendons. So we waited to see if anything was coming. 20 seconds later since nothing showed up we went to engage the camp. Out of nowhere an ele pops up right in front of me at the supply depot as he rides the lightning through me.

In a setting where there were 2 of us and 1 enemy, I should have seen the enemy BEFORE he he was 5 feet in front of me. Things like these have been happening frequently and on any borderland regardless of population.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: defrule.7236


For me it’s much better in term of rendering enemies but ally rendering was traded in for it.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


I’m not surprised by the poll results tbh. Already this week guilds are fragmenting, tempers are fraying and people are just not playing. Even the PVE players are complaining of culling now. I don’t know what the feedback was from the December patch but from reading the thread at least 50% hated it. I don’t know where Anet is getting their feedback from, but if 50% have a very strong opinion against something it probably isn’t a good idea to implement it.

Bottom line: culling is much worse. We could at least live with it the way it was before as we were comfortable with the failings of the engine.

This week we have had constant queues, less people able to get in to BLs, rubber banding, disappearing commanders, constant culling… the list goes on and on (without even mentioning the historic issues of Wvw).

WvW has seen no improvements only features taken away (orbs). The February patch might be too little too late for a lot of us the way things are going.

Aurora Glade [KISS]

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I’m conflicted. It’s better in some situations, and worse in others. I also like that I can see enemies super far away once they’ve been loaded.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


I find it better simply because the old not see any enemies was terrible. It definitely needs work still, but they said they’re working on it. In the mean time I’d rather have this as I’d rather see the enemy some of the time in big fights rather then never.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


Worse. Much worse.

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Last night reached ridiculous heights my group was running into redwater lowlands with no enemy in sight, an enemy group running the opposite direction through us to the lake tower only rendered after we had passed them, no placeholders or anything rendered when they should have come in sight of us.

Then we were taking bay with a golem rush I was around 5m from the door and couldn’t see the golems at all, they only rendered when I moved right on top of them

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Burner.1643


Compared to previous culling:
Ghost asset primary load.
Enemie has priority.
Still in manny occasions to late culling of new assets. (hard cap)
(enemy/friendly just a few feet away from you*popin/out*)

Wished we could specify the hardcap in the client !
(warning tag for low end users)

(edited by Burner.1643)

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


I found it same to me (as this culling patch did not fix culling in server). If you find it worse, maybe its your machine. If you still believe your machine is a beast, why dont you try to reduce the detail of graphic and see if there is any difference or no.

(FYI: I always reduce the graphic detail, because in WvW I dont need any detail of graphic. I dont need to see your gear/race too much detail, I dont need to see the detail of the door, tree, shadow, etc. I only need color of enemy (mono red/blue/green). (I believe this also decrease the burden of graphic card, processor, reducing bottle neck, reducing utility of ram, etc)).

For PvE, I dont feel any difference too. (I think this culling patch does not affect PvE (maybe I wrong)).

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


The new culling is horrible. Seriously, who runs WvW at anet? How can they take a system that failed in December, roll it out again now, and think they will end up with a different result? It is crazy.

Give us the old system and just add in a priority for those near you who are coming out of stealth. Great interim solution while you work on the long term.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: StarFighter.4209


for me its better, I see more ppl and faster… the new models help a lot for me at least

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


For me it’s the official game breaker, I keep asking myself for the reasons to log in and do w3 but as it is atm, that aspect of the game is rapidly dying.

I can only hope that they will come up with some improvements in the next patch or I’ll start looking for something else to enjoy.

/signed petition.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Rhayn.9452


Yeah, I’ve been on the fence about whether or not I actually enjoy playing this game last few weeks. Thoroughly enjoyed WvW for the first few weeks, but as of late things have gotten a bit stale. This latest “fix” however was the final nail in the coffin for me. Completely unplayable from my PoV.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Detris.7105


In my experience, it has gotten worse.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I haven’t seen the placeholder models yet, jsut see people randomly pop in and out and it seems to take longer to load groups and culling hits at smaller numbers.

Edit: So obviously voted worse.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


433 votes

Better 21%
Worse 67%
Same 12%

I’m not surprised by this as I thought most of the feedback from the December trial was negative, not positive. The complaints we gave then are the same as the complaints were are giving now.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


about the same, created new problems to replace the old.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Ubi.4136


Worse, not just in WvW. Funny, stand around with no one near you…3 minutes later you are still standing alone. Pop aegis, 4 other players appear and get the buff. About a minute later, they vanish again.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: ViRuE.3612


I’m conflicted. It’s better in some situations, and worse in others. I also like that I can see enemies super far away once they’ve been loaded.

I can SOMETIMES see enemies a REASONABLE distance away which I couldn’t before. The trade off is either my commander or my guild leader who I’ve targetted who is only 300ft away constantly appears and re-appears. I can’t see how this is an improvement, I need to decide who/what is important to me in the situation I’m in – the game deciding for me is a really bad idea.

On the subject of ideas how about we clear out all the mobs in WvW – everything from the mobs outside your spawn (moa, griffens, those skunk looking things I forget the name of) right down to the stupid chickens cluttering up camps etc. Keep the ones for objectives (maybe reduce the number but make them harder to kill, e.g. Krait) and skill points if you must but I’d clear the skill points out too.

Apart from solving the problem of people rezzing themselves off a passing Doe it has to be better for the server as a whole and culling. I mean I’m at Cliffside the other night and I can’t see half my own squad, I can’t see more than 25% of the enemy but I can ALWAYS see 4 wolves? Presumably those 4 wolves were prioritized by the game because they were biting my ankles, but actually the 2 invisible mesmers and 3 invisible warriors not 100ft from me were the real threat. By the time I knew THEY were there I was downed and spiked.

BLs are a warzone, the chances of any life being present bar the odd kittenroach would be slim. I really don’t need the server and my PC to calculate their position, what they are doing, render their models or do anything with them. Just remove them.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I’m noticing it affecting my nearby Allies a lot more. They will constantly render and disappear again when I pan my camera.

I can’t really say how much it affect enemies as I haven’t experienced many zerg clashes in the past days.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


MUCH worse. Much much much worse. Zergs seem to be abusing Veil/Mass Invisibility/Shadow Refuge more than ever.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Kelo.4370


Everyone voting that it is worse I guarantee are running this game on sub-par systems. This new culling system is a vast improvement and for those of us playing this game on higher end systems have very little issue with culling at all. Then again people complaining about not being able to see their allies over not being able to see their enemies are just bad at this game anyway.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Everyone voting that it is worse I guarantee are running this game on sub-par systems. This new culling system is a vast improvement and for those of us playing this game on higher end systems have very little issue with culling at all. Then again people complaining about not being able to see their allies over not being able to see their enemies are just bad at this game anyway.

How someone can be so wrong amazes me.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I can promise you i do not have a sub-par system

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.


Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


It’s worse. While you can see more mobs in the distance and gauge better how many enemies are there, the experience is completely unpredictable now.

I have no idea in big fights if someone suddenly pops in front of me if they are friend or foe until i highlight them, which distracts from the fight. That and the appearing/disappearing invaders, which makes it harder to track one target or a small part of the large group.

Previously it was much more stable. You knew who your guys were, if you saw some effects in the distance you knew there was a mob there. The challenge was to determine how many, which you could do by inching in slowly, attempt to strafe the group.

Really tho, its a different dog with different fleas. WvW gets no <3 from ArenaNet. It’s that adopted step-son that no one wants to talk to.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Star.2037


it is worse. i hear people calling out enemy numbers that are incorrect because they have not appeared on screen for them. its taking longer for them even for me now. ive had players hitting me with no one around me.. and no it wasnt a thief :P

Stàr ^..^
Fist of the Empire

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.

Knowing why their gameplay experience is worse is totally irrelevant to a player saying whether their gameplay experience is better or worse.

I don’t know a lot about cars but I can certainly tell when it’s not running right.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Neither were ideal.

I think people just got used to the old culling, where you could stealth a group in, and they wouldn’t render for as long as 5 seconds, while they rained death on a zerg.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.

Knowing why their gameplay experience is worse is totally irrelevant to a player saying whether their gameplay experience is better or worse.

I don’t know a lot about cars but I can certainly tell when it’s not running right.

That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.


Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Rhayn.9452


Everyone voting that it is worse I guarantee are running this game on sub-par systems. This new culling system is a vast improvement and for those of us playing this game on higher end systems

Well, continuing on your presumptuous line of reasoning, I guarantee that everyone that’s happy with the current state of things like to play the game hiding in their 50 man zergballs, roflstomping the entire map while stroking their kitten with their silly channeled-while moving-aoe crap abilities.

So there!

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.

Knowing why their gameplay experience is worse is totally irrelevant to a player saying whether their gameplay experience is better or worse.

I don’t know a lot about cars but I can certainly tell when it’s not running right.

That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.

Dude, people with highend machines are having problems with the new culling system when they had no significant culling issues with the old system on the same kitten machine.

Scientific method: look it up?

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.

Knowing why their gameplay experience is worse is totally irrelevant to a player saying whether their gameplay experience is better or worse.

I don’t know a lot about cars but I can certainly tell when it’s not running right.

That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.

Dude, people with highend machines are having problems with the new culling system when they had no significant culling issues with the old system on the same kitten machine.

Scientific method: look it up?

Not every high-end machine is having a problem though. I have a high-end machine and culling is performing better for me. i5-3570k at 4.6GHz, GTX 660 Ti, 8GB ram, GW2 is on my SSD. I saw that video you posted about the culling system and I noticed the same thing happening with the old system on this same machine.

With the new fallback models, machine performance shouldn’t affect the culling at all.

I can’t access that survey here at work but I’ll try to remember to vote when I get home.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Moon.6371


@ Krakah

Then please tell me how and why my computer became suddenly poorly maintained/low spec`d the moment the patch hit? My playing experience (dis- and reappearing of allies, enemies and npcs even in small scale fights, lower frames on average, queuing) radically changed exactly since the patch went live.

Your ignorance is completely out of place, sorry.

Best regards

[Buka] Koma Grey
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.

Knowing why their gameplay experience is worse is totally irrelevant to a player saying whether their gameplay experience is better or worse.

I don’t know a lot about cars but I can certainly tell when it’s not running right.

That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.

My machine is slow,

My X58A-UD3R motherboard sports the following;

Intel Core i7 “960” 3.2
Radeon 6850 1GB Graphics Card
6GB Super Talent Ram
Kingston HyperX 120GB SSD

what is yours?

My system is also cleaned daily by Advanced System Care 6, how about yours?

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Most of those people do not care about the technical aspect of why things are worse they just know that THINGS ARE WORSE.

I’m not defending Anet, but uninformed votes can’t be taken seriously.

Knowing why their gameplay experience is worse is totally irrelevant to a player saying whether their gameplay experience is better or worse.

I don’t know a lot about cars but I can certainly tell when it’s not running right.

That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.

Dude, people with highend machines are having problems with the new culling system when they had no significant culling issues with the old system on the same kitten machine.

Scientific method: look it up?

Not every high-end machine is having a problem though. I have a high-end machine and culling is performing better for me. i5-3570k at 4.6GHz, GTX 660 Ti, 8GB ram, GW2 is on my SSD. I saw that video you posted about the culling system and I noticed the same thing happening with the old system on this same machine.

With the new fallback models, machine performance shouldn’t affect the culling at all.

The only time I had culling in the old system was when there truly was a massive zerg of people nearby. Now, I get culling even when there are a small number of people nearby. But, it’s inconsistent. Sometimes it’s fine, but sometimes you will see one person and go on them only to find it’s actually 7 people (AND THERE IS HARDLY ANYONE ELSE AROUND). That NEVER happened in the old system.

BTW, no one in the group of 10-15 I run with has said culling is better and they pretty much all experience the same culling I am seeing when it happens AS IT HAPPENS. I can hear them on mumble – “people are culling in!” And sure enough people are culling in for me as well.

This all points to it being a problem with the system (perhaps unintended consequences) and not the machines people are running.

That is called logic and reasoning.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


If Arenanet said they fixed culling more (and really didnt chang anything) You guys would still say its worse even tho nothing changed.

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


I’ve logged out the last 2 nites because it is so bad. Its just unplayable when people you are fighting blink in an out and when what looks like a couple of foes turns into an army.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Not every high-end machine is having a problem though. I have a high-end machine and culling is performing better for me. i5-3570k at 4.6GHz, GTX 660 Ti, 8GB ram, GW2 is on my SSD. I saw that video you posted about the culling system and I noticed the same thing happening with the old system on this same machine.

Similar to what I have, except I have the I7-3770K instead… I am not quite OC’d as much though. Culling is far less predictable and far worse than it was before for me.

Honestly though, all of this talk of systems is mostly pointless because the culling is done on the server. Bottom line is that it is far less predictable now and in many situations it is actually worse. Worse still, people are getting culled in situations where there should be no culling period (i.e. small fights).

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.

You do know that culling is server side right? Your system is only going to affect the rendering, not the culling of the models.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


If Arenanet said they fixed culling more (and really didnt chang anything) You guys would still say its worse even tho nothing changed.

Are you being serious?

We got this same culling in the December trial and complained about it then. They stopped the December trial and reverted back to the old system and we stopped complaining about it since the culling under the old system was better and more predictable.

Now that they have reinstituted the affinity system from the December trial, we are complaining about it again because the culling is as bad as it was during the December trial.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Not every high-end machine is having a problem though. I have a high-end machine and culling is performing better for me. i5-3570k at 4.6GHz, GTX 660 Ti, 8GB ram, GW2 is on my SSD. I saw that video you posted about the culling system and I noticed the same thing happening with the old system on this same machine.

Similar to what I have, except I have the I7-3770K instead… I am not quite OC’d as much though. Culling is far less predictable and far worse than it was before for me.

Honestly though, all of this talk of systems is mostly pointless because the culling is done on the server. Bottom line is that it is far less predictable now and in many situations it is actually worse. Worse still, people are getting culled in situations where there should be no culling period (i.e. small fights).


[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


I think people are focusing too much on the amount of culling going on and not on the actual impact of the culling on WvW. It seems worse sometimes because your allies are culled around you more often, so you end up noticing more culling overall. It is much better in that enemies appear on your screen sooner, so you don’t get trampled by a giant zerg without seeing at least part of it first. Culling of allies is much less of a problem than culling of enemies. For me, it is an improvement overall, but it is definitely not a fix.

Maid Of The Coast

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


It is heavily flawed, or you wouldn’t have situations were a fight involving 10 people total has models culled. I think most of us have seen that happen and it is clearly not a case of just ‘noticing’ it more.

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


My enemies render faster than before. Sure, they might suddenly disappear at times, but at least I know they’re there and it doesn’t take long for me to see them all again. ANet re-prioritized their rendering and threw in placeholder models for low-end users so that they can still see positions without requiring full texture info before rendering. ANet’s heading in the right direction. We’ll see how they continue to tackle the culling issue.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Then there are the times that they don’t appear at all. Our 5 man was taking a supply camp and not a single one of us saw a single enemy player at range until they were literally standing on top of us. The camp models and the spiders mobs on the other side taking prioritization? Who knows

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Worse still, people are getting culled in situations where there should be no culling period (i.e. small fights).

Here’s an example of the ‘new’ culling at work:

Wen to garrison to hit up the mystic forge real quick, needed to stop at the banker also to grab mats. I waypoint into garrison, there’s no one there, in fact our entire borderlands was our own color so probably not many people on the map at all.
I walk up to where I know the banker is. He’s not there. I walk to the guild banker, it is where it always is. I look at mini-map, yep shows same place as always. I think maybe there was a fight here earlier and it got killed and rezzed somewhere else in the lords room (never seen it happen but hey worth a shot).
So after about 60 seconds of wandering around an empty lords room in garrison, I start to type into guild chat to see if anyone else has this problem and as I am halfway through typing ‘pop’ the banker suddenly decides to cull into existence.
Really this is an improvement? Culling when there’s no need to cull for the sake of culling?


Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


That mind set is equivalent to complaining about your engine when all you needed was air in your tires.

Alot the problem is on the user side. Poorly maintained/low spec’d/configured machines can cause all sorts of results no amount of server/client changes will ever make better.

You do know that culling is server side right? Your system is only going to affect the rendering, not the culling of the models.

Yep, it’s in my first post. QQMcgee is complaining about it while admitting to ignorance.