Current scores on North American servers.
15 minutes after a WvW matchup starts, people start transferring servers. As soon as all the supply points are taken, there’s no coming back for the servers who lost during the first few hours.
The servers may very have been somewhat evenly matched at the beginning, but were a little slow for the first hour, lost all their good players to server transfers, got cornered without supply, and can’t possibly come back. Thats all there is to it.
its all about DILIGENCE! We may have just had servers that did not know the week long matches were starting. They might have just screwed up and lost there footing but either way; its the way it goes.
If you dont make an effort you cant win and with the current standing on wvw buffs you either have guys on watch 24/7 or you have people asleep 24/7 cause its a steep slope; if you let it go to long the buffs will keep you beaten.
Next week will give us all a look into how things are going these poor servers that are winning in these blow out matches are taking in the bads from each other servers and its going to kill there ability to play.
On ET we are about to go back into the top bracked and over the past 3 days ques have been 2-3 hours from 30 min. Our server is in a bad state atm with the play style used by ruin that is recruiting from the losing servers we are geting a higher % of bads than we would normaly. The first thing they say when they enter the map is where is the zerg.
diligence- constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.
I feel sorry for you. Ruin is slowly recruiting a lot of the baddies on IoJ away. I know they took some of our good players, but the community is coming together more and more. I have to think that’s because it’s less diluted with the zerg mentality people now.
It’s a combination of factors. For one, not every server is highly WvW active. Another, of course, is the 24 hour period didn’t really gather all the data it needed, especially with whole guilds transferring two or three times. Still another is it’s possible the most WvW-obsessed servers are top heavy on the server list, with the rest either being inactive in WvW or very casual. And yet still… during the course of the matches, many began evenly, but as one side pressed more and more, the less committed or coordinated servers eventually started to crumble, resulting in people being less interested in fighting what was obviously a tiring battle.
My main concern is that there are basically four WvW-focused servers, and one will probably end up beating up on the two best-of-the-rest servers that have a lot of participants but just don’t have the coordination that’s necessary, or the Oceanic support. Two weeks may end up being too much. Another concern is that servers may end up fighting the same opponent for years to come. Which may actually be funny, as blood feuds begin to rise.
Maguuma and Tarnished Coast were actually doing okay against Dragonbrand for a short while – even during the night – but the orb bonuses just add up. Once the map looks bad enough, people just give up, and that’s it until enough people log on to rally. We have some pretty epic fights taking stuff back, but that’s the end of it really.
I’m having as little fun in WvW as I’ve had yet, and I started with BWE1. I still play though and will continue to do so.
The most important thing about rankings and the 24hr cycle test period was that nobody seemed to recognize that that cycle itself might not be conducive for some major guilds and servers. There needed to have been a second or third way of testing. say, with multi-day battles, that would have more accurately tested scores without counting.
Also, obviously, the server change problem. The only issue now, though, is that if they discontinue it suddenly, the eventual possible evening out will be nixed. People won’t necessarily want to pay the money to change to some crappy server and be stuck because of it.
Imperfect system; imperfect solutions.
Also, because I can’t quote it for some reason: to the guy on the first page that asked about playing sports and that you can’t win all of them: you’re ignoring the fact that that’s the obvious part. It’s that while you’re losing you can’t transfer to the winning team and start beating up on the players you just left. THAT’s what we get with the WvW first impression.
…beware the unicorns.
(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)
7 of the 8 matchups currently have the leader with more points than their two opponents combined, so it would seem that they are quite successfully beating down two servers simultaneously.
Not true. For our pairing, the team that has the big lead is frequently in third place, having the fewest points to add to their tally during primetime hours. A big lead doesn’t mean anything more than you’re successful at taking the entire map in off-peak hours and keeping it until lesser populated servers are active again.
After trying WvW couple of time I’m strongly turned off. I agree you win some you loss some in team sports, but the freaken match doesn’t last a whole week. Whats the point to log on for the rest of the week when you clearly lost.
I’m from Crystal Desert, just to clarify something with our current match up. When we were initially matched with Blackgate and Gate of Madness it was very competitive. Basically each server had capped their own map with Eternal being split evenly.
Then something weird happened. We started pushing in and very slowly gaining ground on them. Then it seemed once we capped a few towers and camps that a bunch of people just stopped coming into WvW. There was just less opposition in general and over the last day or so they’ve been completely contained to their spawn. Which would only serve to discourage anyone from joining WvW at this point.
Which sucks, because when we started it was an evenly matched fight and was fun to play.
That is interesting. I am on Blackgate and I observed something different. On Monday morning (9/18) @ 1 AM before I went to bed we were in 2nd place and within 40,000 points of Crystal Desert. I don’t exactly remember all of the holdings, but we had a decent amount. It seemed fairly even as you stated. Through Sunday evening Blackgate actually was scoring more points per tally than Crystal Desert.
When I checked @ 8:30 am, Crystal Desert held all but 3 supply camps, 3 towers, and one keep. Their score gap increased to 70,000 in just 7 hours. Crystal Desert’s overnight krewe capped the maps.
This is not a complaint. I am just clarifying things, since I made it a point to check. And as stated earlier, after a couple of weeks of this, the servers with strong overnight krewes will bubble to the top and get matched with each other.
Maguuma and Tarnished Coast were actually doing okay against Dragonbrand for a short while – even during the night – but the orb bonuses just add up. Once the map looks bad enough, people just give up, and that’s it until enough people log on to rally. We have some pretty epic fights taking stuff back, but that’s the end of it really.
I know at least for TC, we do well in our weekday prime time which seems to be around 8pm to 11pm Eastern. We can hold first for a time, and are usually within a hundred of the first placed sever.
Then we lose everything when the opposing team night comes on. This is the hole we have to dig ourselves out of every day. Sometimes not even our primetime crew is up to it (this happened on Monday night, when we couldn’t get anything going).
There is obviously a problem when there are only 3 hours in the day you can enjoyably play a large part of GW2’s endgame.
Last night my server, Maguuma, was working to take back our borderlands. All week this is what we have been dealing with. How can one server own ALL the maps in WvWvW?
Dragonbrand imo is the most organized server atm for WvW. The first week we got demo’d pretty bad by Blackgate. After that we started to form small teams and what not and work together. As time went on we built a even bigger force of which we run with and just stomp everything in our path. We have 3-4 commanders on threw out the day and night to help keep it organized. When we fully take one borderland we all port to the next and then the next and rinse and repeat.
I think the other servers need to put in as much effort as we have since we were stomped in the beginning of launch.
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand
Henge of Denravi: 171k
Stormbluff Isle: 127k
Jade Quarry: 109k
Eradon Terrace: 298kHowever, only 11 of 24 servers have even managed to score more than 100,000 points total so far this week.
This basically means that 7 of the 8 matchups are heavily skewed and obviously have not been competitive for days, if they ever were from the beginning. Just over half of the servers are being soundly thrashed in their matchups.
This would seem to indicate that Arenanet’s use of 24-hour matches during the launch period to establish data points really didn’t work. The strongest servers (or at least those able to field large numbers of players in WvW around the clock) are clearly not facing off against each other in most cases, but are instead just pounding on weaker opponents. This is, unfortunately, giving many players on many servers a poor impression of WvW.
Ok so I snipped out most of the matches.
You do realize by strength 24hours a day, the ones I left listed in your quote are the strongest. Henge being the Top server in WvW for NA.
If you set JQ/SBI/ET/HoD against any servers other then the listed ones above, they completely end up dominating.(Which they did during the 24hour match ups.)
In addition, the rankings are currently useless beyond belief for Arena Net. The main reason being is the free server transfers.
As soon as the server rankings went out, many people “jumped ship” on their servers, and joined ones which were in the top rankings.
Since transfers are still free, people continue to bounce back and forth. Some to smaller servers to get away from the “tail coat riders”. Some to go to a winning server and ride on the backs of people who have done the work and organization.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Dragonbrand player here.
Dragonbrand is getting more organized but I do not believe we would have won if didn’t have an oceanic presence. I’d say Maguuma and Tarnished Coast have shown greater tactics than Dragonbrand. Tarnished Coast’s Mesmer teleports, Tower defense tactics etc.. etc..
I was playing for a whole day before semester starts and found that the queue for Eternal background is one hour plus all day (until everything is capped at least).
This is a game, not a real life war. Begging Australians to play on your server is not “skill” and having to go to sleep/work is not a lack of skill and dedication.