DB V JQ V CD video
This video contains content from SME and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Sorry about that.
And here I was hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of myself getting 2 shot somewhere.
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan
Dont know what that means but ok
Motorboats, did you add music to the video?
If so, that’s probably what it is.
Killing a bunch of level adjusted players in terrible gear with a fully geared 80 doesn’t make for a very compelling video. 150 stats and 15% health isn’t gonna change that. Add in stereo-typically bad “ganking” pvp music to the video makes it even worse.
Thieves can kill squishes and rangers. Who knew?
Your character looks pretty boss though, I’ll give you that. Also, “there” != “their”.
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.
(edited by rndmize.9274)
this might have had my lowbie thief getting slaughtered, but I will never know because of greedy music companies
lol 60% of that video was level 80s 1v1 or 2v1 or 2v2 and 3v2
Do this on any other profession and I will be suitably impressed. All this video shows is the imbalance of thieves that can down somebody who is running with help and then disappear into the aether.
My standard response to thieves is to do nothing but survive and then watch them vanish when help shows up. Then scream at said help to let him go because chasing him is fruitless.
Stealth while stomping is effingkitten and trying to run from them is pointless because of their ability to spam the same skill until they run out of juice.
I don’t even know why they had to put stealth in thiskittengame. My guess is to try an entice the kitten bags that played rogues in WoW.
Every 2v1 fight in that video was against sub 80s. All you have to do is pop Thieve’s Guild and you’ll win any 2v1 fight against sub 80s. Hell the Thieves will probably win that fight while you stand there.
Just an FYI, when they have the green arrow next to their name that means they aren’t actually 80.
i never played wow i played DAOC and anyone who is good at CC can kill a thief very simple and FYI 60% of that video was level80s with 3 orbs. I like how before beta every cried that thiefs suck now they are OP ive seen some really really bad ones so your arguement is invalad. and when i roll another class i will make another video
GOod video. I couldn’t stand the music, but the video made me want to play my Asura Thief.
Only thing this video proved is that thiefs need a nerf….it didn’t prove u are better then them lol. Thumbs up for u if they nerf thiefs in a patch
As someone else said…do the same thing with the same ppl on other classes
Thieves are the least annoying class in WvW, predictable and only kill me when I’m below 10k hp to start with. Those gimmicky glass cannon hundredblade warriors, mesmers who are pretty much unkillable or can down you before you can finish them, and what I saw once that was waykitten : a warrior that pretty much always had 25 stacks of might. Using a hammer he would knock you down and hit you for 7k each with autoattack.
I used to think thief was annoying and OP as well, but after awhile I noticed they rarely ever kill me. They work well as a vulture but not really as a 1v1 class.
edit: Just to clarify before anybody gets mad… I’m not saying its not possible. I’m just saying that most thieves are much easier to manage than the two I listed. Mostly due to class design. They have flaws that they can’t really do anything about while others can.
(edited by celeron.3469)
If you know how to play your class and catch a good thief sleeping on his dodges he will be dead in under 10 seconds…
Well the video shows to me is something I already knew when its actually close to a close fight jq loses. But I will say jq is very good at 30 v 5, so you have to give them that
They sure do have alot of players. But also alot of ex daoc good ones
We’ve been getting pooped on. And DB is obnoxious
I got in a lot of 1v1s against JQ with orbs and they could some use some work on their individual skills. but they have the population they don’t have to fight 1v1 if they don’t want to
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert
Yah i cant wait for friday for next mat h up
Is there a way to see next match ups?
lol thieves are a little op
but the bigger problem is that certain classes are way underpowered
I dont know why people think thief are op or easy to play. They still think thief hit on button. Heartseeker sucks except for chasing and closing the gap. Most thiefs are glass cannons and very easy to kill w cc. Evade is your friend… Whenever someone makes a video and is doing good people bypass skill and just say the class is op. OwellSeptember 28, 2012 15:51Permalink
eles are also glass canons, but they have half the burst of thieves. In all exalted gear, it takes me 8-10 hits of my best attacks to kill someone. But that’s only when I’m using d/d, which is completely unviable in pvp.
What I’m saying is that eles are twice as fragile as thieves with only half of their burst. And their best escape ability is mist form but that’s rarely enough.
Ele is one class i have yet to expement with but i have ran across some dangerous ones
Whats best way to import the movies fir best quality ive tried everything.
I used to fear fighting thieves with my Guardian, then I started using a lot of Retaliation.
I no longer fear fighting thieves
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.
Retaliation will destrory a thief trying to burn you diwn