DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: igknats.5387


Dear Arenanet ,
I want to thank you for the random and sour tasting WvW formula you use to set up matches. when you see a tier 5 Highly Populated server going up against a tier 8 server. you should step in do something about it. same with all those lopsided matches you think would be great for the Morale of the game and WvW. sure those lower tier servers have their Moments, far and few in between, what do you thing it does to them when it’s a total lose?
For those servers out there who think it’s an Awesome idea to totally destroy the lesser servers.. Congrats! you accomplished your agenda, what ever it may be. oh yes the Bragging rights on saying " We beat an Lower Tier server". when a match gets out-of-hand there got to be a system in place to insure the morale doesn’t effect the population of the lower tier servers.

Go ahead and blast me, we all been there. solution to a problem is not to say negative things to a person who brings up a concern but to those that have the power to change things. sure some servers might actually throw a match to lower their servers tier standing, that’s up to them. but coming from a tier 8 server ,oh yes we throw every match to stay where we are. so if no one else sees a problem with the system so be it. typing this vent relaxed me to a point to Log back in and finish PVE map completion.. oh boy.. fun fun ..

(edited by igknats.5387)

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: KlausKNT.9302


To be honest in low popul server – like t8 when it face t5 server there is noting to organize. Becose there are no players on wvsw to fight.
If yu ask why i can tell yu:
Becose almost all players not login to wvsw, there is no big wvsw guilds, only smal witch few players. Most players who login are PUGing players who logof after x deaths when they see that noting can be do here.
So yu ask me why noting can be do here?
Becose eawen when a guild group of 5pll + some pug will take a point in map (tower, keep) it will be teaken back after a 15 minutes or les, when enemy bloob of 30+ 50+ 70+ 100+come to farm wexp, karma trains etc.
And there is the point of this state of wvsw:
Fight in rating 1:3, 1:5, 1 :10 !! Yu really think its posible defend anyting when a bloob of 100 enemy come where yu have 10 players to defend?
Thats why players ask for some wvsw balance based on player population on each servers.
Players login on wvsw for profit.
Understand for hight popul server when fighting low popul is easy. They login only for lvl alts, farm wexp, ranks, farm karma, funn for kiling players who move with smallest group (it make them fell strong ),etc., becose is easy in bloob when yu not face another enemy bloob.
Players on low popul server login for profit TO.
If they see that no points can be teaken here, or noting can be done becose of superior enemy numbers they quit wvsw (why they shal waste time for no profit?).
And this is normal and its designed in current wvsw meta state.
So its Anet work to make wvsw playable and enjoyable for all players.
So lets give them time for work on it , and i think in future threads like this one will be no more
Greetings for all wvsw Players!!

(edited by KlausKNT.9302)

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: Tribio.8531


Although there is some horrendous English in the post above, it has some great truths.. As a native FoW player this has been a frustration by lots of players on our map when facing a high populated server..

The only positive thing about our matchup at the moment is that WSR has lost quite some WvW guilds, therefor resulting in a medium popped WvW server, and giving a nice matchup in T9..

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

While there is some truth in this post, it’s clear you come from a place where you have WvW players online 24/7, and where there are mega guilds of 50+ people who queue maps every day of the week.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

While there is some truth in this post, it’s clear you come from a place where you have WvW players online 24/7, and where there are mega guilds of 50+ people who queue maps every day of the week.

if you think there are 50 man mega blobs everywhere, even on tier 1 youre sorely mistaken

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Yes man is not mega blob, it is ordinary blob

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

While there is some truth in this post, it’s clear you come from a place where you have WvW players online 24/7, and where there are mega guilds of 50+ people who queue maps every day of the week.

if you think there are 50 man mega blobs everywhere, even on tier 1 youre sorely mistaken

That’s not at all what I said. Good job going all defensive and proving my point though.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I Sympathize the Op concerns; afterall i believe in helping and caring for the lesser ones..servers

How Arena net, How

(They Beautifuly Cared and Helped the Ranger Class- the lesser ones)

I Hope they give the same Beautiful treatments for the lower servers as well- the lesser servers.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

DEAR Arenanet..I want to thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


sigh, here we go again, such ignorance, such insolence and ingratitude, tired of telling people to get together, organize your guilds, create a server wide comms, WRITE down your wvw guilds and their timezones and etc, have server meetings, but no, im tired, might as well make an “I QUIT” post for all the constructive value youre creating

While there is some truth in this post, it’s clear you come from a place where you have WvW players online 24/7, and where there are mega guilds of 50+ people who queue maps every day of the week.

if you think there are 50 man mega blobs everywhere, even on tier 1 youre sorely mistaken

That’s not at all what I said. Good job going all defensive and proving my point though.

*facepalm, what in the world are you talking about? a_a, there are neither 50+ man guilds queeing maps nor are they on 24/7, oceanic to asian timezones can only ever fill a borderland if they stack in one map