[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
DH/GoM/HoD - 1/25
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
Our goal of hitting Tier 8 is almost complete.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
yeah please dont get grumpy cuz this week has been a little bit less balanced then we have been enjoying. if its truly the new DH alliance or transfers, who cares its happenned, and although i will miss the close race, its still not a total knock-out by any means, primetime NA is still a blast. its not totally overwhealming, and DH still makes some dumb mistakes from time to time. but at the same time they have more “round the clock” coverage. SO they have definitly earned their inevitable push to tier 6 once IOJ makes their way down here.
anyways lets keep it honourable, keep it classy. dont just QQ or rage cuz its not as fair, keep playing and have fun.
GoM has given up on WvW a long time ago.
Speak for yourself.
No after participating a little today, i pretty much speak for everyone.
After playing 2 hours after this post was created :
This is an official apology to GoM. We are sorry we went a little overboard on the fun
There is a reason we can’t have nice things, and something something DH and GoM alliance…
and seeing that GoM took back everything and had the standard points in EB, I think it’s safe to say that we are still fighting.
GoM has given up on WvW a long time ago.
Speak for yourself.
No after participating a little today, i pretty much speak for everyone.
No you don’t. There is always fun to be had. After farming the DH spawn campers for about half an hour (thanks for the loot guys), we went to visit DH’s keep in EB.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork
To my server Darkhaven ,
We have all and I mean all worked hard to bring us up from the depths of hell! Yes we have an alliance on Darkhaven which is is the bomb diggity ( lol ) but even the guilds who are not in the Alliance are working just as hard. We have the best commanders in and out of Alliance. The point is we all worked together to achieve a greater purpose to get out of the losing streak we have been on for months. Just shows that when you come together things start happening and look we are doing great!! So keep up the great job EVERYONE!
Serine Tempest
serinetempest, dont forget to mention server transfers that you DH guys received. They came in last week(week 2) of this concurrent 3 week match up. If you compare week one to week two and this the third its evident that it wasnt only a new alliance but an influx of players too.
You guys also have a very strong night presence that GoM, maybe HoD, doesnt have. I’ve had to stay up into the early morning to help defend keeps etc, not much 5-15 can do against 30-50.
below attachments highlight what i mean, look at the time ( est) on the map, very strong presence all day while GoM is good at NA primetime.
The last one makes me think u guys ( DH and HoD) really dont want us in EB, had the same attack split in our GoM BL the other night too.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
(edited by Sororita.3465)
Oh boy… I thought we were doing better than this in our T7 threads the past couple weeks. Lets keep that chest thumping on the down-low if we can, mkay? All three servers have been variously winning or losing the last few weeks, no need to get all superiority complex in here.
Yeah, I thought so too; ‘till HoD starting pointing fingers at Darkhaven for “allying with GoM.” I’m just trying to address those accusations, that’s all. No superiority complex here, just cold hard facts. We don’t need to team up with another server to win. May be hard to swallow, but the truth seldom is.
You need to stop with this chest thumping garbage right now. First, we pride ourselves on being good sports. These kinds of posts just make us all look bad. This is the tier where we match off in honorable combat and keep things classy on the forums. Second (and not really bragging – just pointing out), you guys didn’t win the most recent match, so I don’t think you are really looking at all of the “cold hard facts” when you make these kinds of statements.
DH will probably win this week, but I dont see anyone giving up any time soon (its not in our nature). The early lead is a little more significant than the one you had last week. I dont care if its because you got alot of transfers or if its because you are organizing better (either is a good thing). The only thing that matters is that we keep the fighting fun and discourse classy.
Don’t get all bent out of shape. I’m hardly trying to “chest thump.” I don’t even know why i’m responding, regardless next time i’ll be a little more considerate and sugar coat things.
Well it is obvious from the post from guilds saying they just joined DH, that even if they noticed them or not they have got transfers.
But also don’t forget the affect winning has on a population. DH has been up and was moving down getting beat on. That causes a lot of people to quit wvw’ing as much. A good match up and a strong showing and winning once do wonders for WVW population.
It is all good though, while obviously they out number us a part of the time, if they didn’t spend so much of the time attacking at the same time it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as it seems. And It just makes sense to do it that way, I don’t think anyone is planning anything. And even if they are so what. Good fights, good fun. We could do much worse. If we get bumped to t8 so be it. Hopefully we will be the right size for it.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
serinetempest, dont forget to mention server transfers that you DH guys received. They came in last week(week 2) of this concurrent 3 week match up. If you compare week one to week two and this the third its evident that it wasnt only a new alliance but an influx of players too.
You guys also have a very strong night presence that GoM, maybe HoD, doesnt have. I’ve had to stay up into the early morning to help defend keeps etc, not much 5-15 can do against 30-50.
below attachments highlight what i mean, look at the time ( est) on the map, very strong presence all day while GoM is good at NA primetime.
The last one makes me think u guys ( DH and HoD) really dont want us in EB, had the same attack split in our GoM BL the other night too.
It don’t matter we are working together that is what matters. Im sorry if your upset that Darkhaven is doing good maybe what you need to do is start being nice to your community in WvW and get together with some of the guilds on your server and try to work out strats. That might help.
It has been interesting watching HoD and DH duck each other and both go after anything and everything red today…
It don’t matter we are working together that is what matters. Im sorry if your upset that Darkhaven is doing good maybe what you need to do is start being nice to your community in WvW and get together with some of the guilds on your server and try to work out strats. That might help.
Your’re the only one with an upset tone here, chill would you?
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
To my server Darkhaven ,
We have all and I mean all worked hard to bring us up from the depths of hell! Yes we have an alliance on Darkhaven which is is the bomb diggity ( lol ) but even the guilds who are not in the Alliance are working just as hard. We have the best commanders in and out of Alliance. The point is we all worked together to achieve a greater purpose to get out of the losing streak we have been on for months. Just shows that when you come together things start happening and look we are doing great!! So keep up the great job EVERYONE!Serine Tempest
You are one hundred percent correct. I do not think it was anyone’s true intention to insult anyone on the server nor to say that our server is doing nothing and that only the alliance is the main reason. The alliance simply has allowed a lot more coordination to be made and in turn has helped establish an a basic role of jobs and positions between guilds who have joined. The victory goes to all of Darkhaven and anyone who has stepped in wvw during the week. I think a lot of the issue was simply people being proud of what they have accomplished seeing as we have been beat pretty bad to be shot down here so fast. If anything, our main goal is simply to unite DH and allow us to gain the confidence and moral that we had before we lost the T2W guilds. I apologize to anyone I or anyone else here has offended by our comments or posts, a lot of them were spur of the moment pride posts and simply put this should be a safer place for the posts and for all sides to talk to each other off the battlefield. However, as i am sure the point has been made, DH does not have an alliance with GoM or HoD, nor do we believe that either of you two have an alliance with each other. I realize we have been fighting for what will be three weeks at the end of this match and it is time for a rotation of servers. Until then let us try to just enjoy the game and have fun for the next few days.
serinetempest, dont forget to mention server transfers that you DH guys received. They came in last week(week 2) of this concurrent 3 week match up. If you compare week one to week two and this the third its evident that it wasnt only a new alliance but an influx of players too.
You guys also have a very strong night presence that GoM, maybe HoD, doesnt have. I’ve had to stay up into the early morning to help defend keeps etc, not much 5-15 can do against 30-50.
below attachments highlight what i mean, look at the time ( est) on the map, very strong presence all day while GoM is good at NA primetime.
The last one makes me think u guys ( DH and HoD) really dont want us in EB, had the same attack split in our GoM BL the other night too.
It don’t matter we are working together that is what matters. Im sorry if your upset that Darkhaven is doing good maybe what you need to do is start being nice to your community in WvW and get together with some of the guilds on your server and try to work out strats. That might help.
I am blown away by how little you know what you’re talking about and the high horse you’re riding.
serinetempest, dont forget to mention server transfers that you DH guys received. They came in last week(week 2) of this concurrent 3 week match up. If you compare week one to week two and this the third its evident that it wasnt only a new alliance but an influx of players too.
You guys also have a very strong night presence that GoM, maybe HoD, doesnt have. I’ve had to stay up into the early morning to help defend keeps etc, not much 5-15 can do against 30-50.
below attachments highlight what i mean, look at the time ( est) on the map, very strong presence all day while GoM is good at NA primetime.
The last one makes me think u guys ( DH and HoD) really dont want us in EB, had the same attack split in our GoM BL the other night too.
It don’t matter we are working together that is what matters. Im sorry if your upset that Darkhaven is doing good maybe what you need to do is start being nice to your community in WvW and get together with some of the guilds on your server and try to work out strats. That might help.
I am blown away by how little you know what you’re talking about and the high horse you’re riding.
Hey now all I am trying to do is give props to EVEYRONE! whos stepped into WvW the last few week and busting there butts off to try and change the situation. And like I said it does not matter if there are server transfers we will keep on working together in and out of the Alliance. Have fun and do it with respect towards your fellow players. This is the last post from me I can see why people don’t post on forums All I tried to do was give the players on Darkhaven a pat on the back. I respect you all
Thanks for being a great community Darkhaven
Oh boy… I thought we were doing better than this in our T7 threads the past couple weeks. Lets keep that chest thumping on the down-low if we can, mkay? All three servers have been variously winning or losing the last few weeks, no need to get all superiority complex in here.
Yeah, I thought so too; ‘till HoD starting pointing fingers at Darkhaven for “allying with GoM.” I’m just trying to address those accusations, that’s all. No superiority complex here, just cold hard facts. We don’t need to team up with another server to win. May be hard to swallow, but the truth seldom is.
That was one person. I know our server is still a bit less full than some, but I really hope people realize HoD isn’t exclusively one individual. Just like the player grabemx who said GoM gave up on WvW, yet I seem to have seen quite a few of them these last couple weeks that testifies differently. One person does NOT speak for a server.
Guys, calm down and try and go back to being civilized. If I wanted to see egos running rampant, I’d go to a more proper location… like a sports bar.
Henge of Denravi since day 1
(edited by Nicolatte.5360)
Agreed. We were much more civil the first week we competed. Hope that can continue. Am pretty sure no cross server alliances have happened. Even tho population has made this match less balanced. But it’s nowhere close to some of the imbalances we’ve had other matchups. Plus you may not all agree but I still believe our three servers have much better manners and less cheats/hacks than some. Let’s take pride in that and our own conduct. Even tho GoM has fallen behind a bit, I wouldn’t be surprised if you surpassed us thru the week. Don’t give up yet. And to my home server of HoD, big thumbs up! Love ya guys.
I want to thank all 3 servers for the fun that we are all having. GoM and HoD, you had me going insane all day with Hooligans/Golanta supply camps and almost 2 times taking out Wildcreek and Klovan while I was on EB. Mad respect for you all. Had a freaking blast out there…
As I have left EB with the rest of the commanders taking over the score is:
DH = 88206 +270
HoD = 55040 +220
GoM = 49670 +205
Server: Jade Quarry | Recruitment: Open
GoM certainly has not given up on WvW, we just have longer periods of inactivity over night.
Scarecrow Z – Female Human Engineer
It has been interesting watching HoD and DH duck each other and both go after anything and everything red today…
I’ve been noticing that too over the week end, especially in EB.
But anyway, this WvW isn’t too bad. No server totally dominates the other two. Yes DH has more points, and sometime more than half the points, but generally the other two servers capture back their points.
At least, when you go in WvW you find a bunch of players moving around trying to capture tower and keeps.
When I see some other match ups where one server utterly dominates the other 2, I’m kind of happy to be on a low tier where we can have fun.
By my saying that people have given up on WvW I am seeing less and less of the usual commanders online and more arguing in chat. Yeah last night we battled and pushed HoD and DH back in EB, but lately it’s been more arguing about who knows more about PVP and less actually strategizing and using tactics. I do admit that it’s a bit more competitive than when Kaineng breezed thru here.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
That depends really. On saturday afternoon we had 2 commanders in EB and one in our BL and they completely worked together : telling some of us to help in BL when we were under attack, or going to HoD BL when they situation was rather calm before going back in EB to help fend of DH.
It was really nice to see such teamwork.
But yes, some commanders aren’t that great…they think a little too high of themselves because they got a blue arrow above their head. But that isn’t exclusive to GoM.
TeamBattleAxe did you join RH?
kudos to GoM for their efforts in WvW and rebuilding – in the end I think GoM and us are going to get some transfers when pay for transfers go live as we should be cheaper – looking forward to the fights GoM always brings itYep. I’d been pretty much just roaming and flipping camps solo for the last few weeks since my gaming group only does dungeon runs now. I got the chance to run with RH a few times and had a blast. Good people, extremely well-coordinated, and always willing to take the fight straight to your doorstep no matter how outnumbered or behind on the scoreboard. As soon as they told me they were sticking with GoM after free transfers were over, it was a no-brainer for me.
I’ve noticed that several other freelancers I’d see on a daily basis have also recently joined up with other great guilds like [ASH] and [RISE]. I guess we’re all on the same wavelength that with many guilds leaving for greener pastures, we really need to stick with and strengthen the ones that stay. We don’t have a server-wide alliance or anything, but we’re definitely becoming more tightly-knit.
One thing imo that would help is if more of our server was on voice chat. (at least the commanders and dedicated WvW guilds) Typing anything kills only time and not defenders!
TBA glad you chose [RH]
Oxnar War, Oxnar Blades Thf, Oxnar Ripclaw Rng,
Ox Nar Ele, Oxett Necro, Oxann Grd.
Don’t get all bent out of shape. I’m hardly trying to “chest thump.” I don’t even know why i’m responding, regardless next time i’ll be a little more considerate and sugar coat things.
To understand why people don’t like what you have to say you only have to look at the things HoD players were saying when we won 2 weeks ago.
There is not a single post about how great we are for winning. Nobody explained how coordinated we were. Nobody talked about how we had so many more players. Everyone who posted was just happy to have a very balanced match-up. That week we had the most balanced match-up among all the servers including the EU battles. This was HoD’s first win since the Titan alliance left. Frankly, winning a close game means way more than having a sizable advantage. This is why the people who were bragging about beating HoD shortly after we lost the vast majority of our WvW players were viewed as pathetic.
Also, you explained your alliance situation, but nobody asked about your kittening alliance or how you were winning. Your post was basically “Let me explain why we are better than HoD and GoM.” Talking about how great your alliance is without any sort of provocation is most certainly chest thumping. If you looked up the definition of “chest thumping” you would find a description of what you have done. If you think you aren’t being at least a little pompous and arrogant, you’re aren’t being honest with yourself. I mean, you’re claiming that you went from losing the first week by a rather thin margin to holding a significant point lead this entire week based almost entirely on coordination and strategy. So, you think DH is just that good and/or HoD and GoM are just that bad.
For the record, I am not bent out of shape personally. I will not lose any sleep over unsubstantiated claims that someone from every server has pitched before. I’m just trying to help you realize how you might post in the future without making an kitten of yourself.
… I mean, you’re claiming that you went from losing the first week by a rather thin margin to holding a significant point lead this entire week based almost entirely on coordination and strategy. So, you think DH is just that good and/or HoD and GoM are just that bad.
For the record, I am not bent out of shape personally. I will not lose any sleep over unsubstantiated claims that someone from every server has pitched before. I’m just trying to help you realize how you might post in the future without making an kitten of yourself.
Free Server Transfers strike again.
But being on DH, I’m going to agree with you, the first week of HoD-GoM-DH was the most fun and balanced match-up we had had in DH for almost 2 months. And yeah, it’s not skill or strategy, its numbers.
It wasn’t any fun losing big guilds and playing on the losing side of a unbalanced match-up, just as it isn’t any fun gaining guilds and playing on the winning side of a unbalanced match-up.
But since it is unbalanced now, I’m hoping with some luck the ranking system will balance out before everyone gets trapped in weeks and weeks of unbalanced unfun wvw.
He has already apologized for the post so lets move on please.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
He has already apologized for the post so lets move on please.
Where are your pics?
I will say that, even though numbers wise this week is unbalanced, it still has been a lot of fun so far. I’ve had some good fights while roaming, found some really great players that I hope to face against sometime (some to redeem myself >_< ) and some just because the fights was so much fun, and afterwords either I bow respectfully or my opponent does the same. Good sportsmanship like that makes me want to keep getting better and be a respectful opponent like these people. Props to all servers <3
Such a shame, new update removes siege in WvW jumping puzzles.
Though I guess that means griefers now have to prove their mettle or get more creative, which should be exciting =P
…beware the unicorns.
GoM has given up on WvW a long time ago.
Speak for yourself.
No after participating a little today, i pretty much speak for everyone.
Our goal of hitting Tier 8 is almost complete.
Don’t be a depressive dog. Be a Courage Wolf.
By my saying that people have given up on WvW I am seeing less and less of the usual commanders online and more arguing in chat. Yeah last night we battled and pushed HoD and DH back in EB, but lately it’s been more arguing about who knows more about PVP and less actually strategizing and using tactics. I do admit that it’s a bit more competitive than when Kaineng breezed thru here.
Not sure where you are going with this.
I play WvW a lot and I see most of the commanders we had late november-early december. Every night I see them on, we discuss, we exchange information between maps. Hell, regardless of the commander tag, I recognize a lot of our veterans every night, fighting against all odds and sharing their knowledge of the game.
Yes we lost some people over the last few months, but we have a strong core, and we gained some too: lately we have a wave of new players to train. Now the question really is:
- Will you help GoM kickback and seize the occasion…. by the throat?
Coming up next weeks:
—> New WvW Website-Forum for Gates of Madness (see Scarecrow)
—> GoM Alliance Reformed.
—> Organized Events/Training sessions
Gates of Madness will bite back, with jaws of steel.
Not sure where you are going with this.
I play WvW a lot and I see most of the commanders we had late november-early december. Every night I see them on, we discuss, we exchange information between maps. Hell, regardless of the commander tag, I recognize a lot of our veterans every night, fighting against all odds and sharing their knowledge of the game.
Yes we lost some people over the last few months, but we have a strong core, and we gained some too: lately we have a wave of new players to train. Now the question really is:
- Will you help GoM kickback and seize the occasion…. by the throat?
well im certainly sticking around even if we drop to bottom US server, been really nice playing with a few people, just need to find myself an active WvW guild. Also just got my first 80 after starting a few weeks ago, was going to hit it sooner but i’ve had a lot of hours at work and i got side tracked by WvW lol.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
@ the few people that do this sort of thing and exploit a busted hillside… c’mon.
It’s been quite a fight in your BL, GoM
…beware the unicorns.
ah c’mon ink that’s not that bad… plus look at where our ballista is. lol plus I think it’s like that for a reason.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
plus. that’s a bad screenshot of me… I was getting owned by them. :| next time get my good side…say with like 6 dead people around me or something.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
About 10 seconds later Acium had a ring of dead bodies around him. Not lying!
…beware the unicorns.
@ the few people that do this sort of thing and exploit a busted hillside… c’mon.
It’s been quite a fight in your BL, GoM
Saw multiple players from both DH and HoD exploiting the invulnerable spots yesterday behind both southern supply camps. It’s most certainly not limited to one server.
Saw multiple players from both DH and HoD exploiting the invulnerable spots yesterday behind both southern supply camps. It’s most certainly not limited to one server.
That’s why I didn’t point out a server and asked in general “@ the few people that do this sort of thing…”
I’ve seen people guilty of it on my server too, and try to avoid it as much as possible.
It happens. Just asking people to avoid the temptation lol
…beware the unicorns.
It isn’t a server issue. It’s an individual issue.
Get mad at those doing it, not any servers in particular.
@ the few people that do this sort of thing and exploit a busted hillside… c’mon.
It’s been quite a fight in your BL, GoM
I always thought that part was intentional. After all, there’s a big ol’ ramp in the terrain directing you where to go. Without that option, vale would be the only camp with only one entrance (excluding border entries).
Now, that ballista placement…. :P
I always thought so too.
On a side note, I finally appeared in a screen from another server.
I’m the sylvari ranger to the right
Gate of Madness [ART]
I always thought that part was intentional. After all, there’s a big ol’ ramp in the terrain directing you where to go. Without that option, vale would be the only camp with only one entrance (excluding border entries).
Now, that ballista placement…. :P
I would agree, but for 2 things:
a) You can’t run there directly, you have to jump.
b) It’s inaccessible to people within the camp.
… no comment on the ballista haha.
On a side note, I finally appeared in a screen from another server.
I’m the sylvari ranger to the right
Glad I could find you!
…beware the unicorns.
I play WvW a lot and I see most of the commanders we had late november-early december. Every night I see them on, we discuss, we exchange information between maps. Hell, regardless of the commander tag, I recognize a lot of our veterans every night, fighting against all odds and sharing their knowledge of the game.
Yes we lost some people over the last few months, but we have a strong core, and we gained some too: lately we have a wave of new players to train. Now the question really is:
- Will you help GoM kickback and seize the occasion…. by the throat?Coming up next weeks:
—> New WvW Website-Forum for Gates of Madness (see Scarecrow)
—> GoM Alliance Reformed.
—> Organized Events/Training sessionsGates of Madness will bite back, with jaws of steel.
I applaud your effort, but with respect I hope you remember that a commander tag is just a 100g blue hat. The arrogance that has been exhibited lately by some of the new GoM commanders has been astonishing. Being a commander does not make you better than the other players nor does it entitle you to speak for the entire server. There are dozens if not hundreds of players on GoM who could afford a commander tag but choose not to buy it because they believe it’s a waste of money.
Don’t get me wrong I think a GoM alliance is a good idea, but after almost five months of WvW I am convinced now more than ever that commanders do more harm than good. If in the end the alliance is just a small group of hardcore jerks barking orders then the server will suffer and people will leave.
Just my two cents.
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
Our goal of hitting Tier 8 is almost complete.
All tiers are being reset on Friday. GoM could end up back in tier 4.
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
Don’t get me wrong I think a GoM alliance is a good idea, but after almost five months of WvW I am convinced now more than ever that commanders do more harm than good. If in the end the alliance is just a small group of hardcore jerks barking orders then the server will suffer and people will leave.
Just my two cents.
now i cant say anything on the matter of commanders before 3 weeks ago (when i started playing) but the commanders ive seen in the past few weeks have been excellent, organized us and have done it all in a fair and fun manner. sorry to hear thats how you’ve experienced it.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
A commander is a great tool to rally players on the map. Some commanders have a lot of experience in the game, have played WvW intensively for the last months. Others are quite new to WvW, and need advice as any other player.
The community is getting organized, the players will recognize their veterans (Commander tag or not), and the more we get to know each other and exchange on forums, the better it will be.
If you’d like to join in, contact me or Scarecrow or ask around, our new website/forum is up and open for discussion.
Gates of Madness biting back… Illustrated.
(edited by Shiver.5903)
Gates of Madness biting back… Illustrated.
Theres my back!
v just before that pic was taken, GoM on the walls.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
now i cant say anything on the matter of commanders before 3 weeks ago (when i started playing) but the commanders ive seen in the past few weeks have been excellent, organized us and have done it all in a fair and fun manner. sorry to hear thats how you’ve experienced it.
No need to be sorry. After three weeks of play I felt the same way. My overall point has to do with the long term success of the server and having a good community of wvw’ers.
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
A commander is a great tool to rally players on the map. Some commanders have a lot of experience in the game, have played WvW intensively for the last months. Others are quite new to WvW, and need advice as any other player.The community is getting organized, the players will recognize their veterans (Commander tag or not), and the more we get to know each other and exchange on forums, the better it will be.
Yeah I think we’re in agreement here on what we want for the server
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
@ the few people that do this sort of thing and exploit a busted hillside… c’mon.
It’s been quite a fight in your BL, GoM
Yeah. A spot you can jump where the terrain lets you go is an exploit. Unlike Every HoD I see hugging the invulnerability exploit. I had never known what people were talking about when they mentioned it till we were matched up against you some months back. And you always have to nerve to stand there laughing as if you are accomplishing something besides proving how pathetic you are that you have to rely on it not to die. IF the hill was an issue they didn’t want used, they would have closed it like they did the path you used to be able to jump to get the POI over the asura lab in the water cave in Bloodtide Coast.
last night was…incredibly frustrating even though i had alot of fun at the same time. it seems either we were just lacking the numbers today, or Gom has regained their coordination. regardless of the reason hats off to GOM for giving me a run for my money, and as always to DH who has definitly regained most of their old prowess as a wvw server. although we are now in third place. you have brought alot of issues in HoD to light. and will make us a better server in the end
Keep it up everyone