Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: aramina.2591


It’s very annoying not knowing when our guild should assemble and get ready. Last week we didn’t know till 4:20ish that reset was delayed till 5. This week, we had no indication whether or not it would be 4 or 5, and people started to freak out that we’d started 2 week matches with no warning. I know that we’d all appreciate either regular updates in the forum or even better, an in-game timer of some sort showing how much time is left in the current match.

Aramina Eventide, Engineer
UV, Borlis Pass

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: Phuriok.9307


^ this would be outstanding, granted I know you got enough on your plates atm lol

~ Phuriok
Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: Brood.4913


Yeah, how do you think us Euro’s feel – sat here at 2.20am…

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: MikeFerguson.8921


We adjusted the time last week to match other things that reset at 12:00am UTC. We don’t plan to move it again.

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: Think.8042


For all the europeans confused, that’s 0:00h on a 24h-clock

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


We adjusted the time last week to match other things that reset at 12:00am UTC. We don’t plan to move it again.

So what’s the logic behind the reset timer being at 1AM-4AM in the morning for a majority of the European player base? Why do the American servers get their server match ups reset at 7-8PM and we Europeans get it at 2~ in the morning? Is it difficult to give the same amount of respect that you give to our fellow American playerbase?

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: Laztor.4198


Seeing as there’s no NA/EU specific servers and the time zones are 9 hours apart between CET and PST, it would be difficult to give an agreeable reset time to everyone.

I would rag on ArenaNet for a few less than stellar design choices, but you’re asking for more than what is possible given the current system.

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


Seeing as there’s no NA/EU specific servers and the time zones are 9 hours apart between CET and PST, it would be difficult to give an agreeable reset time to everyone.

I would rag on ArenaNet for a few less than stellar design choices, but you’re asking for more than what is possible given the current system.

Yes, there is. European servers and NA servers. NA servers have their match ups reset at 5PM-7PM while Europeans have their match ups reset at 1-4 AM.

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: Laztor.4198


Huh, EU servers and no oceanic. That’s odd.

Dear Anet, can we have a reliable way to know when WvW is resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: IKShadow.4582


EU servers should reset at 20:00 CENTRAL yes let me repeat CENTRAL European time .. by putting it at 00:00 UTC its basically 2:00 AM at CET ( well CEST time ) Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site