Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


It seems that EotM solved the queue problems for T1 leagues ( NA and EU ) and opened new coverage problems for T2 & T3 ( european servers ).

the T2 and T3 servers in Europe are not empty , but are full of PVE players that enjoy now only the mist map and they don’t want to play in any of the old www map ( including the eternals ) because the pve in the new map is far better than the old maps.

after EotM in aurora glade where i am playing , a full server even in nights the coverage is just a non existent factor and our structures are available to any 5 man party to come and take everything, even a T1 sieged garrison without any resistance .

today we lost 2 www guilds and some dedicated scouters ( they transferred to t1 server ) that loved to upgrade and defending our home keeps because most of our people in prime time was in the new mist map.

a player want continuously action and fast rewards . unfortunately as it is designed the home borders when you have capped everything and there is not any enemy activity in the map , this action ends until some enemies appear in the map .

this is a core design problem for home borderlands . a problem that eternals and EotM don’t have !

the damage has done for aurora glade ,so, dear anet don’t allow destroyed more pve servers and react fast and do something please .

a possible emergency solution is to lower and fix the allowed numbers in each wvw home map , to become less zergy and more satisfied for roamers since the zergs are going now to EotM and www guilds are going to obsidian for their gvg and later i think better merge eternals with home borders in one big map ( a big eternals with the same npc inside as Mist ) . as it is now there is not any reason a server has eternals and home border , make just one main www map for each server and keep EotM too for the queue problems.

This way i am sure you can save some hardware resources too ( now, the 4 maps are one instance and this is why there is not any loading screen delay when someone wp from his home wp to eternals wp ), translated to money save for you and better hardware for us with less problems ( skill lag )

p.s. today at 22:00 i went to eternals without a single minute of queue . this never happened in the past ! honestly , i don’t want play again in home border and this is coming from someone that have lost his sleep many nights defending our border only to satisfy our scouters and the people that spend their time and gold for the daily upgrades !

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Eir Jordan.2156

Eir Jordan.2156

I think you need to take the point per tick game a lot less seriously if you are staying up all night to win a virtual war which means nothing and has no rewards. Furthermore asking Anet to restrict the options for players is simply a troll on your part. EotM shouldn’t be closed down nor should any of the traditional WvW maps. If you are this obsessed with WvW maybe you should head to SFR or something?

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Vyx.8607


Whoa no no no, I am really enjoying the reduction in population for roaming/small grouping. For now (at least till EOTM wears off), it’s nice to have a lesser blobby population running around and more 10v10’s smacking into each other.

EOTM is hot now because it’s new and people want a change. Give it a few more weeks and see what happens to the population overall.

Henge of Denravi – Denravi Alliance [DA]
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG –

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


What guilds did you lose?

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Karolis.4261


Let me rephrase this.
Heil Zergnet, since you released EoTM, all the zerglings moved there and left borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds less zergy. Please close borderlands so entire WvW population would end up in Eternal Battlegrounds and we could keep on zerging.
Sincerly yours,

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


…. If you are this obsessed with WvW maybe you should head to SFR or something?

i never escape from the problems , i will stay and fight

EOTM is hot now because it’s new and people want a change. Give it a few more weeks and see what happens to the population overall.

i thought the same at the start ,but i compared the rewards between the old and the new maps and i found that there is not any reason for a PVE player to play now in the old home borderland .

a player want continuously action and fast rewards . unfortunately as it is designed the home borders when you have capped everything and there is not any enemy activity in the map , this action ends until some enemies appear in the map .

this is a core design problem for home borderlands . a problem that eternals and EotM don’t have !

What guilds did you lose?

sorry , but i don’t want name who leaved us , but i can say that most of them was aurora glade players from the start of the game

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


It’s not just lower tier servers affected by this. It’s a really big issue, whereby losing servers lose a lot of their population to EoTM because they lose motivation to stay in regular WvW.

Whereas before, we’d see a lot of upset wins in close matches, nowadays, after reset night, it’s a karma train for the rest of the week.

EoTM should be closed if there’s no queue.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Vyx.8607


Your map is not representative of all of us. Outside of the whole crashing mess last night, we had plenty of people throughout wvw as did our competition. I cannot support this recommendation at all. Options are good, do not remove options.

It’s been what, only 1 week since EOTM came out? And we’re all crying that the witch is dead already.

Henge of Denravi – Denravi Alliance [DA]
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG –

(edited by Vyx.8607)

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Honestly, now that Anet destroyed the PPT portion of WvW, for many servers, they are going to have to do something to alter the Mist War.

Maybe making only 1 BL, and EB, or 2 BLs, and EB, would be better than 3 BLs and EB. The majority of servers can’t fill up more than 2 maps during the week.

I hope they do something, but, in the end it will be too late, and all the tranfers will have been done.

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


yup.. scrap borderland, and leave EBG…. those that can’t get in can go to EotM…..

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Many on my server can’t stand EBG… And many can’t stand the borderlands.
They offer different playstyles, which is ok for me.

Please, let’s keep our BL!

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Many on my server can’t stand EBG… And many can’t stand the borderlands.
They offer different playstyles, which is ok for me.

Please, let’s keep our BL!

this is the one point of view , but unfortunately there is one more view …

many servers in Europe had coverage problems at nights , now with one more map ( mists ) this problem is huge for them

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


AR have coverage problem… And I am a night player… when we are 10 to hold against servers that have 30+ men bus, plus roaming groups… we keep jumping from one map to the other… to try to defend, to try to get points, to try to not get steamrolled by the other servers…
Shutting off BL is not a solution. Right now we hold mainly because the adverse servers will not try too hard to reset our structures. They take what is easy. If we only had one map, we would not be able to hold them off. Because they would have to get our structures, thus they would be more persistent and all we would be able to do is watch as they reset everything…

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Many on my server can’t stand EBG… And many can’t stand the borderlands.
They offer different playstyles, which is ok for me.

Please, let’s keep our BL!

this is the one point of view , but unfortunately there is one more view …

many servers in Europe had coverage problems at nights , now with one more map ( mists ) this problem is huge for them

Like I said earlier, EoTM should be closed if there’s no queue for WvW.

Let people mess around in it for Living story, then close it and let it actually be an overflow. Not an alternative map.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Making EOTM a strictly overflow map is not going to help either… people who care for PPT already do not go there…

Making it accessible on OF only would means that only two or three servers can sometimes access it, which would encourage stacking even more…

AR nightimers have not been too much affected by EoTM, mainly because lot of “propaganda” (for lack of a better word) have been done since the beginning of the year to get and keep night players interested in score.
If players can’t be bothered with PPT, why force them to play a way or another? Some servers are going down the ladder, some other that used to lose all the time are going up… hopefully that will bring down the point disparity between servers – especially NA, where tiers are too far in-between.
EoTM is still relatively new… OS took over a moth to get somewhat stabilised – and there isn’t much to do there, compared with EoTM.
Give it time and work on your server mentality to get people back in PPT WvW, if that is what is important for you…

Forcing people into a game mode by making other game mode inaccessible at some points is never going to help.

I love the fact that I can experience somewhat equal MU in EoTM despite my game time, I love the fact that EBG is non-stop action, I love the fact that home BL is more of a defensive map and that the enemies’ BL demand more of an offensive gameplay. Any gameplay anyone wants should be available when that person wants it…

OF only for EoTM ecourages staking even more;
Players have to do their own propaganda for their servermates to joint in PPT MU;
And people should be able to chose to play the way they want;
Eotm is new, things will settle down – in the meantime, score difference between servers is decreasing

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


What guilds did you lose?

sorry , but i don’t want name who leaved us , but i can say that most of them was aurora glade players from the start of the game

Looks like ANet money making strategy of announcing a new tournament already works. SFR will be overstacked again, bad times for us

Till end of march only 3 servers will be left with WvW-population
Elona with most germans, Vizunah with most french, SFr with most of the others.
will be partly done by player paying for it. Afterwards, ANet can merge the remains for free

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

I’d say that already >50% of our WvW players left since S1. Most of them went to T1, some “only” to servers about 10 ranks above. Haven’t seen any queues for days now. It’s sad, but, well, the remaining will try to fight on smaller scale. Though it’s not really funny if you play against massive nightcapping like Fort Ranik and you loose everything every night. Upgrade a tower? What for?

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Berserk.7186


scrap borderlands and let there be 2 eternal battlegrounds and EOTM

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


EoTM should be closed if there’s no queue.

I think people are taking this the wrong way.

I can’t talk for everybody but the reason I prefer EotM is because it’s better designed in all aspects: graphics design, level design, gameplay…
It just reminds me of how much the Borderlands are flat and plain. Every borderland looks exactly like the other borderlands. Every tower looks exactly like other towers. Every camp… Every fort… Every guard… Every event… They’re all the same. It’s just boring.

You want to punish people for preferring a map that is better done?
I think it’s the other way around. The Borderlands should be upgraded to be more exciting.
Add some verticality. Make each Borderland different. Differentiate each territory.

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


EoTM should be closed if there’s no queue.

I think people are taking this the wrong way.

I can’t talk for everybody but the reason I prefer EotM is because it’s better designed in all aspects: graphics design, level design, gameplay…
It just reminds me of how much the Borderlands are flat and plain. Every borderland looks exactly like the other borderlands. Every tower looks exactly like other towers. Every camp… Every fort… Every guard… Every event… They’re all the same. It’s just boring.

You want to punish people for preferring a map that is better done?
I think it’s the other way around. The Borderlands should be upgraded to be more exciting.
Add some verticality. Make each Borderland different. Differentiate each territory.

Visually superior, yes. Mechanically inferior (with the exception of mob mechanics). It’s just a pugfest. If you have 30 people with you in voice comms, you can steamroll the entire map. Boring.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


guys i don’t think there is not any real reason to close the eotm and i don’t want too. it is a map for someone that wants to play in a www map without all this stress that have the www maps .

i just think that 4 borderlands + obsidian jp + EotM are too many maps for most of the servers out there , since the overflow mechanism in EotM can handle and satisfy someone in prime time ,who has not available slot in any www map !

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


i created a map to show you how i imagine the possible merge for the three home bordelands .i will explain later the new map and why i said that around the citadel wp and garrison must have death zones

enjoy it


Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Haralin.1473


i created a map to show you how i imagine the possible merge for the three home bordelands .i will explain later the new map and why i said that around the citadel wp and garrison must have death zones

enjoy it

This reminds me of the TESO RvR Map

It would be great if GW2 would make such a great Map like in TESO everyone would like it the zerglings and the roamers cause there is many space on the map.

Haralin Engineer