Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Cry.5679


I’m a loyal player in Jade Quarry Server for 2 years, and I WvW alot after collecting my achievements and legendaries. Other than the mindless farming in PvE, i really love the idea of countless opportunities in WvW fights. WvW is the thing that keeps me and my friends to come back.

I understand this is a free content, but many people are really unsatisfied with WvW. Please just make some minor changes or update the WvW borderland and battleground maps. Or at least add in interesting content.

- Expand the Eternal Battleground and Borderland Maps to encourage people to spread out. Make full use of sanctuary to encourage people to scout and protect their towers
- Have different themes like Halloween or Dragon Festival once in a while for Eternal Battleground/Borderlands Maps. Improve the graphic and visual of the maps to encourage people to stay and play.
- Make it feel like the Lion Arch Story, if we did not protect our borderland/keeps from the enemies, the whole city would destroy and citizens would suffer. Include some stories inside.
- There are many more ideas that you guys could brainstorm.

Imagine yourself sticking on the same WvW ground for 2 years, doing the same fights all the time. Arenanet, the only thing that keeps us going is our committee, and it is deteriorating. I hope something can be done to this, give us some love for players in WvW. That’s all I’m asking, i’m patient enough to wait for 2 years, but my urge to quitting is on the line.?

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Deaf ears. /15 characters

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Angel.6085


They don’t care about us because we aren’t part of their precious sPvP esport failure.

Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Blackie.3912


Making WvW bigger is the worst idea I’ve heard yet. Even after 30 minutes of running around I can’t find anyone, not even a zerg. I run in high action spots too (I’m on Mag btw) so being on a dead t8 server isn’t the issue. Honestly, add in new maps that are smaller, different types etc..

Maybe implement smaller versions of the PVE maps with keeps etc. in them, or not. We all know GW2 support doesn’t give a fly kitten about WvW, dunno why people keep trying.

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Scryeless.1924


Most definately some smaller maps. This would be awesome. However, they dont all have to be outdoors. They can be completely indoors like the inside of storming an actual castle. Clearing the dungeons, the throne room, the halls, the royal chambers, the kitchens, etc… or holding these positions and points from invaders.

You could Queue up for it. Then be randomly assigned to to a 5 man team that is part of a large 15 man team. 3 5 man teams could start by holding certain areas of the castle from invaders then after round one they could move to set up their own more personal defensive positions within the castle, then in round 3 they could be forced to complete an all out death match over every inch of the castle.

The points could be used to deliver something into Borderland maps similar to the way EotM delivers supply.

SoS – Ele – Burn Me, Freeze Me, Blind Me, Pound Me — Wait…What?
Warrior – The New Burninator! Strongbad would be so proud!
Guardian – Burn for you, heal for me, block for me and uh…sorry Im all out of gifts.

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

They don’t care about us because we aren’t part of their precious sPvP esport failure.

We could be.

Anet could easily make a WvW tournament, I mean competitive-wise not the crappy ones we’ve been getting.
Guilds and players can sign up from each server.
Each esport WvW battle can last 8 hours.

People like seeing 3 players fight 3 players. So why not 100v100v100???

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: kins.3294


Just forget about Anet ever doing something in WvW.

If you cannot accept WvW as it is now, and that it will never change then maybe follow the other thousands of players who left.