Dear Aurora Glade...

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


… our server (miller’s sound) would much apreciate if you guys could stop trying to take our keeps by bugging mesmers into them. i know the score looks kinda frustrating already but do you really think exploiting will help you guys against us?

right now you tried for the 3rd time entering the bay like that and you always get wiped at the inner doors. we wont leave our orb unprotected so there is no point in trying to sneak it illegally.

actually im just waiting for some flyhackers… would fit your playstyle so far. i really hope i’m wrong with that.

see you on the battlegrounds. and lets all hope for some good and clean fights.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


If you’re from Fort Rankik, that’s quite rich talk.

Also addressing a whole server is unjust. It’s only a handful of people. I for one don’t glitch or hack.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


i’m from miller’s (as i wrote in my post -.-). and i know that you cant accuse the whole server for that. but this morning they bugged a 35 man strong zerg into the bay and i wouldnt call 35 people “a handful”.

and dont get me wrong. i’m not even kitten it was just a lil annoying because you got half the time to react if they keep skipping the first door.

i’ll just keep an eye on that during the day and apologize for all you honest players out there i might have offended.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


there we go. next attemp on the bay after getting hills and both south tower like that. saw a bunch of ppl from [UNTY], [FLUX] and [UFC]. this morning it was [GH].

come on guys.. why would you play lame?

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Zordan.5628


So you say you got a mesmer inside? We’re holding the fortress longer then 24 hours and there was NO mesmer inside. We reported you all and it would be nice if you can stop to use this kitten jump bug.

Thank you!


Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: AnthonyZdravko.2051


personally I like the mesmer tactic, it’s interesting and spices things up a little.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: skly.5401


First off my apologies to both my home server Aurora Glade for painting our server in this light and apologies to our opponents: Miller’s Sound server.

As guild leader of Unity I have to take full responsibility for the actions of my guildies. I can assure you that we will be taking this matter very seriously.

I want to ensure my home server that Unity’s intentions have always been to assist the WvW effort wherever we can in a legitimate fashion and not to bring shame on AG as has occurred here.


[FEAR] the team,
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Xanti, your server is full of bots, i have pic of em.
You guys have 3 orbs and we dont get any fair fights, u need 3-5 more peeps to fight.
Give us fair fights and just dont run like to bots.
Next time when u come to cry about some 1 hacker, mayby should better check what your peeps are doing..
See u in there, pl dont run..

(edited by Taika.1347)

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


Sorry for my English
Xanti.8672 You new allies from Riverside use mesmer to get inside Cragtop and Garrison when they play against Blacktide.(have screenshots) Mb that was another guys anyway. But why i dint create theme in this topic? Becose now all servers from Fissure of Woe to Vizunah Square use it. Just place some people to patrol the walls. Hope anet fix it.
“see you on the battlegrounds. and lets all hope for some good and clean fights.”
yeah…with you zerg that will be very funny…Thanks you. we lose people incredibly quickly.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Anlied.1246


Do you think we like to have bots in our team? Bots takes our players places, we stay in queue, this is not good for us. Please report all bots you see and if you want kill them all. “Free exp”.
We have three orbs because we have fight for this orbs, and if someone takes 3 castles in 15 Minutes because he use a bug… is not a fight, it is a cheat. If you want fair fights 1vs1 please go in sPvP… in WvW wins the biggest and the best team. You need tactic, cordination, skill and good people.

respect for your comment.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Here u go then enjoy!
Dont have time to report all cheaters, i want to play and how said 1vs1`?
Yes u fight whit your orbs against empty server and at night! U earn it, gg!


(edited by Taika.1347)

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Anlied.1246


We report every day this bots, seriously. Thy don’t help us… they damage our team.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


And rest of u who left on our sever, never come back! We lost so many peeps cause of this stupid free server transfers. Well, good job Anet!

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Anlied.1246


yes I agree, the free server transfer is not good for none.
About the empty servers... we fight and we want to have good fights, it is more funny for us if we have a lot of enemies with good tactics. But it is not our fault if you don’t fight at night.... we do it and the night is part of the game.
Don’t be frustrated, we would lost someday against a better server too
*give cookie*

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


I wonder when Anet understand that their free transfers kill the server.
They already kill Vabbi. and now it Aurora glade turn.

yeah…hehe…cookie…if it came back WvWvW guilds… :<

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


hey guys,

first of all i wanna say that there are a few guilds on our server who just wanna fight you guys no matter if we are more, less or equal numbers. i heard about people/guilds leaving your server and i feel sorry for you. but for us it aint good either having (once again) a matchup in which we dominate cause of our player numbers. people start to think that there is no more to learn and that we are ready to fight those biggies like vizunah or elona which is absolutley wrong.

about those bots.
we and i guess every server who has some aint happy about them. i have the feeling that they always transfer to servers who are dominating their matchups. we keep reporting them and we even tried several things like moving them with mesmer portals to a position where they are trapped etc..

last thing i got to say is that i wasnt talking about “tactics” like leaving one mesmer in a lost keep to reenter it quickly. that is common and i like the fact that it is possible. i was complaining about people who use an exploit (i guess also with a mesmer) to get into the keep, skipping the doors or walls, without having a hidden mesmer in there. if you notice people from our server doing that i beg you to note down the names (if possible), guildtags and the situation. our server is absolutley against cheaters and exploiters and i would gurantee you a 300+ reporting players if we notice those things happening on our server.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: AkiraZero.8514


actually im just waiting for some flyhackers… would fit your playstyle so far. i really hope i’m wrong with that.

Don’t throw stuff like that around as if you can judge a whole server by the actions of a single person please.
I’ve been on AG since beta and this is the first time I’ve heard of any of us using any sort of a Glitch. As you’ll notice in our own battleground, we are severely outnumbered by both RoF and MS but we are still trying our hardest to fight back despite the recent scores driving most people to switch to different servers.
We are a proud server and wont let the actions of the few taint the reputation of the rest of us, if any glitching occurs just report it instead of coming on the forums trying to give us a bad name please.

Keep up the good work in WvW, you guys are really making us work to take even the smallest of points Hopefully it won’t cause too many more of our players to ditch us and run away to severs that winning like the last fight did.

Akira Antares/Necrosymphonic/Valiant Echo [AVA] [ZERO]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


Do you think we like to have bots in our team? Bots takes our players places, we stay in queue, this is not good for us. Please report all bots you see and if you want kill them all. “Free exp”.
We have three orbs because we have fight for this orbs, and if someone takes 3 castles in 15 Minutes because he use a bug… is not a fight, it is a cheat. If you want fair fights 1vs1 please go in sPvP… in WvW wins the biggest and the best team. You need tactic, cordination, skill and good people.

respect for your comment.

When we were farming your bots last night from 5am to 8am, some of them started moving like real players and chasing us.

It was then clear to us that your bots were then being controlled by real players. Maybe they had an agreement to group up and run the same bot script during the night. This so that they can make extra pop whilst sleeping.

I have only seen these bots during the night, so I don’t think it is right to complain they are using up spots in the queue.

Aurora Glade is now dead in terms of WvW. All the good commanders have left, and so have the strong WvW guilds. I think this server will drop to the bottom amongst Fissure of Woe and Ruins of Surmia.


(edited by spacemayu.4817)

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


actually im just waiting for some flyhackers… would fit your playstyle so far. i really hope i’m wrong with that.

Don’t throw stuff like that around as if you can judge a whole server by the actions of a single person please.

quoting just a part of a post aint always good ma friend ^^
in case you havent read my whole posts….

and i know that you cant accuse the whole server for that. but this morning they bugged a 35 man strong zerg into the bay and i wouldnt call 35 people “a handful”.

i’ll just keep an eye on that during the day and apologize for all you honest players out there i might have offended.

i never had the intentention to give your server a bad name. i just asked nicley to stop it since it occured 3 times in one hour (how can i know, if it was the first time ever on your server). moreover i wanted to inform honest players like skly and saskia so they can keep an eye on that.

P.S.: dont get to frustrated about the situation on your server right now. if there are people on your sever leaving because of one loss you dont need them. maybe it will be better to let all of those people leave and then reorganize with the remaining forces who actually do wanna fight for the server. miller’s sound started at the last postion into the 1-week-fights. we had no wtj, nor any players just entering wvw for karma and exp. so we could organize us all since we had the same intention to play wvw. sure we got some wtj at this point since we climbed up the ladder continuously but they have to integrate themselves into our already existing structures which makes it way easier.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: dsslive.8473


Honestly, while i agree one shouldn’t use such exploits, its a bit much for you to come here and speak for your server wanting a fair fight when i’ve seen , on numeral occasions, miller’s sound invaders inside our base. Not a tower/keep or camp, but our base where we spawn. So please don’t make Aurora glade look badly while making Miller’s look all holy.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Bumble.6940


This is a hilarious post. Why come onto the forums to complain about single group. Most people don’t even look at these, so i doubt said individuals did to see your requests for peace and quiet. I thought you were suppose to be German? I also thought writing a letter (or the internet equivalent) was the British thing to do anyway?

Basically, Aurora and Ring been steam rolled since the turn over at a silly time in the morning. So we’ve had no one on and every keep/tower etc is supplied and upgraded to the max before we even started playing. And quite simply its boring! We can turn up as a group to achieve something but within 10 minutes we’ve been zerged cos we don’t have the player base or the supply structure to hold anything now.

Strangely, does it seem surprising that cheap tactics or glitches -however dev intentional they are – are being used? Get over it, your winning. And by people trying to do something ‘inventive’ you aren’t sat twiddling your thumbs. Which is the other alternative.

In terms of bots, how are they not helping?! Set the script up to go take a castle at 3am in the morning while the majority of players are asleep. Which frankly could well have been the case as the WvW servers changed, causing Miller’s to own the lot. That or there was a meeting i missed, where everyone that works a night shift was playing on the same realm.

Some Warrior from Aurora Glade.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Bumble, my post has nothing to do with the actual score or player numbers disadvantage on your side. Kinda tired to explain my intention over and over again. It aint our fault that you guys overslept the reset. We do make a weekly event out of it (this friday we had more than 300 people on our wvw teamspeak for the reset). So you think being behind at the scoreboard legalizes exploit use etc.? Then we have to agree to disagree in that point.

I wouldnt mind spicing up this weeks matchup but it is your turn to do so. I already saw that you guys are able to kick us out of a keep. But after claiming it you guys went for the next target which aint the best idea to be honest.

And no, there was no meeting, nor are we using bots to take over keeps and towers (which makes accusing us for that kinda ridiculous). In case you didnt notice yet, the resets are at friday night. In most parts of the world the friday night is part of the weekend where many people are allowed to go to sleep late


P.S.: @dsslive
Despites i think it aint ok entering the spawn either, you should know that there is absolutley nothing enemies can do in another spawn. Only thing i can imagine is killing the vendors but thats it since everyone else got the determind buff. So i guess people just got bored and wanted to say “hello” to our enemies.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Bumble.6940


Indeed it does, the very second sentence mentions how dire the scores are. Oversleeping, nope, i don’t believe we have a crew that spends their friday nights playing this yet. Just casual players that want to enjoy the game without getting rolled whenever they attempt anything. And if there are, maybe like 20 going by tonight’s look.

At no point did i say i legalize the use. But does it not give you something to do in game? I imagine those shifts watching the orb can get pretty boring.

Saying that your not doing it doesn’t imply no one else is. I’d hate to ever try and speak for an entire realm which has seemed to go on alot in this thread.

That’s true, the resets are on a friday night! I knew i understood something gw related. But unfortunately not everyone is as die-hard players as your 300. I’m curious, do you all have matching red capes, big round shields and abs that make women weak at the knees?

Some Warrior from Aurora Glade.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Skydda.3192


I must admit I haven’t really played WvW since last saturday.
Because when I logged on… whoa, surprise!
Miller’s Sound: 30,000 sth
Aurora Glade: 6,000 sth
Ring Of Fire: 5,000 sth

It is possible that you guys were fighting the whole night. Although I don’t get how nightcapping stuff is any honorable or fun, okay, at least it legitimate. But now that I read about many german players using BOTS to nightcap, I am very happy I am not playing this match.

Don’t get me wrong, I am german myself (playing on Aurora Glade tho’). But seeing it actually is of no use to fight against you guys… no thanks. Having the outmanned-bonus on all the time is no fun. And it’s also no fun to fight bots…

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: lare.9512


Oh the lulz I am getting seeing QQs from a 30k or more leading server. I am now convinced that the real reason we are not playing on Friday night is because: We have a life!

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Skydda.3192


Iare, I don’t think it’s reasonable to imply mean things to anyone in this discussion. Even if Miller’s Sound is our enemy WvW-wise, we are ALL GW2 players. So mean thoughts aside: Miller’s Sound and everyone who’s playing there has to keep an eye open for bots. Or even better: don’t use them themselves.

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Kasio.5386


Don’t be ridiculous! We don’t use bots to nightcap. These bots farm for gold. We’re reporting them every other day ‘cause they extend our queue times. Indeed there are a few players that farm at the same spot too. These players are also reported and i hope they’ll get a ban.

We won’t tolerate anyone exploiting game mechanics as well as using bots. All of them will be reported, regardless whether they belong to Millersund or any other server.

This match is kinda boring. We’ve got a 2:1 – 4:1 player domination the whole time, even so you guys are doing a great job in guerilla war, only holding the towers you can defend. Your endurance in attacking our fortresses is awesome. You guys should gang up against us.

[ECL] c.pryde | v.vicious – Millersund

(edited by Kasio.5386)

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: AkiraZero.8514


actually im just waiting for some flyhackers… would fit your playstyle so far. i really hope i’m wrong with that.

Don’t throw stuff like that around as if you can judge a whole server by the actions of a single person please.

quoting just a part of a post aint always good ma friend ^^
in case you havent read my whole posts….

My post was entirely relevant. Regardless of what excuses you tried to post after what you said, you still came in here trying to throw accusations at a whole server instead of addressing the message to the person who was glitching. you could have titled it to the guild of the person who did it instead.
1 person bugged, the other “35” as you claim that he ported in could have been told anything, he could have said he was in there from a previous battle or anything, even if it is highly unlikely he was.

We take WvW seriously and don’t like the idea of VS cheaters let alone having cheaters so if we can get rid of those cheaters we will, but tarnishing the whole server over a few people’s actions (and yes, even 35 people is a few when we are talking about thousands of people per server) is undignified.
When it comes down to it, you have the numbers to defend regardless, so just report the people bugging and do what you do best, hold those keeps!

Forgive me for being defensive, but when I come on the forums and see someone addressing our entire server I can only imagine what people from other servers will start to think of us just because you decided to bring your worries here. We don’t want to be known by our opponents as cheaters before we’ve even had chance to fight them.

Akira Antares/Necrosymphonic/Valiant Echo [AVA] [ZERO]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


No one will join with the RoF. Just because people go to other servers. In large guilds we sent people to explore another servers.
Thank you that we have finished a wonderful server. I hope you had fun.
And I apologize for the aggression, our community is destroyed.