Dear Crystal Desert
Cute, but never going to happen. Tug-o-war between underdogs. Eye-for-an-eye. It happens on all servers. All it takes is a small zerg to attack one side and get the snowball going.
1. CD: Let’s attack Ogre after what Dragon did to Umber!
2. Dragon: CD is attacking Ogre, let’s repel!
3. CD: Dragon pushed us out. Okay, let’s focus on JQ!
4. Dragon: Let’s attack Umber after what they did to Ogre!
5. CD: Dragon is attacking Umber, let’s repel!
6. Dragon: CD pushed us out. Okay, let’s focus on JQ!
7. Repeat for an entire week.
Erm, dunno where you’ve been but in Eredon Terrace borders you guys in IoJ have been attacking our side almost non stop. If you actually want us to attack them STOP ATTACKING US! I mean really that is just common sense. I don’t really care either way but honestly if you wanted us to attack them the smart thing to do would be to leave us be. Personally I’m not playing this “alliance” thing though, it is every man for himself, we are gunning for first, not 2nd.
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows
Lol, glad u took ur own advice
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
dear et quit cheating and stealing orbs with hacks. thanks.
Dear both of you, play WvW how it is supposed to be played and realize 2v1 is how a 3-way battle is going to always work.