Sanctum of Rall
Level 80 Human Guardian
(edited by BlackeHawke.9025)
I’ve actually had a lot of fun times vsing KnT and I thought that some respect would at least be received in return. ^.^
Instead of us being viewed as being farmed for badges…which we aren’t btw…hehe
On another note. Had a really fun time in SoR Borderlands..HIRE managed to paint it red in the end. Epic defense from SoR at Cliffside though
Later on we teamed up with AVTR and took SM as well! Hopefully bolstering the morale of all the PvErs we have on this server xD
(edited by BlackeHawke.9025)
Indeed it was quite fun tonight taking SM, and that is what we should be doing – having fun.
I have nothing against KnT, they are a decent guild and I will commend them for doing what they do in Blackgate. One peon from the guild does not speak for the views of the whole, but please manage your guild members from posting hot headed messages that stroke e-kittens.
Anyway, after taking SM we took a guild photo as part of all the fun too bad our NA/EU coverage is a bit on the lacking side of things in IoJ.
Raven, (since that other guy will think i’m directing this at Murakami) you wouldn’t have even made it to T1 if you hadn’t gotten a massive point increase when you were vsing ET and HoD who were at that time nearly empty in WvW because of the mass guild and probably pug transfer. That week IoJ gained points in T1, granted we’re not a T1 or 2 server now but we’re not going to just ‘pack our bags’ and leave without a fight and it’s pathetic to want that of your enemies.
Christia, were you the Guardian with the Elementalist of [Rev] fighting 10 of us outside SoR Valley Keep in EB 2-3 days ago? I will seriously pay you 1 gold if you tell me your builds and how you managed to survive so long like that. I would pay more, but I’m poor, haha.
That was me.
I’ve given my builds up to enough “enemy” players though, and I’ve paid for it in some atrociously long fights so far. So I’ll have to think about it. ^^
Please, please, please! I promise I will keep it on the down low. I don’t even play alts. Besides, don’t you remember when we bonded in the jumping puzzle? I felt something between us. Won’t you share you secrets with me? :’(
PS Happy Holidays everyone! I changed my character to Santa
Just wait til tomorrow!
You mean you’re afraid to actually come out and play when somebody is online?
Whoa whoa whoa Empress if there is any BG player that has balls its that kitten hell guardian.
My apologies, Christos I posted that before I saw that it was you, but I would like to challenge you to a duel sometime this week. PM me in game when you’re on.
I’ve actually had a lot of fun times vsing KnT and I thought that some respect would at least be received in return. ^.^
Instead of us being viewed as being farmed for badges…which we aren’t btw…hehe
On another note. Had a really fun time in SoR Borderlands..HIRE managed to paint it red in the end. Epic defense from SoR at Cliffside though
Later on we teamed up with AVTR and took SM as well! Hopefully bolstering the morale of all the PvErs we have on this server xD
—points finger! Levitating treb at Garrison… You monsters!! >.>
(edited by Obsidian.1328)
Anyone have a current score update?
Anyone have a current score update?
Last I saw SoR was up by about 8k over BG, and @ the same from them to IoJ.
Nice, and ICoa on SoR…
Yo recall your guild members off SoR please ICoa.
As for score:
Nice, and ICoa on SoR…
Yo recall your guild members off SoR please ICoa.As for score:
No…ICoa is an upstanding guild and would never do/permit anything like that…
In other news:
IoJ has recently acquired Ascension Alliance (what remains of them) including Team Legacy. That definitely adds to the talent pool for IoJ during NA primetime. And it’s good to see some old allies now as my enemy
With SoS in T1 losing a major guild and alliance and coverage of at least one BL to a Euro server, there is a very good chance in a few weeks that one of us in T2 will be moving up (or back) to T1; but the movement will be because of the WvW formula and not because of great competition.
Let ICoa cheat, I’ve never had a problem wiping their groups when they come running anyways
I’ve actually had a lot of fun times vsing KnT and I thought that some respect would at least be received in return. ^.^
Instead of us being viewed as being farmed for badges…which we aren’t btw…hehe
On another note. Had a really fun time in SoR Borderlands..HIRE managed to paint it red in the end. Epic defense from SoR at Cliffside though
Later on we teamed up with AVTR and took SM as well! Hopefully bolstering the morale of all the PvErs we have on this server xD
—points finger! Levitating treb at Garrison… You monsters!! >.>
Haha, that was because you guys had trebbed and destroyed the wall underneath our trebuchet, causing it to mysteriously levitate above the ground. Some of us were having a bit of a laugh because of it.
Good fights in EB after we took Stonemist. Although more than half of our WvWers had left for the night (not to mention us chilling for quite a while in the JP) we lasted a couple of hours of cotinuous trebbings and assaults from SoR until it was eventually taken from us. You guys are persistent :P
I’ve actually had a lot of fun times vsing KnT and I thought that some respect would at least be received in return. ^.^
Instead of us being viewed as being farmed for badges…which we aren’t btw…hehe
On another note. Had a really fun time in SoR Borderlands..HIRE managed to paint it red in the end. Epic defense from SoR at Cliffside though
Later on we teamed up with AVTR and took SM as well! Hopefully bolstering the morale of all the PvErs we have on this server xD
—points finger! Levitating treb at Garrison… You monsters!! >.>
Haha, that was because you guys had trebbed and destroyed the wall underneath our trebuchet, causing it to mysteriously levitate above the ground. Some of us were having a bit of a laugh because of it.
Good fights in EB after we took Stonemist. Although more than half of our WvWers had left for the night (not to mention us chilling for quite a while in the JP) we lasted a couple of hours of cotinuous trebbings and assaults from SoR until it was eventually taken from us. You guys are persistent :P
SoR doesn’t stop fighting :P
We also won’t throw matches.
We find that to be actions of cowards.(I know IoJ isn’t throwing matches either, yall fight till the end like SoR.)
Nice, and ICoa on SoR…
Yo recall your guild members off SoR please ICoa.
This could potentially explain a few things. It does seem that certain groups seem to know our movements.
In other news:
IoJ has recently acquired Ascension Alliance (what remains of them) including Team Legacy. That definitely adds to the talent pool for IoJ during NA primetime. And it’s good to see some old allies now as my enemy
With SoS in T1 losing a major guild and alliance and coverage of at least one BL to a Euro server, there is a very good chance in a few weeks that one of us in T2 will be moving up (or back) to T1; but the movement will be because of the WvW formula and not because of great competition.
Whoa, that’s huge.
That might be all IOJ needs to take T1.
score update.
BG is waking up.
They have roughly 4 hours before I get home from work. I wonder what the point spread will be like by that time. Especially considering IoJ also apparently made some big gains in terms of guilds.
Now I just have to debate downloading my new maps for Halo 4 or WvW all evening.
In other news:
IoJ has recently acquired Ascension Alliance (what remains of them) including Team Legacy. That definitely adds to the talent pool for IoJ during NA primetime. And it’s good to see some old allies now as my enemy
recently, as in, a couple of months ago?
In other news:
IoJ has recently acquired Ascension Alliance (what remains of them) including Team Legacy. That definitely adds to the talent pool for IoJ during NA primetime. And it’s good to see some old allies now as my enemy
recently, as in, a couple of months ago?
So this is old news?
In other news:
IoJ has recently acquired Ascension Alliance (what remains of them) including Team Legacy. That definitely adds to the talent pool for IoJ during NA primetime. And it’s good to see some old allies now as my enemy
With SoS in T1 losing a major guild and alliance and coverage of at least one BL to a Euro server, there is a very good chance in a few weeks that one of us in T2 will be moving up (or back) to T1; but the movement will be because of the WvW formula and not because of great competition.
Huh? Team Legacy has been on IoJ for almost 2 months, and AA had already spread out back then, including LotD, Thai, Resonance and maybe another going to Blackgate. What AA guilds were left?
Must’ve recently transferred over… Thanks for showing that, he is kicked.
Must’ve recently transferred over… Thanks for showing that, he is kicked.
Thanks for responding quickly.
Well now with this news
We won’t have to worry about alt+f4 plaguing anyone, even though I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it myself.
Interesting changes, i wonder if we’ll end up seeing much of the breakout events though.
Must’ve recently transferred over… Thanks for showing that, he is kicked.
You mean you disavowed a secret agent! That is standard in the spy world. Anyways the guys probably a triple agent spying for IoJ. Or worse… the crab people!
Must’ve recently transferred over… Thanks for showing that, he is kicked.
You mean you disavowed a secret agent! That is standard in the spy world. Anyways the guys probably a triple agent spying for IoJ. Or worse… the crab people!
He’s really a Krait super assassin in disguise…
You should not cry! blackgate is a tier 1 server that dominates all aspects of wvw, the only thing holding bg back is that silly glicko system, how dare that system fluctuate from 2000 to 1980 every other match cause they cant maintain a large enough lead, after all bg has never lost to ioj or sor so that should be sufficient enough to move them up! lol look in the mirror buddy, bg is not a t1 server the constant close matches should be evidence of that
BG has lost to IoJ. I was there : D
sor 93k
bg 83k
ioj 75k
BG has lost to IoJ. I was there : D
It was a T2 match two months ago and both IoJ and BG lost to SBI in that match. IoJ was first place loser by 10k.
LoL @ iCoA person bandwagoning to SoR. hahahhaha
Hahah wonder what he’ll be thinking when we win
(edited by Vodka.3958)
Score update please and thank you?
Is it me, or did this thread degenerate into a, “mine’s bigger than yours” contest?
Well now with this news
We won’t have to worry about alt+f4 plaguing anyone, even though I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it myself.
Interesting changes, i wonder if we’ll end up seeing much of the breakout events though.
I guess we’ll what the population is like after the update. It’s still not enough of a change to save WvW only guilds from burnout though.
Shirking our responsibilities in favor of a dance party, as usual.
Here is a video of TW vs TL from last night.
We had a blast TL, thanks for not leaving the zone like other guilds do.
Well, I’m back from my mandatory “forum vacation”. Guess SoR decided to give us a little surprise this week. Time for some crazy shifts.
BG has lost to IoJ. I was there : D
It was a T2 match two months ago and both IoJ and BG lost to SBI in that match. IoJ was first place loser by 10k.
Wasn’t that the week of the update that introduced the massive culling issues in WvW?
IoJ didn’t beat Blackgate they just happened to take more supply camps from SBI that week.
Frankly, I find you all talk to much.
Frankly, I find you all talk to much.
^ ‘hits like button’ HA! I dig this.
Black gate wins the tier 2 sloppy joe award seiging hills in SoR for 2 hours got it(because of tactical mistakes that are being amended, WvW took control of the fight late >.<), while giving IoJ there tower, then forgot to clean house!
Ty to CAMP
(edited by Kanji Maki.1695)
Black gate wins the tier 2 sloppy joe award seiging hills in SoR for 2 hours got it(because of tactical mistakes that are being amended, WvW took control of the fight late >.<), while giving IoJ there tower, then forgot to clean house!
Ty to CAMP
we didnt forget to mesmer sweep, i had a full group dedicated to that task since the moment we captured it.
and you guys didnt make tactical mistakes, you were simply out played. treb from stargrove, with multiple scouts…. counter treb was counter ballistaed, catapulted inner gate with multiple catas that were shielded to give extra time to kill the counter catas. all but 1 mortar taken down before sieging inner. mesmers assigned to portal in reinforcements etc.
it was done with a small core of LotD and mostly BG allies following my orders and performing very well. its a pleasure playing on BG. all during NA primetime which is our weak spot in coverage.
SoR mesmer outplayed us in the end, but the whole siege was a lot of fun…. quite rare to take an upgraded and defended hills keep.
pretty sure i have footage of it, ill have a go at trying to post it tomorrow…. then youll see how few we really were and yet we still flipped it.
Like I said WvW/I took control of the fight late, I know star trebs can be easily countered from hills. They said btw hills outer is at 10% 3 trebs at star. If I was dedicated to hills your trebs would have been countered in less than 2mins from a place you cant hit. Our people put the counter treb in a super bad spot and your trebs got it. Your a novice if your think that attack from star would have lasted vs an experienced enemy.
You guys did make it really hard to get in that place lol have to give you that. And I made a bad call at the last or we might have held inner. Still bg suffers from extreme tunnel vision.
Like I said WvW/I took control of the fight late, I know star trebs can be easily countered from hills. They said btw hills outer is at 10% 3 trebs at star. If I was dedicated to hills your trebs would have been countered in less than 2mins from a place you cant hit. Our people put the counter treb in a super bad spot and your trebs got it. Your a novice if your think that attack from star would have lasted vs an experienced enemy.
You guys did make it really hard to get in that place lol have to give you that. And I made a bad call at the last or we might have held inner. Still bg suffers from extreme tunnel vision.
how about good fight, this is a game remember…
CDS had a blast fighting BG tonight in EB! Thanks for the good times! Icoa and CDS had some fun fights, didn’t see any unsavory activities, I’m glad you guys got rid of your bad apples and good luck in rebuilding your reputation!
@KnT nice defense of lowlands keep after we got to lords room other night, I commend you guys on your quick response! (shout out to the smaller guilds I saw in EB as well from BG defending)
Doing great so far SoR, keep it up!
Can I get a score update while at work? (speaking of which playing for 10 hours then going to work with no sleep makes for a slow slow night lol!)
(edited by MiasmicMist.1420)
Anyone that could provide a score update?
Iokittenaking its usual 11:00 GMT statement, but positions are unchanged.
Gosh, what triggered the bowdlerizing software was the string of words
“IoJ” “is” “making” “its” “usual” 11:00 GMT statement.
(edited by Obed.7629)
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