Defending should be more rewarding
Defending has no metagame purpose and that’s the problem. Towers aren’t protecting anything. They’re like piñatas waiting for zerg to arrive and cash in the reward, which then turns the tower into piñata for the original owner.
Secondly defenders and attackers are equal, which should never be the case. Just think about real life war: purpose of fortification is to grant defenders advantage over attacker. Manning a cannon or oil pot makes you a stationary target for enemy to kill. Usability of arrow carts is horrible with no bird-eye view of the map. Finally there’s the silly problem that AoE attacks go through the doors, making repairs unnecessarily difficult.
Agreed. Guards inside towers should be 3x stronger hp/dps wise. Ranger pets should stay the hell outta towers. Stealth and buffs inside an enemy tower should not allowed unless a gate or wall is down. Defenders should be given 15-30% stat boosts, base on numbers of players inside a tower.
I could be outta my mind if they are somewhat too advance for anet to add in but it would surely make wvw defenders feel better
Adventurethyme [BMO] , Dragonbrand