Delayed load on enemy players

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: volmok.3580



So, there is a problem in WvW when going against players. If the enemy is in large numbers there is a delayed load on the enemy models resulting in you in the middle of 30 enemy players.
Any suggestions in this area?
My PC is strong (I7 cramped up to 3.6 Ghz, 16GB of RAM, GTX 980, Sata 3 SSD) and this is really annoying because most of the time I have to spend running from the waypoint back to the fight and 5 min later the same thing happens, incoming players are not shown until they are on top of us.


Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: uneditedbrute.8136


its sever side not your pc. My suggestion, AOE, if u see alot of number retreat or be a hero.

-=Charr Jesus=-
[ZN] Zero Negative of Blackgate

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


It’s the server side / 32 bit code that cant utilize your RAM.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: volmok.3580


It’s the server side / 32 bit code that cant utilize your RAM.

Well I kinda figured out it was server side, being a developer and all, but still wanted to inform ANet about this.

Oh, and 32bit can access more RAM by some nice feature with memory sharing between processes; I do this all the time at work :P

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Part of the gaming experience. Viable tactics…thats what ArenaNet says.

I guess its a limit in the Client/GFX engine. Since there is a mod out there arcoding to other threads that shows a name tag over the invisible peoples head. So the client knows that someone is there. Plus we see the effects from AoE etc from those people.

It got nothing to do with your PCs hardware or internet connection, thats for sure.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


It’s not a client limit. It’s not a graphics engine limit. It has nothing to do with 32-bit memory limitations.

ArenaNet developers have posted in this forum and explained that it’s an “optimization” they implemented on the servers, NOT the clients, to help improve playability for the very wide range of PCs everyone uses.

In short, they did it because a lot of people use computers that can’t handle the strain. Buy better computers, people.

They said they’re looking at ways to adjust it to minimize or eliminate the problem, particularly in areas like WvWvW, where it can pose a significant issue for play.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s an intended change by Arenanet. Apparently they think masses of invisible players for everyone is better than low frame rates for people with bad computers.

It’s an awful decision but they’ve never been shy about making awful decisions.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Senti.5372


Still no excuse not to show a nameplate or little red circles or enemies on the mini-map.

Hopefully this is something they’re working on.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


Yeah it’s been a pretty weird week. My guildies and I were being attacked at a supply depot. We’re like oh, it’s just 5-6… we get closer and that 6 turned into about 25 Mags lol still one but still so enjoyable knowing I can’t trust everything I see on the internet.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


It’s just you. Your CPU is cramped. You need to give it some Motrin.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


Had this twice now tonight with suddenly 40 rushing ET players loading on top of us while we attack a gate.
Its ridiculous and to be honest i will not be spending any more money on gem store or plan to play this game long term while its like this.

So much for the massive multiplayer game Anet, may aswell have 100 30 player maps so we can at least see who we are fighting

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


I fight more invisible players then ones I can actually see. I always thought lag was the worst enemy in PvP, but now I think invisible players are. Lag is second, and honestly this is getting old. How long are people going to wait around for a fix for this, because it ruins Wv3 imo.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


I think they capped the number of drawn players to reduce server load? We have PCs to render all the players.

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: BlueOrange.5740


The players eventually load, but it is ridiculous to run around in WvW with peril-sensitive sunglasses on – the times when I most need to know that there are enemies about, I can’t see any of them!

With voice comms on, I don’t usually have much of an excuse for smashing myself into those zergs, but displaying the nameplates seems like a useful thing to do while loading the models for everybody’s custom armor.

Delayed load on enemy players

in WvW

Posted by: WaystedMined.7831


Being wiped out by “shadow forces” which the game won’t render in a timely manner is getting very old very quick. Servers are intentionally using this to wipe out attackers by dog piling out the gate portal and destroying the attackers before they’ve loaded. I’d rather be looking at colored boxes that actually loaded rather than being wiped out because the current system is slow to render enemy forces rushing out doors.