Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Trash.9524


Last hit is my experience from it, i sat on the ram till almost down and jumped off so some1 else could get a few hits in… got no credit

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Barfoi.9537


Orion is correct, you will need to have done enough damage to the gate to get credit for the achievement.

20k+ damage to paper gates did not count for me during the the current TCBL karma-train (several tries). I skipped trying, and just did the other JP for the meta.

For those that are trying, I had 10-15 credits no-problem treb’ing SM walls.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


The devs explanation is NOT correct.

It is not based on damage, it is based on who DESTROYS the gate. you get credit if you are the person to actually break the gate down.

This is obviously much more likely to occur with a ram, but you can easily test it as I did this morning. If I used a ram the entire time but stopped and didn’t get the final hit then no credit. If I sat on the ram and did no damage but then broke down the gate by correctly timing the final hit I got credit.

so it’s based on last hit? ….

Correct, last hit is the only thing that matters.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Zackie.8923


The devs explanation is NOT correct.

It is not based on damage, it is based on who DESTROYS the gate. you get credit if you are the person to actually break the gate down.

This is obviously much more likely to occur with a ram, but you can easily test it as I did this morning. If I used a ram the entire time but stopped and didn’t get the final hit then no credit. If I sat on the ram and did no damage but then broke down the gate by correctly timing the final hit I got credit.

so it’s based on last hit? ….

Correct, last hit is the only thing that matters.

great… now i need my LOL skills to CS well….

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I did get progress today while using a ram for most of the siege and then someone took it when it was like 5% left, I didn’t hit the gate after that, so I don’t think the whole “last hit only” is correct either.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Join a group. In a group the damage is added together so you get credit easier. Its definatly not about getting the last hit.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: TonySu.7942


In a group of 5 over 100 doors later got credit for 5 lol

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Bawi.9541


the threshold is a bit high in my opinion

The threshold is less than 1% of the gate’s total health. If you can’t meet that threshold, you can hardly claim credit for tearing it down.

because the incentives the current implementation gives are totally worth hanging onto some weird ego trip rawr rawr ‘logic’

I wonder if people that post here actually play the game once in a while, or just use the forums. No offense

Ele / Guardian

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Frood.8437


This is the only achievement that I would rather waste time to do a JP for as its so inconsistent.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Rktlchr.8495


I was with a zerg last night taking keeps/towers/stonemist a whole bunch of times. Some times I would build my siege and hit the wall with it, sometimes I would just wake at it with my weapon… out of about 20 doors I hit last night (at least 6 or 7 with siege) I only got 2 points toward the achievement. I also claimed stone mist 3 times last night and only got credit for 2… I heard a bunch of people on Teamspeak saying the same. I got credit for killing the boss and stood in the circle the whole time. At least =killing 450 enemies wasn’t bugged, because I got that one today.

Sinister Swarm [SIN]; Sanctum of Rall.
GTX460 Driver:337.88; i5 2500K 3.30 GHz; Z77X-UD3H; 8 Gb; Win 7 64 bit

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


I guess taking 1/3 health off a gate using a flameram isn’t enough damage. Er..?

At the same time, before the current matchup, poking the gate was enough to get credit. It’s definitely bugged.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Frood.8437


From my experience I think I know how it works, its not the last hit but you getting in the FIRST amount of hits to get into a finite number of slots of gate damagers. I don’t know the amount (perhaps 5000-10000) but I’ve tagged gates by myself with bombs and left them and got the point when they were taken, even by rival servers. Try it and post back if successful.

It at least explains why flame rammers aren’t getting the point because the slots were already taken. Still just a theory though.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Treborlavok.3504


They need to fix this… asap… its extremely annoying if im on a ram doing 8-9k a hit the entire time and when the door goes down i get no credit… seriously?!? My achievement should be done by now… but no, its bugged and you have people scrambling to get on the rams and try to get the AP all for not…

Sylvari Engi- Wait! Don’t leaf!
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Treborlavok.3504


From my experience I think I know how it works, its not the last hit but you getting in the FIRST amount of hits to get into a finite number of slots of gate damagers. I don’t know the amount (perhaps 5000-10000) but I’ve tagged gates by myself with bombs and left them and got the point when they were taken, even by rival servers. Try it and post back if successful.

It at least explains why flame rammers aren’t getting the point because the slots were already taken. Still just a theory though.

lol if that works… “ATTACK ALL THE DOORS, ONCE!!!!! and run!”

Sylvari Engi- Wait! Don’t leaf!
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: scanz.4536


This achievement is broken, please fix it asap.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: aop.6052


This seems to be bugged indeed, I almost never get the credit when meleeing or using ranged attacks on the door and maybe half the time or less when using flame ram (ram mastery 3).

I think I have 28/30 demolition master now but that required a kittenload of flame ram blueprints and using cata on some walls too.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Rovus.5428


It seems really random whenever you get credit, though as an Ele I’ve managed to take down 20 doors wih no siege. I just put down a Lava Font and use Arcane wave for 3 stacks of might, then put down a Meteor Shower and pop on the Tornado form for 300 damage per meteor that connects with the gate. Does a fair amount of damage, works around 50% of the time.

“Subtus pennas meas, pinnas meas interitum”

Alatum Interitum

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: PSX.9250


I’ve been stuck on 9/10 for the past few days at least and there is still another tier to go..

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Aten.8046


How does it work? It doesn’t! And Mists Merc Camp Vanquisher neither.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: KillEveryoneElse.3940


I tested it 10 times… 5 times I used the ram none stop from start to end and got no achieve
5 times I used the ram half way then let someone else take it and got the achieve each time… maybe luck but its certainly not based on last hit

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


This achievement is obviously broken.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I just wanted to add my anecdotal evidence to this.

Was doing a karma train the other week with full DPS gear on (no fighting to be had) and even grouped, attacking from the start and with Fiery Greatsword, it was still very hit or miss whether I got door credit.

Was on a ram today, ram mastery, whacked it 5 or 6 times then got off to let someone else have a shot at the achievement. No credit.
PvDoored the door a few times today in my regular WvW gear (more toughness, less damage) between fighting people at the door and … got credit twice. That’s just hitting it with weapons, to be clear.

Please look at this achievement. I don’t need it for credit or anything but it can’t be working as intended.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Definitely not working unless you are on siege. Any time I managed to get on a piece of siege I got credit. Any other time, and I was whacking away at the door, I got nothing even if I was hitting right as the door went down. No way I could manage correctly timing a final hit this way.

I can see getting credit for hitting it a certain number of times and doing damage but having to get the last hit or get lucky enough to be on siege is not cricket here…

(edited by Aerinndis.2730)

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Afya.5842


Hit at least 10 gates. No achievement at all. Condition user weeps…….

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: DiamondMeteor.8345


Just run a power spec and hit the door from start to finish. I did 30/30 on a 0/20/0/30/20 Ranger; if my crappy ranger could do it, anyone can.

Ranger / Revenant – Crystal Desert

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Black.7423

Sir Black.7423

As an Ele, I’ve had to start taking Fiery Greatsword and try use it to unleash as much DPS as possible against doors. It’s still feels a rather hit or miss whether I end up getting credit for this achievement.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the best use of my class’s skills. I would be better off throwing AoEs on the walls to suppress any enemies or using defensive skills to actually support the ram-users. But this achievement doesn’t encourage me to support my team’s assault the door. Instead it encourages me to DPS the door as much as possible to hopefully hit some invisible threshold while ignoring whatever is happening to my teammates around me.

I’ll be glad to get it over with so I can go back to playing more effectively in assaults.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: codiac.5642


When you bang on a door your damage is tracked, when you do the required damage you are placed in a queue, and when the door goes down it goes through the queue and awards credit. Unfortunately someone used the queue code from map wait so you get randomly selected from the queue. That’s just how queues work.

HOD since beta

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I have gotten credit by just doing LB damage to the gate with my Ranger (without the “killing blow” conspiracy propagated in this thread). I have gotten credit for manning one of the rams I put down while commanding. I have gotten the most credit by manning a trebuchet hitting SM out of WC, when you can do the double-wall trick and stupid PvEs are repairing (and likely wasting their server’s supply) to get their own achieves.

Get out of the zerg all you achievement hunters! Build some siege where it will help your side and with supply from camps and do something that requires a little more thought. Your server will possibly be in a better position for it and you’ll get your Demolition Expert in no time.

Edit: Possibly your rams are mounted by people without enough mastery to apply Structural Weakness, and you are therefore not registering enough overall damage to the gate to have it register for credit towards the achievement.

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

(edited by KyreneZA.8617)

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Frood.8437


When you bang on a door your damage is tracked, when you do the required damage you are placed in a queue, and when the door goes down it goes through the queue and awards credit. Unfortunately someone used the queue code from map wait so you get randomly selected from the queue. That’s just how queues work.

This makes the most sense with what I’ve found as that random element of the queue code (if true) has it that I get a point even if a rival server takes the gate after I’ve hit it a few times. We all go into a list that doesn’t make any credible logic.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Black.7423

Sir Black.7423

This morning I participated in six or more assaults with groups of people or various sizes. I tried using my Fiery Greatsword and all, which had been moderately successful before, but I didn’t get credit a single time. There was even one assault where half way through it all but 3 people left to go defend something elsewhere, and even with that extra time I didn’t get credit despite DPSing the door from beginning to end.

On the other hand, when I was lucky enough to pilot a golem for two assaults, I got credit for each. So whatever way this achievement currently works, it seems heavily biased towards siege-users.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Katz.5143


Orion is correct, you will need to have done enough damage to the gate to get credit for the achievement.

The questions are:
Does that mean you have to be on the siege?
Does that mean it needs to be a small group of people so that you can get a higher percent of the total?
Does that mean you have to be on a certain class?

Edit: I’ve found that I can get credit on some classes with just using their weapons. (ranger with longbow). Other classes I can get if I can manage to use siege a little. Otherwise its a no go.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

(edited by Katz.5143)

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Just run a power spec and hit the door from start to finish. I did 30/30 on a 0/20/0/30/20 Ranger; if my crappy ranger could do it, anyone can.

I’ve run power spec w/ Fiery Greatsword etc. and not gotten credit. I’ve run more hybridy spec and gotten credit without using FGS and without hammering on it the whole time.

Groups were about the same size.

Something is not working properly.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Afya.5842


Ran an ele w/ FGS just for this but still didn’t get achievement.
I stole a ram and got it but I feel guilty because I don’t have ram mastery and I won’t do it again.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


A certain amount of damage is not a good enough answer imo. Come on what is wrong with this achievement.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Just build random catas and take down any wall. I solo ran supply to two separate cats today, got the walls down, picked up 10 to that title from that. And we didn’t take the keep either, but the minute the wall went down I got the credit.. Swiss cheese the map.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Just build random catas and take down any wall. I solo ran supply to two separate cats today, got the walls down, picked up 10 to that title from that. And we didn’t take the keep either, but the minute the wall went down I got the credit.. Swiss cheese the map.

This is a bit hard to do on the underdog servers because the second you start the giant blob shows up and takes you and your siege out.

Getting a chance to get on a piece of siege can be hit or miss too depending on how fast your group needs to get through the door (before the above said blob shows up). Having mastery skills may make the difference in getting a chance at siege but it still would be nice to know what it is you have to do to get credit for hitting the door or wall with weapons.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Hon, if I can solo run supply to a cata against Viz (SFR too) and get garrison walls down — on reset — you can do it too

Actually I make a game of it, see how far I can get with sneaky placement. You’d be surprised what you can get away with Just read the map and head to the opposite side. Southern towers are prime too with the new bloodlust ruins.

Splurge and buy a few guild catas off the trading post. They only take 25 supply.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

I never had trouble with getting credit, but I do have ram mastery 3, and when I get on a ram, I get invites and join with anyone who wants credit.

Got demolition without too much trouble.

Not sure how it works, I wasn’t trying for it. Just doing my job and the achieves come.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I have zero ram mastery. I just got 10 more levels on this tonight by using a ram once, and a cata twice. So it appears using siege to hit a wall or gate, anywhere, increases this achievement.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I took some ram mastery.

I don’t think it was a really good idea to make PvD an achievement, but whatever!

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: CherryChiicake.1378


I have been having this problem all day. I have 1/30 to go at this point, and I’ve done 3 of these tonight without getting the achievement. It is really frustrating.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Aria.5940


Just a comment on this, if you place a treb in your keep in EB (assuming your server has the keep or can get it back), you can usually hit 1 tower + SM walls. It’s easy enough to place a treb and run back and forth between camps to get supplies (make sure you have a camp or can get one first).
Once the treb is there you can siege SM walls to keep them down constantly for whenever your world feels like taking it. Also if an opponent takes the tower, you can quickly down the wall for your world to take it back.
I got 20 points for the achievement from about 30 minutes at a treb keeping down walls. Every time an opponent attempts to repair the wall, you get points for taking it straight down again.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Guess I have to spent some points on mastery and see if this is helping. Yesterday tried all day to get some, I got one point from doing damage to a gate as for the others I did around the same amount of damage but nothing.
15 doors, 1 achievement point. I hate this one as much as the merc camp and JP’s.

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Combatter.5123


This seems to be badly bugged and it seems like that’s going to lose me my WvW Season One meta achievement.

Maetheryl Thorswood (Ranger), Bennish (Guardian), Lex Sabre (Elementalist)
Tyria, Underworld

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Go find a tower wall, build a cata, hit the wall. Every three hits with the cata gives you one point towards this I believe (you may need to get the wall down for it to total up). I got it done entirely in about an hour, solo running supply to my own cata and hitting the walls, and getting them down, by myself. (Guild catas off the trading post only require 25 supply so it’s faster).

And before you complain, I’m in tier 1 and have actually done this on reset before vs Viz and SFR and totally alone without a zerg. You can do it. Just read the map and find a sneaky spot.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Combatter.5123


Go find a tower wall, build a cata, hit the wall. Every three hits with the cata gives you one point towards this I believe (you may need to get the wall down for it to total up). I got it done entirely in about an hour, solo running supply to my own cata and hitting the walls, and getting them down, by myself. (Guild catas off the trading post only require 25 supply so it’s faster).

And before you complain, I’m in tier 1 and have actually done this on reset before vs Viz and SFR and totally alone without a zerg. You can do it. Just read the map and find a sneaky spot.

I will give that a try. The last 2 times I didn’t get credit I was on a flame ram for almost the whole attack on tower gates in Eternal Battlegrounds. I have rank 2 Flame Mastery so was v surprised not to get a single point for the achievement.


Maetheryl Thorswood (Ranger), Bennish (Guardian), Lex Sabre (Elementalist)
Tyria, Underworld

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Try a cata, seemed to work quickly for me.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Combatter.5123


Thanks for the advice, Jayne. It worked, I completed the meta achievement and have my key. tyvm

Maetheryl Thorswood (Ranger), Bennish (Guardian), Lex Sabre (Elementalist)
Tyria, Underworld

Demolitions Expert: How does it work?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Awesome! Glad to hear it!

L’enfer, c’est les autres