Asura – Desolation
Deso - VS - ER. Round 2
Asura – Desolation
Did you see my ex-gf then?
She’s in uni there.
I didn’t (though there is an easy joke here), but I heard the city is nice
It seems vz (and his friend elona)
They don’t seem very friendly to me, hiding behind their walls and escorting their dolyaks with 15+ guys. Maybe they just don’t like me.
A little picture about some awesome players
Had to edit a few words out, we got a bit graphical about describing those awesome players
I hope i wont get a 3rd FRACTAL point for it? Eah?
Why disable siege in puzzles but not in safe zones? In places that actually matters?
And yet just a 2-3 min ago WL zerg protects that very same spot
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.
That keep lord went straight back up from killed SIX times in a row, dont even try to blame it on random players, that was 100% organized effort. Because of anets rules I cant even state what guild tag players that used those abilities had, but it was no randoms, same as it is no randoms building siege in invulnerable spots. I dont understand how your commanders have no sense of fairness about these clearly game-breaking exploits.
Have you ever seen Visunah Square initiate a fair fight? Maybe it happened, but I didn’t see that. Based on my observations, their idea of a fair fight is zerg at you with 2-3 times more people or better yet: use synced mass invisibility to make a zerg sneak attack. VS is #1, because they do everything and anything what it takes to win and have the coverage and greater numbers of people. And they are great at utilizing siege weapons!
It is obvious some people have no honor nor morale, so I suggest that the badges of honor would be renamed: badges of dishonor, but you could still use them to purchase same stuff.
In order to have honor, you must have some set of rules. If you break the code of honor, you lose your honor. A code of honor usually puts very high standards of behavior for the group. Hmm, maybe we should start a new guild: True Honor?
1. No abuse of game exploits
2. No cowardly tactics
3. No name calling or elitism
You can continue the code of honor…
has it been stated somewhere by Anet that rezing keep lords with warriors banners is an exploit?
i would be glad to see a link please.
i have seen every single guilds/servers/people in the world doing that since day one …
serious question.
thank you
has it been stated somewhere by Anet that rezing keep lords with warriors banners is an exploit?
i would be glad to see a link please.
i have seen every single guilds/servers/people in the world doing that since day one …
serious question.
thank you
I have been taking keeps/towers since day one, every day and I have never seen any other server than VZ to do this. It is obviously not intended, anyone with a brain can see that. Then again zomhacks are an exploit and that has never stopped you from using them consistently.
Well I had fun tonight. Some good mass and small brawls and the a one on one here and there.
Also getting zerged by Elona >_> All good fun mind.
Any information about guilds on Desolation? The people I joined with are mostly playing other stuff at the moment.
Vizunah.. I am not angry… I’m just disappointed.
Why don’t you use your “superior server co-ordination” to weed out these bad eggs.
Snappless / Osii
My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.
I cannot see this video, but whatever aint hard to edit a video, is the video over 10 mins as we were in the lords room for around 15 minutes.
has it been stated somewhere by Anet that rezing keep lords with warriors banners is an exploit?
i would be glad to see a link please.
i have seen every single guilds/servers/people in the world doing that since day one …serious question.
thank you
You do have a valid point, maybe I am stupid but we have not used it – as quite simply it is not working as intended and therefore I see it as an exploit.
Have Anet actually said anything publicly about exploiting the game with addons = no they dont. Or minimally about the orbs.
But you are wrong you are the first server I have seen do this and coordinate to do this. Kudos to you guys, you can’t stop our attack fairly so you use an exploit to do it. Pretty much typical of Vizunah.
I hate my frustration showing on these forums, but I try for a fair fight and so much of what is going on makes it impossible for me to do my job as a commander. I would respect you if you achieved that fairly but you don’t.
And as for Anet whenever do they listen or do anything about wvw?
(^Don’t feed the troll!?)
Why, Vizu… maybe I shouldn’t get involved, but can I just point out the obvious flaws of what you’re (repeatedly!) saying:
On one hand you try to absolve responsibility while on the other hand claiming the legitimacy of what you’re doing.
Surely, if you actually believed what you were doing was legitimate, you wouldn’t need to do the former.
Now, the standard response to foul play (or even just a glitch) is not to exploit it but to stop it and mitigate the imbalance it created. But you do not do that. Care to explain? One way or the other, this is intentional behavior, why deny it?
Add to that some evidence, and your entire defence implodes.
Honestly, I’d like to think you’re better than this.
(edited by skullfaerie.7203)
I must say that I’m amazed at how quickly Vizunah managed to close the gap in points they had. That must take a lot of dedication (or a lot of French Canadians /joke).
However, like Offski I am not happy to see the systematic exploiting being conducted by members of your community.
Most notably are the placements of siege in your invulnerability zone. My guild tried to place siege in those spots in order to test a theory and were not allowed to do so. As such I’m suspecting particular groups of members in your community are actively exploiting by throwing your siege into your invulnerability spot. But tomorrow we are going to test that theory in order to find out how you do it (and no need to report us, we’re just going to throw rams up there and make videos ourselves).
Next to that the constant abuse of warrior banners in order to bring a Keep Lord back to life from Defeated state instantly can only be considered as exploiting on a conscious level. It is not done by ‘randoms’; the fight we had in Garrison showed that it was done in a coordinated effort (and especially by one guild in particular).
I was there during the long siege of Garrison and I was there to see the Keep Lord getting up and going down several times (up until the point Offski gave the order to leave because it was pointless to continue the fight).
But the Keep Lord was not revived by players actually spending time to revive him (like you would revive a defeated ally), but by havingg warriors systematically dropping a banner every time he went down in order to get him back up on his feet instantly (and thus resetting the cap time indefinitely).
And lastly there’s the ZoomHack program being used on a consistent basis by members of your community in order to hit people with arrowcarts in areas where the game’s FoV would normally not allow you to aim.
But instead of agreeing with the general consensus that usage of these mechanics is viewed as an exploit, you either seem content to brush it off with the excuse that it’s being done by ‘randoms’, request direct quotes from developers as written proof that it is an exploit, adopt a ‘we do it because you do it too’ mentality or have the nerve to imply that you will apparently continue to use such mechanics until ArenaNet fixes it. So effectively I conclude that you apparently deem it fair to use exploits for the sole sake of winning.
If this is the ‘Vizunah Spirit’, I much prefer the ‘Desolation Spirit’ as we generally fight in order to have a good time; not exploit on a systematic level because of the (in my opinion) misguided need to ‘win by whatever means necessary’.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Thank you VS. You make me wanna stop playing GW2 till ANET fix all the bugs in the game.
Vizunah Square – Simpy the best
What a shame..
(edited by Skoti.3195)
You are not good for T1 Even T2 arena have to change WvW Ranking Methods it should be more fair for rest of T8 , 7 etc servers =))
Vizunah Square – Simpy the best
Hmm, that makes me remember something…
@Mehrdad: so much smilies, even trying double smilies, I like your style, really.
Vizunah Square
Only good when there’s nobody online to stop them….
I would respect you if…
Do you think that Vizunah players care about the respect from a commander who whine so much?
You should not respect that commander. But you should respect the commander that jumps into your T3 garisson and get everything down in primetime. Wipe your zerg 3-4 times in the same garisson and get your Lord 5-6 times down.
But im not here to complain, props to WL and MOS for bringing the fight. Didnt noticed that before and it made my WvW much more fun in T1.
I would respect you if…
Do you think that Vizunah players care about the respect from a commander who whine so much?
I love how IRON is losing credibility even more each week, you are loosing the little respect we had towards you.
Yes, coz thats what IRON need atm. Respect from Cheatunah Square. GG.
Oh Cm on Drop Discussion it’s about outmanned 1 Deso or elona guys vs 20 vizu Arena should change WvW ranking system that’s not about Commander or Guild etc
with the general consensus
There is no such thing except in your mind.
My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.
SincerelyI cannot see this video, but whatever aint hard to edit a video, is the video over 10 mins as we were in the lords room for around 15 minutes.
Its a 3h raid stream.
Timers for fight asked by forum warriors are in description
Youtube dnt allow more in 720p and ask some time to publish it when submit after raid
Wl must be full of genius to edit such a video in less than 10 mns … wait… they are
(edited by Exewre.2837)
My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.
Nice vid, shame you hide the time..probs 4am gmt…
Take pop corn and read this whining post
Vizunah simply has several hundreds players available at any point in time. It has always been like that, despite the myth about the 20 mythical heroes who could cap all 4 maps just by themselves, hence the prolonged domination.
The fault is not with them, the fault is with the design. They are simply making the best use of a colossal design flaw as they’re in the lucky position of being able to do so. Anyone else finding himself in that position would do exactly the same.
If you want changes, vote with your wallet.
Wl must be full of genius to edit such a video in less than 10 mns … wait… they are
Thats the same stream where there 8 golems get downend in bay and WL get kitten on the bay roof, where is that part??
Or did we made them rage quit after that?
TBH is such a shame to troll this topic untill it gets closed.
VZ= Best points wise tactics and best time covering ( 5am-11 am) in EU.
Gratz to your victory.
(edited by Oeps Rolls Necro.2594)
They have to change it That is not just Deso elo seafer most of servers reported it , they desgine really funny WvW ranking)
So, if i sum up this thread, we have deso that is complaining because vizunah is able to gather players and have a good coverage over the night and the morning. Conclusion from deso : vizunah has 500 canadians speaking hebrew, or even americans players.
Then we have deso that says vizunah only wins by cheating : arrow cart camera bug, warrior banner rez skill ( is it really a bug ? when i read the tooltip im not sure), siege weapons in safe area, they also claim that vizunah fear them so much that they flee from them instead of fighting….
But is your server really clean ? I mean, are you sure that nobody in your server (deso) is using these cheats?
(edited by Kimotra.8935)
[OT] Man, I hate when it happens, to have your post deleted just because your quoted some wacko who’s post is getting deleted. Sigh…
Tip: Don’t quote anything you suspect can be deleted by the mods.
But is your server really clean ? I mean, are you sure that anyone in your server (deso) is using these cheats?
We are most probably not. Neither clean nor sure. The difference is in attitude.
If I see anything like that on our side I won’t just pass by and then post “whiners whiners hahaha” messages in reply to opponents complaints who noticed that guy too. I’d acknowledge the problem and would make everyhing to get that kitten banned in the first place.
My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.
From 7:30 to 8:15ish you guys ran over the few deso players that tried to kill the spawplaced catas. And we already killed the treb few seconds before you popped there. Which killed all our siege inside the tower. After that you facerubgate. When we inform our zerg you’re rubbing it. They come back. And get owned by the 2 kittentill alive in your spawn.
Feeling proud? Since i feel quite dissapointed you’re still taking advantage caused by your (so called random) players.
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
So… let me get this straight: You’re unable/unwilling to comment on the questions/ concerns people have; instead you try to distract with unpleasantries? Well, that pretty much answers it all, thanks.
I don’t think there is anything left to say here.
But is your server really clean ? I mean, are you sure that anyone in your server (deso) is using these cheats?
We are most probably not. Neither clean nor sure. The difference is in attitude.
If I see anything like that on our side I won’t just pass by and then post “whiners whiners hahaha” messages in reply to opponents complaints who noticed that guy too. I’d acknowledge the problem and would make everyhing to get that kitten banned in the first place.
I could say the same, the difference is in attitude…
Several time ago, i took some screens of deso abusing of some bugs, i didn’t post it, why ? because i just reported them, i don’t need to make a drama on the forum in order to give a bad reputation to a server…
What i mean is we can’t control the whole server, there will ever be cheaters, that’s why nobody should generalize… We just have to report them, from both sides.
The perfect match-up for me would be a match-up where nobody is trying to discredit the other, where the servers would respect themselves…After all, each server in T1 has his own history, victories, and i think deserve to be in T1.
It’s too easy to point out the behavior of one person and to say that the whole server cheat.
It was an hard night.
I played from 10pm to 8am GMT+1. Deso OP was great. They made us tick at 170 for a moment. Congratulation, too bad you didn’t have any early morning crew to defend what you took.
TBH, VZ night/morning crew is just scout/roam on every maps and 30+zerg “multimapswitch”. No big deal, and every server can make it. Exept yesterday haha… Full CBE map at 7am !! Never see it before. Certainly due to our huge weekend drama… NO queue during the whole weekend and now full map everyhour !
Nightshift is not a canadian story, but an organization story. Big Alliance with hundred of people can organize a round of 50 night players. Spend 2 night in a month is not a big deal.
See you IG
how many do VS have on each map from 11 pm – 6 am?
Asura – Desolation
But is your server really clean ? I mean, are you sure that anyone in your server (deso) is using these cheats?
We are most probably not. Neither clean nor sure. The difference is in attitude.
If I see anything like that on our side I won’t just pass by and then post “whiners whiners hahaha” messages in reply to opponents complaints who noticed that guy too. I’d acknowledge the problem and would make everyhing to get that kitten banned in the first place.
I could say the same, the difference is in attitude…
Several time ago, i took some screens of deso abusing of some bugs, i didn’t post it, why ? because i just reported them, i don’t need to make a drama on the forum in order to give a bad reputation to a server…
What i mean is we can’t control the whole server, there will ever be cheaters, that’s why nobody should generalize… We just have to report them, from both sides.The perfect match-up for me would be a match-up where nobody is trying to discredit the other, where the servers would respect themselves…After all, each server in T1 has his own history, victories, and i think deserve to be in T1.
It’s too easy to point out the behavior of one person and to say that the whole server cheat.
Yes but which excuses they would be able to bring on the table to justify they are losing a gap of 25k points in 2 days if so?
Don’t except they will just be mute nor accept they can’t organize themselves to try.
Dirty frenchies!
No respect for you with all your exploiting.Plus how the hell do you get so many numbers at like 6am till 10am? Is the whole of France unemployed or something cause its the same every week.
It’s getting boring that this is the only way you can win!
no it’s call organization ! turnover with pickup players and guilds
how many do VS have on each map from 11 pm – 6 am?
RAID guild off around 12pm-1am, so Multimapswitch is on. When a BL is in peace there is only scouts (~5) while all the others are in an BL at war. When the peace is broke, the multimapswitch …switch to restore the peace. :p
Basicaly, example: RBL 5ppl, BBL 5ppl, GBL 5ppl, CBE 35ppl.
But is your server really clean ? I mean, are you sure that anyone in your server (deso) is using these cheats?
We are most probably not. Neither clean nor sure. The difference is in attitude.
If I see anything like that on our side I won’t just pass by and then post “whiners whiners hahaha” messages in reply to opponents complaints who noticed that guy too. I’d acknowledge the problem and would make everyhing to get that kitten banned in the first place.
I could say the same, the difference is in attitude…
Several time ago, i took some screens of deso abusing of some bugs, i didn’t post it, why ? because i just reported them, i don’t need to make a drama on the forum in order to give a bad reputation to a server…
What i mean is we can’t control the whole server, there will ever be cheaters, that’s why nobody should generalize… We just have to report them, from both sides.The perfect match-up for me would be a match-up where nobody is trying to discredit the other, where the servers would respect themselves…After all, each server in T1 has his own history, victories, and i think deserve to be in T1.
It’s too easy to point out the behavior of one person and to say that the whole server cheat.Yes but which excuses they would be able to bring on the table to justify they are losing a gap of 25k points in 2 days if so?
Don’t except they will just be mute nor accept they can’t organize themselves to try.
Whats organization got to do with people not being able to play through the night and early morning cause they have to work?
that’s the only reason you caught up in points. We dont have enough players at them times to play
Asura – Desolation
Yes but which excuses they would be able to bring on the table to justify they are losing a gap of 25k points in 2 days if so?
No excuses, you win this setup because you have players on from 5am-till 11 am.
We dont have the numbers in that time.
The result of that : We get some players on around 12:00. They face T3 keeps and stuff full with supply and arrowcarts.
It takes some time to crack that stuff. In the afternoon/evening we are capping it all back. Then the night hits and we stay close together. Oure night shift goes to bed….
40 VZ with 8 golems rush everything. They upgrade all and we start over again.
Points VZ 500+, DESO and ER around-30 -50 points a tick.
Conclusion, u are winning when nobody is there to fight you.
We had a discussion in oure TS about the most spoken word of oure commanders..
You know what won?
They are running.
You made all your point this week end, nobody from Vizunah came here to cry that’s it’s not fair because we didn’t have enough people to counter you …
Whats organization got to do with people not being able to play through the night and early morning cause they have to work?
that’s the only reason you caught up in points. We dont have enough players at them times to play
Don’t you think we have to work too ? Aren’t you a grow man and can’t stay ONE or TWO night in a month and still go to work ? I won’t fight this night cuz I fight the last night and I need some sleep, nor the reset night or the weekend (maybe not)…
Like we use to say, “Il faut souffrir pour être belle” (One must suffer to be pretty).
Yes but which excuses they would be able to bring on the table to justify they are losing a gap of 25k points in 2 days if so?
No excuses, you win this setup because you have players on from 5am-till 11 am.
We dont have the numbers in that time.The result of that : We get some players on around 12:00. They face T3 keeps and stuff full with supply and arrowcarts.
It takes some time to crack that stuff. In the afternoon/evening we are capping it all back. Then the night hits and we stay close together. Oure night shift goes to bed….
40 VZ with 8 golems rush everything. They upgrade all and we start over again.
Points VZ 500+, DESO and ER around-30 -50 points a tick.Conclusion, u are winning when nobody is there to fight you.
We had a discussion in oure TS about the most spoken word of oure commanders..
You know what won?They are running.
ok, and the yesterday tick from primetimes to more 300+ and almost all our HM is also when Deso and bief are sleeping or playing with gloves ?
When posting please keep our forum Code of Conduct in mind. This forum is intended to be a helpful and friendly platform, therefore rude and insulting posts will be moderated with appropriate actions.
Here is a little reminder about the rules in WvW especially how to deal with exploit accusations:
If this behaviour continues we will have to lock this thread.
Thanks for your understanding.
Interesting post :
Read the beginning and think which server had first in place.
Read the end and do the same.
Compare the text of the authors…
It’s just eloquent.
Have a good day.
Interesting post :
Read the beginning and think which server had first in place.
Read the end and do the same.Compare the text of the authors…
It’s just eloquent.
Have a good day.
So true and so funny to read.
Conclusion, u are winning
when nobody is there to fight you.
Now it’s time to stand up again guys