Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Good luck SF and all on Deso. Lets hope its a fun match up. Viz don’t need luck as they are numero uno server.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

(edited by Offski.4897)

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: DyslexicDwarf.6249


It’s been a great night so far. Looking forward to this week, a lot!

GL all involved.

Malki || GM & Commander of Omnium Gatherum [OMNI] ||

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: alexjolly.1463


Great first night of WvW. Enjoyed playing so far and had some nice fights against the other servers.


Bnok – [EXG] Desolation
“A leader leads by example, not by force.” – Sun Tzu

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Armisael.9712


So… What’s the story about that “truce” against VS ? Seems like people can’t speak of anything else at the moment !

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


had a great first night in this matchup. some bad skill lag but apart from that, all thumbs up

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: wezlaar.7285


Been fun so far, few 3 way fights in the middle of no where on vs border!

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: DyslexicDwarf.6249


Absolute riot on SFR borders last night. We dropped to out manned at about 2:15am, had some great little skirmishes with ‘The Suspects [wvw]’, you had double our guilds numbers but our mesmers seemed to make up for that ;D

Gonna be a good week!

Malki || GM & Commander of Omnium Gatherum [OMNI] ||

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Lets have a fantastic week. So looking forward to al fun fights.

Last night before ending was fantastic and Judge send a ty to al who made the evening so amazingly fun. Nice deso spirit.

/Osicat <Judge>

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


Please clarify the rumors about some agreements between guilds Seafarer and Desolation against the Vizunah.
Russian guilds openly talking about it on his

(edited by Eugene.7358)

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


does it look like we have an arrangement?

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


GG Desolation!!! You play for SFR and you have 0 chance for win the match or T1!!! Realy great strat!! xD

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

We play for SFR? We are IRON, we only play for DESO lol.

Ask PRX about the agreement lol. We had multiple 3-way fights on VS border.
SFR take SM back after DESO capped it… nice agreement.

Nice to back in tier 1. Good fights, i like it.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Neito.5308


I dare say its more of a “We Hate Viz more than SFR/Desolation” mindset rather than an actual agreement.

Doesn’t mean we wont fight each other properly.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


Great fights deso and vs, especially versus deso that are more inclined to clash in open world then vs.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Yeah yeah, just epic. :’’’D

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Russia, Australia, Europe, Usa united

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


And Mexican for help USA server in EU!!!!!!! I think it is time to open your eyes Anet, realy… o.O

These people kill the EU ladder. I just find it crazy to see this behavior.

Edit: Oh and Deso!! Good luck!! You have no chance, so is there!!! xD Just epic :’’’’D

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Stop crying and fight.
Don’t care about what your opponents do, just focus on what you can do.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Mortix.9725


so it’s Mexicans this week,ey? yea,you need a new excuse,old ones were getting old…

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: generalkreator.4687


Welcome back Deso, we had a lot of good fights against KAZ in Deso border.
After 2 boring weeks its nice to have some Guilds who stay and fight. Not like VS, run back to their Keeps and hide.

General Kreator | Thief
[Nas] Nástrandir
Seafarer´s Rest

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: pcpsong.3850


wow fighting a server that isn’t hiding behind walls, this should be a fun week

Song – Mesmer
[VcY] Velocity –

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Spent time last night killing Seafarer’s. What truce? VS laying the groundwork for this week’s excuse on finishing 3rd.

Looking forward to fighting SFR this week. You’ve always been a strong, focused and fun opponent. VS not so much, very few decent fights, just numbers.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: dkarn.6027


After 2 boring weeks its nice to have some Guilds who stay and fight. Not like VS, run back to their Keeps and hide.

T1 is now really poor.
VS who run back to their Keeps and hide.
SFR who jump to keep and keep when they outnumber their opponents, else they still hide.
And Deso who left the game when they have too challenge on battlefield (Too frightened by Arborstone prime)

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Great fun in the small hours of the morning on EB. Us Desolites were outmanned often, but we bunkered down and had some great fights against VS. Didn’t see much of SF other than the rather large zerg that seemed to appear out of nowhere and consume my poor little stealth Mesmer.

Looking forward to the rest of the week.


Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Deffe.2967


This topic is already getting out of hand. These french tears taste great.

Good fights SFR.

Edit. Oh yeah does PRX have anything but thiefs?

Veffe Ku – Guardian

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Loving theQQ already from Viz. Just because you are losing its because of a alliance/mexicans or whatever. Dont worry we all know you will come back during the week when our players are asleep (and that is not a dig at you all all severs PvD at some point – Deso included) so chill out and see how the week progresses.

There is no alliance, there are no mexicans, there are no french canadians, there is no Casu. So lets have fun out there win lose or draw.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


Wow, SFR how many people do u have!!!

i came to garisson with 0 stacks, got to 25 was downed, ressed, again 25 stacks, and died again, and u were still coming,

was fun fight though..

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Go home Vs

You’re drunk.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Tzun.6073


And Mexican for help USA server in EU!!!!!!! I think it is time to open your eyes Anet, realy… o.O

These people kill the EU ladder. I just find it crazy to see this behavior.

Edit: Oh and Deso!! Good luck!! You have no chance, so is there!!! xD Just epic :’’’’D

I am a spaniard myself, you know, SPAIN which is a country part of Europe, and I can confirm Kaz is european based, aka Spain.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Azanure.8035


So this week we have imaginary Mexican guilds and a truce with SFR?

French realms are really amazing in the “let’s make up stuff in the forums” department.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

Well i must admit that , FR people have the best forum fighters.We will always be beaten by them in forums.I envy your trolling and whining abilities here.Keep up the good work , i would never manage to do what you are capable of!


Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


And Mexican for help USA server in EU!!!!!!! I think it is time to open your eyes Anet, realy… o.O

These people kill the EU ladder. I just find it crazy to see this behavior.

Edit: Oh and Deso!! Good luck!! You have no chance, so is there!!! xD Just epic :’’’’D

this guys is wotham and jomag of

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


To the few guys from Viz whining there
Stop talking and fight(play) !

Everything is normal there.
Viz is a target, that’s the price of being first !
We’ve never had a bronze medal since the begining 8-)

Good game to everyone, enjoy this week.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Blue.7256


It’s great to finally have a real fight, instead of being doubleteamed all the time. You’re great Deso, keep it up and stay strong.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


Come on guys from SFR and Deso : one guy said “mexicans” and you’re all screaming like little girls !
Last week, SFR let its forum warriors whine about “ER being the lapdog of the French” and now one guy from VS is complaining and it’s the end of the world.

VS will not surrender. We fight for our home. We don’t need any excuses, if we have to lose against you guys this week, fine, we will fight back next week. But the week just started, so don’t bury us right now

Last night wasn’t that fun for us on Deso BL, because of the double focus, but we had some nice fights : I have to say Deso will need to up their game by a laaaaarge margin to be as effective as SFR is. There is a world between fighting a group of KAZ and fighting a group of Votf or PRX, and the overall tactics of Deso are really poor atm.
But I do hope this week allows all of us to progress once more !

And I wish this week could be one without any form of abuse/cheat : lets fight with honour for our homeworlds.

Have fun on the battlefield and stay classy please !

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


pxr if i remember correctly were wiped multiple times by iron last night after the reset.
have to say had really good fights but deso lack the time coverage of sfr and vs so will struggle overall this week .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Good luck to you all, finally we’ve had funny fights against Deso guilds. This morning, in VS borderland, 3 of us wiped a small group of 10-15 IRON. Later, we have been wiped by that zerg which prooved an impressive knowledge of tactics and ambushes. Finally an enjoyable week.

IRON, you have all my respect. I’m looking forward to fight against KAZ too

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: DarkGazer.7289


We just had an amazing three way attack on SFRs garrison. SFRs numbers a nucking futs! How can you get that many people? We managed to do it but it took 3 tries and both times we we’re whiped, without even seing them. Might be because of culling but still. I can’t wait to see more from this matchup.

[IRON] Commander

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Charmide.4891


Welcome back Deso, we had a lot of good fights against KAZ in Deso border.
After 2 boring weeks its nice to have some Guilds who stay and fight. Not like VS, run back to their Keeps and hide.

Mmh, are you color blind, by any chance?
That would explains why you mistake us for Elona.

Quick facts: we were blue last week – and you don’t win 10 T1 matches by running to your keeps and bunkering down.


Good luck to you all, finally we’ve had funny fights against Deso guilds. This morning, in VS borderland, 3 of us wiped a small group of 10-15 IRON.

I have a hard time believing 3 OSC could wipe 10+ IRON.

Commander@Insert Coinz [CPC] – Vizunah Square

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Good luck to you all, finally we’ve had funny fights against Deso guilds. This morning, in VS borderland, 3 of us wiped a small group of 10-15 IRON.

I have a hard time believing 3 OSC could wipe 10+ IRON.

Video will come soon
Have fun!

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Come on guys from SFR and Deso : one guy said “mexicans” and you’re all screaming like little girls !
Last week, SFR let its forum warriors whine about “ER being the lapdog of the French” and now one guy from VS is complaining and it’s the end of the world.

VS will not surrender. We fight for our home. We don’t need any excuses, if we have to lose against you guys this week, fine, we will fight back next week. But the week just started, so don’t bury us right now

Last night wasn’t that fun for us on Deso BL, because of the double focus, but we had some nice fights : I have to say Deso will need to up their game by a laaaaarge margin to be as effective as SFR is. There is a world between fighting a group of KAZ and fighting a group of Votf or PRX, and the overall tactics of Deso are really poor atm.
But I do hope this week allows all of us to progress once more !

And I wish this week could be one without any form of abuse/cheat : lets fight with honour for our homeworlds.

Have fun on the battlefield and stay classy please !

A reasonably fair assessment in that yes we need to improve alot on Deso, but we have only just come back to tier 1 and need time to adjust. Sfr guilds have definately improved alot since we last fought.

The other things we need to improve upon are our coordination between guilds and communiction, again hopefully this willl come if we can stay in this tier for a few weeks.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Always great fun running with IRON on reset. Unfortunately due to exams I can’t play much. Hopefully we’ll still be in tier 1 in februari!

gl and hf every1!

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: wezlaar.7285


yeah we’ve got thousands of mexican on deso hahahaha,
You’ll all be really p*ssed of when this 400 man nigerian guild transfers to us…

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Remember when Deso was crying about 500 canadian on Vizunah ^^

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


Remember when Deso was crying about 500 canadian on Vizunah ^^

And Vizunah never cried about anything…

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: alexjolly.1463


Remember when Deso was crying about 500 canadian on Vizunah ^^

And Vizunah never cried about anything…

From the look of this thread it looks like crying about alliances that don’t even exist. They’re like babies, when things don’t go their way they throw all their toys out of the crib.

Bnok – [EXG] Desolation
“A leader leads by example, not by force.” – Sun Tzu

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Busko.7408


Not surprised at SFRs numbers they got a boost just before they started to climb of about 400 to 500 strong group of wvw peeps from Aurora Glade. And then you have another big group of wvw dedicated peeps from Far Shiver. Now look also where Gunnar’s Hold and Gandaras are now compared to before i bet some glory hounds jumped to both SFR and BT.

Im a Kitty Cat rawr
what what what….

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Remember when Deso was crying about 500 canadian on Vizunah ^^

And Vizunah never cried about anything…

From the look of this thread it looks like crying about alliances that don’t even exist. They’re like babies, when things don’t go their way they throw all their toys out of the crib.

I guess you only see what you want to see.
There is in fact one person from Vs crying in this thread (name begins with a Z), the rest is just your imagination at work.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

Thats most of the time the problem in the forums. 1 or 2 forumtrolls ruin a whole thread.
And they probaly spent more time in the forums then in wvw.

I like t1 sooooo much. T2 was way to easy, we now can have a fight whenever we want

Gl luck all and see you on the battlefield

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Blue.7256


Not surprised at SFRs numbers they got a boost just before they started to climb of about 400 to 500 strong group of wvw peeps from Aurora Glade. And then you have another big group of wvw dedicated peeps from Far Shiver. Now look also where Gunnar’s Hold and Gandaras are now compared to before i bet some glory hounds jumped to both SFR and BT.

TBH only 2 guilds left playing from that AG alliance, with only around 50 WvW players.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild