Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Here is the SS I have, doesn’t show much.


Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


We don’t have any videos so here’s a picture to explain what happened.


Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Auzegeist.2836


there isnt a pause button on MMO’s get used to the fact

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


We don’t have any videos so here’s a picture to explain what happened.

Rofl! That one made me laugh.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


We don’t have any videos so here’s a picture to explain what happened.


Yeah! That’s exactly how they do it!!

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


I used to play late night and early morning on desolation server in WvW, ruin guild has completely ruined that now as I can not even get to play WvW with 2-4 hour que times….

Arena Net I beg you plz do something about que’s in WvW…..

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


It’s not ruin forcing the epic queues (well, some of it is), most of it is due to all the fairweather wvwers that Desolation has.

There’s one 500 person guild that I see in there in force when we’re winning and are never in there when we’re losing. They alone will change the queue times drastically.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


This is why Arena Net to to take away 24 hr server transfers, its breaking WvW…..

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


I used to play late night and early morning on desolation server in WvW, ruin guild has completely ruined that now as I can not even get to play WvW with 2-4 hour que times….

Arena Net I beg you plz do something about que’s in WvW…..

Well this just isn’t true…
Have you tried entering some map that is not EB?

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Tonight on AR borderlands we had a russian guild from Blacktide transfer to Deso. So yes, to say it once again, transfers need to be much more limited.

Anyway, often we’re the ones being nightcapped upon, and now we actually have the ability to counter it. When we got nightcapped on a lot, we still had many guilds playing WvW for fun even when a first place was impossible.

Hopefully we keep improving and lose some of the tree transfer abusers soon. I’d like to play in T1/2 again.

Oh and for the record, you can’t nightcap in EU primetime, we vastly outplayed both servers in EU primetime, and were fighting both servers at the same time all day (atleast on AR borderlands). Thanks for all the badges at Garrison guys! And credit to IRON for leading that map today (may the omega golem armada rest in peace).

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


It’s a shame, a french server without canadian and african !

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: ianervan.7915


Raap: “, we vastly outplayed both servers in primetime”

Just curious, what do you consider primetime here? Did you outplay Blacktide 6-7pm CET?

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


I slightly editted that for clarity. EU primetime goes from GMT-1 to GMT+2, lasting for ~3 hours in week days (starting around 19:00 GMT), and starting earlier in weekends.

Europe takes up a smaller timezone range than NA.

Some people may not agree with the concept of a ‘primetime’, but it exists, and this is as accurate as it gets for targetting the largest EU primetime area.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


I feel sorry for AR and BT servers at the moment, free server transfers have broken WvW balance, right now deso ( my server ) are winning almost 100% of the map because RUIN instead of staying on there US servers are now clogging up EB and borderland maps.

Eu players on an Eu server cant even play WvW even in there own timezone and now can’t even play at night time.

If it wasn’t for free server tranfers deso would not be owning almost 100% of the map and RUIN guild would not even of come here clogging up our server WvW que times.

Please go back to you own server, your just stopping players on deso from getting to play WvW while your just getting no challenge or balanced fight in WvW anyway which is why you jumped servers to get an easy win in WvW….

Arena Net please do something about free server transfers it is breaking WvW.

RUIN aren’t the ones who started making us an effective night presence, that would be IRON and their dedication last week to pulling all nighters.

While RUIN have definitely helped it’s pretty much been a server wide agreement that we needed to be a bigger night force.

RUIN didn’t jump servers to get an easy win. If you actually listened to what they say, RUIN came here because they know tier’s 1 and 2 have huge nightcapping presence, they knew we had a good prime time presence and with them covering the night and us covering the day, they might still have keeps from the night before there when they come on.

RUIN came here to make us a dominant 24/7 presence against the other 24/7 servers, yeah it’s getting them an easy win this week, but it won’t do from tier 2 up..

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


I feel sorry for AR and BT servers at the moment, free server transfers have broken WvW balance, right now deso ( my server ) are winning almost 100% of the map because RUIN instead of staying on there US servers are now clogging up EB and borderland maps.

Eu players on an Eu server cant even play WvW even in there own timezone and now can’t even play at night time.

If it wasn’t for free server tranfers deso would not be owning almost 100% of the map and RUIN guild would not even of come here clogging up our server WvW que times.

Please go back to you own server, your just stopping players on deso from getting to play WvW while your just getting no challenge or balanced fight in WvW anyway which is why you jumped servers to get an easy win in WvW….

Arena Net please do something about free server transfers it is breaking WvW.

RUIN aren’t the ones who started making us an effective night presence, that would be IRON and their dedication last week to pulling all nighters.

While RUIN have definitely helped it’s pretty much been a server wide agreement that we needed to be a bigger night force.

RUIN didn’t jump servers to get an easy win. If you actually listened to what they say, RUIN came here because they know tier’s 1 and 2 have huge nightcapping presence, they knew we had a good prime time presence and with them covering the night and us covering the day, they might still have keeps from the night before there when they come on.

RUIN came here to make us a dominant 24/7 presence against the other 24/7 servers, yeah it’s getting them an easy win this week, but it won’t do from tier 2 up..

All RUIN are doing is stopping eu players playing on an eu server, and stopping eu players from playing in WvW. Thats all there doing. There doing it for an easy win breaking WvW balance and if server tranfers were not so broken and were not free they would not have even moved to deso server.

I really hope arena net stop free server transfers and make it once every month only to stop these whole guilds jumping servers for free wins crap. Plus the exploiting and silly 24 hrs crap.

What gives IRON and RUIN the right to decide for the whole of deso server and clog up all our WvW que’s making it so noone can even log into WvW? Most players will now just leave server or stop playing because of this, guilds will get fed up and losing servers will just stop playing too…..your actually causing damage to WvW and competitivness, not helping it.

Also these are the sort of players RUIN are bringing over to deso server….direct quote…

“please leave for another server so we can bring in the rest of our players kthxbai”

(edited by TRON.1085)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


I feel sorry for AR and BT servers at the moment, free server transfers have broken WvW balance, right now deso ( my server ) are winning almost 100% of the map because RUIN instead of staying on there US servers are now clogging up EB and borderland maps.

Eu players on an Eu server cant even play WvW even in there own timezone and now can’t even play at night time.

If it wasn’t for free server tranfers deso would not be owning almost 100% of the map and RUIN guild would not even of come here clogging up our server WvW que times.

Please go back to you own server, your just stopping players on deso from getting to play WvW while your just getting no challenge or balanced fight in WvW anyway which is why you jumped servers to get an easy win in WvW….

Arena Net please do something about free server transfers it is breaking WvW.

hmmm this is sounds weird, since almost everybody i know, who played last week against sea farer and kodash , glad that RUIN willing to join our server, or maybe u were not there, when we crawled from 3rd place to 2nd at the end of the day ?

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


Just to show you how strong Vizunah is…

And no Vizunah is not red^^. RUIN propably has more Players as our whole Tier 1 together, since Elona is good at night, but since the server only consists of germans they normally don’t have queues anywhere (no idea if it changed now) and our Tier 1 is pretty equal now.

I don’t think that RUIN will even have some competition here, since the european night-forces aren’t that strong and they have spread a lot after the last queue-data came from ArenaNet.

Just compare



The two other Servers are a lot weaker than Vizunah (well Elona has a quite organized nightcrew although they are even less than Vizunah). So I’m not sure if you expect thousends of canadians, but there is only a small canadian-prime-peak on Vizunah consisting of about 30 people, not even enough to extend the Queues into their own primetime. Queues on Vizunah are ending on 1am (I guess earlier now, since some people transferred away from Vizunah), which would be strange for a lot of canadians.

So no idea what you expected during our night, but normally it is quite empty during the night, exspecially during the week. Maybe Vizunah will win again because of their strength during the week at night, but actually they are hardly a match for some germans that stayed awake.

An US-Guild consisting of 2.000 people is just way to much for even all 3 T1-Servers together to handle. 2.000 people are able to fill all battlegrounds alone (for all sides) so only 1/3 needs to be online to fill all the slots in WvW.

PS: Deso was stronger than Kodash at night in the first time. We only managed to get points during the weekend-nights and our strong monday. After that IRON was able to hold the fight against the few remainers and even drove them back, completly without RUIN. They also organized your prime-time forces and I guess they were the main reason for your strong comeback. And well, Kodash is known for its strong weekends, since most people strongly dislike staying awake for some points.

(edited by Syntax.9602)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


All RUIN are doing is stopping eu players playing on an eu server, and stopping eu players from playing in WvW. Thats all there doing.

Are you kidding?

Desolation is chuck full of fairweather WvW players, that dont play if they are losing and mass queu when they are winning.

RUIN contributes to the winning with their strong night presence, if they didnt play Desolation probably wouldnt be winning so big. Or even winning at all. And then these players wouldnt bother with playing WvW anyway.

I remember the match-up from 2 weeks ago. In the weekend, around noon, Desolation has outmanned on all borderland maps. Desolation is a HIGH population server, and no one bothered with WvW because they were losing.
Now they are winning and suddenly there is a big queu? Yah, obvious enough whats happening here.

So dont blame RUIN for that. Blame the kitteny WvW community that couldnt muster a force to defend the tower next to their spawn on a freaking weekend if they are behind in score. But mass queue’s when there is an oppertunity to spawn camp another server.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


You raise a good point. We’ll see how it plays out I suppose.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


Our european matchup suffers greatly from Oversee-Guilds. It is fine if they are only a few like on SFR or Vizunah, but a strong US-Guild will strongly destroy the balance in the european brackets, since french and german Servers do not have as much Oversee-Presence than english servers have.

And I don’t really think that Desolation needed RUIN to be competitive. Maybe they would have a hard time in T2, but it would be one of the servers switching between T2 and T3 and Desolation is strong enough for T3 and might even give some good fighting in T2.

As RUIN transferred to Deso they already turned the battle against Kodash, although they were still on 3rd place IRON and some other notable guilds (to be honest IRON is just so easy to remember, that I forgot the tags of the other guilds :P) were already closing the gap.

I’m not sure how important the render-issues where, but Deso isn’t the only server that is easy to demotivate. Kodash had some really awful matches much like Deso, so both Server were reorganizing on the battlefield with the better end for Desolation.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


As one of the guys of IRON that is pulling all-nighters for 14days straight now, here is my stance on RUIN joining Deso:

I kittening love it. Thank god. I can actually go to sleep at normal times without losing all the money I spent on upgrades for keeps and towers. Yes, I still loose about 5g worth of upgrades each day, but I much prefer that to the 10-15g (each day or rather, night) I lost when playing against Arborstone.

To all the people whining about ques: As said before this is due to the broken mentality of most Deso players. As long as we win, we will have ques. This is in no way RUINs fault. Also: The Borderlands only have about a 10-15min que in the evening, and I LOVE that. Seriously. Here is the reasoning behind me, loving ques:

If there are no ques, anyone can get in, which means you get loads, and loads, and loads of randoms, which is fine, because random players are still better than no players at all.
If there are short ques people whithout any dedication to WvW will give up on getting in very quickly, which is perfect, because I really do not like people in WvW, farming nodes and mobs. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine if nothing is going on and they are on the way anyways, but if there is a fight somewhere and you are needed there you go there and don’t stop to farm. So short ques keep the PvEers out. (mostly)
The only anoying thing are ques that are hours long, and so far that has not happend for any of the borderlands. So if you want to get into EB, and there is a que, why not jump into one of the Borderlands first, help out there whilst queing for EB? Oh by the way, thats what ANet said you SHOULD do. And it makes perfect sense! :-O Holy kitten!

TL;DR: Glad to have you, RUIN. Short ques are actually good for WvW.

- Bloodsteel

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


As one of the guys of IRON that is pulling all-nighters for 14days straight now, here is my stance on RUIN joining Deso:

I kittening love it. Thank god. I can actually go to sleep at normal times without losing all the money I spent on upgrades for keeps and towers. Yes, I still loose about 5g worth of upgrades each day, but I much prefer that to the 10-15g (each day or rather, night) I lost when playing against Arborstone.

Agreed. Anyone who is serious about WvW on Desolation can’t do anything but be glad about the much needed boost to our 24/7 coverage.

The amount of preemptive whining people on other servers are already starting to do to try and have RUIN leave is astounding, to say the least. I also have my doubts about that “Desolation player” complaining about them tbh.

Apparently nightcapping is only good if you’re the one doing it, otherwise “it destroys EU balance”. Heh. Which balance exactly are we talking about? The one seeing VS having 300+ points in the rankings over any other server?

Mind you, I still think the scoring system is one of the worst designs I’ve ever seen; it doesn’t reflect activity, it rewards alarm clocking, it devalues proper in game tactics, and it autoleads to ridiculous snowballs. But reading people start crying even before facing us… Jesus.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


Syntax, RUIN doesnt have all 2000 members on our server. We welcome them on our server, since WvW is a 24/7 battleground, which you obviously do not want. If you want to be competitive against other highly active wvw servers like vizunah or arborstone, we need guilds from other timezones, that´s why we had negotations with a thai guild… Deso is becoming a world server!

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Shtra Quo.1932

Shtra Quo.1932

Grats to Blacktide for getting the orb on Augury Rock Borderlands. Our keep with the orb were attacked by Augury Rock and everything was under control. No outer gate breached, no walls down. Next thing i know: The orb is suddenly in Blacktides Keep. Well that’s magic!

Would be nice if we could fight for one week against an honorable enemy.

Freck – You’ve been desolated!

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: radekas.6521


I am also really glad that RUIN joined our server. It’s true that the queues are as bad as 1 onth ago now, but well that’s the price we have to pay for being relevant in WVW once again.

RUIN guys, don’t listen to all the whiners.

Raddeh – Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Reidir.6391


@Shtra Quo: Orb was on the ground for 15 minutes, noone went and picked it up. After it reseted Blacktide just took it from Augury Rock.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Kindragon.4308


Hey, whatever happened its a good thing. If there werent ques people would be leaving the server claiming its dead. And whats the problem? Go grab a beer, take a kitten and hopefully the que will pop in that time. EU primetime last night , the que only took me like 8 minutes to get into Eternal Battlegrounds.

As for IRON, nice work to you guys. Been noticing your commanders and squads pulling alot of the weight at the end of the last matchup and since this one started.

As for RUIN, welcome to Desolation. With a ton of people transfering off of Desolation in the last few weeks, its good to have a nice influx of new players on the server, as well as some Night Capping defense. I think its a good matchup for all involved.

Keep up the good work Desolation, things seemed grim there after messing with the french the last few weeks, but its kitten good to see the server still has the drive, and the tools to win.

Lost Souls

Jozhua – LvL 80 Thief
[R U I N] Scout/Soldier

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Virchow.6043


Here’s why you really want RUIN on your nights:

In my experience against them, they continue to fight, even when down, and if you give them the room, they’ll rout you. That tenacity and their numbers will fill most gaps, and coupled with SEA/Oceanic coverage and a modicum of organization during the days you’ll win it all.

If your aspiration is to take out the top seed, this is what you’ll need, and you should thank them often and loudly if you guys do go all the way.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


If your aspiration is to take out the top seed, this is what you’ll need, and you should thank them often and loudly if you guys do go all the way.

I’m not on the server, but… “All hail our RUIN overlords”?
Sure, say thank you once for coming, but often and loudly is kinda lol and looks more like grovelling than going “Thanks, now lets kick their kitten #8221;

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: ghondon.7910


We Ruin should be thanking you as well then You guys are covering us while we are sleeping. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship! If we get to the top it will be a team effort and thanks and congratulations will be due to everyone!

RUIN LvL 80 Mesmer

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


We Ruin should be thanking you as well then You guys are covering us while we are sleeping. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship! If we get to the top it will be a team effort and thanks and congratulations will be due to everyone!

RUIN LvL 80 Mesmer

what he said. ruin views this as a partnership for mutually assured success. we aren’t particularly looking for praises (altho it does make me feel pretty) and we realize that we will have ruffled some feathers on the way in. either way, our view is that we will succeed together, or fail separated. whether you like it or not, night capping is a very serious part of this game, and the higher tiers are more equipped to handle it then say a T3 server. ultimately we were never able to secure a night force on our server so our last “nuclear” option was to make our guild part of another servers night team. do i agree with anet’s stance on this.. mostly no, but its a part of the game and they are dead set on keeping it that way. hopefully the EU bracket will become more global then the NA servers, and ultimately grow to be a much stronger community.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


As one of the guys of IRON that is pulling all-nighters for 14days straight now, here is my stance on RUIN joining Deso:

I kittening love it. Thank god. I can actually go to sleep at normal times without losing all the money I spent on upgrades for keeps and towers. Yes, I still loose about 5g worth of upgrades each day, but I much prefer that to the 10-15g (each day or rather, night) I lost when playing against Arborstone.

To all the people whining about ques: As said before this is due to the broken mentality of most Deso players. As long as we win, we will have ques. This is in no way RUINs fault. Also: The Borderlands only have about a 10-15min que in the evening, and I LOVE that. Seriously. Here is the reasoning behind me, loving ques:

- snip -

- Bloodsteel

Very much agreed and quoting as this is the truth. Don’t blame queue’s on a single guild, it’s unfair to do so.

Deso needed a nightcap team for ‘EU offhour’ coverage, in order to stay viable as a high tier server. We also needed to improve a lot on coordination and I can say we improved a LOT since our last time in T2/1.

Two additional factors are involved in the queue’s however, let’s not forget about them:

1- Randoms and PvE focussed guilds jump in when we’re doing well to farm in WvW. (Tip to Arenanet: Cut all PvE related content from WvW, and replace karma rewards with badge rewards.)

2- Free server transfers with no restrictions on WvW, causing people from losing servers to transfer to the winning server for farming perposes. (Tip to Arenanet: Disallow participation in a running matchup when transfered during that period, up to a max of 7 days as that is the current match length.)

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Auzegeist.2836


Night teams are part and parcel of a 24 hour battle, im actually glad that Ruin have come to the server as it balances things up. Near every server will have a nightshift soon its how the game is played. Just because your in bed doesnt mean to say the rest of the world is.

Also moaning about queues is so small minded and arrogant, should there be a slot there reserved just for you every day/night? Get a grip, welcome to life people sometimes you need to wait on things! Granted you might have to wait 10-20 minutes big deal, being in a queue doesn’t cement your char to one spot you can actually do other things while you wait.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


LoR best guild Deso

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


It seems to me RUIN joined Deso to become number 1 without a fight from the other servers. They said they came over because teir one has 24/7 coverage, that isn’t true.

VS only had a strong night presence because FS sleep. Its the only reason they are number one. Elona atm are dominating but I guess that’s because,i think, they have school vacations in germany. Deso are the only server with oversees help. VS might have canadian or whatever but iif they get beat by germans then I don’t think they will beat the americans.

Have fun being number one in EU because you couldn’t cut it in NA.

RP enthusiast

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Where were all these Deso players when we were losing to the French 2 weeks ago. Where were they all when we were in last place last week?

There were no queues for 2 weeks, especially on the borderlands, because of all the fair weather players. Now we are winning again people want to play, but complain that they can’t get in?

We get a guild (RUIN) which can help us be competitive against the likes of arborstone and vizunah etc and yet some people are’nt happy because they cannot get into Eternal Bg. The longest the que was last night on augury rock border was 20 minutes.

Come fight in a borderland, come fight when we are outmanned night after night (if losing), rather than moaning on here.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: JAX.8347


Anet has stated this is a 24×7 game and we learned that having coverage with other guilds who want to fight and play despite the score 24×7 is needed to compete in T1 or T2. On ET we had no coverage over night and learned that. I am happy our leadership choose to move to Deso, the fighting has been tremendous regardless of the score and there are excellent like minded guilds to work with on Deso


Ruin on Desolation

(edited by JAX.8347)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Atrixer.9275


Might as well rename Guild Wars 2 to Nightcap Wars. Replace Auguary rock with Kodash and you’ve got the three biggest night cappers all rolled into one sad and pathetic battle. Have fun!

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Shtra Quo.1932

Shtra Quo.1932

My point: If everybody in a matchup does “night capping” then there is “night fighting”. It’s as easy as that.

Freck – You’ve been desolated!

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


what if I told you the Internet has no time zone?

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Mepti.8975


It seems to me RUIN joined Deso to become number 1 without a fight from the other servers. They said they came over because teir one has 24/7 coverage, that isn’t true.

VS only had a strong night presence because FS sleep. Its the only reason they are number one. Elona atm are dominating but I guess that’s because,i think, they have school vacations in germany. Deso are the only server with oversees help. VS might have canadian or whatever but iif they get beat by germans then I don’t think they will beat the americans.

Have fun being number one in EU because you couldn’t cut it in NA.

If you think that the NA level of play is somehow better than EU, you are smoking crack. The EU servers fight and fight with more strategy and coordination than anything RUIN saw in Tier 1 or Tier 2 on the NA servers. If the points are not in their favor by Tuesday – everyone quits. WvWvW is dead after Tuesday on most servers. They are so focused on the point system, they are missing the point…. to fight.

Until Arenanet raises the cap in WvWvW – and limits transfers by charging real money – this is the situation we are in. You can win with queues – or lose with no queues. Welcome to GW2.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Kees.2573


“Xaoc from Blacktide just tried getting into Ascension Bay on AR borderlands by using the underwater exploit. Pretty sad tbh. I guess this is what you try to do when you are losing to us in primetime, huh?”
In primetime, problem is to hold a castle for long. Those imbeciles could get it (did they even try? cause they saw defenders outnumber them) but couldnt hold.

Epika, [Chaos]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


It’s pretty awesome just again, a shame that the invisible enemies issue keeps popping up and ruining my WvW experience. I actually shifted away from Deso last couple of days just to see if it was as bad on other servers, and based on my friend (aurora glade), yesterday (seafarers rest) and today (gunnar’s hold) I can say it’s as bad everywhere. Will be back to deso this evening

Aurora Glade [EU]

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493



what if I told you the Internet has no time zone?

What if I told you the servers were specifically catagorized under Europe and America?

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Akuma.7098


Well, it would be good for deso if RUIN came a bit later, we would get our core and kitten together even more. Now we get lot of ppl who joins server just because it is winning. But it is not RUIN fault. I was on deso on beta and deso is the only server I ever was on in GW2. And I was slowly recognizing some good players and commanders. Now it seeems we have many ppl I have never seen before. Well, I blame A-net and their W3 system.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Shtra Quo.1932

Shtra Quo.1932

What if I told you the servers were specifically catagorized under Europe and America?

Does this also mean I have to play on a “DE” server only because I’m german? EU/NA only gives indications about server location. Otherwise no south americans, australians or you name it where allowed to play this game.

Freck – You’ve been desolated!

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


Well, it would be good for deso if RUIN came a bit later, we would get our core and kitten together even more. Now we get lot of ppl who joins server just because it is winning. But it is not RUIN fault. I was on deso on beta and deso is the only server I ever was on in GW2. And I was slowly recognizing some good players and commanders. Now it seeems we have many ppl I have never seen before. Well, I blame A-net and their W3 system.

I don’t think we necessarily got a lot of people joining the server. I’m sure there’s a few but not the massive increase you think.

I think what you’re seeing is the effect of the fairweather wvwers we have on Desolation. Now we’re winning again they flock back to take the glory and make our server look a lot bigger than it is. Just you watch, when we go up in tiers and start losing again (I don’t think we’ll win in the higher tiers right away even with RUIN) these people will stop playing again and you’ll only see the familiar faces you were noticing before.

Also, Bloodsteel, you and a couple others rescued me from a 1v6 situation in the southern camp yesterday, I was dead on the floor :P Thanks for that (and anyone else who was there)

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


The problem is, Deso was a T2-Server even before RUIN joined. The haven’t lost because they were rated too low, but because Arborstone was rated to weak. With Vizunah, Elona and Arborstone T1 would consist of our strongest Night-Servers and T2 would be a rather fair match too.

Our T1 was never as equal as it is now. Elona has a small lead on Vizunah and during the day battles mostly appear between Elona and FS, with Vizunah being a lot weaker. They seem a bit demoralized now, since they once have to fight servers that stands their ground.

Even with only a small lead Elona will cost Vizunah 100 Points now. I guess Vizunah will comeback during the Week, but the problem is, what should does 3 Servers do against international competition?

Since Anet does not allow foreign languages in this communities they are tied to french or german players. So all you say is they are kittened up, since you will most likely dominate them with no chance to fight back and they should ask some indochina-french or canadians or… well no idea germans could get some japanese since they seem to like Oliver Kahn ^.-

This “cover all timezones” would be true for an english-only competition like it is in NA. But since europe has a lot of language specific-servers this just does not work. Vizunah actually gets a lot of hatred for 500 canadian jews (yeah, I know they don’t exist, since a canadian guild consisting of 500 people that speak hebrew is very unlikely^^). Since the transfer of hatred is free too, the europeans will just start to hate Deso instead of Vizunah if it climbs up in tiers smashing everything in between during the night.

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


Since the transfer of hatred is free too, the europeans will just start to hate Deso instead of Vizunah if it climbs up in tiers smashing everything in between during the night.

Except this won’t happen. Wanna know the real numbers behind the new Desolation WvW superpower? This morning I spent 2 hours in Blacktide borderland, for my guild’s WvW event. Went in there at 10:00 AM, zero queue. Crashed lots of times due to the sound bug, every time I logged back in and rejoined the map instantly.

So yeah, the ubermassive Desolation WvW population along with all its fair weather PvE players couldn’t even field 166 players in at least one of the three borderlands for at least 2 hours, and this on a Sunday morning.
Scary, uh?

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Daxter.4286


I for one am happy how our server started to pull itself together towards the end of this week. We have had a hard time for few weeks now and that was getting somewhat depressing already, when we fell down from quite high(T1). I think we owe a big thanks towards Forsaken Gamers[FG] and IRON for starting to get our servers guilds more organized and actually working together. Also i for one heartily welcome RUIN to our server and have had few chances to play with some of them and they were fun guild to play alongside with.

As MagnusLL said, there was literally no queue at morning during weekend and even during week at prime time the queue to WvW wasn’t too bad(the longest i waited was around 30 minutes). Comparing that to the 4-5 hours when the game was fresh out of the oven is nothing.

EDIT: Also in relation to this topic, we had some good fights against Blacktide on sunday. We were outnumbered 2-1 or 3-1, but managed to hold quite well.

Extraordinary Gentlemen[EXG] – Desolation[EU]

(edited by Daxter.4286)