Desolation Battle Report

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


You shouldn’t bother to respond to this Troma.
This thread is clearly an auto-congratulation one, not a Battle Report.

So everything that can make them feel superior is ok there.
Myths, urban legends and hypocrisy included.

It’s their way to enjoy WvW, don’t ruin it.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Ha ha ha, maybe next time I should Fraps it then with some nice Benny Hill music

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: GrandMechantLoup.8201


Both servers are attacking your own garrison? It’s incredible ! More screenshots please ! ANET must fix it !

jade sea, EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


what can i say

ok i admit, you’re so good you can go up against two fully allied T1 servers and win easily. you’re that strong.

never used the jumping bug to have the water fort, never used the thief bug to block supplies indefinitely , and we never see a massive amount of people bashing doors at night. By the way, VS people are not at all in a games meeting this week end, they are on AS , they like to lose to your incredible strengh, but in a different color for a change. And the rest of VS and AS are sooo motivated by these incredible fights and talented people on your side, always playing fair, that they try their hardest these days. We don’t see at all on french forums people rerolling waiting for Anet to take a decision, or leaving the game. Oh and yes, we have a 500 strong canadian jewish guild called CaSu, it’s good that Ruin came to balance so well T1.

so yeah, i think we need to leave one of your autocongratulation (sorry, battle report) threads, such good fights since you came.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


How can they is an alliance since vizunah guild especially WL still haven’t enter 3W since reset?
Fight was last we get hours back and just don’t care

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: CorliCorso.6254


Mod warning coming in 5… 4… 3…

There was something quite funny last night on VS borderlands. We (Deso) took the garrison, VS spent ages trebbing it from Sunny, a handful of us went on top of the tower ready to make a famous last stand, and… nothing. They knocked the wall down and then just left us there to gather more points. In the end someone put down a cauldron and we had an epic trick-or-treat fight.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


what can i say

ok i admit, you’re so good you can go up against two fully allied T1 servers and win easily. you’re that strong.

never used the jumping bug to have the water fort, never used the thief bug to block supplies indefinitely , and we never see a massive amount of people bashing doors at night. By the way, VS people are not at all in a games meeting this week end, they are on AS , they like to lose to your incredible strengh, but in a different color for a change. And the rest of VS and AS are sooo motivated by these incredible fights and talented people on your side, always playing fair, that they try their hardest these days. We don’t see at all on french forums people rerolling waiting for Anet to take a decision, or leaving the game. Oh and yes, we have a 500 strong canadian jewish guild called CaSu, it’s good that Ruin came to balance so well T1.

so yeah, i think we need to leave one of your autocongratulation (sorry, battle report) threads, such good fights since you came.

Noone said it was an easy win but according to real data you can just read and weep some more. the daytime scores speak for themselves its all graphed and out there. Yes desolation is handling it well

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


Good PVDoors story bro.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


easy to toss insults around much harder to blame yourselves isnt it XD i could talk about what wood is beeing knocked on but rather not go there pinnochio springs to mind though

“Have a nice day” {says in cheesy american acccent}

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Celimdor.7381


Its noones fault but your own that you arent capable of playing a tri faction game and its 1 server lol. yeah 1 server versus your 2…Cry me a river I could sail away on all the tears round here XD.

No one is crying, personnaly i had the funniest fights in GW2 since the launch. On PA we do like challenges on our prime time or even when we are outnumbered 1 to 10 we do enjoy killing your zerg, sometimes it s 10 VS 50 and we still are able to make you run and we love that, even if we loose cause your 24/24 Zerg is too much for us to handle, we don’t complain that much.
If You like PvDoor and playing for the score i don’t mind it’s a game and it just there to give you some fun, nothing we can do against your mindless zerg for now.

And like you said it’s a Trifaction so don’t say silly things at some point its 2 FR servers versus you and at some points we fight each other. We don’t complain when we are fighting 2vs1 and it happened a lot since 2 weeks.

If Desolation players do enjoy GW2 and EU servers i m happy for you, even if you will never get any respect from me with your terrible teamplay… I could have posted TONS of vids showing 10 PA wiping 20-50 Deso to show you my point, but i don’t even need to do that, you know already what i m talking about

Thank you Anet for this Game it’s really amazing.


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Its noones fault but your own that you arent capable of playing a tri faction game and its 1 server lol. yeah 1 server versus your 2…Cry me a river I could sail away on all the tears round here XD.

No one is crying, personnaly i had the funniest fights in GW2 since the launch. On PA we do like challenges on our prime time or even when we are outnumbered 1 to 10 we do enjoy killing your zerg, sometimes it s 10 VS 50 and we still are able to make you run and we love that.

And like you said it’s a Trifaction so don’t say silly things at some point its 2 FR servers versus you and at some points we fight each other. We don’t complain when we are fighting 2vs1 and it happened a lot since 2 weeks.

If Desolation players do enjoy GW2 and EU servers i m happy for you, even if you will never get any respect from me with your terrible teamplay… I could have posted TONS of vids showing 10 PA wiping 20-50 Deso to show you my point, but i don’t even need to do that, you know already what i m talking about

Thank you Anet for this Game it’s really amazing.


On the 10 versus 50 I must have been sick that day really and if thats the case why come here complaining constantly about being so outmanned if you can run it on a skeleton crew.

The 2 v 1 has been admitted by the alliance coordinator wether it was for 2 days or a week so its a very real reality and the other part of your statement just proves that your alliance probably fell down because you were unable to stick wiht it. Not really Desolations fault youd rather cut your own throats than focus on the task at hand.

Id love to see this magical video collection also because it completely blasts out of the water 99.9% of whats being thrown around here which is your outnumbered and night capped?

I think most have enjoyed the 2 v 1 tbh because its pretty funny to watch two “uber pvp legends” (in their own mind) fall to pieces.

The Mos scorelines speak for themselves we are holding our own in the daytime and its pretty close even through the night. So tyvm for the chuckles.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Celimdor.7381


The Mos scorelines speak for themselves we are holding our own in the daytime and its pretty close even through the night. So tyvm for the chuckles.

Yeah i admitt that in daytime the scores are sometime very close, since we fight against a 24h timezone coverage server most of the casual players left McM. It seems that a lot of people flee from a server when they don’t get easy wins, i m sure you know what i mean.
So we don’t have as much people as we used

Anyway we are not Uber PvP legends but gamers who do enjoy challenges and that’s the only difference between us. I will not argue anymore with you guys since it seems we don’t share the same point of view.

Have fun guys and cu InGame !!!

[MoS] Celimdor

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


The Mos scorelines speak for themselves we are holding our own in the daytime and its pretty close even through the night. So tyvm for the chuckles.

Yeah i admitt that in daytime the scores are sometime very close, since we fight against a 24h timezone coverage server most of the casual players left McM. It seems that a lot of people flee from a server when they don’t get easy wins, i m sure you know what i mean.
So we don’t have as much people as we used

Anyway we are not Uber PvP legends but gamers who do enjoy challenges and that’s the only difference between us. I will not argue anymore with you guys since it seems we don’t share the same point of view.

Have fun guys and cu InGame !!!

[MoS] Celimdor

2v1 is challenging maybe you’ll consider coming to deolation to try it if you want a real challenge.

I appreciate your comments and any civil player from any side having an opinion but mos really says allot. I would consider less time being forum warriors and more time opening up to recruit the players you need to compete as 1 server not 2 because that obviously isnt working for you guys.

Btw hers a nice video that correlates most of my personal experience in WvW. Ty to the OP and great job on the vid.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Alright, you wanted a detailed Battle Report video? Here you go
(sorry for the (lack of) quality; it was my first time using Movie Maker)

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


@Desolation: French this, french that… nightcapping doesn’t make you any good at this game. Remember that.

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Celimdor.7381


Just one more thing to add, try to take some distance guys with the situation. Let’s say you play on an US ladder and then from nowhere a mob of Chineese/Arabian players start to play on your ladder, telling you that they are coming to teach you a lesson cause they think you are bragging too much. And they say that they will be happy killing Americans on the Battlefield and that if you want to stay competitive you just need to start learning Chineese or Arabic and find more players…

I mean ITS SO OBVIOUS that this situation will bring some hate on forums ! Maybe i should also start a stupid video called Celimdor Vs USA ? … I don t think i m egocentric enough ;p
Btw good luck to Desolation on the long run, thanks to you we have fights 24H a day even if we get outnumbered i wish you the best.

[MoS] Celimdor

(edited by Celimdor.7381)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


@celimdor haha so true
i don’t really like been called names like frogs for nothing at home.
Perhaps we should call US guys by our country nickname for them too…Pigs

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


@Desolation: French this, french that… nightcapping doesn’t make you any good at this game. Remember that.

Take the time to read mos for the graphed scores and actually read a thread before you come in like a bull XD.

Obviously night capping doesnt make you good I would have thought some other servers might realize that more than deso by now.

Go read the mos graphed scores and realize your being knacked during the day as well when you 2v1 regularly

Apparently we are so mediocore everyone needs to sit here crying allday about our prescnece

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


lol bring on the troll hour wow are you guys like a travelling circus? If I throw peanuts or grind an organ do you do tricks too?


Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


“nightcapping doesn’t make you any good at this game. Remember that.”

So. Much. Irony.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Whatever flavour you like we dont discrimate over here… enjoy the show..

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


But its true
Fights were lot more competitive before. Last week was really boring for a T1 match up.
Desolation and especially Ruin the night is full of guys with no strategy, no siege weapons, hitting doors with teeth and just packing like a roman turtle in open to divide damage. I can see my rune of blood go from 0 to 25 in less than a minute and its like it did nothing to their raid with the outnumbering and the coma status
Also, I do same damage on them than i did first 3w weeks when it was full of unstuff and non 80 players..

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


I love how people loosing and in one breath saying they stayed up during the nights also to counter the night cap can say that then come here crying because they are obviously unable to grasp the concepts of a trifaction game.

Ruin throw gold hand over fist at these matches XD they always did even on ET. They left ET also becuase the server as a whole had irrepairable underlying drama and most memebrs got sick of trying to help a server that didnt want to be helped. Before they left they helped to dethrone Henge who fell back on similar tacts as some FR servers to remain in the top slot.

Dont dish it out if you can’t take it. Go read Anets stance on the night capping and you thread about their views on WvW.

Its tri faction for a reason anyone with half a brain can see why its made that way.

But its true
Fights were lot more competitive before. Last week was really boring for a T1 match up.
Desolation and especially Ruin the night is full of guys with no strategy, no siege weapons, hitting doors with teeth and just packing like a roman turtle in open to divide damage. I can see my rune of blood go from 0 to 25 in less than a minute and its like it did nothing to their raid with the outnumbering and the coma status
Also, I do same damage on them than i did first 3w weeks when it was full of unstuff and non 80 players..

Then you should be truly ashamed your loosing to Desolation then yeah. No strategy but loosing? Doesnt quite add up does it

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Then you should be truly ashamed your loosing to Desolation then yeah. No strategy but loosing? Doesnt quite add up does it

VZ guild still haven’t been in 3w since reset and im not sure we will
For my part did 91h last week and still 0 since reset but i slept 18h straight

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: hellfish.6740


Battle report: VZ have realized they can’t win by PvDoor in the middle of the night like they did against FS for so many months so naturally they stop logging on. Clearly it’s only acceptable for French people to zerg in the wee hours.

Hey Troma, what was your excuse when WL got absolutely murdered by Nolby on Camlann back in the day? I forgot…

Arbor really have some skilled groups of people to be honest. Much props to them.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: GrandMechantLoup.8201


try-hard, you lost last week, we relax this weekend so have fun

jade sea, EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


Tell that to the Russians on Blacktide when they’re destroying you.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


Whats happening in T1 EU, Desolation vs Vizunah Sqare vs Arborstone.
No offense, its just a movie

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Quartz.3462


Arbor have some very well organised guilds. I got smashed by lots of them XD Just personal experience but it seems to me that Viz have the bigger groups but they don’t seem to be as good as Arbor. Still excellent fights though I really can’t see a French alliance this week though.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Celimdor.7381


I m looking at my watch and like every night since Mance Rayder is among Desolation, i m saying to myslef “Winter is coming” …
Undeads and heretics on the wall !!! Burn baby burn !

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


I m looking at my watch and like every night since Mance Rayder is among Desolation, i m saying to myslef “Winter is coming” …
Undeads and heretics on the wall !!! Burn baby burn !

sure an undead who own at prime time, thats mean “the others” worse than undead,whats more worse than undead. hmm frog maybe ;D

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone,

I would like to make a reminder here: follow the rules written in our code of conduct if you want to post your opinion on our forums.

I have seen a lot of posts related to this kind of “nationality war” in this thread, and all of them have been removed. Competition is good for the sport spirit but it has to be done in a polite and respectful way so please refrain from being unrespectful to your opponents.

If we see other postings that are breaking the rules we will have to close this thread.

Thank you for your understanding & cooperation.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Excession.2198


In other news, VS and AS are not working together, they do not have an alliance, in any way, shape or form…….

Earlier today, Desolation had control of Stonemist, VS had a trebuchet up in Klovan, and in Wild Creek, and were hitting the wall on the western side of it, while AS had a few trebs up, hitting the wall at the northern end of it, and both VS and AS succeeded in knocking down sections of the outer wall.

Desolation paid no attention to this, as it really did not matter much, both VS and AS sent people in, who proceeded to run around on top of the outer wall, not really doing anything apart from make us laugh as we opened large amounts of loot bags..

VS then decided to start taking down the southern inner gate, while AS decided to start taking down the north eastern inner gate, after much complaining from Desolation because they could not place any seige on the inner wall with which to defend these attacks, VS broke through and were wiped easily in the lords room, followed by AS, who also were wiped easily, VS broke in again, as did AS, and both servers managed to get some people upstairs.

After roughly two hours of holding back both servers, Desolation were finally wiped out in the lords room, and AS took control of Stonemist.

Desolation proceeded to retake a tower or two that were lost during the Stonemist fight, then went ahead and started to retake Stonemist, by knocking down the south east section of the outer wall, then starting to take down the inner gate on that side.

AS sent many people over to try and stop Desolation, but in a strange turn of events, they did not send any people over to the Great Western Gate, where VS had a few people taking it down, and in another, even stranger turn of events, AS did not send any people over to stop VS attacking an inner gate of their own, instead, they stayed over on the east side of Stonemist, fighting with Desolation, and just let VS walk in, uncontested, and take Stonemist……

It really did neither of them any good in the end, as Desolation regrouped, and went back to Stonemist a few minutes later, and reclaimed control of it from VS.

But please, never forget, VS and AS are not working together, they do not have an alliance in any way, shape, or form…….

Political Correctness is Tyranny with manners

(edited by Moderator)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Kada Feed.1782

Kada Feed.1782

Is it the first time you are actually doing WvW ?

Being sieged at both sides of Stonemist, Garnison, Bay [etc..] is pretty common.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aysnvaust.7046


Wow, Desolation beeing attacked by BOTH servers? Shocking.
Why the french servers don’t do it the Desolation way:
They see that two servers/zergs are having a battle. They do not move in and try to take advantage of the situation, no they step back, wait until that battle is over. Then they send a pm to the winner: Are you done now? May we have our turn now? You want to refresh and rebuff first, maybe? When they get the O.K. from the opponents commander, that is when they start fighting, not a second earlier. We all should learn from that respectfull and fair behavior, that also reflects in many posts by Desolation members.

Poke Menot
Asura Thief
Elona Reach

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Good propaganda effort, good way of demoralizing French pugs and making Desolation’s match easier. Words cuts deeper then swords.


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Excession.2198


Aimed at Kada Feed.1782 and Aysnvaust.7046

Ok, I will type slowly, use small words, and explain so you can understand.

In my earlier post, you clearly missed the part where AS let VS just walk in and take Stonemist.

I will say it again, AS let VS just walk in and take Stonemist.

Not one single AS player even tried to stop any of VS from taking Stonemist, not one.

It is not the first time they have done this, they did it a few times last week as well.

They say they are not allied, they are not working together, at all, yet they are able to swap Stonemist between the two of them to stop Desolation taking it.

The point I was making in my previous post had nothing at all to do with being attacked by both of them at the same time, but you obviously missed it.

Wake up, get a clue.

Political Correctness is Tyranny with manners

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Wake up, get a clue.

you get up.

what you see is tri-faction.

you’re clearly overestimating your server : if both FR server were allied, you wouldn’t be in the lead for score : you have seen it last week end.

Vizunah Square [FR]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


Wake up, get a clue.

you get up.

what you see is tri-faction.

you’re clearly overestimating your server : if both FR server were allied, you wouldn’t be in the lead for score : you have seen it last week end.

yup 1 server let the other server took SM without event trying to stop it, to prevent another server took it , seems legit to me, definetly not allied (insert sarcasm here )

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Junal.2469


I for one don’t mind been attacked by both sides, actually I enjoy it! It make the combat more intense and for an odd reason Desolation player tend to shine during those moments.

I’m really enjoying this week match, good luck to all 3 factions /salute

Junal – Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Co-Leader

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Rouilleur.7893


Is that a troll post ?
Propaganda to explain why desolation failed to take rank 1 this week despite there huge numeric superiority maybe.

Seriously, VS is in T1 since the beginning even with no other french server in T1.
AS climbed from rank 15 to rank 1, winning vs nearly every single server until they reached rank 1 (except one second place).
Archaos, do you think anyone will believe you when you say that french servers need to collaborate to win ?
Coming from desolation, a server that only exists thanks to server switches of RUIN and other guilds, I find it quite hilarious.

Complaining because 2 servers are attacking at the same time :
have you ever played high tier WvW already ?
I’m not sure…
Exactly the same happened today : AS garnison was attacked by both VS and Desolation.
OMG… there is an alliance between VS and Desolation
And it happens hundreds time a day on every match-up.

Alliance between VS and AS is a pure fantasy. We are just players devoted to our servers and we fight hard for it.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


May not be a official alliance, but theirs fishy things going on like a certain a guild playing on both French servers last week. Cant wait to play wvww with 3 servers actually trying to win, rather then knock out just 1.


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


@Zumazen :

Can’t wait really ?
It’s not like if you switch to Desolation to fight against NPC/doors and have easy win ?
Quite amusing how most of the serious structures on NA ladder laugh at you.

It’s a pity for the great players of Desolation we fight during our prime time (not to mention IRON and other’s). Actually they really deserve the T1 with their level, but they owe it to your massive unbrain zerg. So sad.

It’s really incredible how many of you can fall in a 10vs40 battle, thanks to Anet, falling is failure but not death. But not surprising though, you’re no more than childish players zergin’ around for caping. The score is enough to make you forget the nonsense of your life. Actually you may think you are so powerful even if being 50-60 it took you 1 full hour and several try to capture a simple tower only guarded by 5 men.

Eventually there’s something you must understand.
We definitely are not like you. We want great fight (that we get when we fight vs the real players of desolation on prime time, you’re no more than some parasites) and hard win. We are happy to fall if the battle was tight and epic, because we know it’s a game, it’s competition, it’s not about wining or loosing, it’s about giving the best of ourselves and becoming better. Our lives aren’t at stake, only the fun.

On the other hand, you only play for easy win, the big number is all that matters to you. Unable to have fun and to win on your own ladder, you came to EU in order to find empty keep because the victory is all what you aim no matter the way. None of yours night achievement is won under a min ratio of 1vs4. You simply fool yourself thinking an unbalanced won match makes yourself skilled and tough player.
Of course it’s not. Actually it might be the exact opposite. You are bad players, sore losers and sad winners.

You proved nothing so far and you really managed to be hated by most of the EU community. Odd things that really happened anytime you go somewhere in the world claiming your strength, you’re just so harmful and ridiculous as can be a stupid small boy playing with a gun.

I wont salute you for destroying the WvWvW EU ladder.
Go home if you have any.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


May not be a official alliance, but theirs fishy things going on like a certain a guild playing on both French servers last week. Cant wait to play wvww with 3 servers actually trying to win, rather then knock out just 1.

Well if AS and VS make and alliance this week, even a not official alliance..

Can you explain me why yesterday, to 6am at 14pm, VS attack only the AS position in the AS homemap, while Deso have 100% of VS homemap… they don’t fight to re take their homemap.. VS attack only our keep in our homemap and never fight deso in our homemap or in their homemap, only focus on us..

What a great alliance !

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


@Zumazen :

Can’t wait really ?
It’s not like if you switch to Desolation to fight against NPC/doors and have easy win ?
Quite amusing how most of the serious structures on NA ladder laugh at you.

It’s a pity for the great players of Desolation we fight during our prime time (not to mention IRON and other’s). Actually they really deserve the T1 with their level, but they owe it to your massive unbrain zerg. So sad.

It’s really incredible how many of you can fall in a 10vs40 battle, thanks to Anet, falling is failure but not death. But not surprising though, you’re no more than childish players zergin’ around for caping. The score is enough to make you forget the nonsense of your life. Actually you may think you are so powerful even if being 50-60 it took you 1 full hour and several try to capture a simple tower only guarded by 5 men.

Eventually there’s something you must understand.
We definitely are not like you. We want great fight (that we get when we fight vs the real players of desolation on prime time, you’re no more than some parasites) and hard win. We are happy to fall if the battle was tight and epic, because we know it’s a game, it’s competition, it’s not about wining or loosing, it’s about giving the best of ourselves and becoming better. Our lives aren’t at stake, only the fun.

On the other hand, you only play for easy win, the big number is all that matters to you. Unable to have fun and to win on your own ladder, you came to EU in order to find empty keep because the victory is all what you aim no matter the way. None of yours night achievement is won under a min ratio of 1vs4. You simply fool yourself thinking an unbalanced won match makes yourself skilled and tough player.
Of course it’s not. Actually it might be the exact opposite. You are bad players, sore losers and sad winners.

You proved nothing so far and you really managed to be hated by most of the EU community. Odd things that really happened anytime you go somewhere in the world claiming your strength, you’re just so harmful and ridiculous as can be a stupid small boy playing with a gun.

I wont salute you for destroying the WvWvW EU ladder.
Go home if you have any.

People like you should be held accountable for what they say under all your long winded logic theres nothing but arrogant bigotry and bitter insults. You guys night capped and stayed at the top based on it. You have a tri faction game to work within and two same language servers. Map chats and an ability to hop or recruit like anyone else.

Thank yourselves for not having a clue how to show some manners or coordinate properly.

As for homes theres so many things politically and historically I could say but won’t because we have been asked to keep it civil here and SOME of us play by the rules.

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


May not be a official alliance, but theirs fishy things going on like a certain a guild playing on both French servers last week. Cant wait to play wvww with 3 servers actually trying to win, rather then knock out just 1.

Well if AS and VS make and alliance this week, even a not official alliance..

Can you explain me why yesterday, to 6am at 14pm, VS attack only the AS position in the AS homemap, while Deso have 100% of VS homemap… they don’t fight to re take their homemap.. VS attack only our keep in our homemap and never fight deso in our homemap or in their homemap, only focus on us..

What a great alliance !

Maybe they choose the weaker side XD lol stands to reason though when both of you put together can’t take out one server now even during the daytime.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


As for homes theres so many things politically and historically I could say but won’t because we have been asked to keep it civil here and SOME of us play by the rules.


Only facts :

Sore looser seeks easy win.
Once again, go home.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Actually, I think that Desolation would be more than willing to make an alliance with Arborstone; just so we can kick Vizunah out into T2

Maybe that way we can get some real WvWvW going instead of certain people barging into any thread that has the word ‘Desolation’ in it and start all this drama, whining and people flinging the term ‘PvDoor’ around as if it’s the latest fashion in France.

So what do you say Arbor? Are you tired of seeing your camps and keeps getting taken by ‘Doorzunah’ every night and want to kick Vizunah out of T1 permanently? I’m sure we would be able to work out a temporary alliance of our own.

I for one would welcome it, as I personally think you guys from Arborstone fight a lot better than Vizunah and deserve to be in T1. Well, the original Arborstone players that is, not those imported Vizunah players that have been recently added to your collective according to rumors.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


loser? lol last time I checked the scores there was only one group of people sore about a thing XD I am home btw I live in the EU :P as do some other ruin memebrs. Go read mos you guys aren’t even winning during the day which is your whole arguement shot to bits. Got anything to say to that or do we need to passport scan to be suitable to enter play?

Heres some facts look at the graph
look at the daytime scores also look how consistant it is really overall.
clearly you arent the best or most dedicated

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


Actually, I think that Desolation would be more than willing to make an alliance with Arborstone; just so we can kick Vizunah out into T2

Maybe that way we can get some real WvWvW going instead of certain people barging into any thread that has the word ‘Desolation’ in it and start all this drama, whining and people flinging the term ‘PvDoor’ around as if it’s the latest fashion in France.

So what do you say Arbor? Are you tired of seeing your camps and keeps getting taken by ‘Doorzunah’ every night and want to kick Vizunah out of T1 permanently? I’m sure we would be able to work out a temporary alliance of our own.

I for one would welcome it, as I personally think you guys from Arborstone fight a lot better than Vizunah and deserve to be in T1. Well, the original Arborstone players that is, not those imported Vizunah players that have been recently added to your collective according to rumors.

At least we may appreciate some kind of humor