Founder of The IRON Triangle
Desolation EU Server Want You!
Founder of The IRON Triangle
I can recommend Desolation as a server, we are slowly getting ourselves organised, with a strong spine that daytime EU is really the only time slot in which we have no major presence.
I can safely say that everyone I’ve met on desolation so far is nice, willing to help, friendly and there is very little spam and whining in team chat.
As we move up the ranks we’re finding that 24 hour coverage is necessary. You could help us get right to the top.
Sign Ups:
I think all servers want them, but i dont know any)
High pop server need more players.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Well seems like you have Ruin coming for you! But beware, they have a reputation of jumping from server to server! :P
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Cyanidestar I was invite you on BT))))
No thank you.
Founder of The IRON Triangle
Chewbiduhwa, are you sure?
You will do them most stronger. They are need your force.
You can reach top1 with them.
just do that you want and continue fighting. You are cool and strong guild.
(edited by lin.2814)
I appreciate the comments guys but Desolation does not have many guilds left and we will stick it out as we feel Desolation still have the potential to make it back to Top tier.
Founder of The IRON Triangle
i suggest u and ur night shift guilds come to far shiverpeaks as we have enough day time guilds.
Would be a good merge.
I appreciate the comments guys i really do but like i said, We are not moving so if you would not mind keeping it on topic, if you are just going to offer places for IRON to go please do not waste you time, Thank you guys.
Founder of The IRON Triangle
RUIN moved to Desolation. I have nothing against them…however, based on previous experience you will have a hard time getting WvW players to switch to a server with that guild in it.
Like i said chaps please add something constructive to this post not comments like that.
Founder of The IRON Triangle
A few Australians would be perfect.
A few Australians would be perfect.
But wouldn’t NA guilds serve this as well? I don’t know the exact time zone your server has, but lets assume its GMT + 2, that means NA guilds would be 7 hrs behind you and Oceanic guilds would be 7 hrs ahead. Either one would give you coverage when you don’t have it.
I understatement all but why US guild [ruin] start to play on EU serwer at night(EU) when there is no enemy ? All (EU) Day form 6am till 6pm Desolation did not get more than 150points … Where is fun hire ? Fighting no enemy and taking empty keeps ?
In tier 1 and two there normally is a big night time presence when RUIN are around, that’s what they’re gearing towards.
This week we discovered it turns out we actually have no day time presence, so we need more guilds that can play during EU day time. Although as far as I can tell Blacktide is pretty unique in its coverage abilities, wouldn’t surprise me to see them rise all the way to the top based on the time zones they can cover
Sign Ups:
IRON is a fantastic guild with great leadership, i wish i could play during daytime, but work started this week for me again and i´m having big withdrawals!
Go ahead and have a chat on our Deso TS with Cyanidestar and join us in the fight!
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom
Desolation is putting up a good fight against our “funny” coverage (sorry for not having work, guys! ) and it’s a good server to fight against.
The IRON guys seem friendly, and when Desolation does come online they put up a good fight. I imagine it would be a good server to join
Give us poor Blacktiders some daytime opposition!
We need people for morning/afternoon times, lets get desolation back up to tier 1 ! =)
Sanctum Of Rall
Abandon that ship, we have milkshakes over here.
Free Milkshake with every transfer to Blacktide from Desolation.
Project Blacktide 24/7
… I transfered 3 days ago, do I still get a milkshake?
Desolation is a good server, maybe few more Asian guilds will be better in nightshift.
Blacktide is good server too, but all they can do is jumping all BL at our nightshift and avoid engage with us i think, good post btw IRON, hope we can recruit more ppl
The milkshake offer is only valid for transfer after October 16th.
Next time read the small print.
The mismanagement of the Blacktide Shake Emporium reserve the right to screw you over.
Project Blacktide 24/7
…. I could transfer away and back?
The milkshake offer is only valid for transfer after October 16th.
Next time read the small print.
The mismanagement of the Blacktide Shake Emporium reserve the right to screw you over.
Come on man, hi-jacking a deso recruit thread, bold move man, bold move. :P
Sign Ups:
I’m not transferring :P My loyalty is to Desolation, always will be.
Sign Ups:
I have asked three times now politely for people to stay on topic. Now stop hi jacking the thread, Is your server that bad they need to take up space on another servers recruitment thread?
Note i am just asking as this seems to be an observation of behavior.
Please do not reply to this as any more of this thread hijacking and i will start reporting.
Founder of The IRON Triangle