Jade Quarry
Desolation Vs Blacktide Vs Arborstone
Jade Quarry
@Jomg was that only daily as bases or one time tick?
Jomg, Its amazing the amount of arbonstone badges we in judge looted just by “run around” Imagine if we also fought, we would need a extra raid just to carry our loot .)
@Jomg was that only daily as bases or one time tick?
Yesterday evening. We were about 300+ for the majority of the day too.
As for Judge, i did 3po yersterday evening (21h-00h), mostly on BT, i agree, but we got to wipe you 2 or 3 time between bay and garnison i think.
If you feel strong wiping some PU , that’s good for you.
(edited by Jomg.9061)
Let’s face it Jomg, out of this matchup and the previous one the only guild I saw running small number squads (20 or less) was [JOKE] so I’m more than willing to give props and respect to you regardless of the server you’re playing on. You guys are solid together with [IX] it’s a challenge facing you. Can’t say much for the rest though.
I also don’t like the “congratulation” tone of the thread but our server has faced so much hate and bad mouthing from practically every server we’ve faced that it’s nice to finally be able to pat ourselves on the back.
To BT I’m sorry to see bad things happening to your community, I wish you the best rebuilding in the future, and to AS thank god you’re no longer seen as VS’s weaker little sister.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
and to AS thank god you’re no longer seen as VS’s weaker little sister.
Actually, I believe they were viewed as VS’s lapdog. Vizunah was viewed by many as the weaker little sister that was constantly whining about US guild this and PvDoor that if my memory serves me correctly.
But next time, please don’t run away if you are by yourself and encounter a lone Deso player. Don’t wait until you outnumber someone at least 3 to 1 before you attack.
Although I had fun keeping you guys entertained before finally running out of tricks, there is little honor to be had when a Warrior has to call in his Guardian and Thief friends because the ‘evil Desolation Ogre’ (a little glass cannon Ranger) was not impressed by your 100b.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
You are obviously very pro Aveneo, much better than Deso players, give HellmanXx.2906 a whisper and test you skills against him
You can check him in the video above.
Nah, I don’t think of myself as pro or anything. I’m just a little LB/SB Ranger that wants to have fun in WvW.
I saw Gesmo’s video and I probably wouldn’t last 7 seconds against him (because after 6 seconds my Signet of Stone would run out and my Spring can’t keep up with conditions)
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Great scores tonight
“A leader leads by example, not by force.” – Sun Tzu
and to AS thank god you’re no longer seen as VS’s weaker little sister.
Actually, I believe they were viewed as VS’s lapdog. Vizunah was viewed by many as the weaker little sister that was constantly whining about US guild this and PvDoor that if my memory serves me correctly.
Yep there still whining now about SFR having U.S guilds, they never give any other servers credit, I think ill be giving that week a miss when we fight them again, they bore me.
Asura – Desolation
Great scores tonight
You’re my hero a door can’t beat you
Ossobuco guild – Another way to cook you
You’re my hero a door can’t beat you
Why would you start whining about that? If you don’t have the night time numbers like you used to have when arborstone was actually a potential server theres no need for flaming others. It’s not like we would let you have some free keeps out of pity and tick +200 at night just to make it close match.
Seems arbostone isn’t the server it used to be and it’s a shame, it was one of my favorite. Well it still is. Too many good players stopped playing, too many forum warriors did not.
Seems we might go up next week, not sure if I like it. Didn’t expect elona to drop this soon. Would’ve been nice to see kodash but it’s nice to see SFR too.
Only a WvW player
Great scores tonight
You’re my hero a door can’t beat you
Dont be like that mate. They cant help your not online to def your kitten
Even in primtime we got the highest score….and i know Arbor they are all together in one zerg….not that it is a bad thing but even that zerg got kitten by us….only times you wiped us was with double the numbers( when halve of us logged out)….you know that….overall always good fights against Arbor no complaints here…….always liked you guys more then Viz Square ….must be the beer hehe.
Keep it up
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Even in primtime we got the highest score.
You got a serious math problem.
Sunday during prime time we got as high as 490.
yesterday (monday) was 350.
I absolutely don’t care about desolation beating the kitten out of us at night or during day time while we’re at work. It’s Anet that chose to make those hours more important than the hours when the majority is online, I won’t blame players to use that to their advantage.
I have to admit that atm Desolation is a good server, nice to fight against and I wish you good luck against VS, my thoughts will be with you.
Even in primtime we got the highest score.
You got a serious math problem.
Sunday during prime time we got as high as 490.
yesterday (monday) was 350.I absolutely don’t care about desolation beating the kitten out of us at night or during day time while we’re at work. It’s Anet that chose to make those hours more important than the hours when the majority is online, I won’t blame players to use that to their advantage.
I have to admit that atm Desolation is a good server, nice to fight against and I wish you good luck against VS, my thoughts will be with you.
Why you react this mad mate? dont start to flame and tell people they cant do math. Try to relax its just a forum hehe
I am not on everyday so let me be more specific it was friday after reset and saturdayevening we were with 350+ in the lead with ease.
But ye nice fights indeed mate…..enjoy it while we are still in T2….i will miss it when we go a tier up.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
You see whine everywhere. I don’t care about scores and nightcapping i just think that autocongrats about it is ridiculous
Ossobuco guild – Another way to cook you
Self congrats is ridiculous, but no one seems to give credit to guilds on these forums anymore, so maybe only way to get some.
As for pvd, its so bloody boring, last night when Arb lost their numbers it was depressing having no one to actually fight. Night time used to be quite fun, with pretty much even numbers trying to out cap each other.
Sadly Bt seems to be slowly dying, as for Arbor not sure what has happenned to you guys as you used to have decent daytime, night time numbers. Maybe the game is slowly dying?
The majority of players prefer a challenge to an easy point gain, but other than 3 hours in prime time wvw has become a chore to play rather than fun.
Orbs need to return with a different buff, the pve event needs to go and new maps need to be introduced to spice things up a little bit.
Our number didn’t change that much. Pretty much the same. Yours in fact did grew a LOT, and we’re bored fighting that zerg so we go to bed early i guess.
Same this afternoon, we’re outnumbered on our home map & EB.
Just finally stopped a 2h attack on belvedere, 2 server on us, while we got inferiority buff, really boring.
I hope you guys go to T1 this week so we can have a decent match up with our german ennemy.
(edited by Jomg.9061)
You love a moan don’t you Jomg, were you moaning in the last matches when you guys outnumbered us the majority of the time? I don’t think so.
Man, you’re telling Us that you dont get any fun playing at night, we don’t either, so we don’t play.
I guess i’m moaning yes since as i just said i don’t get any fun playing , and i’m sad about it.
You ask what happen to AS, i tell you.
We never had any night team, just french people playing late when they feel like it, facing your number, they just don’t.
(edited by Jomg.9061)
We’re not less i guess, holidays are finished and most of us seems to have a job.
Yesterday at 7pm (paris TZ) we got queue on every maps. We haven’t seen that for a while
Ossobuco guild – Another way to cook you
I’m not moaning, just exposing some fact.
You ask what happen to AS, i tell you, that’s all.
We never had any night team, just french people playing late when they feel like it, facing your number, they just don’t.
Oke we understand but we also have people that arent from diff timezones like yours we have people that stay up late
That is why we are sad……. we didnt had much resistant from Arbor as we hoped for.
Keep your head up high we are all in the same boat called WvW and we all need to make sure it doesn’t sink.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
That is why we are sad……. we didnt had much resistant from Arbor as we hoped for.
If you expect resistance form Arbor in off prime.. well not a new.. we always weak in this period ( sometime more than other ofc ), but for the prime time i think that you have for your money.
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
That is why we are sad……. we didnt had much resistant from Arbor as we hoped for.
If you expect resistance form Arbor in off prime.. well not a new.. we always weak in this period ( sometime more than other ofc ), but for the prime time i think that you have for your money.
I mean in general not that big of a resistance……dont get me wrong we had some good fights but never had that feeling i had when we faced Arbor a few times in the past…..i hope its the holidays that is causing this
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
and now glitched into bay. you on Cheat-tide having fun today?
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
Grats Xoac and randoms with them, glitching through the inner door of garrison, then outer and inner doors of dreaming bay. You have been reported, but as we all know that means nothing.
Update – the person glitching is the new GM of Xoac, would name and shame but i`d get in trouble while he would be free to play consequence free. Hope you get banned, but wont hold my breath.
(edited by Starscream.7803)
My respect for Blacktide is gone completely. In the last two there was not one fight that not involved walking through gates and then portal the rest in. And yes, Blacktide, because this is not a single incident, but seems to be the new tactics involving major guilds.
Russian pride? Haven’t seen any today.
Ok, now give me my infraction point or fix it already. -.-
Cant edit my previous post so a update, the new GM of Xoac, the one glitching is now taking the rest of the map, hope you get banned but i wont hold my breath. Would name and shame you but I`d get in more trouble than you.
Xaoc showing it’s true colors I guess. Hope you feel proud glitching through the keeps and towers. I Thought you were better than this.
[TLA] Thousand Lakes Alliance
(edited by Skythace.2345)
Well i died in the lords room at suny with our gate on 50%, you know what Xaoc, SP and Xt guilds should be ashamed of themselves.
Most of our guild have left wvw for now, as it is pointless fighting against cheats.
Logging off from GW2 until these issues have been fixed/looked at. Happy new year everyone
I don’t know about other towers/keeps but Sunny is very buggy,so it’s not a suprise to see people go through the gate,but the problem starts when those people use that bug to their advandage. Everyone who plays fair would simply jump out of the tower again. It’s really pathetic to see somebody exploit to take a tower/keep,so please play fair.
I have been with IRON when someone fell thru the gate and they had the player exit the tower. Time to fix this ANET
It’s nice how one of the other server is glitching and bugging into keeps and towers but you get in trouble for reporting it even if you have vids and screening
Ingame GM’s needed.
Wonder will we see a reply from them, or will it be a case of " SPEKA DA NOOO ENGERLANDS
Well ANet maybe its time to respond to these action?
Maybe close wvwvw till this is fixxed, then everybody is screwed because of Xaoc and his hacking gang, how wonderfull how these kids, can destroy a MMO so quickly
Hacking is now allowed in WvWvW … they don’t care about it just look how much effort they put into stopping it none
Sore losers is all i can say.
Pathetic. I actually hope this was Xaoc’s last try of staying alive as a guild. Please just quit.
I fear it’s a case of xaoc thinking ‘well, we’re screwed anyhow, and all our population is gone.’ They’ll probably hop to another server and leave a sour tast for BT in everybody elses mouths.
It’s definitely up to AN to do something about this, and fast.
I’ll not blame Xaoc, Xt and sp, anyway they just made their name & their server look really bad…
“We all are part of the game economy, and those who exploit it are hurting the rest of us.”
“Exploit closed. Worst offenders terminated. That’s what has to happen to make things right for all of us.”
(ArenaNet Support Liason Gaile Gray)
I hope if these words of wisdom will be applied if we consider the word “WvW” instead of “economy”…
I have got the same when i did report Kaz, because they were doing what you are complaining for (when they were still on BB), even their commander did admit it on the forum. I almost thought moderation was one sided.
Im sorry but we were not doing the same, this comparison wont stand. Our “incident” wasnt even caused by one of us. You forgot to mention 8 golems that couldnt hit Sunnys bugged doors, bravely defended by around 3 ppl. It was our first contact with the “bug” and we mass reported afterwards. Such a complicated and unique case to compare it so casually with todays wave of exploits, dont you think m8?
Anyways since then i tend to just cata Sunny. That door is still glichy, I wont take any risks. Portals from inside keep happening tho. We just ignore them.
Hope that was made clear.
Truebanana, sorry if i didnt implement and enforce a guid policy towards the subject on the fly and with bare and vague knowledge of what was going on exactly. Ill do my best next time -_-’
On another note, STOP beefing up zergs with your guild block. We are used to hunt down zergs, not the other way around. Please desist, I cant film that kitten :/
The only thing I’d like to see is for everyone to report people that are clearly using speedhacks and/or other exploits; even if they are members of your own server.
These hackers/cheaters are giving an entire server a bad name and they destroy what little balance we have left. It is up to us to either save WvW so we can hopefully enjoy a good battle between servers again or watch as these cheaters destroy everything for all of us.
Desolation, Arborstone, Blacktide – I trust that this is one thing we can all agree on, yes?
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
hi frm sfr, Deso….. /salute, atlast we will meet the “skilled” not “zerg depended” server again
hope we meet, and in adv no matter the out come, “respect”
P.S: there will be flames against u guys haha, but u cant win with respect xd, really hoping to see u guys next week
Any sensible bt guild who doesnt wish to exploit should move out of it asap.
Any sensible bt guild who doesnt wish to exploit should move out of it asap.
The guilds that do this will probably, or already have, moved over to another server. I hope for the rest of the Hackti… Blacktide community that the stigma follows these guilds and doesnt linger.
You must be very kitten at these guilds aswell, the poor reputation your server gets from this will make it hard to attract or retain WvW centric guilds for a good time comming.
Whoever is the unfortunate server to receive these guilds, you will instanty gain loathing and contempt and be labeled a cheating server.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
That would be vabbi.. Check thier thread..very similar reports.
That would be vabbi.. Check thier thread..very similar reports.
Looks like the same suspects causing havoc. Feel pretty bad for BT getting their rep dragged through the mud by some guilds which have no loyalty to them.
First time I have ever felt the need to have stern words with ANET but they need to get much, much better in game gm response to this sort of thing.
This could result in 6 servers having their match up “ruined” (I can see BT being left in chaos by this). All this could be caused by as few as 2 people directly using Improper Ingame Behavior. The people doing this shouldn’t be dealt with by the same protocols as botters. They are having a direct impact on hundreds of players who might stop throwing money at ANET. They are also impacting the www bonuses that effect thousands of players.
My tuppence.
Edit: To provide context. Many posts with evidence of improper gameplay in them have been removed quite correctly by vigilant mods.
These were probably posted here in the incorrect belief that this was the place to highlight such behaviour and engender a reaction to such behaviour from Anet.
Instead they should have course been emailed to the special address.
I cant remember the address and perhaps someone from Anet could provide it here.
My comments relating to the impact of Improper in game behaviour I stand by though I have edited a correction to the word more normaly used for this.
(edited by Roysten.3456)
Post removed so meh.
To sum up yeah i left and joined Deso because of all the “unfair” gameplay certain guilds have shown over the last few days. lol
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
kitten happends, get over it and rebuild….Every server had their grief and BS i hope the community that is still left on BT is as strong as Deso when we had our share of BS….we survived and become even stronger.
R.I.P BT we had some good times
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)