Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


Stop defending the stuff your cheater guild took or are you siding with them? I really dont get this kind of attitude.

If we say your server as a whole is cheating – you’ll say noo its just 5-6 people. But when it comes to defend it to the end you do that no questions asked right?

I mean we had orb exploiters and we trashed him so much he went to other server to steal our orbs. Meanwhile you guys sit and defend towers/garrisons your exploiters took.

Good job guys good job. i’m from Seafarer’s Rest

And I wont even tell arenanet to fix it.. they do nothing and keep server rankings UP its epic.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruggy.7819


What exactly happened? I was playing for most of today and didn’t see anything like what you describe.. bounced around the different borderlands too.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


Sea homeland – A 5-6 man from same guild from Desolation took 1 tower and our garrison by a mesmer teleporting in and portaling everyone out in.

Some people too kscreenshots etc. probly will be around soon.

I have no issues with the server but the way they defend these things (whole zerg is there) is just sad. Seems they are desperate to get a few points.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


IRON reported them, they were the same hackers from Seafarers as we found out later, they instructed us to take the portal and we give you guys a formal apology for what happened. We don’t condone hacking and we hope these hackers are removed from the game. It wasn’t us and the Seafarer’s Alliance can confirm this.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruggy.7819


meh.. sucks that this happened again, doesn’t matter what server they are on.. hackers kittening suck.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


I have no problem with any server – but come on do you have to defend the stuff they took? Thats the problem.

We just took garrison after 45 mins of playtime..which we could spend bettre if you didnt defend. See my point mates?

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


You cant be serious.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


Btw before ppl think wrong – desolation took the orb legit. This is not about orb or the east keep.

i’m serious. What is the explanation behind holding a gain that you took unfair? Maybe i think wrong.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruggy.7819


Well the exact same thing happened when stuff was being hacked by Kodash and Seafarers over the past few days.. get annoyed with Arenanet if you want to be annoyed at something, could be players defending that stuff who had no idea how it got capped.. gets very muddy when there are so many players running about :/

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


Sea homeland – A 5-6 man from same guild from Desolation took 1 tower and our garrison by a mesmer teleporting in and portaling everyone out in.

Some people too kscreenshots etc. probly will be around soon.

I have no issues with the server but the way they defend these things (whole zerg is there) is just sad. Seems they are desperate to get a few points.

show us those screenshots so that we can report the possible hacker. mesmers porting in a keep doesnt mean that they hacked though. its called tactics.

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


I was there and.. it is pretty hard to miss its an exploit when you see a mesmer portal into somewhere before any gate or walls are destroyed. And i do know other servers have same lamers ..and i wish they did the same and give back the gain.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Your point was lost the moment you took on about “defending what hackers got us”. We are sorry we didn’t realize they were the hackers from SR, which got you the orb the first day after we legitimately capped it at DB on Kodash BL. You are defending that. Where is your point then?

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Chewbiduhwa.9756


Hi i am the commander that has been blamed here for the hacking.

Here is a small statement.

When hitting garrison some random named Cycalo or something similar.

Used a portal in front of the zerg, PuGs used the portal and we we’re in. Simple

It has been confirmed from Thudda that these hackers are the same from Seafarers that moved to Kodash Yesterday.

Also let me drop another fact and believe me when i say this if i was a hacker you would all be dead as your accounts would all belong to me and Desolation would be winning.

This does not apply to those who have enjoyed Conflicts with IRON and it allies it has been fun.

See you on the battlefield.

Founder of The IRON Triangle

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Oh and if my predictions are right, they will be on your (SR) server again tomorrow.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


Sea homeland – A 5-6 man from same guild from Desolation took 1 tower and our garrison by a mesmer teleporting in and portaling everyone out in.

Some people too kscreenshots etc. probly will be around soon.

I have no issues with the server but the way they defend these things (whole zerg is there) is just sad. Seems they are desperate to get a few points.

show us those screenshots so that we can report the possible hacker. mesmers porting in a keep doesnt mean that they hacked though. its called tactics.

And what you just said is called ignorance. Ask people on the same server. They also admit. No i am not an idiot that cant tell the difference. Are you?

I stop now. I guess i am just thinking different than majority.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


I can confirm there was a hacker as i heard from my guild. I am unable to provide any more information as I wasn’t there. But i can confirm AH and the Orb are totally legit along with the initial keep cap which is linked with taking the orb. This happened at a later point of time.
Also hiding mesmers is part of the WvW metagame, you cant blame everything on hackers.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


Not really, Tyu, if you would be more experienced, you would know that mesmers can hide inside a keep/tower and portal ppl inside. If you dont do mesmer sweeps after you took something, its your fault.

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruggy.7819


Don’t think this thread needs to go much further, whether these kitten hackers are at it again or if it’s a misunderstanding.. it sucks and doesn’t need to turn into people accusing each other.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Thudda.4392


Hello there. One thing i need to add. Hackers who this didnt come from seafarer (this part is misunderstanding) but it was some postscriptuum 5 man group. Sadly we have only pics when gate is 50% and there are guys inside garrison fighting our npcs. only thing that was bit broken was garrisons inner water gate.

about 5 min before they came inside garrison, they got inside they took tower(eyeries or smth) without breaking gate.
So guys chill out with blaming everyone around.

[FD] Thudda @ Seafarer’s Rest

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


Uder you are really being ignorant now.

Yes mesmers CAN do that.

No this mesmer DID NOT. How do we know? Well i could type how here but since people from Desolation confirm this is legit i think its not necessary. Get your head out of your kitten mate. – Yes i’m irritated by you at this point. It seems like it is you that need more experience.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Quintosh.9613


Well, the first time that the Dawns eyrie whatever tower was captured, it had belonged to us for pretty much the whole day, and when it was captured, all the walls and the gate was pretty much at full health, and then the certain individuals from Desolation magically took the tower from SFR

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Attila the Hun.8569

Attila the Hun.8569

Well, the first time that the Dawns eyrie whatever tower was captured, it had belonged to us for pretty much the whole day, and when it was captured, all the walls and the gate was pretty much at full health, and then the certain individuals from Desolation magically took the tower from SFR

How hard is to understand we had like 10 players prety much all day in the map ?
but tonight we have queue so things might change

Woxiko (Warrior) – Mssneaky (Mesemer) – Xardd (Elementalist)
Desolation Satsugai

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


How hard is to understand we had like 10 players prety much all day in the map ?
but tonight we have queue so things might change

In every post i see by you in this matter.. i st art to believe you are a troll.. you cant be so unintelligent.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Quintosh.9613


@Attila the Hun.8569 I have no idea what you are talking about or how it is related to my post, you need to be a bit more specific. At the moment you guys are giving us a good fight on SFR borderlands, despite the invisible enemies and quite many of allies aswell. I was talking about earlier today.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Sib.1236


I’m not being funny but this argument is just going round and round and round with threads popping up everywhere and no end in sight!
The person(s) involved are jumping from server to sever for what? causing bad vibes and spoiling for everyone.
There need to be hard evidence to support any accusations made towards to any individual(s)
Yes i hate hate hate Hackers and believe the should be strung up by there balls (if they have any) but lets be honest in the meantime there is not a lot we (and that a collective we) can do about it!

Munchkin Sib [IRON]

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Quintosh.9613


@Sib.1236 True, there are already enough posts about this situation, and there are some actual screenshots in the original match-up post and these current ones should be enough to gain the attention of arenanet. All we can really do now is to hope that they come up with a solution to fix the problem(s). Definately one of the major ones is the latest patch and how it kittened up the rendering of players.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


that guy did it again, but we were a IROn group so we didnt take his portal, we all reported him for that portal bug.


The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom