“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Most epic fight in Deso BL Bay…epic three way, epic fight, good job Vizunah, fighting tooth and nail to keep it. Too bad lots of our guild left just before it started, kitten you were just too many to wipe and with Deso coming again and again… kitten good fighting!
45min of defense on Bay, ninja on garni, epic night
In personal experiences, you’ll find all things and their opposites. Most people generalize too much from this, it’s a human behavior, but it is not relevant.
Over 400 kills tagged by each of our members against a combination of IRON, CDD, CPC, MORT, SYN in one single Bay fight before we wiped.
You can call us a zerg all you want, but when your entire server with a collective of 4 large guilds takes a total of 20 minutes to wipe us out of a keep where you had 10+ ballistas and arrow carts, then I think there is a bit more to it than just zerging
Thanks for the fun anyways, you should all group up more often, you wont be killing us otherwise <3
(edited by Jackie.1829)
Yes Votf, you’re the best, your spiritual brothers – Tempest – are on Arborstone, do you know them ?
Whole Deso borderlands has absolutely massive skill lag. I dont know if other servers has the same, I would assume yes, but I find it ridiculous that anything other then nr. 1 skill takes 10+ seconds to cast, never seen servers lagging as bad as right now.
Over 400 kills tagged by each of our members against a combination of IRON, CDD, CPC, MORT, SYN in one single Bay fight before we wiped.
You can call us a zerg all you want, but when your entire server with a collective of 4 large guilds takes a total of 20 minutes to wipe us out of a keep where you had 10+ ballistas and arrow carts, then I think there is a bit more to it than just zerging
Thanks for the fun anyways, you should all group up more often, you wont be killing us otherwise <3
I don’t know how you like to play like this all the time. It was no brain mode for us tonight, 5s to launch a single skill but great fight.
Pretty funny how you can guess that there is a VoTF signature at the end of a post that say something like :
“Oh god, some epic battle on [insert random location] ! Looted tons of bags..”
“Great fights [insert random guild]. Looted tons of bags”
“[random server] has got some pretty big zerg. Looted tons of bag”.
When bragging and AWing become kind of a second nature.
Heh, it’s no wonder why Deso is getting owned, you are all in the JP! I’ve never seen so many players in there before, holy smoley.
Whole Deso borderlands has absolutely massive skill lag. I dont know if other servers has the same, I would assume yes, but I find it ridiculous that anything other then nr. 1 skill takes 10+ seconds to cast, never seen servers lagging as bad as right now.
Happened this week end on VS home map, seems better since Monday. No way to cast anything but 1.
The reset was a nightmare
Whole Deso borderlands has absolutely massive skill lag. I dont know if other servers has the same, I would assume yes, but I find it ridiculous that anything other then nr. 1 skill takes 10+ seconds to cast, never seen servers lagging as bad as right now.
That will happen on the map you’re in, when large groups (usually a combination of all 3 servers) clash in one small area of the map, in example a Keep. It doesn’t affect the other maps, but it sure is annoying. Had that happen a few times in SM today.
It’s unfortunately another one of the technical limitations of the game, and it’s the same reason why the Karka-event was so lagged. Hopefully they manage to solve this together with culling in the months to come. I’m sure it’s not easy to resolve.
so i just spent my first evening in a while on SFR borderlands where Desolation was getting double teamed all night by Viz and SFR, For the entire 6 hours i played. So much for the alligations from Vizu of SFR and Deso having some kind of alliance.
Had good fun though, pity we were low in numbers.
El oh El at all these guilds saying "we only have 30-40 people, we aren’t a zerg..
Read below
If that is high to you what do you call 300 man guilds then?
People are saying WvW is about points, I’ll say WvW isn’t for solo play. U want small fights go 5v5 or 8v8 since anything more is a “zerg” to you it seems. Oh, and if you run around with let’s say 10-15 people, it takes literally no time for organised enemy (assuming full BLs) to gather a force to wipe your little 15 man standing in front of their fully upgraded and siege fortified real-estate.
I guess you can ninja stuff now and again, but most of the time there’s a scout or few defenders or a random person spots you going to your objective and calls it. And I’d really really like to see you take ohh idk, SM with 15 men at peak time.
(edited by Novalight.7568)
Over 400 kills tagged by each of our members against a combination of IRON, CDD, CPC, MORT, SYN in one single Bay fight before we wiped.
You can call us a zerg all you want, but when your entire server with a collective of 4 large guilds takes a total of 20 minutes to wipe us out of a keep where you had 10+ ballistas and arrow carts, then I think there is a bit more to it than just zerging
Thanks for the fun anyways, you should all group up more often, you wont be killing us otherwise <3
I don’t know how you like to play like this all the time. It was no brain mode for us tonight, 5s to launch a single skill but great fight.
Yeh skill lag was only when Deso also joined the fight (and you kinda rarely get such massive fights outside of SM). And the fun isn’t in standing still trying to use a skill, it’s fighting when being outnumbered, but I can see why you might not understand that.
Desolation Borderland crashed. I think that server has had enough for tonight, lets leave the poor old guy alone.
(edited by Bren.9320)
Well, i guess that could be not obvious for foreigners, but jeuxonline is a trolling forum, don’t search any serious answer here
VoTF ? isn’t that guild’s bandwagon we crushed with a pug group around monday ? well you finaly bought some balista ? Cool, that will help for sure.
(edited by Angelyne.2936)
We never had 10 ballistas.
You weren’t alone from SFR in our bay, the whole map was here.
It took 20 mins because you came back 3 times and Deso too before we could repair our doors.
It’s wasn’t the most fun of the night because of the massive lag we all had, but it was certainly the most epic. Vizunah was very proud to ninja capture Garrison during this fight.
Cheers from Vizu
Pas mal comme stratégie mais y a toujours un risque. On pourrait également lancer des attaques par déni de service contre les joueurs de SFR pour les empêcher de se connecter et les obliger à retourner aux US.
Here one of your members makes the suggestion of using a DDOS attack in order to help your server out. You may condone ddosing because you can’t win any other way but this really is a disgusting comment.
if you think this quote is serious … i can’t do nothink for you
We never had 10 ballistas.
You weren’t alone from SFR in our bay, the whole map was here.
It took 20 mins because you came back 3 times and Deso too before we could repair our doors.It’s wasn’t the most fun of the night because of the massive lag we all had, but it was certainly the most epic. Vizunah was very proud to ninja capture Garrison during this fight.
Cheers from Vizu
You did, we have the fraps of destroying all of it, so refuting something we will soon upload is pointless. We didnt have all of SFR in bay, and for the most part our pugs wiped very early. Also we didnt come back 3 times, we held out for a consecutive 14 minutes in 1 stand against your entire server respawning and running back to us, as well as IRON twice, again we have the fraps of it.
You will be able to watch it all soon enough ^^
But yes, certainly one of the most epic fights ive been in and props to all there who took part. I also laughed quite a lot when I noticed garrison got ninjaed, props to the players who thought of doing that
It’s wasn’t the most fun of the night because of the massive lag we all had, but it was certainly the most epic. Vizunah was very proud to ninja capture Garrison during this fight.
Cheers from Vizu
The lag was a bit of a shame and that ninja on Deso’s Garrison was awesome done by you, we couldn’t believe it!
(edited by Teel.9036)
Yes Votf, you’re the best, your spiritual brothers – Tempest – are on Arborstone, do you know them ?
Hopefully, he’s not the voice of VoTF.
Oh wait…
Sadly missed the action tonight sounds like there was some awesome fights.
What a great match up guys, looks like viz will pip us to second spot. But at the end of the day its been a great performance from Deso for the first week back in tier 1.
Overall its been a week of non stop fights and every minute of it has been kitten enjoyable, with only a minimum of pvd.
My thanks to both Viz and Sfr for reminding me what wvw should be like.
To the person who sits all day at SM hitting 2 all day on his/her treb…
Go outside dude….
Likely already clearing the snow or drinking eggnog with a keyboard macro running :P
Two days left chaps, the pressure is mounting! Good luck to all.
Wouldn’t say you ninja’d garisson tonight, we knew about it but was having to much fun in the 3 way fight at bay to be bothered about VZ points game. Love how you’ve all got excited about it though
(edited by wezlaar.7285)
[HOPE] had a great time tonight, and taking a fully upgraded Garrison on Vizunah Borderlands being the crowning glory.
Whilst everyone was out on the other side fighting, we built our first Guild Golem and moved it up through the watergate undetected with just a skeleton crew of 5 people whilst keeping Ogro from [KAZ] updated on our progress.
By the time it was noticed, we were already through the first gate and got the inner south gates to 10%. At that point our little Golem died, but by that time we were joined by more people to take the remaining bit down and had a great fight inside the Lord’s Room.
(edited by Aveneo.2068)
Yes Votf, you’re the best, your spiritual brothers – Tempest – are on Arborstone, do you know them ?
(edited by Imacop.6409)
Definitely a very intense night.
We spent most of our night in VS bl like every day this week and finally could take that kitten VS garrison. Id say it was a 4 hour effort? Really good job there [HOPE] ^^
Props to VS for their stubborn defences once again. Never seen such willingness to keep up when all odds are against.
Seems we got this T1 matchup for a long time, scores are tight in general although SFR got the clear advantage.
See you in on the battlefields!
VoTF ? isn’t that guild’s bandwagon we crushed with a pug group around monday ? well you finaly bought some balista ? Cool, that will help for sure.
Your troll amused me, so I figured I would take a moment to find out who your guild was.
Then I realized you have a member who clicks his utilities, virtues and elite.
Then I just laughed.
Good fights yesterday, fun times late night in Viz border, cheers all.
/Osicat < judge >
Ah yes, Deso in EB JP again. You rly rly love that place, don’t you? Please stay in there while I help cap all your keeps.
…There are plenty more examples of posts I could have used but this is just a couple that already put a bad taste in my mouth.
You sincerely believe nobody from your server post nasty things ?? Or behave badly ingame ??
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
Did you even read this thread?…seriously,you are making GC look bad. Get your information straight.
No examples then. Thanks for the demonstration.
(Funny for someone telling people to “get their information straight” when he’s unable to prop up any of his attacks upon “GC officers” ou “crap talking ’bout other servers”)
The only thing that was said in my original (real) post was that a faction “A” being attacked by “B” and “C” is pure (war) logic, without being the result of an hysterical evil alliance between “B” and “C”.
“Get your information straight”. (Copyright)
(edited by AEND.8310)
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
Did you even read this thread?...seriously,you are making GC look bad. Get your information straight.
No examples then. Thanks for the demonstration.
(Funny for someone telling people to "get their information straight" when he’s unable to prop up any of his attacks upon "GC officers" ou "crap talking ’bout other servers")
The only thing that was said in my original (real) post was that a faction "A" being attacked by "B" and "C" is pure (war) logic, without being the result of an hysterical evil alliance between "B" and "C".
_"Get your information straight". (Copyright)_
I agree and this is quite obvious.
On a 3 way Battlefield, if A is fighting B, whoever C attacks it may look that there is a wicked alliance against the flanked team. If C attacks B (or A) all the time, whatever the odds, then i can say that there is something fishy, but still, could be plain dumbness of the commander in charge!
Fun times on the SFR Borderlands. 5 Golems into Hills, Solid VZ defense, Great SFR offense, and Deso Flanking SFR and VZ after we passed the 1st gate. Awesome fights!!!
Sfr has half the population of deso, but they are more active in wvw. As a desolation player i congratulate their success.
Ah yes, Deso in EB JP again. You rly rly love that place, don’t you? Please stay in there while I help cap all your keeps.
You dont even know how much drama it causes We even have a kitten commander that comes to Deso border daily and drags people to jumping puzzle with his commander icon on. Then he proceeds to take his zerg to quaggan island and just stands there, trash talking team chat complaining about him. Oh, the happy times on Deso border :-) But Im sure every server has its trolls, thats something you just cant avoid i guess.
Ah yes, Deso in EB JP again. You rly rly love that place, don’t you? Please stay in there while I help cap all your keeps.
You dont even know how much drama it causes
We even have a kitten commander that comes to Deso border daily and drags people to jumping puzzle with his commander icon on. Then he proceeds to take his zerg to quaggan island and just stands there, trash talking team chat complaining about him. Oh, the happy times on Deso border :-) But Im sure every server has its trolls, thats something you just cant avoid i guess.
Commander Teflon Teeth, known for all the wrong reasons. Viz, do you guys have any other tactic besides gathering 20-30 men and golem rushing some where? The amount of golems you guys lost this morning must have hurt.
Over 400 kills tagged by each of our members against a combination of IRON, CDD, CPC, MORT, SYN in one single Bay fight before we wiped.
You can call us a zerg all you want, but when your entire server with a collective of 4 large guilds takes a total of 20 minutes to wipe us out of a keep where you had 10+ ballistas and arrow carts, then I think there is a bit more to it than just zerging
Thanks for the fun anyways, you should all group up more often, you wont be killing us otherwise <3
Your third arm is so big man, we are jealous ! Impressed
Your troll amused me, so I figured I would take a moment to find out who your guild was.
Then I realized you have a member who clicks his utilities, virtues and elite.
Then I just laughed.
Yeah, even this way, he is able to do his job well, don’t know how he do that, i’m also impressed. If you want some lessons … just call.
Bad prime time last night from where I was sitting, but then when you have full BL but no one capping camps (I ask, but no one cares that we either had 5 or 6 of 6 camps on our own BL owned by the enemy most of the time, and I cba trying to rally up a pug squad that falls apart after they hit opposition or die, tired of trying to solo them then being run over by 2-3 enemies just before claiming guy goes down)) it starts to get tedious.
On the plus side, no matter how badly we play the points game from now to the end of the week, we should knock up a win! Next week will be a different matter and we will need to up our game I feel.
Having said all that, had some epic fights against the invisible le zerg (stealthed and culling, always a laugh) when we were badly outnumbered – 11 of us, 30-40 of them, and we actually won once! Maybe those camp guards were just too tough… good to see AoA’s organisation is starting to pay off, although we have a long way to go before we are as good as some others. Good thing is, le zerg is getting so predictable that with a bit more practice we will time all our skills right and all we will see as you render are your dead bodies;-)
Keep up the good work all, best week in wvw as far as facing two good servers is concerned.
Have posted elsewhere about the huge influx of new players and the problems the impending paid server transfer caused during prime time last night.
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
Did you even read this thread?…seriously,you are making GC look bad. Get your information straight.
No examples then. Thanks for the demonstration.
(Funny for someone telling people to “get their information straight” when he’s unable to prop up any of his attacks upon “GC officers” ou “crap talking ’bout other servers”)
The only thing that was said in my original (real) post was that a faction “A” being attacked by “B” and “C” is pure (war) logic, without being the result of an hysterical evil alliance between “B” and “C”.
“Get your information straight”. (Copyright)
You are starting to be pathetic. There is nothing wrong in alliances against 1 server. What i was saying is that the problem is your member told us that we have no skills and that we win nothing by double teaming you,he mocked us for having alliance…so i told him your server did the same thing,even tho then you got all like “no we didn’t,you have anything else to lie about?”. I wasn’t even talking about you when i said someone talked crap about Deso (even tho you did deny the alliance in your first post). I didn’t write the example in my first post because you are not worth the fight.
Lol That’s this weeks excuse covered for VS if they finish 3rd, strange people them Frenchies
If Deso stays in T1, this is for the solely reason that SFR decided it, and you jump on the opportunity to.
I doubt you will stay a long in T1 Deso guys, we know we wipe you with ease in 1v1.
SFR is a very strong server, more numerous on the whole day, and with some solid guilds like VOTF. The day they will decide to drop you from T1 you will just vanish, I wouldn’t brag too much if I were you.
No ones bragging, its VS causing arguments like you do every single week no matter who you play. Thats why no other server respects your server.
We might not stay in tier 1 long who cares, we have good fights in Tier 2 anyway
Sure, happy to see players having fun, the end of this week is gonna be painfull for us VS still, since whatever we do can be presented as running like a hamster in his wheel.
No ones bragging, its VS causing arguments like you do every single week no matter who you play. Thats why no other server respects your server.
We might not stay in tier 1 long who cares, we have good fights in Tier 2 anyway
Guys you don’t mind getting bad but don’t recognize it ??
No ones bragging, its VS causing arguments like you do every single week no matter who you play. Thats why no other server respects your server.
We might not stay in tier 1 long who cares, we have good fights in Tier 2 anyway
talk about your opinion and yourself… no one respect us? i can find you hundresds of quotes from all the servers that played against us full of respect! ( even that i don’t agree with your opinion here, but i don’t show any disrespect for you anyway! )
and where did i heard that tier 2 have the good fights??? Oh Yeah PA, they’r really you spirtual brothers! if u need that much these good fights go to T2
but wait again … " Deso server T1 recruting ….. " where did i read that? it’s just funny that u still gatrhing NA players to face a one time zone server… but … COME AT US BRO !!!
No ones bragging, its VS causing arguments like you do every single week no matter who you play. Thats why no other server respects your server.
We might not stay in tier 1 long who cares, we have good fights in Tier 2 anyway
Guys you don’t mind getting bad but don’t recognize it ??
That sentence makes as much sense as your zergs
If Deso stays in T1, this is for the solely reason that SFR decided it, and you jump on the opportunity to.
I doubt you will stay a long in T1 Deso guys, we know we wipe you with ease in 1v1.
SFR is a very strong server, more numerous on the whole day, and with some solid guilds like VOTF. The day they will decide to drop you from T1 you will just vanish, I wouldn’t brag too much if I were you.
This is just ridiculous. We beat your 40man zergs with 15-20 people. You cant even take us on at 2:1 ratio.
No ones bragging, its VS causing arguments like you do every single week no matter who you play. Thats why no other server respects your server.
We might not stay in tier 1 long who cares, we have good fights in Tier 2 anyway
talk about your opinion and yourself… no one respect us? i can find you hundresds of quotes from all the servers that played against us full of respect! ( even that i don’t agree with your opinion here, but i don’t show any disrespect for you anyway!
and where did i heard that tier 2 have the good fights??? Oh Yeah PA, they’r really you spirtual brothers! if u need that much these good fights go to T2
but wait again … " Deso server T1 recruting ….. " where did i read that? it’s just funny that u still gatrhing NA players to face a one time zone server… but … COME AT US BRO !!!
Obviously were recruiting for tier 1 cause were in tier 1 lol
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