Devon.. this is an intervention ..

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Shads.9468


Apparently you’re being held hostage to being the public face of WvW decisions. This may or may not be true, but it does reek of someone more senior copping out.

Here’s the thing though.. You’re doing a fine job of at least talking to the WvW community, and for the first 6 months after the release, that’s more then we ever got any attention from. I think the new WvW traits are working out just fine (except for copping out to the AC complaints.. The meta game was adjusting just fine but then you still caved and nerfed it).

With that aside, I’m now stuck with what will no undoubtedly seem like a whinging thread. I’ve been playing since day 1, and until recently when it came to WvW, it’s felt that I’ve had certain parts of my male anatomy slapped into a vice, and then had the handle cranked over to ‘tear inducing’. That’s right, I play on a server that is outwomanned in it’s ‘night crew’ timezone. Funny thing is, is that when I play, it’s already night, locally.

I am an Oceanic.

I am an Oceanic that didn’t join the ‘unofficial’ oceanic server. On purpose.

I am an Oceanic that after most match ups, wonders if there is something broke about the whole outwomanned mechanic. Not because I think it’s OP, but instead because I think it’s broken, as I watch 10 active players, and 20 inactive players at the forges get rolled by 40+

I’ll get back to that… after all it’s nothing we’re not all familiar with is it?

So here I am, out-kittened on my own home map, with the only help available an NPC that goes to 2 out of 6 possible locations. ‘hey guys, we own everything on the map, so the hostiles will either have to go to NW or NE towers with the NPC, but that’s ok.. we have the garrison inbetween both’

OK fine, that’s not how I run things, but there’s plenty of other servers who do. and its just a direct play into the enemies loot log.

But here’s what really rubs me up the wrong way. You’re outwomanned and yet you still kill half the group that rushes through what they presume is an undefended gate. Awesome, you’ve just reduced the odds back down to 2:1. Oh wait.. they brought enough numbers that they can practically insta-revive people. Wonderful.

You did say dev’s play WvW right? I’d love to know what it feels like when you kill a significant number of players whilst completely outnumbered (ie you used skill to kill them), just to watch them revive each other (often whilst you’re dead without hope of a revive yourself)

Ok so lets get to the meat of the subject: my proposals that you must instantly agree to implement, otherwise Anet is the literal spawn of satan:

1) Block fully-dead revives in hostile territory (ie you don’t own it). This can be a permanent buff, or a guild consumable. No revives from dead if you didn’t capture the territory you’re in. Use the same radius as all other guild buffs. Instant zerg leveling measure that requires the zerg to.. well.. not suck. and I could code that in my sleep. No excuses.

2) Don’t reward the zerg. All of the recent mastery traits in WvW.. can you imagine what the game would be like if they all began with: “whilst outmanned…”. Instead I’m faced with 4 trebs being insta-built to 1 (if I’m lucky).

3) Don’t charge gem’s to transfer down. Ok fine Kaineng (or the people who transfered there) ruined this one, but why should we all suffer to try and balance the servers? As far as I am concerned, transferring to the top 6 servers should cost double what it does now. If you want to transfer downwards, then it should be free. With guesting, there is literally no reason to charge money to transfer servers unless you’re trying to milk WvW populations. You want balance? then let people filter downward.

4) WXP points: ouch, that was a swing and a miss. Attackers get more points then defenders. You’re encouraging the zerg again. Where are the points for a defender who has no supply left? He’s getting hit by a treb from a tower he cant hope to recapture. He’s outmanned but he’s standing at the hole in the wall. Sorry buddy, but you’re so kittened that your kittens haven’t even begun to realise how much mew’ing they have to do.

5) Here’s the bonus points for anyone reading this far in: I am dreaming. Devon is a welcome addition to the community, but here’s a simple test. Name the last feature the community as a whole went “now, please” and has made it into the game.

I’ll wait…anyone?

..I might even wait another 10 months.. but probably not.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


aoe looting? extending the siege refresh timer?


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Shads.9468


aoe looting? extending the siege refresh timer?


AOE loot wasnt brought in for WvW (but still welcome). The siege refresh timer was artifical to begin with: it’s still a welcome change, but if you honestly believe it took 10 months for them to change it, then i have these magical rocks for sale…

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


AOE loot was brought in because of WvW, but they could apply it to the whole game they did. Looting in PvE isn’t hard, and you almost always have time to go back and pick up your loot.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Skyeyes.4935


Shads… I feel your Oceanic pain. I’m a kiwi on a small EU server, which means that my playtime is perma-outmanned by the higher population opponents.

I think the idea about blocking fully dead revives would give an interesting new dynamic to fighting, whether outmanned or not, in a zerg or not. It would encourage the rezzing of downed players much more.

Seriously people, if you CAN get a downed person up, DO! On RoF we are quite used to going up against bigger groups/zergs than our own, but with obedient commander-following, stacking, booning etc, we do pretty darn well. The sad part is that the enemies just rally off any one of us who is downed, so it doesn’t matter if we were winning the fight, ultimately we’ll lose; we are simply ground down slowly whilst the enemy continues to jump up and up.

Also, blocking fully dead revival would stop zerg followers from lying dead in a pile for ages doing nothing useful. If I had a silver for every time a commander has to type “If dead, revive and run back pls!!”… well, I’d have a lot more gems to play with

Finally it would encourage players to take a little more care running round a place full of high cliffs with your map/inventory/traits open! Lying dead at the bottom of a cliff and plaintively typing, “lol, rez someone?” just slows up the group. If you had to curse your own stupidity all the way back from spawn, you might learn to watch your feet and know the safe jumping spots!

OP’s other ideas and bugbears have all be brought up time and again in various threads, and all we can do there is wait for Anet to listen. But I think your first comment has real potential!

Stay strong in the struggle Down Under mate. And remember, we may be perma-outmanned, but it means we spend less on repairs than everyone else, and just occasionally know the glory of 3-man-taking Stomemist

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Soon.5240


I just don’t understand the hate for reviving. If you are in hostile territory, and a long ways from a waypoint, the decision to remove yourself from battle to try and revive a fellow player is a HUGE strategic decision that is not to be made lightly. When you are reviving a player, not only are you exposed, but you are not doing damage.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Engels.8537


Do you really need an explanation?

A large group of people, lets say 50 fight against 10 guys in a tower and those 10 guys manage to kill 20 assaulters even if they loose the tower they did manage to delay the enemy to take the next tower,

Now the assaulters needs to regroup at “x” point and wait for the casualties to respawn at the main base and regroup with the rest of the zerg,

This would encourage defend a tower to the bitter end instead of running, and will encourage the assaulters to be more strategic,

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Engels.8537


On the current state of the game defend a tower that you KNOW the enemy will take it is useless, because if you kill someone at the end of the battle they will be revived and they will keep taking all your kitten,

On the other hand this will encourage TO NOT ATTACK towers far away from your base, because WvW is a 2 battle with two fronts,

This way the weakest server will not be camped at their spawn,

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Visiroth.5914


aoe looting? extending the siege refresh timer?


Don’t forget that the siege timer was originally broken for most siege. So even the extended timer is worse than what we used to have.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Did someone say intervention?

Devon, your behavior has affected me negatively in the following ways…

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Thedarkdot.2793


No rezzing feels a bit extreme. Everyone dies because of stupid stuff occasionally.

Possible as a guild buff though, since it won’t be everywhere:
Whoops I fell off a cliff, got killed by a roamer before you got here, wolf killed me while I was on the toilet/phone,….
Without it it would only encourage zerging, since it’s less likely to die because of above stuff.

What about stuff like:
No rezzing from death while in combat
-Speaks for itself
Something like max 1 or 2 people ‘rezzing’ at a time from downed
-instarez faster than stomp yay
Only max 3-5 rallies per death?
-Lol rallied a zerg
A longer time on downed penalty(now 1 minute? What about 5?)
-Getting downed in a zerg, dw 30 people will stack on me to rez
Less ticks for a downed penalty until insta-death (now 4? What about 2 or 3?)
-See above

It’d help avoid the some of the stupid stuff happening with big zergs, but still leave the mechanics in place in case of stupid/random/unlucky deaths or for well-timed rallies.

Thetinydot [OATH], mesmer
Ring of Fire

(edited by Thedarkdot.2793)

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


Apply the rez sickness (the one the Black lion company orbs use) to any players that have been rez’d from dead (not downed).

It’s such a strong debuff that they have to break combat for the few seconds it lasts or the will get insta’gib’d.

Issue resolved. You are welcome

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Teege.4623


Fix all the stuff that has remained broken in WvW before introducing new content that will most likely also be broken. Square peg, round hole.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2.” -Colin Johanson
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: pcpsong.3850


Totally agree.

When do the smaller groups (we run with 20 that’s small!) get thrown a bone?!

Dont’ get me wrong we wipe huge huge zergs but there’s numerous occassions where you just can’t finish off the downed and they all get back up and you’re back to fighting overwhelming odds again, the game is geared towards rewarding zergs at the moment there must be something you can put in place to change that.

DaoC had in combat rezzes for dead people and you used them tactically, the downed state is hugely flawed in WvWvW.

Song – Mesmer
[VcY] Velocity –

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: JorneMormel.9850


Apply the rez sickness (the one the Black lion company orbs use) to any players that have been rez’d from dead (not downed).

It’s such a strong debuff that they have to break combat for the few seconds it lasts or the will get insta’gib’d.

Issue resolved. You are welcome

Great suggestion! Now if only…

Anet is the literal spawn of satan.

Wasn’t true, it might get implemented before this game has had its’ run.
Then again; I’m sure they would just create 10 more bugs with this game-breaking fix.

Mysterious Old Geek
Co-founder of Flying Pink Unicorns [PWNY], Ring of Fire

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Cube.4905


No rezzing feels a bit extreme. Everyone dies because of stupid stuff occasionally.

Then they should be punished for doing stupid things occasionally no?

Deka – Maguuma

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Thedarkdot.2793


No rezzing feels a bit extreme. Everyone dies because of stupid stuff occasionally.

Then they should be punished for doing stupid things occasionally no?

It might not have been me doing the stupid things, I might’ve just been steamrolled by a passing group, phone rang, people at the door wanting money/selling vacuumcleaners/jesus,…

One of the main reasons why people group up and there’s so little rage @ everyone in this game I think is because the systems are very forgiving and it doesn’t matter too much if someone dies.
GW2 seems specifically aimed at not having any of the ‘hardcore’ features that only serve to annoy/punish people too much, especially ones unfamilliar with it.
And this is what makes it fun even if you’re losing.

Otherwise we’d get these groups that refuse to let anyone in that’s not ranked 30+, they havn’t seen before,…. because there’s a small chance they might just suck.
That would be gearscore all over again and just scare people away from anything but massive zerging in WvW, which is the opposite of what we want.

You want to solve the issues without causing annoyance in other places where the ‘fix’ isn’t needed.
Do we need a fix punishing people, or other people that rely on these people more for falling off cliffs, getting killed by a roaming thief, having a phone, … ?
Not really, the punishment is fine as it is.

Going solo you’d still waypoint, running with a group at least you can continue what you’re doing after some delay without everyone having to waypoint.

Thetinydot [OATH], mesmer
Ring of Fire

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


the trolling is strong on this one

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


This is what prayers would sound like if God actually answered occasionally.

Devon.. this is an intervention ..

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I don’t mind the enemy reviving the fully dead, actually when I see it I start salivating – they’re not attacking and are easy pickins. Commanders always tell their troops not to rez the dead.

The problem is the rally mechanism. Multiple downed people rallying off one death. That is rediculous. Rally should not be in WvW at all imho.