Devona's Rest, filled with bots

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


So I’m just here asking for a little support to come to the Devona’s Rest server. As it is we have a small amount of actual players. For the most part our population is made up of bots(characters that are running on scripts to do activities or events) Thus in WvW, when we actually have a lot of teamwork and coordination,(Have a server wide Teamspeak, and several good alliances) we wind up getting whiped out due to low numbers of people. Take tonight for instance, asainst keining we had our entire boarderlands (which took a few hours of hard work from everyone) and it was close to fully upgraded. As soon as we try to campain into Eternal Battlegrounds a force of 40+ keins comes out of nowhere and whipe away our forces as we found ourselves outnumbered 4 to 1. now i ask is it fair that a server with so few actual players, even though they work together so well, get put into such uneven fights? We need more help in WvW. Either more people on our server or those that are on our server to become more active and help. Sorry that that may of been a little immature or something asking for help like this, but it is needed. Some of us have invested a great deal into making our server better, but without help it is impossible.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


it is actually very VERY interesting how arena net has been touted as all about getting rid of bots, keeping the game fair.

but in super small zones that only allow 160 from each faction, that it would be hard to detect bots doing figure 8’s in PvE spots, in a 95% PvP area, that is so dynamically changing that you really couldn’t run a bot to perform realistic PvP actions to keep up.

somehow the bots run 24/7, farming the same mobs 24/7, dont get a single player kill, and arena net just kinda stands off to the side and says “wow those players are pretty solid in their routine, if they kill enough skrit, they may stumble onto the super secret skrit army and take stonemist with it! lets watch!”

way to go doing bot police a-net… i’d let PvE slide, because there are some funky players there, but in WvW it is pretty sad that there are hundreds of bots operating in zones that actually limit players from getting in

for reference just look at the funny Bot videos posted to youtube, showcasing how stupid a lot of the bot farming areas are, underwater spots for kraits, and the skrit, etc.

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: Singularity.1486


Well almost all server is affect by bots, not just Devona only.
That being said, Kaineng is strong as it is now is because of the guild transfer.

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Way to go…more chest beating from Kain’s population. Yes we know “you’re winning”…but you don’t see to be the brightest bulb in the store. Don’t chest beat when the topic hasn’t anything to do with ‘players’ vs. ‘botting’.

Kota…you know I’ll help whenever I’m around and I agree with the bots situation, though I haven’t been spotting them as often lately as times past (probably getting whiped out by those huge Kain zergs). Honestly though we really need the “larger” guilds on DR to get together for a type of summit and talk about what they’re going to bring to the WvW worlds and commitments (if any) that they plan to take. Or, come to a mutal agreement and form ‘the one guild’ for everyone WvW on DR (of course keeping all your old guilds, etc, just representing the one while in WvW).

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Yeah Kota, that was rough. All was quiet for around 2 hours. Finally got a WP up in our garrisson and then what…things just start turning blue, not just in one place, everywhere at once. It was a matter of no less that 15 minutes from when we lost blue lake to when we lost garrison, and we mustered EVERYONE at garrison, central chamber was FILLED to the brim with siege: 4-5 ballista, 6 arrow carts, catas, when they broke through its as if nothing even touched them.

Oh and forget the line on seige emplacements around the outer wall that conveniently despawed so we were incapable of defending anything on the outside.

What irks me most, is that we spent over 10 hours battling Kains in our BL. It was back and forth, sometimes FC wouls enter the fray, Garrison and Bay were attacked numerous time, and held numerous times. Yet we lose it all to one massive influx of people, one zerg that walked through our siege like it was nothing.

I’m starting to just now realize what other servers mean when they say that WvW is kittened.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Thank you for your feedback, it’s appreciated. We are taking such issues very seriously, and it’s one of our top priorities at the moment. Our team is working very hard to find the best way to solve this.

But as we explained, we want to give you an update about that only when everything will be setup, not before.

Thank you for your understanding & patience.