Disappointed in Crystal Desert

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Godz.4069


Hi, just a quick post to express my disappointment in our performance these past two weeks in WvW. I realise that the odds have been against us in these matches but it seems like participation has dropped down to a point where we barely have 10 players in borderlands at times.

I sincerely hope I didn’t make the wrong choice in picking Crystal Desert as a server and that we will get back to our previous glory in WvW!

It ain’t the time to give up guys! <3

Ensue flame war.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


Move to Jade Quarry, we always need more people like you.

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


A lot of servers have people just giving up. Until a lot of the balancing issues with this game as addressed by anet with more than a “figure it out yourselves” I fear this may just get worse.

In any case, I find my server is also empty in the borderlands, can even jump into EB without a queue.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


I transferred to Crystal Desert from Maguuma at the start of this weeks match-up, and although there is a significant difference in the amount of organization and tactics, as well as high population I have noticed Crystal Desert gets out-manned a lot, though not to the degree of Maguuma.

The guild I’ve been hanging out with since transferring have also been commenting about the decline of participation, namely that Crystal Deserts night presence seems to have completely disappeared.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: FamousTran.7238


I’m from IoJ and I’m pretty disappointed in your lack of fight in this match. Can’t let ET run rampant like that, lol.

Agrolan – Warrior
Eclesa – Engineer
Primordial Dragons

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Godz.4069


I’m seriously considering a server transfer, although it kinda bums me out that I have to start over with the guild influence… I would like to know what fellow Crystal Desert players think about this? Do you think there is any chance this situation can be reverted?

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Ryner.6895


Maybe if half you server didn’t camp puzzle you guys might be doing better.
Last night there was like 3 ballistas in there.

Please add in pve pk. Ty xoxoxoxo
ET – Heavens Blades

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Isila.2574


WvWvW in this game will not be worth bothering with until significant major exploits are fixed. Namely being able to server transfer to enemy servers in the matchup to spy and/or supply dump.

As more and more people figure this out, more and more people will stop wasting their time. It is pointless to play a game that your opponents are not playing in good faith.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Velron.3729


I’m seriously considering a server transfer, although it kinda bums me out that I have to start over with the guild influence… I would like to know what fellow Crystal Desert players think about this? Do you think there is any chance this situation can be reverted?

IoJ is still looking for more WvW focused guilds/players so we can eventually be truly competitive with those top servers, throwin it out there


Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Vixena.3821


When we’re being double-teamed…. it’s a tad difficult to try to do well. It’s very evident in Eternal Battlegrounds where our side of the map will be under constant siege while Isle of Janthir’s and Eredon Terrace’s parts of the map are quiet. That has been the case with Jade Quarry and Dragonbrand as well the previous week.

(edited by Vixena.3821)

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


I’ve been playing WoW this last week.

At least if I die in that game I can see my opponent before I’m dead.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Not bothering with WvW until they fix some of these exploits. I see the elementalist lightning surge exploit was finally fixed, so thats a good start. Now we just need orb hacks and terrain hacks addressed, and free server transfers taken away, and we are in business.

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Its no fun to attack because we dont have enough organization to be successful when it is 2v1.
Its no fun to defend because ppl transfer to our server to dump our supplies so its impossible to hold anything for long.
Its no fun to do the useless distracting PVE things like the jumping puzzle because IoJ will have +20 ppl sit there for hours ganking everyone who wants to attempt the useless distraction.

So thts my guess
WvW was fun, and sometimes IS fun, but not for long.
It will most likely get fun again when free server transfers end and they add a transfer CD.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Spartyr.6795


My advice is if you really like the server to stick it out. It’s more rewarding when you finally make a comeback to have seen it through.

Sometimes greener pastures is the only move though, and if that’s the case please give Sanctum of Rall a look. It has an awesome backstory, guilds that are extremely committed to making a good community, and one of the most exciting WvW matchups going right now.

We are always looking for folks to help round out the Oceanic times, and the queues in that time slot are nonexistant right mow.

Spartyr – Norn Thief
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: kelman.9451


I agree the free transfers have already hurt WvWvW, and they need to end it. It just creates snowball effect of people leaving servers to join already heavy winning servers, along with orbs making the winning teams even stronger.
I don’t plan on leaving CD, most of the people are pretty decent and when we aren’t taking on guild heavy servers we do pretty well in WvWvW.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: RoRo.8270


We are obviously outnumbered there aren’t even any queues to get into eternal everyone gets discouraged and jsut transfers server while anet sits back and laughs. I hate to be the rat that jumps ship but this is getting out of control

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


I recently transferred to Kaineng and am having a blast. We are getting our kitten handed to us but it’s actually pretty fun when we can mass up and actually take a bunch of supply camps and towers.

Also at around 11 pm to 8 am pacific time there’s a karma train with a Taiwanese guild named Survivors of Searing/Shield of SoS and we go around on the different borderlands taking supply camps and killing yaks for karma/exp/money. Made like 3g last night and gained 20k karma.

I am hoping more people switch to this server as there are some potential perks that could be great publicity and motivation for other guilds to transfer as well. Being the guild that brings Kaineng out of the gutter and near-last rank could be good for any guild trying to gain more members


Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Aezan.2310


I actually transferred from ET to CD today to play with friends who rolled on CD. Tried to convince them to come to ET yesterday when almost all the severs were full but ET.

There were too many people to convince to join ET so I moved to CD to my chagrin.

However today it is just demoralizing. ET has 75% of the map, and CD has 5% with IoJ having 20%.

My passive world buffs are less than half what they were, and it seems like CD has just given up, with the majority of folks hanging in the AH.

Crystal Desert folks you should be embarrassed and stop being babies and go do the work required to get things back in order.

And to those blaming a-net for the imbalance that makes so little sense. You can’t blame A-net for lemming like behaviour and band wagon jumpers.

Either CD has to get their sh-t wired or I’m going to never play WvW. I had planned to lvl the whole game in WvW but that’s impossible when there is no one around to help.

If A-net wants to get people to balance it out they may need to offer some “you suck” reward system for the weakest sever so then people won’t feel the need to jump ship. I think that is a sad solution however and would prefer people stop their kittening an moaning and do something instead of afking in Lion’s.

_hungry all the time

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: KevinK.9182


something is wrong with queue system. all map have queue at my primetime. when i join i didn’t see more than 30 inside.

the 500 cap is for 3 server not 1/3 each.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Sprinkles.6748


I have a 3-step solution for the problem you are experiencing.

1. Be a boss.
2. Form a guild.
3. Crack da whip.

Hope this helps!

http://www.pwnzerfaust.com/ – Dragonbrand

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


Much if this thread echos my sentiments, but unlike the others that jumped ship, I’m staying. I love the guild I’m in and I have a tremendous amount of pride in our server despite the less than stellar performance we’ve been putting up.

It has been my belief for a while now that our server did lose much of it’s WvW playerbase through free transfers, and as such that’s why we find ourselves in this predicament. None the less, I will tough it out and believe our server can rally back.

Anyone thinking of leaving, don’t! Lets do the opposite, lets do what other servers have been doing in other threads and even this one, lets get more people to come over. Easier said than done of course, bit moping about it on the forums certainly isn’t going to attract any hopefuls.

CD is an amazing server with a great community. Sure our WvWvW power has shrunk from what it was before, but that should only be more reason to try harder to get more folks to come over.

Anyway, I really do hope our current population does tough it out and maybe get more people to come back to our server. CD certainly has potential, our smaller numbers put up some amazing fights, imagine what a larger properly organized number ofp layers could do for us.

C’mon CD, lets rally back and get this train moving again!!! It won’t happen over night, but I trust in our ability to get back. Anyone that isn’t happy where they are now on their server, feel free to come over to CD. Nothing better than a grand story of having a great force, falling down to a beat state, and rallying back to be a force to be reckoned with once again! Wait, no I lie, there is something better than that, BEING A PART OF THAT STORY!

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

(edited by Gofr.5794)

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


The problem with CD is that our presence in WvWvW greatly diminishes in the morning hours, and any gain we make during typical US prime-time hours disappears in the morning. We gave it a good push in the beginning and took the lead briefly and then slipped as we inevitably lagged behind due to morning losses. Last night we made another push and got two orbs, and then lost them in the morning (no surprise). People are not interested in continually dishing out gold and karma to bolster keeps that cannot be defended by our sparsely populated morning crew (no offense to them, they tried). Many people have left to other servers that have 24/7 representation, and, yes, Anet is to blame for this trend (that shouldn’t have been allowed, and hopefully they are seeing the repercussion of that mistake). The same thing happened to us last week, and we simply cannot keep up with constant representation (and lost more people back then, as well). I honestly don’t blame the people who leave; Anet should have had the foresight to anticipate what would happen due to WvWvW population disparity. CD will continue to fall in rank until we can be matched with other servers that share the same issue.

On another note, the game is still young and more people are interested in saving their gold to equip their characters in exquisite gear; a brief upgrade to a keep is not worth the gold when your side is obviously in last place. The exploits, consumable issues, supply dumping (the general supply design is poor and has fundamental flaws), and constant need for individuals (and not the entire server) to pay for keep maintenance with gold (and not a WvWvW only currency), are only some of the problems that need to be addressed before WvWvW really takes off. For now, the winning servers will be the ones that can constantly deploy players 24/7 and are willing to pay the gold to constantly upgrade keeps and buy blueprints. I certainly wouldn’t leave CD and my guild just because we aren’t able to compete in a broken WvWvW environment; there’s always real PvP in sPvP. Hopefully Anet will address the issues plaguing WvWvW soon because it has great potential.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


The problem with CD is that our presence in WvWvW greatly diminishes in the morning hours, and any gain we make during typical US prime-time hours disappears in the morning. We gave it a good push in the beginning and took the lead briefly and then slipped as we inevitably lagged behind due to morning losses. Last night we made another push and got two orbs, and then lost them in the morning (no surprise). People are not interested in continually dishing out gold and karma to bolster keeps that cannot be defended by our sparsely populated morning crew (no offense to them, they tried). Many people have left to other servers that have 24/7 representation, and, yes, Anet is to blame for this trend (that shouldn’t have been allowed, and hopefully they are seeing the repercussion of that mistake). The same thing happened to us last week, and we simply cannot keep up with constant representation (and lost more people back then, as well). I honestly don’t blame the people who leave; Anet should have had the foresight to anticipate what would happen due to WvWvW population disparity. CD will continue to fall in rank until we can be matched with other servers that share the same issue.

On another note, the game is still young and more people are interested in saving their gold to equip their characters in exquisite gear; a brief upgrade to a keep is not worth the gold when your side is obviously in last place. The exploits, consumable issues, supply dumping (the general supply design is poor and has fundamental flaws), and constant need for individuals (and not the entire server) to pay for keep maintenance with gold (and not a WvWvW only currency), are only some of the problems that need to be addressed before WvWvW really takes off. For now, the winning servers will be the ones that can constantly deploy players 24/7 and are willing to pay the gold to constantly upgrade keeps and buy blueprints. I certainly wouldn’t leave CD and my guild just because we aren’t able to compete in a broken WvWvW environment; there’s always real PvP in sPvP. Hopefully Anet will address the issues plaguing WvWvW soon because it has great potential.

Agreed, it’s why I’ve been calling lately for some kind of a limit on the free transfers. Until that issue is addressed, WvWvW has no chance of balancing.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


Don’t worry the nightmare will be over in a few days time. Then ET will be going back to the tier 1 match ups where we will have our own nightmares competing against HoD’s night crew. I can see that CD does try harder during its peak hours but during its off hours it just loses everything. You need a night crew? So does every other server. But look on the bright side…if you thought ET’s night crew was bad, we’re only 1/3rd of what HoD can really muster during the oceanic hours.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


yeah I’ve been saying for a while CD does not have the economy to be tier 2.

We see ET drop Golems like they are candy, JQ did the same thing. I spent 4g Friday night upgrading things in EB in only 2 hours of play time. Asked if anybody wanted to chip in and got 2 people mail me 10 sv and that was it.

Same with siege weapons, hit up a tower with no defenders and doing fine, let 5 people get in and there is already 5 arrow carts on you that were just sitting in the tower unused in good spots that can’t be killed, CD is lucky to have 3 arrow carts in a tower and they are usually in a spot that is hitable by staff aoes.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


We’ve already been up against a 24/7 server (Jade Quarry) who had a huge night crew, and it’s primarily why CD had a huge plummet in WvWvW population (thanks free transfers; hopefully JQ is now home to most of our former scrubs). Most servers do need a night crew, and I am sure many will be happy when we can have a match that lasts a week instead of just a weekend. It would be nice if Anet eventually implements a reasonable solution to population disparity, so that population size doesn’t simply dictate victory.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


for future learning and such i provide observations from WvW this week. i dont mean this in any negative way, but i feel they should be stated so that you can learn and grow.

1. your people need to level. i nearly squeed in happiness this weekend when back to back i would 1v5 the people on your server due to them not being lvl 80. as much as people will talk it down, if your not lvl 80 your a detriment to your server. this is a lesson ET learned early on and had to sacrifice bracket points to fix. LEVEL

2. communication: so far i noticed several key times when lack of basic communication led to you guys losing massive chunks of territory, even in your prime time. my zerg of ~20 was able to take askalion hills after getting wiped simply because we came back to find all of keeep empty with 1 HP left on the inner door. we swooped in and took it in a matter of second and your forces were stuck outside the choke point getting massacred. this is a point ET is still struggling with, there are a few guilds that have direct communication (LOTD, RUIN, FOE, THAI, FOO, a few more i cant recall off the top of my head) and we are extremely effective, but there is still a lot of work to be had. COMMUNICATE (i believe you moved your entire force out of askalion to move your orb of power, but even then. a group of 5 could have escorted that guy, instead of your entire zerg)

3. get ready to dump gold. i see a lot of people claiming that they dont want to drop money on upgrades. unfortunately this isnt negotiable, you need to drop money frequently. luckily you have a massive force to pool money from. every time you take a keep you generate something like 10-15 gold across all the people there. use this to your advantage and do be afraid to ask for donations for upgrades.

4. chin up: this week has been pretty bad for you guys, but dont look at it as a personal failing. instead look at what you can take away from it. next week you will likely get bumped down to t3 and then you have a week to work out strategy/alliance structure/ server recruitment. your server has suffered quite a few transfers, but reach out to other servers about wanting to recruit, talk to europeans/ any asian guilds that aren’t happy with their current situation and work on bringing them to your side.

im tired and probably half of this looks like the ramblings of a crazy man, but hopefully you guys can learn from this experience and keep up the good fight.


Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


While your comments are reasonable, there is really no way to force pre-80 players to not queue for WvWvW (even though it is obvious that under-geared and under-leveled players are a detriment). Also, CD isn’t exactly brimming with WvWvW players atm; we can typically get in bgs quite quickly if there is even a wait.

Communication is an issue that really should be addressed by Anet; better chat channels would be great (as most players aren’t going to bother with a server voice chat, or are already using voice chat with their guild – one can only have so many conversations). We have a botched commander system where the only qualification was duping guildmates to buy a tag for someone. Some commanders are helpful, but most are not (I think they just wanted the Commander Star of Awesomeness next to their name).

The supply system is subpar, and there is no way “force” players to contribute buying upgrades. The game is young, and most people are still outfitting their characters so there is some hope that money won’t be such a huge issue in the future (only time will tell).

I had a lot of fun over the weekend, it’s a shame the growing trend is great WvWvW over the weekend and patiently waiting for Friday during the weekdays.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


There is a good chance you were fighting alts out there. When CD start losing some people bail and don’t queue others queue on alts for a new experience while getting pwned.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Asilion.9213


What happened to the CD that was getting eliminated from the map last week vs JQ and rallied hours before reset to retake their garrison (albeit giving it up again 20 minutes later) despite over a 300k point deficit? There should be no reason you can’t get your people to have presence and organization in WvW if you can muster up the forces to pull that off (we were unprepared but the Garrison wasn’t exactly undefended). If it works for you, maybe let your enemy nibble and lay still, nibble and lay still, letting them drop their guard before countering with full force. But be prepared to maintain your lead once you retake it.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Aezan.2310


It has nothign to do with needing a night crew. We are at 0-5% all day long.

We also are not going to retake anything. ET and IoJ have some alliance to farm us. They don’t even attack each other. They hold each others stuff as a show of trust and then just fight us for our stuff, they won’t even attack each other in the open. If it wasn’t for the NPCs they wouldn’t even attack anything that wasn’t red.

_hungry all the time

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


It has nothign to do with needing a night crew. We are at 0-5% all day long.

We also are not going to retake anything. ET and IoJ have some alliance to farm us. They don’t even attack each other. They hold each others stuff as a show of trust and then just fight us for our stuff, they won’t even attack each other in the open. If it wasn’t for the NPCs they wouldn’t even attack anything that wasn’t red.

Except we attack IoJ every night. You must realize that in some cases it is better to not attack and allow the other two servers do your dirty work.

Quit with the conspiracy theory about an alliance. They (IoJ) can vouch for this as we spawn camped them last night after we took your (CD) Garrison in Red borderlands…

The issue I’ve seen almost every night (bar Friday night) is CD mindlessly attacks things without any strategy to win.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Kilvert.4172


Aezan, with all due respect, that’s ridiculous. ET and IoJ have no alliance to gang up on poor CD. The reason CD gets hit hard is because you don’t have the people online to put up a solid resistance. If you had a choice between assaulting a keep defended by 50+ or one defended by 5, which would you go for first?

Also, it’s not as if IoJ is faring well in this matchup either, at one point tonight ET had 680 to IoJs 10 and CDs 5. There is no benefit to them in “allying” with ET. This matchup is going the way it is for CD due to the lack of participation, plain and simple. When you have people online you make gains, unfortunately there’s only maybe 2-3 hours a day at this point where you actually equal IoJ and ET in population.

I hope CD can pull it together and becoming a competitive server, more competition is only good for this game in the long run. But in the mean time, don’t blame IoJ and ET for CDs problems, focus instead on getting the activity/transfers that CD needs to come back another week and prove they belong in the tier 2 matchup.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Thorgrum.4679


The reason CD gets hit hard is because you don’t have the people online to put up a solid resistance.

It really isnt any more complex then this. No Queue that last 2 nights on CD, this weekend 1.5 hours.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


It has nothign to do with needing a night crew. We are at 0-5% all day long.

We also are not going to retake anything. ET and IoJ have some alliance to farm us. They don’t even attack each other. They hold each others stuff as a show of trust and then just fight us for our stuff, they won’t even attack each other in the open. If it wasn’t for the NPCs they wouldn’t even attack anything that wasn’t red.

please dont make yourself look like a fool. we literally own the entire map. both 2nd and 3rd were below +50 last time i checked.

the sad fact is that both IOJ and CD lack long term tactics. if you could look not at the next tower, but the next 3 days, you would see that this entire match has been lost from the beginning.

currently WvW (especially this bracket) works like this: 1 mega server (et/jq) vs 2 lower server (sos/CD/IOJ). now due to the preplanning of guilds on ET/JQ, none of the smaller servers have the basic ability to compete unless you expand your strategy. mainly you need to understand that on all aspects of WvW, you are weaker. you have less experience in wvw, less dedicated 24/7 coverage, much lower levels of coordination and communication and lack the working history that some of the ET guilds have (foe/lotd/ruin). once you realize this, you need to realize that to survive, a 2v1 (CD+IOJ vs ET) is the ONLY way you will have a chance at winning. (right now the 2 top servers gang up on what is perceived as the weakest enemy thus it has become ET+IOJ vs CD. although this is not intentional on ET’s part, we just want to get our hands on as many points as possible and CD tends to be the prime targets of opportunity)

now i know some of you are going to be like “WELL PANDA THATS NOT FAIR”… well then you’ve missed the point of 1v1v1. the whole point of a 3 way pvp arena is to balance the mega servers, something that goes over peoples heads. the weaker servers must, to the best of their ability focus on the strongest server and deny them point gain. when the balance of power is tipped and the stronger force is behind in points the other can then look at eachother. BUT DO NOT BE MISTAKEN, IF THE STRONG SERVER SHOWS ANY GAIN THEY MUST BE WIPED OFF THE MAP. otherwise they will come back with a vengeance.

well im going on 25 hours awake so ima go to sleep now. but again, this battle wasnt lost in pure numbers or who had a zerg when. it was lost when IOJ viewed CD as the weaker/ easier force and attacked them, instead of pressuring us.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Midnight.4728


Panda last week I was trying to get people to attack JQ and the other server shouldn’t be a priority. But people don’t listen.

Haven’t bothered joining this week. After that random crash in the Crystal Desert’s borderlands I was trebbing our garrison (JQ took it) And took down 3 walls and the gate. Guess which side they didn’t attack from?!

Seriously. Kinda hard to stay with a server after that – but I’m going to suck it up.

(edited by Midnight.4728)

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


Ok, there is no way IoJ has any alliance with any other server. Last night in ET’s Borderland, my guild of ~15 took Shadaran Hills. Instead of pushing ET, CD had a small group come try to take it from us. Of course they were repelled from the side. Shortly after, CD showed up again at our south gate. While we were fighting them there, a large group of ET showed up to take us on as well. Rather than fight at 2 fronts, we retreated to the inner keep to setup our final stand. We held 3 pushes by ET, with a little help from another guild (Thank you, AoJ). After one of the pushes, we came out to clear the remaining ET. What did we see beside us? A big group of CD that had come in the same way. They ran. No fight from them at all.

You guys were inside our keep, right on the heels of ET. Don’t claim there’s some alliance going on. We push ET at every chance. ET has been our target since the matchup started. The amount of times we’ve raged on vent about how stupid CD is for attacking us instead of trying to push ET. We even started to simply jump around CD players, trying to get a point across. We’re not trying to fight you, but we will if you force us to.

This matchup has actually been really good. IoJ definitely lacks the people during the morning, which is where we lose our ground. But we have tried to push ET as hard as they’ve pushed us. ET would not have a such a huge lead if CD had any presence on the map, and i understand the frustration that comes when people give up. But don’t let that discourage you. Same thing happened to IoJ the last time we played ET. This time, i don’t see it happening though.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


Lol you guys think that just because you attacked IoJ one night, or even every night it doesn’t mean you haven’t teamed up on us? Here, I posted a screenshot the other day, I’ll post it again here. This is from Sunday night, a little after prime time. It is VERY obvious that while you guys might not have some official alliance, that you were quite obviously only attacking and taking our stuff before bothering with each other. Yeah I know it is part of the game and a valid strategy and all that, but don’t pretend like you guys have not been teaming up on us, even if you don’t have an “alliance”. Don’t make yourselves look like fools.

Put simply, like others have said, we have lost a LOT of people due to world transfers. In Tier 3 we absolutely DOMINATED, even during prime time we held up perfectly, but somehow I expect this time when we drop to T3 we will be fighting for our lives. Why? Because we have lost a tremendous amount of WvWers. Sure our server pop is nice and full, but we have lost our WvW people, which is what matters for this. It wasn’t until JQ started beating us even a little bit, and then as the week went by it got worse and worse, and now this week we can’t do anything at all. Either they all left, or they just aren’t playing, which I doubt if they were real WvWers.

To all of CD as well, or I should say everyone that reads this that transferred off to a higher ranked server last week or even this week from CD. You are the ones I’m disappointed in. I’m not disappointed in our server currently, because we are trying as hard as we can, but we have lost so much coverage we once had. We DID have an excellent night crew, but now it is down to just our alliance oceanics essentially and we DID have morning coverage as well, don’t even know what happened to it. I hope you guys that transferred off CD are enjoying your ridiculously long queue times just for a little follow the guild zergs around.


Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Sisho.5431)

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


@sisho Well I can legitimately say that I have never heard my commanders ever say on TS3, not to attack IoJ. I sometimes would hear it when we played against HoD where they would force us to focus on them instead of SBI but I have never once heard a call to focus on CD and ignore IoJ. If anything your screenshot proved how badly prepared CD was for a tier 2 matchup. The only reason IoJ was on the map? Because they had the numbers to defend. However you would rather we take on the bigger prey instead of the weaker one. You forget that we want points and if we can get points much easier through attacking less geared, undermanned and less prepared opponents from CD, then we will not hesitate to do so. But don’t be under any assumptions that we have refrained from attacking IoJ at all. In fact if you post a proper screenshot of only a coupla hours ago, you would see that ET took over the entire EB pushing IoJ AND CD back to their respective spawn points. But of course in your mind that is still somehow an “alliance” between IoJ and ET even when we wipe em off the map.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


Did you read my post at all? I said you guys probably did NOT have an alliance, but just refrained from attacking each other. I said it was a valid strategy also. Please read before posting.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


That screenshot doesn’t show anything. Take a look at it again. Any place on the borderlands that is supposed to be red, is Green. Not blue. IoJ only took the stuff from CD in EB.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Raezzor.9217


Only reason IoJ pushed north from Durios/Umber when ET was attacking yalls keep was because a sizable group of CD came down from Ogres and attacked Umber. So we defended then just followed up taking the Ogres, the Ogrewatch supply camp, then Ogrewatch itself. Not sure what happened after that besides CD being completely off the map. It wasn’t like we planned it. Honestly, /m chat was full of people wanting to take down ET supply chains and the push north just sort of happened.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: FamousTran.7238


^ I’ve seen CD crossing into Umberglade a lot. CD, control your army or we will eradicate it.

Agrolan – Warrior
Eclesa – Engineer
Primordial Dragons

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


The problem with CD is that our presence in WvWvW greatly diminishes in the morning hours, and any gain we make during typical US prime-time hours disappears in the morning. We gave it a good push in the beginning and took the lead briefly and then slipped as we inevitably lagged behind due to morning losses. Last night we made another push and got two orbs, and then lost them in the morning (no surprise). People are not interested in continually dishing out gold and karma to bolster keeps that cannot be defended by our sparsely populated morning crew (no offense to them, they tried). Many people have left to other servers that have 24/7 representation, and, yes, Anet is to blame for this trend (that shouldn’t have been allowed, and hopefully they are seeing the repercussion of that mistake). The same thing happened to us last week, and we simply cannot keep up with constant representation (and lost more people back then, as well). I honestly don’t blame the people who leave; Anet should have had the foresight to anticipate what would happen due to WvWvW population disparity. CD will continue to fall in rank until we can be matched with other servers that share the same issue.

On another note, the game is still young and more people are interested in saving their gold to equip their characters in exquisite gear; a brief upgrade to a keep is not worth the gold when your side is obviously in last place. The exploits, consumable issues, supply dumping (the general supply design is poor and has fundamental flaws), and constant need for individuals (and not the entire server) to pay for keep maintenance with gold (and not a WvWvW only currency), are only some of the problems that need to be addressed before WvWvW really takes off. For now, the winning servers will be the ones that can constantly deploy players 24/7 and are willing to pay the gold to constantly upgrade keeps and buy blueprints. I certainly wouldn’t leave CD and my guild just because we aren’t able to compete in a broken WvWvW environment; there’s always real PvP in sPvP. Hopefully Anet will address the issues plaguing WvWvW soon because it has great potential.

When I come on in during the US morning time, the situation has already gone to south. We (the oceanics) do try to take back keeps/towers during our peak hours, but we can’t man it 24/7 either. So our peak hours are maybe 4-5 in total, and we just get slammed after that.

As for IOJ and ET collusion? IOJ are clearly dumb, because they keep on hitting our supplies all day long at EB (at least during one point), and it ended up impossible to defend our positions. The lack of supplies, lack of man power, lack of people wanting to donate siege weapons, yeah… it wasn’t really possible to defend. So when they said their target was ET all along, they should check themselves and ask if that’s really the case. All they see is some easy supply target (because we are busy defending our keep with every able body), and steal some advantage.

Is CD disorganized? Yup. That’s because we simply don’t have the manpower. No one is spending enough time on the game to learn how WvW works or train up the general population.

(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


Last night, 11:30 PM Eastern. Getting a bit late for the east coasters, but the west coasters should be in prime time still. No queue in CD border. No queue in EB. Both are pretty much in shambles, though by the time I left a few hours later CD border was starting to get it together.

This morning at 11:00 AM Eastern I decide to log in to check on something (I wanted to look at the karma merchant in WvW). Much to my surprise, queue for CD border and queue for EB. CD border popped a few minutes later. I didn’t stay for long but looked like there was two commanders who knew what they were doing and giving clear concise orders.

What the heck?

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


Sounds like you went into CD this morning when Krommickon (One of the Synergy Alliances oceanic commanders, and a darn good one at that) was in there. It sounds like the right time I saw him in there earlier, and he is excellent at keeping things together and getting things done. Unfortunately the moment he left WvW with his guys it just fell apart and our score suddenly dropped. People that try to give the Synergy Alliance crap about not being good need to get their eyes checked or something. Whenever our guys come into a borderlands, we get our stuff back, quickly and efficiently, and we hold onto it for the duration that we remain there. It really seems like there just aren’t nearly as many guilds or players outside our alliance anymore aside from like MERC that do WvW. Thanks again free transfers!

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Heojaua.6048


OES does WvW every night. We do not have 40 people in WvW everynight tho.

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: T Wrecks.4719

T Wrecks.4719

Well, this is fun.


Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Patriclus.7608


Well, this is fun.

Show me on the map where Ruin touched you.

Death Before Dishonor

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


That picture is priceless (and, that is from someone on CD). I’m sure it’s quite boring for ET, but at least they are providing some amusement.