Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: Brow.9425


Original title that was too long: Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Meaningless

You know, I’ve really resisted posting any directly negative things. But this news posting I see today leaves me flabbergasted. Not 24 hours ago I read a post from Chris Whiteside about how you absolutely do read our feedback. And then I see this announcement, not 24 hours later. You’re reading, but you’re not comprehending. It’s not reaching whoever makes decisions, or whoever makes decisions just doesn’t care.

If really have been reading the forums, then you know, you KNOW, that the biggest problem in WvW is lopsided matches. Servers playing in tiers where they don’t belong. You added randomness to the matchmaking to break up frozen tiers. It actually made things worse, with T4 going up against T1 because of ‘randomness.’

If the league seeding was going to work, you needed to FREEZE transfers weeks ago, when the season was announced. You could then use the following weeks of preseason matches to properly seed the leagues. LIKE A REAL LEAGUE. I understand that this would be hugely unpopular, and you didn’t do it. Okay.

But what I didn’t expect is that you would go out of your way to encourage people to leave their servers, just DAYS before the league starts. Now server performance is completely uncorrelated to the data you have leading up to the league. Servers where people left aren’t going to be well matched where you put them. Servers people switched to aren’t going to play like the server they thought they were switching to, and are now stuck on. Leagues are going to be blowouts, with depleted and bandwagon servers in the wrong leagues, based on their previous population.

Its just unbelievable how you sabotage the very thing you’ve been promoted as the biggest WvW event of the year, just to sell some gems.

Rathan Kelet — Maguuma

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Perfectly said. I can’t wait until they get competition. The only reason people play this heap is the current lack there of.

ROAM | Oink | TLP

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


also you tin foil hat is falling off at the side

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


also you tin foil hat is falling off at the side

Get back to your blob, you’re needed

ROAM | Oink | TLP

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: Cuchullain.3104


Thanks for this post. The sheer stupidity of this move is mind boggling. I am convinced this is all a secret plot by Anet employees to wreck the game and have NCSoft kick Anet to the curb where hopefully, it will rise like a phoenix from the ashes and ascend to game developer paradise. Either that or they are taking bribes from the up and coming competition, which is offering them jobs in exchange for destroying GW2.

Then again, could it be….SATAN?

Who knows, but they are definitely in bull in china shop mode.

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


also you tin foil hat is falling off at the side

Get back to your blob, you’re needed

getting get back to my blob of 20 guildies all on ts b4 another forum user posts another post about lowering counts on the bls to the least number of people or debuffing people who happen to run together

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: Cruril Darksbane.2318

Cruril Darksbane.2318

Thanks for this post. The sheer stupidity of this move is mind boggling. I am convinced this is all a secret plot by Anet employees to wreck the game and have NCSoft kick Anet to the curb where hopefully, it will rise like a phoenix from the ashes and ascend to game developer paradise. Either that or they are taking bribes from the up and coming competition, which is offering them jobs in exchange for destroying GW2.

Then again, could it be….SATAN?

Who knows, but they are definitely in bull in china shop mode.

Not sure how you think management works but it’s like this;

Agency Theory.

Managers do not care about the company rather they do what makes them look good, so if they get an opporunity to increase sales in the gem store they take it (reduced transfer cost).

This helps them get promotions, more power, and more money.

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: MajorFauxPas.2364


GW2: the best PvE game ever.

Hey, um, which way to the outhouse?

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: MajorFauxPas.2364


Server Transfers: This Is Why I Stopped Playing GW2.

Hey, um, which way to the outhouse?

Discounted Transfers = League Seeding Kitten

in WvW

Posted by: MajorFauxPas.2364


Getting Graped By Your Old WVW Clan in EB: Priceless.

Hey, um, which way to the outhouse?