Discussing the new server merges

Discussing the new server merges

in WvW

Posted by: Rococo.8347


Im just coming back to wvw with all the changes – I remember when we had server and matchup threads back in the day – tbh I have no idea why they were stopped…

With this new sever merging going on isn’t it imperative that we actually can talk about this and how it plays out on the forums? Im in Deso – im surprised we got a merger and think its very counter productive to say we need to talk about mergers outside of the forum only.

Unless im completely out of date and we now can again?

Also has anyone else had any issues with proof of heroics drops from the mists chest? I played for a couple of hours last night wasn’t paying attention to my drops and chests – I started with 6 proofs, after taking several towers, camps and a couple of keeps I came out with——6 proofs of heroics – I didn’t get one.

Discussing the new server merges

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


You only get proofs of heroics when you rank up and only if you open the chest that appears in your inventory.

As to the rest…unsure.

Discussing the new server merges

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


server matchup threads were stopped due to too much drama.

server merging isn’t exactly what’s going on, and i’m sure that topics created about specific issues regarding the server linking will be allowed, as long as they to not turn toxic

and as for proofs of heroics, the ones you got while running last night likely went straight into your wallet. they won’t add to your existing stack in your inventory anymore. the ones in your inventory need to be double-clicked (or right-click/consume all) to put them in your wallet. they are no longer soulbound to the character that acquired them.

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