Discussion: How to level the playing field

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


Bring out mobile anti personnel weapons traps that actually one hit and the anti zerg anti big server movement will actually be started. Im still surprised trebs don’t one hit players. Clumping to get her should just be a target to die.

You would think we would develop weapons against the primary tactic in WvW by now. Lossing = development of new tactique to counter. Bring out the anti personnel golem from living story and now we are talking.

(edited by Fafnir.5124)

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

Discussion:how to level the playing field.
Standard Equipment
WVW using spvp equal standards- all level 80,all using same rating of gears,all available for free to help build diversity and ease of change.

Standard Manning
Equal quantity since quality can never be equalled.
100 VS 100 VS 100 per map. Excess or equal amount of players will create overflows of same map.
If not enough ppl it will change to 50 VS 50 VS 50. Imbalanced excess of ppl will be queued in edge of the mist.
If no one is even playing in one of the world,then WVW world population is broken and requires merging.

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


Make it so number players mean nothing and strategy means everything. make a blue print for wall for wvw. buildable fortifications. you can attack through and run through but enemy’s cant.

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Discussion:how to level the playing field.
Standard Equipment
WVW using spvp equal standards- all level 80,all using same rating of gears,all available for free to help build diversity and ease of change.

Standard Manning
Equal quantity since quality can never be equalled.
100 VS 100 VS 100 per map. Excess or equal amount of players will create overflows of same map.
If not enough ppl it will change to 50 VS 50 VS 50. Imbalanced excess of ppl will be queued in edge of the mist.
If no one is even playing in one of the world,then WVW world population is broken and requires merging.

I will only accept the sPvP like armor if it has the full range of equipment available. I don’t play sPvP because of the lack of build diversity available. I don’t want to be pigeonholed into a full zerker build or a full tank build. I want a blend, which is impossible to achieve in sPvP, unless I am completely oblivious to how things work there.

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


make traps that are worth making one hit kills and counterpart trap detectors

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

Discussion:how to level the playing field.
Standard Equipment
WVW using spvp equal standards- all level 80,all using same rating of gears,all available for free to help build diversity and ease of change.

Standard Manning
Equal quantity since quality can never be equalled.
100 VS 100 VS 100 per map. Excess or equal amount of players will create overflows of same map.
If not enough ppl it will change to 50 VS 50 VS 50. Imbalanced excess of ppl will be queued in edge of the mist.
If no one is even playing in one of the world,then WVW world population is broken and requires merging.

I will only accept the sPvP like armor if it has the full range of equipment available. I don’t play sPvP because of the lack of build diversity available. I don’t want to be pigeonholed into a full zerker build or a full tank build. I want a blend, which is impossible to achieve in sPvP, unless I am completely oblivious to how things work there.

Yups,SPVP don’t have much variety as PVE/WVW, but the concept of having standard equipment and max lvl available to all for free is the key point when I made reference to SPVP because I keep hearing people bragging about winning 2 v 1 in wvw when its most probably a lvl 80s with full exotic/ascended beating down on 2 scaled up low level players with blue/green/yellow equipments.

In real TPVP, with players who can actually pvp without hiding behind superior equipment or lvl ,its actually hard to win 2 v 1 unless using a build against the direct weakness of the other 2 builds.

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


No. While the mismatched fights such as you describe are common, I would say most people in WvW are level 80s with full exotics. Its not hard to win 1v2s if you know what you are doing. Some classes and builds do have advantages over others yes, but thats the same in PvP.

My problem with PvP is that you get one amulet. One amulet with set stats. I want to mix and match celestial and cavalier stats to get the blend I want for my guardian. That’s impossible in PvP.

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: lukeire.3679


honestly, those archives are not even that hard and can be collected while mindlessly running with commander

once pve’ers got their archives, they will leave anyway…ppl who stays in wvw don’t need guides nor any specific help… we all were new to wvw at some point, we didn’t get any privilegues… why should pve’ers get any? they already get most love from anet

if your suggestions would actually get implemented, ppl will just abuse them and pve’ers and uplvs will just have even less motivation to adapt to wvw

hey, i am wvw veteran, i want to be able to do 500% more dmg to tequatl and be immune to poison, yeee

You WvW elitist disgust me. What makes you a better person than the Pve community. These downed state ideas are amazing. They would give the non-wvw community a chance in a fight. “hey, i am wvw veteran, i want to be able to do 500% more dmg to tequatl and be immune to poison, yeee” You really think that would help you with Tequatl. DO you even know who Tequatl is! All im saying is Pve isnt easy, it takes time and dedication. I’ve put in so much work, and all I want is a chance. If only WvW gave me something meaningful like Fractals or the Living story. It is your hate towards Pve that is putting us down and not giving us a chance.

nooo you don’t need help in WvW all you need to do is change your build easy and your Pveing should help with the money to do that. I was a Big Pver now i’m huge WvWer you need no help to do anything and if you so horrible at WvW jump on a com tag

Anzlan Synatri – [Amok]
Isle of Janthier

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Everyone that enjoys wvw had to go through the hard part and getting used to the fights so i dont know why “new” players should get an advantage, wipe and learn fellas! best way to improve, if you dont like to die ingames, stay out of pvp then!

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Xolst.5412


Any word on this from the devs questionmark

Monica Lost
Jesters of the Unknown [JsUn]|NSP

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Rexroe.8340


You’d think with the new trait system the devs would be looking for ideas to help attract new players to the game. The WvW tutorial systems have been severely lacking and I’ve been looking for an answer as to how better teach new people to play the game. I’d say that the answer has been here under our noses the whole time. Can we get any word from the devs on this idea?

(edited by Rexroe.8340)

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: skgstan.9687


So with the new HoT update do we think we can get some of these points in the next update. I think it would really contribute to the WvW experience.

Stanley D
LostCause(LC) 10g weekly/must have PS4/Must have Mic/ PVP+PVE+WVERP+WVWPVERP

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Hopefully we can get an update form the devs on this. I believe there was a Reddit post a bit ago.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

Discussion: How to level the playing field

in WvW

Posted by: Tyras.7043


Everyone that enjoys wvw had to go through the hard part and getting used to the fights so i dont know why “new” players should get an advantage, wipe and learn fellas! best way to improve, if you dont like to die ingames, stay out of pvp then!

I feel like this is the typical attitude regarding these kind of threads, but it doesn’t do anything to help solve anything. With the release of Heart of Thorns, PvE gets a lot of attention for new players and veterans. I feel like a lot of ideas mentioned here, along with the new borderlands, will really help to include new players in WvWvW while making sure things stay interesting for veteran players.

Tyras Fraust [Os] | NSP
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

(edited by Tyras.7043)