@Mods: Pls do not move this thread to the “suggestion” section.
This is not meant to be suggestions to changes but more a platform for discussion about how certain possible changes might affect WWW game play in general.
The basic idea of WWW is to put 3 servers against each other and by Victory Points decide which server is the strongest/ best organized of the three at the end of the week.
To day VPs is decided every 15min by static objects on the field, camps(5VPs) towers(10VPs) keeps(25VPs) and finally Stone Mist Castle (35VPs).
When these objectives are claimed the victor is also rewarded karma/xp/wxp and money.
Whilst defending said objects also rewards karma/xp/wxp and money each time a defensive event is finished.
These are in a basic way all that matters in WWW, the VPs.
Players might still play WWW for other reasons, fun, karma farming etc etc, but at the end of the week its about the VPs.
So with this in the back of our heads lets discuss what would happen, good or bad if certain changes where put in.
What if the time for VP tick for static objects where changed to every hour instead of every 15 min?
And in addition to this add a mechanic that gives VPs on player deaths.
IE, when a player kills another player 1 VP is given to the killers server.
You could also add another buff to static objects that rewards higher VPs/kills around that object, +1 for camps, +2 for towers, +3 for keeps and +5 for castles.
This would mean that defending a static object will reward your server during the fight and not just reward the owner after the fight.
This opens up a lot of tactical thinking when it comes to trying to claim a keep.., is it worth the risk of rewarding your enemy 150VPs in player deaths or should you try and spread out your forces to attack many keeps/towers at the same time.
It also opens up for roaming players and small scale group play to actually help your server in terms of VPs for your server.
Put in a mechanic that splits the karma/xp/wxp rewards for static objects amongst all participants.
This change I think would also counter the karma trains that goes from object to object just for the karma reward and promote to attack on multiple fronts on the map.
Buff the rewards for killing a player to the same amount as claiming a camp.
Since player kill rewards today are in fact split amongst all involved all this would do is make solo kills more attractable and in such way encourage smaller roaming groups without destroying the point to zerg, zerging should still happen IMO its part of www and some players really enjoy it and it is wrong to take that away from them.
The removal of the AoE cap.
This is one of the biggest things that buggs me in WWW.
There are one good thread discussion the reasoning for aoe cap and I recommend using that thread instead, but it wouldnt be bad to have this change in here as well, due to how it would affect the other changes.
Put in a mechanic that makes it so you have to be out of combat to be able to revive someone from defeated, downed players can still be revived normally.
This would IMO change alot of things in zerg vs zerg fighting.
It basically means that reviving downed players is more important, but also prevents suicide squads to go in and do massive aoe attacks just to die and be revived later and go in again.
So to make zerg vs zerg abit more tactical.
When addressing any of these topics pls write the section number first to make it easier to follow.