Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Problem: The current point scheme setup encourages picking on the weakest of the 3 realms to farm points, Essentially instead of becoming a true 3 way battle it becomes 2 sides farming the weak realm and defending their own while largely ignoring the other realm.

This makes sense because they are well rewarded for it in both points and exp/karma/gold and they get kills easier. But ultimately it results in one realm just losing most of it’s population and having a much less fun round each time. People don’t want to play when they are constantly over matched by both sides AND both sides focus on farming them. It’s especially disheartening when you make a successful defense against all odds to have the other realm, who also outnumbers you, take another tower. Challenging to hold both even if you are 100% competitive, impossible if you are not.

Solution: Scale all rewards off of the point differential between realms. This would work both ways, giving less points for hitting weaker realms and more points for hitting stronger realms. Also scale the upgrade costs with realms that are behind getting a discount.

Mechanics: We want good matchups so I think we can agree that a 15% threshold should be met before any scaling. Past that you scale at a linear rate. Lets not get too crazy and make that a 1% differential to 0.5% reward scaling.

So for instance the current score in Farkhaven v Ehmrybay v Northern Shiverpeaks is approx 73k, 60k, 37k respectively.

In this case the following would happen.

Darkhaven would get 1.5% less points and rewards for hitting Shiverpeaks and 25% less point and rewards for hitting Ehmry Bay. Darkhaven would pay full price for upgrades.

Shiverpeaks conversely would get 1.5% more points and rewards for hitting Darkhaven and 19% less points and rewards for hitting Ehmry Bay. Shiverpeaks would pay 1.5% less for upgrades.

Ehmry Bay however would get 25% increased points and rewards for hitting Darkhaven and 19% increased points and rewards for hitting Shiverpeaks. Ehmry bay would pay 19% less for upgrades.

In closing: As you can see not only does this encourage both stronger realms hitting each other more it also encourages the little guys to stick it out and fight. End of the day I just want lots of good battles. I don’t think two realms farming a third realm that can barely stave off one of them achieves that near as much. I want 3 active and fighting realms willing to hit each other at any time.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

(edited by Ralathar.7236)

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


I agree something should be done.

Another option I think should be considered is scaling some costs based on the score.

Top team: 100,000 points
Second: 50,000 points
Third: 25,000 points

  • Top team pays 100% costs (like now).
  • Second place will pay 50% less for all fort upgrades. Siege engines cost 50% less supply to build.
  • Third place will pay 25%.

This way the underdog will at least find it easier to upgrade the things they can manage to take.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


No reason you can’t add that to what I have IMO. Since less people means less cash. I’ll edit the original idea. But again it used the 15% threshold to prevent the bonus from getting to big or the bonus from kicking in till a significant difference.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Oh and to let you know what I mean. I mean this. We are first target for towers, supply camps, keeps, and even night capping.


Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504


It’s a decent plan maybe, but it is too simple. Should probably add in more factors: If they have fortification upgrades on a keep and it is taken then u get a certain % more points than what you would have for a normal keep taking. Should also have a factor of how close each server is in points. The closer they are in overall points the less they gain/lose.

Just a suggestion, but tbh I don’t really see a problem with the current situation. DH is in 1st and we would rather keep 2nd place down than go after the weakling. 3rd place just feels like they are getting tag teamed when really they just do not have the players and wvw support/organization on their server to make the difference. If you take a really good look at it you should see that Ehmry Bay is just in over their heads. A little organization goes a long way.

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


It’s a decent plan maybe, but it is too simple. Should probably add in more factors: If they have fortification upgrades on a keep and it is taken then u get a certain % more points than what you would have for a normal keep taking. Should also have a factor of how close each server is in points. The closer they are in overall points the less they gain/lose.

Just a suggestion, but tbh I don’t really see a problem with the current situation. DH is in 1st and we would rather keep 2nd place down than go after the weakling. 3rd place just feels like they are getting tag teamed when really they just do not have the players and wvw support/organization on their server to make the difference. If you take a really good look at it you should see that Ehmry Bay is just in over their heads. A little organization goes a long way.

I’ve watched this carefully over time both via our own stuff and keeping an eye on what is what on the map. It’s also been openly admitted by Northern Shiverpeaks that we are first target because we are “soft targets” and because someone claimed not to have the manpower to take yall (Darkhaven) on. At mid day no less when we still managed to Roll Darkhaven a few times.

Ehmry Bay has it’s share of problems I understand that. Believe me I’m not trying to discount that at all, I’m bashing my head against THAT wall. BUT, us being a primary target for both realm for easy points is added on top of all that.

I do thank you guys at Darkhaven for attacking both sides, I know yall attack both sides and only slightly favor attacking us. Northern Shiverpeaks however focuses almost exclusively on us. They field enough people to control Darkhaven’s stuff during the day but spend too much time hitting us instead.

This is also not just this weeks matchup. Sorrows Furnace suffered similarly in our last matchup.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


This week we’ve often attacked the weaker realm in an attempt to drive them off the borderland entirely so that we may focus on the stronger foe wholeheartedly. I don’t think I’ve had gained more badges than usual for doing this, although I am sure my repair costs have been lower.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Disincentivize attacking the weak realm to farm points.

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


This week we’ve often attacked the weaker realm in an attempt to drive them off the borderland entirely so that we may focus on the stronger foe wholeheartedly. I don’t think I’ve had gained more badges than usual for doing this, although I am sure my repair costs have been lower.

You get easier takes and holds which means more points and successful events and supplies. Along with less repair costs and the way people feel good while winning but bad with losing.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]