(edited by Johje Holan.4607)
Do any servers attack the strong?
You ask this as if the answer is clear cut. It always depends on the situation.
Pretty sure Gandara and FSP is doing that. Everyone double teams SFR.
Pretty sure Gandara and FSP is doing that. Everyone double teams SFR.
If only Kodash were as smart
Kaineng Right now we are the “strong” server in our matchup, but we don’t have majority numbers by any means. We will usually have one main group of ~10-15, and a bunch of small groups. We don’t care who is who, we show up, kill people, and cap their stuff. Granted, you have to like fighting outmanned and be willing to die doing crazy things (attempting 5v20s)
Right now we are the “strong” server in our matchup, but we don’t have majority numbers by any means. We will usually have one main group of ~10-15, and a bunch of small groups. We don’t care who is who, we show up, kill people, and cap their stuff. Granted, you have to like fighting outmanned and be willing to die doing crazy things (attempting 5v20s)
Seriously, our server is a freak of nature, and not a good example of anything in this game. And our current Match Up is probably the games weirdest Coverage Match Up ever.
As a whole server I seldom see this kind of tactic used. But often specific guilds or people will do just this. If a server have enough organization to actually have server wide goals it can happen, but most are to fractured etc. Even organized servers have pug’s or guilds that will just do their own thing for various reasons.
So the whole 2vs1 thing is largely hype, most people on servers doesn’t care, and those guilds that think they can pull this kind of thing off etc are often to arrogant to make it work anyways. I don’t worry.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
It makes sense. If you target the weak you get points, while if you target the strong, you may not get any points. It’s more or less how PVP works in most games, hit the weaknesses, avoid the strengths.
I haven’t been playing very long and my server looks like the underdog in their match up. For the record, I don’t mind this. But some people do. If we get wiped or our commander seems a little rough with players, people will just leave. And there’s not a lot you can do with low numbers. So it’s sadly often nipping at weakness and building up players as more minor wins roll in, then suddenly you have a group of 40+ and things can get rolling. At least in EBG. Borderlands seem to do well with small groups, and you only need a larger group to eat their large group and encourage them to seek points else where. But if Borderlands can’t muster a suitable defense, people will just roll over and give up. But this is just what I’ve noticed in my short time joining the game. I will admit, I’m part of the problem. If there is no tag, I don’t really know what to do. I don’t have a lot of siege, I’m ignorant of placements. And my gear is all rare stuff.
For most people, losing isn’t fun, winning is. This is also why server populations are so messy.
You know, the way WvW was meant to be played.
It was never “meant to be played” a certain way. They only talked about expecting servers to work together against a stronger one, and that it was possible to do so.
There was never any sort of: “If one server is much stronger, both other servers MUST attack that server” talk.
But yeah, I would say it depends on the situation. Guild groups tend to do raids on enemy borderlands in order to either distract or find nice fights.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Let’s take 3 servers: X, Y and Z.
Server Z is medium populated, server Y is low pop and X is high pop.
In this case, I think that most of Z will hit on Y, since they know X is just not doable..
Likewise, server Y will only dare to touch server Z, since scared kittenless of retalation of the X server..
And X? Well, they just can choose who they wanna take out..
Maybe on a high tier matchup it’s possible to make temporary alliances between enemy servers in order to get the highest server down, but from my experience that always ends in tears.. :-)
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Right now we are the “strong” server in our matchup, but we don’t have majority numbers by any means. We will usually have one main group of ~10-15, and a bunch of small groups. We don’t care who is who, we show up, kill people, and cap their stuff. Granted, you have to like fighting outmanned and be willing to die doing crazy things (attempting 5v20s)
Opening day/night we whooped your kitten . You have night coverage we do not. THATS what makes you the “strong” server. Am I jelly? Maybe a little.
You know, the way WvW was meant to be played.
It was never “meant to be played” a certain way.
Servers were never meant to be so empty. They fixed this problem in PVE by adding the megaserver. For your WvW server alliance you can transfer.
As an example in Elder Scrolls online their WvW started with around 10 servers. When it didn’t take off the way GW2 did they quickly reduced it to just a couple of servers, and affordable costs to change your server.
(edited by Chairface.9036)
It all depends, but GW2 WvW is too casual and MUs are meaningless for servers to be bothered doing 2vs1, it can also be very dangerous since every week or so servers will change.
Only time I saw a real 2vs1 was in first league, the second and third server focused the first server making it lose 2 MU.
Right now we are the “strong” server in our matchup, but we don’t have majority numbers by any means. We will usually have one main group of ~10-15, and a bunch of small groups. We don’t care who is who, we show up, kill people, and cap their stuff. Granted, you have to like fighting outmanned and be willing to die doing crazy things (attempting 5v20s)
Opening day/night we whooped your kitten . You have night coverage we do not. THATS what makes you the “strong” server. Am I jelly? Maybe a little.
As I’ve said above, our server is a freak of nature. We don’t have the NA prime population to fight of, well anyone really. But we got steady coverage through most of the day, so we night cap back. When faced with a server with strong night cap we’re screwed etc.
You should have seen us against FC all summer last year, they had some night presence, so we just auto lost against them every single time.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
You know, the way WvW was meant to be played.
It was never “meant to be played” a certain way. They only talked about expecting servers to work together against a stronger one, and that it was possible to do so.
There was never any sort of: “If one server is much stronger, both other servers MUST attack that server” talk.But yeah, I would say it depends on the situation. Guild groups tend to do raids on enemy borderlands in order to either distract or find nice fights.
That is how it was meant to be played. “Meant to be played” doesn’t mean “MUST”.
Like you said, the devs made it three servers so that two weaker servers could both attack the stronger server thus making the game more enjoyable. They designed it so that it would happen. In other words, they meant for it to happen.
But instead everyone refuses to do what the devs meant to happen and somehow thinks 2v1 properly done is cheating or something. Then everyone gets demoralized because they can’t compete with the stronger server. Some people just stop playing, some people come to the forums to talk about imbalanced matchups. Been going on since launch.
I’m just wondering if there are any servers out there that play like that. I’ll probably have to go to T2 or T1 for that though. They’re all pretty even anyway.
The way PPT is designed, the incentive is not to win the week, but to get as many points as you can over the long term: many weeks. So the best thing to do is to take your points from the weakest server every week. Winning the week is not incentivised.
A ratings system that greater rewards winning (winner-take-all in the most extreme case) would work better in a theoretical sense, where servers are somewhat evenly matched.
As it is, population and coverage differences are so drastic in so many matchups that the whole system is meaningless anyway.
Assuming Green>Blue>Red
What I’ve seen is that if Blue attacks Green’s BL, Red sees this and uses the opportunity to attack Blue’s BL.
If Green attacks Blue’s BL, Red uses this opportunity to attack Blue’s BL as well.
Red will only take Green’s camps until they get enough people to take Lake and Briar. Until then they stay on their BL and EB
Green will attack whoever they like to annoy.
WvW is too much about PPT, the weakest server will take any advantage to compete, even if it means taking scraps from Green.
This is all too common in german servers, they refuse to fight unless they feel they greatly outnumber you to the point of guaranteed victory in a fight; if they dont or if they have wiped in a previous fight, they will run with their tails between their legs to another corner of the map or another BL where there is much less resistance in order to cap more towers.
If they is a stronger server, they follow like scavengers behind the stronger server which spends a great deal of effort taking a T3 tower, once capped the german servers then quickly cap the now T1 tower to gain more easy points.
This is why WvW is SO imbalanced. All those excuses anet have used about balance, it’s all a farce; if this current state is balance to them I’d hate to see what imbalance is!
yes we do. we even moved from stronger server to attack stronger servers.
As an SFR player I can assure you that the 2 weak servers often gang up on the 1 strong server. This has seen some of the most frustrating but also fun times as an SFR player.
Our Garrison and Keep on EB see more 3 ways than SM, the only real issue and why it gets frustrating is that Anets servers can’t handle 3 ways. The dreaded skill lag kicks in and guardian 1,1,1,1,1,1 is about all that’s left to do and see who wins.
I wonder what the chances of the servers getting upgrades with the release of HoT? Perhaps we can finally all have those 3 ways that we’ve dreamed of since GW2 released without the lag fest ensuing.
As a Kodasch player I see often that Deso and SFR like to team up and hold kodasch things t1 so they can karmatrain somewhere. Its easyer to bully the weakest!
just put an incentive for attacking the highest points side currently and watch the face of wvw change magically
I think every server wil attack the weaker one first for the points :/ I dont like it but who am I to tell people what to do.
You see this more often during the WvW Tournaments, where winning/losing a week’s match-up could affect their final score. As a result, you could sometimes see double-teams on the strongest server to ensure they didn’t get too far ahead and lock competitors out of first place.
But outside of tournaments? Players tend to simply go after soft targets.