Do i realy need to roll a Guardian?
You apparently don’t see us ranged people doing our job towards the back of the group or clearing walls. Lots of players lose their lives trying to res their team mate while I dump grenades on their head.
You apparently don’t see us ranged people doing our job towards the back of the group or clearing walls. Lots of players lose their lives trying to res their team mate while I dump grenades on their head.
In all fairness a lot of the open field fights are won because there are a lot of guardians ahaha.. but your comments are true too.. as a commander I love having groups with a lot of tanky people.. but I also hate trying to take a keep with very little ranged guys..
From the sounds of it you need warriors as well as guardians in the melee train, but ele (fields/blasts) and necros (aoe blinds, aoe dmg) are also useful.
I would like to be able to use whirling wrath in an enemy zerg without having to heal afterwards, but then I’d also like my heal to have no cooldown… It’s not really necessary as I can heal it up and not be too helpless after, also it does enough dmg to be worth it clusters of downed enemies are just so fun to create!
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Guardians need to have a role, too, you know?
It is actually becoming Necro/Mesmer zerg wars. Their marks, wells, glamours, etc are causing a lot of zergs to reformulate. It used to be stack, charge up the buffs, stability and charge with veils. Now it is drop as many ground targeted effects as possible so the melees kill themselves before they close. AoE has limits those ground walk through effects don’t.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
The current meta in WvW are melee train / pain trains.
But there were guilds like War Legend from Vizunah who showed that you can be successful with a ranged setup as well.
If you are so kitten ed so why don’t you try other setups/builds with your guild?
As long as everybody just complains about the current meta melee trains will last forever.
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
All classes have a roll to play – yes even the thieves and rangers to a small, almost pathetic degree.
What you DO need to roll is survival. A Mesmer is light armour but can be a critical part of the melee pain train. I main a melee train built Mesmer and I punch through enemy lines as good as a guardian – 2000+ toughness sort of help. Even a thief can do this, though most people just go berserkurderper and cry when they get insta-killed. People that generally cry over melee trains are not specced for survival. There is a distinct difference when you engage them… Damage oriented builds just melt and cant even get away from the initial attack (which is critical).
The way to actually deal with melee trains is scatter, range, hit the backline, then slowly wear them down. Even Red Guard has fallen to pugs.
7:00 pm I log on my guardian
7:20 pm join a Zerg
7:30 pm spam 1 and shout some booms around
3:00 am log off whit 0 deaths
Guardian is a best in wvw, I have ele, Mesmer, ranger, necro, thief an guardian and when I want to really have fun I log on my blue flame dude.
My guardian is currently level 30 and feels a lot more comfortable in WvW than my 80 ele.
Not having so many kitten buttons to press is wonderfully relaxing.
I’ve recently been running a two man roamer team with a friend on his guardian, and myself on a bunker BM ranger. Dear god is that funny to watch – we’ve been able to easilyhold our own against forces 3x our size. Granted, no one ever gets any kills on either side simply because they can rez before a stomp drops, but it sure as hell is fun to drag people around for the ride.
All classes have a roll to play – yes even the thieves and rangers to a small, almost pathetic degree.
I will give you rangers on the relatively ineffective list (not their fault), but thieves are a powerful class in WvW. Probably the most effective roamer class in the game. They are responsible for a lot of yak kills, camp flips and general mayhem. Even in zergs where they aren’t stellar they still have great finishers and the SB can dish out tremendous damage since it hops to multiple targets.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Heavy maulers (i.e. the cc train) lead the charge with support classes like eles close behind. Ranged classes like necros should be behind them.
So its not about rolling a guardian, its about where you want to be in le zerg.
You need to roll a necro actually. Roll a necro, grab a staff, take out your wells of blindness, corruption, and suffering, spec for well buffs, and go roll some face.
To be honest roll a necro. Rerolling to a guardian from a thief (since we are useless in squad play) My team has say 5-6 hammer warriors fixed with a couple guardians. We do great on our intial pushes but MOST of the firepower comes from the back line of necros /mesmers/staff eles. Without them we wouldnt down over half the people we do.
I cant tell you how many times one of my friends puts down some wells in a group and half just drop. Range dps is amazing. The heavies are just there to take the blunt of the damage and to protect those squishy cloth wearers
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
I’d be careful about rolling the flavour of the month class. Necro is good fun, and if it genuinely interests you then do it, but I expect some of the more…unbalanced….aspects of it to get dealt with sooner or later.