Do something about the Blacktide hacker!
I think we will have to wait until BT gets into gold league or the hacker decides to mess with PvP. Anet can simply watch the tons of SS’s video’s and they know there is a problem. Perhaps its crazy but the hacker seems mainly active in mornings and early afternoon maybe someone from anet or multiple people can play WvW on that server for a while? Or on RoS/FR just so they can see for themselfs. It’s hard to get someone’s acc name when they are under the map in stealth.
Just some more video evidence for the higher tier server peeps who don’t believe there is a hacker.
Here is another one.
did they delete the other thread???
did they delete the other thread???
I’m from Blacktide, and yes, we want the hacker gone. We hope that Anet will ban him, because he’s making so much chaos for not only you, but us as well, since we get a lot of hate for it. Trust me, we want a hack-free server. But tbh, we were getting a 300+ tick on friday without the hackers, so they’re not really the reason we’re winning atm… So don’t say that’s the reason we’re winning.
Btw RoS and FR, I really don’t want our servers to be mad at each other just because on hacker. We’ve experienced that before with UW and FoW. Let’s hope Anet gets their finger out of their (you know which bodypart), and do something about the hacker. Cya in the mist war! <3
did they delete the other thread???
" Some people will never grasp the concept of Rejection by Arena net " Sad again, this thread will soon close like the other ones.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
He also reseted our home forts (in FR) today around 2pm. At least 3rd time in 2 days… many people are discouraged, specially those upping and defending forts.
I’m from Blacktide, and yes, we want the hacker gone. We hope that Anet will ban him, because he’s making so much chaos for not only you, but us as well, since we get a lot of hate for it. Trust me, we want a hack-free server. But tbh, we were getting a 300+ tick on friday without the hackers, so they’re not really the reason we’re winning atm… So don’t say that’s the reason we’re winning.
Btw RoS and FR, I really don’t want our servers to be mad at each other just because on hacker. We’ve experienced that before with UW and FoW. Let’s hope Anet gets their finger out of their (you know which bodypart), and do something about the hacker. Cya in the mist war! <3
Oh because you had a better reset than everyone you should be winning? Not the fact that your hacker when say my server is ticking over 300 comes in and flips T3 keeps in the late morning early afternoon and then your guild groups go in and siege up the taken T3 keep after the fact… Your guilds are enablers and supportive of the hacker in that sense sorry.
Same story again
Stop cry prices , its anet job to do someting about it- your cry will not help in any way now
All know that wvsw ia about numbers – the more noobs you have on current time, the more points you get- easy 1 pll who use com tag and drop sieges and x more lemings to move follow and do what he say
If You have the bigest lemings numbers you win
The problem with balance is that the server with the outnumbering player population (ros popul in this mathup looks the biggest in muth time) will not get enought lemings slot to outnumbers other server players and will not be able to take all points.
IF Anet give to wvsw players population balance it will be balanced but make big number of players not able to play wvsw ( to make balance here you need make all servers aces same numbers of players on each time- this means the server with the bigest popul on muth time like ros in this mathup wil not be able to login so muth players)
This will make lemings not happy
And here will start cry – muth more cry :
Why we cant login on wvsw?? i pay for game, i whone play,
Why i need w8 2 hours in t8 ?? I dont care that my server have full pll slotts on each maps and more will imbalance fights i whone play wvsw!! … etc. etc.
So for now anet make all lemigs happy to can login wvsw – no matter this make wvsw not balnced not competentive not chalenge in any way
So enjoy it
There is noting about balance in wvsw becose FIRST they need to balance populations- wvsw is just coop gameplay with x others players
If you not ejoy wvsw leave it
Stop cry pricess, and enjoy wvsw- if not leave it
See YOu on the FIELD!!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
KlausKNT you don’t get the point. No one here cries about numbers or about loosing. This subject is here for the cheating issues seen in Blacktide and the players taking profit from this.
Plz don’t get off subject. Keep posting comments and vids on the cheater.
(edited by Selufein.8307)
Hackers are in all games.
They will get banned sonner or later.
There is no reason to cry on 1 hacker here
Report him, or w8 until anet fix problem ( i know anet know this issue and work on it but its not so easy on this one- Your cry will not help here in any way ).
Your posts will be closed, deleted etc. becose crying on 1 heater that you see dont help to solve the problem.
Lets w8 until anet do their job and enjoy this game mode or leave it and come back after fix
(btw. i see hackers, exploiters , heaters on fow, uw, but i was newer to come on formum and cry like a prices , becose i see some heaters- they are in EWERY games- I just report them and my job is done here
So gl, hf lemings
See YOU on the field !!
… or crying on the forum :P
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Hackers are in all games.
They will get banned sonner or later.
There is no reason to cry on 1 hacker here
Report him, or w8 until anet fix problem ( i know anet know this issue and work on it but its not so easy on this one- Your cry will not help here in any way ).
Your posts will be closed, deleted etc. becose crying on 1 heater that you see dont help to solve the problem.
Lets w8 until anet do their job and enjoy this game mode or leave it and come back after fix
(btw. i see hackers, exploiters , heaters on fow, uw, but i was newer to come on formum and cry like a prices , becose i see some heaters- they are in EWERY games- I just report them and my job is done here
So gl, hf lemings
See YOU on the field !!
… or crying on the forum :P
More BT players accusing FoW and UW of cheating, surprise surprise. Dude, you guys accused Jd of cheating just because they continually wipe you, and you accuse lpe of cheating because they beat you in outnumbered fights. That’s called salt. If you honestly believe we’re cheating, post some videos, give some evidence, like literally everyone else has of BT’s antics. Don’t sit here and make claims like that without providing proof, otherwise people will laugh at you and call you salty (which is actually the case here anyway.)
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.
I learned to ignore Klaus, that chap told us to l2p or get out of the game mode, while alt f4’ing everytime someone wanted to stomp him.
While I feel sorry for T8, I admit T9 has been blast since friday. BT free wvw is amazing.
My sentences don’t make sense
I use smiley faces in place of bullet points
Ur all bad m8
Here are unrelated pictures
On a more relevant note I have to agree with Jayden, there is actually a reason to play WvW now and T9 is fun. I just feel sorry for T8.
(edited by Zallion.2357)
UW and FoW had to deal with BT for so long and at the end people just stopped playing wvw until we got a different matchup. Yes we still loose greatly to WSR but who cares, wvw is fun again. BT strength when they were vs UW and FoW was their hackers, spies, constantly trolling the spawn with a blob and their numbers which greatly outnumbered us. Now it seems the hacker is even busier because I presume they don’t outnumber so greatly the other two servers anymore. Every time the hacker couldn’t cap in UW bl, because we end up having people in every tower when he was on the map ( as soon as someone approaches he just disappears) the blob was arriving and capping everything, coincidence? The BT and their smiling trolls will say is all down to their abilities and that their opponents will have to “enjoy” the game and stop crying, I will say there is a reason that so many different servers keep complaining about BT
(edited by Elia.7193)
Oh dear brilliand FOW and UW players!!
Dont tell me thet you dont remember the famous hackers that was on uw
They take all points by teleport to lord and take points SAME way as you tell they do now ??
Dont remember really??
dear brilliant players
I dont see cryes on forum on time when this hackers do same things for UW server
More- i think its SAME person who BEFORE chacking IN UW server
They get reported ingame, reported by sending mail to
Yes it take some time, yes but they get banned finaly
There was not milions of crying princesses on forum-this make no sense – players have send all ewidence to anet and they ban hackers- this how it shal work
You dont help solve problem in any way here
Meaby someone make some screens, meaby there is a wideo about uw hackers
Or You newer heard about massive UW exploiters??
Shal i remind You about fow players? or ros players?
Hackers/ exploiters are in ewery servers
Type on youtube- its not so hard
Just not all servers cry same way like You do now
Normal players use ingame stuf to report hackers or send a mail on
But this do Normal players
Its your choce if whone know – use google , youtube -there still shal be enought ewidence use brain- its the strongest wepon
Anyway yes there must be someting that pll on some server so muth complaining about 1 hacker on BT (if it is still on BT ofc.)- meaby all Normal players have left those servers and there stay only princesses ??
Servers are not important- players are
Oh dear this will be interesting
And again- report all hackers /exploiters ingame.
And let anet do work
Crying dont make this work faster
See YOU on the field !!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Don’t expect Blacktide to be bothered about the hackers, they seem to love them.
I’m guessing the ones who care about such things have already left the server.
All you get from BT are comments like ‘All is fair in war’, as a server they try every trick in the book.
STILL awaiting response form ANet.
I wonder what would happen if this was in T1?
STILL awaiting response form ANet.
At least it’s something ^^
Oh dear brilliand FOW and UW players!!
Dont tell me thet you dont remember the famous hackers that was on uw
They take all points by teleport to lord and take points SAME way as you tell they do now ??
Dont remember really??
dear brilliant players![]()
I dont see cryes on forum on time when this hackers do same things for UW server
More- i think its SAME person who BEFORE chacking IN UW server
They get reported ingame, reported by sending mail to
Yes it take some time, yesbut they get banned finaly
There was not milions of crying princesses on forum-this make no sense – players have send all ewidence to anet and they ban hackers- this how it shal work
You dont help solve problem in any way here
Meaby someone make some screens, meaby there is a wideo about uw hackers
Or You newer heard about massive UW exploiters??
Shal i remind You about fow players? or ros players?
Hackers/ exploiters are in ewery servers![]()
Type on youtube- its not so hard
Just not all servers cry same way like You do now
Normal players use ingame stuf to report hackers or send a mail on
But this do Normal players
Its your choce if whone know – use google , youtube -there still shal be enought ewidenceuse brain- its the strongest wepon
Anyway yes there must be someting that pll on some server so muth complaining about 1 hacker on BT (if it is still on BT ofc.)- meaby all Normal players have left those servers and there stay only princesses ??
Servers are not important- players are
Oh dear this will be interesting
And again- report all hackers /exploiters ingame.
And let anet do work
Crying dont make this work faster
See YOU on the field !!
No hackers like that are not on every server or there would have been alot more talk about it. UW/FoW where stuck with hackers for 2 months or so and not even confirmation from ANET they are aware of the problem so how long should people wait? You should know very well problems in WvW and exploits are barely ever fixed or it takes months if not years for it to be changed. Thats why we decided to give this as much attention as we can so ANET might actually be motivated to do something about it.
And no we from RoS arent going to take a break from WvW just because 1 or 2 hackers.
Anyways despite the hacker(s) and his supporters we managed to take the lead in the MU again.
P.S. Giving a hacker alot of attention is using your brain. Negative publicity is something all companies want to prevent. Besides if you tell others to use their brain maybe use a little yourself so your sentences are readable.
P.P.S. A smiley isnt a dot.
STILL awaiting response form ANet.
At least it’s something ^^
Yes this is someting important mesage
GJ for finding this Kungsmurfen.2861- looks they just start but its what we need
I know anet have muth more problems with hackers on chinese servers than EU or NA servers.
And lokks like they finaly make some automatic program to find hackers.
Lets hope it will work
I know that muth of the hacks on gw2 are weery old, and i hope they finaly make some Targeting program- find hackers manualy take to muth time, so auto will help a lot here
Not all hacks are so easy to see like tele to lord, or flying golems
But lets hope this will detect dps hacks, and other stats hacks to
As i told before x time just report them, w8 and let anet work- do their job.
With autodetect shal be MUTH faster
Dopamine- ofc they are
You just dont see them to muth when they are on Your server.
Me personaly only 1 time see someting is wrong when we atack a sm we was on outer doors -about 7+ players- com put balista , standard canons, oil , rams, door.
When doors was on 20% the keep was fliped and all tell WTH?? .
Com was upset- why this other group of noobs dont tell they atack sm from other side!!… noone know what just happened- almost noone :P -I see enemy server hackers before so i know wheere look fast … but i was to slow or he to fast this time
comander just alt+f4 .. but i dont see other group on map there, only 1 point on map who must use wp fast before i go inside to see him..
But this was some time ago- i play wvsw a lot and dont see someting like this again (meaby he get some players radar-someting new) so what shal tell other players on BT? ewen when they see him (but if he is inder map i think they dont) they probably dont know its hacker – how you know that someone is a hacker? he looks like other players, he dont move with groups and dont have a name “hacker”
So as i tell before its muth harder to see hackers on your servers than other- ewen when you know where to look
Or meaby this one just dont like me becose probably i report him some time ago and he get banned next day?
From With guild it was? i think it was just PUG with no guild so with guild shal care about some random player?
In my opinion the most important measge is what find Kungsmurfen:
Shal i tell again about stop.. etc? or no?
There is a light in the tunnel
Lets hope it will work!!
See You on the Field!!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
is this what brain damage looks like?
STILL awaiting response form ANet.
At least it’s something ^^
This just goes to show that all we have to do is make our grievances on a public forum like Reddit and Anet will jump and take notice.
Scores of threads on these forums with screenshots, video evidence and tickets submitted to Anet support have all yielded essentially no meaningful action.
A grand total of 2 threads (to the best of my knowledge) even had a Dev comment on them before they were closed. I have good reason to believe that bans were issued to the hacking players following these two incidences.
This tweet from Chris Cleary came just about a day after a thread on the guildwars2 subreddit about Hacktide.
You want something done? clearly the way to get action is to air Hacktide’s dirty laundry in public rather than on these forums.
P.S. Please, guys….don’t feed the troll. I’m not even going to dignify “smiley guy” by using his name, but he’s just trolling and has done this before and will do it again.
Nobody on here is buying what you’re selling, mate….so why don’t you (with no due respect, as you don’t deserve it from any of us) keep your kittening mouth shut?
P.P.S. I’m extremely gratified to hear that something is being worked on to fix the issue and would like to extend my thanks to Anet for acknowledging this is an important problem which requires immediate and permanent rectification if at all possible.
STILL awaiting response form ANet.
At least it’s something ^^
Yes this is someting important mesage
GJ for finding this Kungsmurfen.2861- looks they just start but its what we need
I know anet have muth more problems with hackers on chinese servers than EU or NA servers.
And lokks like they finaly make some automatic program to find hackers.
Lets hope it will work
I know that muth of the hacks on gw2 are weery old, and i hope they finaly make some Targeting program- find hackers manualy take to muth time, so auto will help a lot here
Not all hacks are so easy to see like tele to lord, or flying golems
But lets hope this will detect dps hacks, and other stats hacks to
As i told before x time just report them, w8 and let anet work- do their job.
With autodetect shal be MUTH fasterDopamine- ofc they are
You just dont see them to muth when they are on Your server.
Me personaly only 1 time see someting is wrong when we atack a sm we was on outer doors -about 7+ players- com put balista , standard canons, oil , rams, door.
When doors was on 20% the keep was fliped and all tell WTH?? .
Com was upset- why this other group of noobs dont tell they atack sm from other side!!… noone know what just happened- almost noone :P -I see enemy server hackers before so i know wheere look fast… but i was to slow or he to fast this time
comander just alt+f4.. but i dont see other group on map there, only 1 point on map who must use wp fast before i go inside to see him..
But this was some time ago- i play wvsw a lot and dont see someting like this again (meaby he get some players radar-someting new) so what shal tell other players on BT? ewen when they see him (but if he is inder map i think they dont) they probably dont know its hacker – how you know that someone is a hacker? he looks like other players, he dont move with groups and dont have a name “hacker”
So as i tell before its muth harder to see hackers on your servers than other- ewen when you know where to look
Or meaby this one just dont like me becose probably i report him some time ago and he get banned next day?Elia:
From With guild it was? i think it was just PUG with no guild so with guild shal care about some random player?In my opinion the most important measge is what find Kungsmurfen:
Shal i tell again about stop.. etc? or no?
There is a light in the tunnel
Lets hope it will work!!
See You on the Field!!
That is some BEAUTIFULLY broken english man!!! XDDDDD
I was whondering when dev make some detecting program.
They will do it sooner or later
Almost 3 years after realse is beter than noting
But i think they do this in preparation to HOT relase and becose now they have some persons that can do this, ofc the players reports helps a lot.
Yes i send reports when see hackers and have enought time to catch them (sending player name, time when this was hapen, etc helps a lot )
But i think all normal players do this using ingame stuf
Like those teleporting to lord and flipping towers /keeps from UW not so long ago
I am almost sure its Same person now on BT (if ofc he just dont get banned or change server, or get banned and coming back with other server)
Most of hackers was banned fast
I didnt see any reasons to cry on forum about that UW players are hackers. I dont see any reasons that i shal insult whole UW server becose 1-2 players from UW using chacks to flip points
Crying on forum make no sense and is ofc against rules
I am curious what You do if he come back on YOUR server and start do his work
You will report him in game or cry on forum and insult your own server becose of this 1 player?
We will see
I hope after they bans this hackers you will go back and finaly enjoy wvsw fights
And remember wvsw is not balanced in any way
Wvsw is just about fun with others players (lemings rulez!!)
See You on the Field!!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
In result of my investigation: he is the only one who can take actions against hackers. What is sad: the evidence was there and i refuse to see it. All the responsibility and pressure is on him. Yes that is correct! Only 1 person is working in taking action against them. I am guilty of behaving to him with anger instead of understanding with patience. So i now know to not do that again.
Let us continue to work with Arena net: Shazbawt and to be more understanding with with our words and our behaviors.
History show evidence that he took action before. From the evidence: he even sacrifice his time to work on a temp. fix until it gets better. In result: he should be appreciated for doing that.
We should appreciate him for accepting all the responsibilities including all the pressures. He even try to use humor to not feel pain, so let us help him.
I believe he truly want to devote his time to wvw and it is up to Arena net to make that happen for him. Also it would help alot if Arena net hire people to help him: the more help, the better for all of us.
That is all.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
- deleted by forum moderators
(edited by Tibi.5892)
at least anet could tell us how he does it so we can all start cheating…..
u should also send tickets bout this
(edited by Tibi.5892)
STILL awaiting response form ANet.
At least it’s something ^^
Yes this is someting important mesage
GJ for finding this Kungsmurfen.2861- looks they just start but its what we need
I know anet have muth more problems with hackers on chinese servers than EU or NA servers.
And lokks like they finaly make some automatic program to find hackers.
Lets hope it will work
I know that muth of the hacks on gw2 are weery old, and i hope they finaly make some Targeting program- find hackers manualy take to muth time, so auto will help a lot here
Not all hacks are so easy to see like tele to lord, or flying golems
But lets hope this will detect dps hacks, and other stats hacks to
As i told before x time just report them, w8 and let anet work- do their job.
With autodetect shal be MUTH fasterDopamine- ofc they are
You just dont see them to muth when they are on Your server.
Me personaly only 1 time see someting is wrong when we atack a sm we was on outer doors -about 7+ players- com put balista , standard canons, oil , rams, door.
When doors was on 20% the keep was fliped and all tell WTH?? .
Com was upset- why this other group of noobs dont tell they atack sm from other side!!… noone know what just happened- almost noone :P -I see enemy server hackers before so i know wheere look fast… but i was to slow or he to fast this time
comander just alt+f4.. but i dont see other group on map there, only 1 point on map who must use wp fast before i go inside to see him..
But this was some time ago- i play wvsw a lot and dont see someting like this again (meaby he get some players radar-someting new) so what shal tell other players on BT? ewen when they see him (but if he is inder map i think they dont) they probably dont know its hacker – how you know that someone is a hacker? he looks like other players, he dont move with groups and dont have a name “hacker”
So as i tell before its muth harder to see hackers on your servers than other- ewen when you know where to look
Or meaby this one just dont like me becose probably i report him some time ago and he get banned next day?Elia:
From With guild it was? i think it was just PUG with no guild so with guild shal care about some random player?In my opinion the most important measge is what find Kungsmurfen:
Shal i tell again about stop.. etc? or no?
There is a light in the tunnel
Lets hope it will work!!
See You on the Field!!
He doesnt move with groups since he is under the map And the fact is several times after the hacker flips a keep some BT are there in an instant to siege it up and defend it. This shows it must be known by at least a handful of people who he is as they must be communicating.
Problem isnt just the hacker. It;s being made worse by BT by taking full advantage of the situation. Also the fact this person was clearly doing it to gain PPT means he must be strongly connected to BT community. (wouldnt it be more fun for a hacker to troll alot more people in gold league?)
This video looks interesting- same hacking problems have servers in china.
I was figting there today on this towers- we flip them few times then ros come and flip, them we flip etc.
Last action i was play when ros take sm and then flip tower on left side sm.
I was play mesmer and hide in sm, then port bt players to lord and flip sm again
This was someting about 2- 3 pm.( UTC +1)
Looks he must login about 3:30 pm (on wideo is time) so i miss him- but this must be not so long after i logout
Send this video to , type with time it was, servers ,map ip etc.
Yes it looks like a thief- he was using stealed terror skill from necro , he is low rank pvp player ( baner on finisher), looks like he using bow on start of the video (autoatack).
On wideo looks he was under the map- there was a old bugs that alow players to go under map when using teleport in some places to go under map (like a skill 5 of thief bow) – BUT as i test this long time ago (its a a weery old bug i dont test last time if that stil work) When go under the map you can use ONLY UNDERWATER WEPONS.
I dont know if anet fix this- i just report and my job done.
So this player cant be underwater or this bug work in other way now ( i can test this if i have time).
Meaby he is in the map (not on map like all players, not under but in- like when traped in broken wall when keep is fliped)
Look on the time when he atack with bow (Bouncoig arrow and bow aoe)- atack come like he was staying near comander- not under map!!.
On combat log You have option to show all dps. etc.?? what is on combat log?
Tab dont target anyting ?? when you jump and tab noting to?
He hits You with the numbers of dps on combat log or dps was *2??
On combat log when use aoe you hit someting or not?
This look interesting
There is other option:
Meaby he is using old invisible hack (rendering bug) + good mode (infinite hp)
But i need to see combat log to be sure if this is someting new or old one
Make more videos and send it to anet
When i will be in right place and right time i try cath this one not so smart but using bad hacks player
You realy think that is strange here that some players try defend tower or keep?
Before i logof i try defend towers to- alone or with other players- it this strange that we try defend points?
If we have scouts they usualy on the points with have the bigest hance to be flipped and report if see someting
Its normal that if some player take some points for server where he is- server take advantage for his actions- its how wvsw works
Why he is trolling?- becose he is trooling here for sure
Meaby he just like to wath players die with no chance? meaby he just whone see your cry? meaby he just whone see you rage quit wvsw ? meaby he just whone that players will insult whole Bt server becose of him?
But this dont mean some players coop with him or know who he is
When i look on this wideo i see not good infos about why he do this.
See You on the Field!!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Well well—— nothing new with hacktide behavior,,,,
Ruins of surmia are beating the kitten out of hacktide
and ….wupsieeee..hackers are emerging….
Hacktide did the same against FoW and underworld …this is hacktide tactics
No hackers like that are not on every server or there would have been alot more talk about it.
There has been PPT hackers on all 3 of UW/FoW/BT so he’s actually right about that.
FoW was end of last year to January-ish. After that one got banned it started on UW for about 2-3 months utill that one was banned and since then it’s been on BT. With a small victory: and after that the hacking for the last 2 months started(also on BT). And a few weeks ago the perma stealth started happening.
Only thing that’s new with BT hacker is the perma stealth, that never happened before now. If you ask me I think it’s the same guy((s) -since he often has a friend) with a bunch of stolen accounts but it could just be a coincidence that T9 gets all PPT hackers <.<
hacker is killing everybody inside our (Ruins of Surmia) keep ..while hacktide zerk is banging the door….hackers must have had 200 freekils ..siege destroyed and now the famous…hacktides have cleared all borders
well played hacktides
Same happening in FR at this moment.
Cheating is so obvious and every single day since the start of this MU.
(edited by Selufein.8307)
Well made up, meltdown
here is the conspiracy theory Minstrel
(edited by Tibi.5892)
here is the conspiracy theory Minstrel
YEah its whats been happening alot. Today in EB keep same thing. Hacker kills all inside and BT shows up to cap.
@Smiley troll, Difference between taking something and defending it and having a hacker cap something and immediatly there are people to defend it. That means those people where on map already and must have been warned. First time coincidence sure but as it happened alot(less now people complain about it) it shows its probably a known person in BT community.
I’m from Blacktide, and yes, we want the hacker gone. We hope that Anet will ban him, because he’s making so much chaos for not only you, but us as well, since we get a lot of hate for it. Trust me, we want a hack-free server. But tbh, we were getting a 300+ tick on friday without the hackers, so they’re not really the reason we’re winning atm… So don’t say that’s the reason we’re winning.
Btw RoS and FR, I really don’t want our servers to be mad at each other just because on hacker. We’ve experienced that before with UW and FoW. Let’s hope Anet gets their finger out of their (you know which bodypart), and do something about the hacker. Cya in the mist war! <3
this shows how much u ppl want the hacker gone… pretty obvious as long as u guys work together with him…
this shows how much u ppl want the hacker gone… pretty obvious as long as u guys work together with him…
Of course some of them working with him, is anyone naïve enough to believe that this is just a lone troll? He probably have a “legit” account too. Just look the responses from many BT players, at the least they enjoy this situation. Shame though that such a sad nobody ruins the game for so many people who are unlucky enough to matchup with BT
response i got on youtube for the last video, the one with SM
Viking GW2 1 hour ago · LINKED COMMENT
The hacker was there before we went there, but how could we know, eh? It’s like you don’t want us to play just because we have a hacker on our server. We don’t know where the hacker is, just because he happens to be on the same keep as us, doesn’t mean we’re cooperating with him, jeez. We still fight while the hacker is on our server, and the it happens ONE time that he is trolling you while we are trying to assault your SM, and then you say we’re cooperating with him? I really didn’t know RoS players were so immature and started to attack servers with false information. We have said it before, and we’re saying it again, we’re not cooperating with him. Just because he’s on our server, then it doesn’t mean the rest of the players like hacking/cooperates with him. You guys are so unaware that we can’t do kitten about the hacker. If we even cooperated with him, then we would of won in points now.
Just because UW and FoW made a trend saying that we are cooperating with the hacker, doesn’t mean you have to follow the braindead players. Jeez. Grow up man, don’t follow the stupid stream of crying players. Be a mature and try to look at the case from our point of view. We’re a server who’s playing, and then a hacker comes along. Well, what do we do? Do we stop playing just because we get some crying on the forums about the guy? I don’t think so. So stop crying guys, and stop blaming the hacker on us, because there’s nothing we can do about him.
Oh, and btw, we said we had the points in our advantage on friday, because there we had actually the same players as you guys. The only reason you’re winning now, is because our lack of players. Period.
Grow up.
so instead of reporting the “hacker”, they preferred to kill the few survivors and cap SM and then rage at ppl for posting videos.
Yes, Tibi, I’ve seen your videos. I’ve also been doing some reading recently and as far as I remember you stated that because of this video BT has "clearly proved " cooperation with a cheater. Well, does it prove anything more than this cheater is wandering with a zerg by either reading map/team chat or following commander tag? We all do same thing but does it prove we “have to” speak with anybody in a zerg or commander himself? Or are we getting some secret intel about what’s going on on a map?
Second thing is something none of you said before – BT players probably ain’t even aware of a cheater being amongs them. Why? Maybe because they cannot see him same as anyone else? Or they see him but he looks just like a any regular player. Who knows. Does anyone know how does it work for sure? No? Oh well.
Is it possible that some of BT players are cooperation with this guy? Sure it is. But is it certain? Well.. the answer is “no”. At least for now.
But one thing is certain. Me, as all of you here, want this guy gone for good. Right now. Thing is, most of you are simply so mad and would blame whole server community of being cheaters or “working with them”. That’s just unfair and …silly.
In response to the YouTube comment mentioning this was a
one off and a coincidence that the BT capping crew happened to be there when the hacker was. Well unfortunately it was not a one off. I was with my guild and watched as BT rolled all over our corner of EB yesterday. All of the attacks had one thing in common. Each attack began with the hacker clearing defenders and making it impossible to form a group on our com to counter attack.
I’m not suggesting all BT approve of the hacker and I’m sure many genuine BT players are upset with being labelled as cheaters even when they don’t associate with the hacker. But having said that the majority of BT players I saw in EB yesterday were blatantly capitalising on the mayhem caused by the hacker. My only request to BT would be to take a slightly more understanding attitude to how things appear from the other side. I understand after months of this it may seem ‘normal’ for you but it’s any thing but.
In a more positive light there were some great fights on the BT border last night after our invisible friend left and I salute BT for that. Either way RoS will fight on as we always do.
No hackers like that are not on every server or there would have been alot more talk about it.
There has been PPT hackers on all 3 of UW/FoW/BT so he’s actually right about that.
FoW was end of last year to January-ish. After that one got banned it started on UW for about 2-3 months utill that one was banned and since then it’s been on BT. With a small victory: and after that the hacking for the last 2 months started(also on BT). And a few weeks ago the perma stealth started happening.
Only thing that’s new with BT hacker is the perma stealth, that never happened before now. If you ask me I think it’s the same guy((s) -since he often has a friend) with a bunch of stolen accounts but it could just be a coincidence that T9 gets all PPT hackers <.<
Yep- lokks like You the only one that know history here Kungsmurfen
And have enought curage to type what is going on
But i think this kids will just ignore this facts and will continue cry abut consipracy theory on BT
He show on low tiers with a good reason- player populations
I only come here to to tell that i get… and i whone send…. to anet
After read about brilliant princesses cry i just have one fealing
A smile of pity
And i think i dont have time to make a single finger move about this now
My whole time takes me smile when i read this crap about hacker and BT
So plis more
Do you realy care about win or lose mathup in wvsw??
Becose you shal not- it realy dont matter unles anet make next wvsw ewent with some rewards
Wvsw is only about cooperative game mode with other players- it usualy is not balanced fight:)
win/lose determine number of players in time ( yes night player vs door fight count here to- but fot that you need only few player smarter than door to win players vs door fights (and usualy this give the most points with the lowest number of players need to succeed )
So all this wvsw “mathups” are only to show how muth players have servers ower time
And server with the bigest numbers of lemings win
So why anyone shal care about wvsw “matchups”- no reasons
So You shal have fun when fighting in cooperative mode with other players when can face not only stupid npc as “enemys” but other plyers to
Its all about fun!! so lets get fun here !!
And plis continue yours brilliant thoughts, plis more conspiracy theory about hacker and BT- this realy make me come here, read posts not a waste of time
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
… or stay crying on the forum :P
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Come to Ruins of Surmia…play with us and you will find out we have a lotta fun…
aaaaaand we lead with 50000 ticks. Without Hackers freekilling or flipping your Tier 3 keep/towers.
So i wonder who is crying..
Gj for get the most points !!
Your server The Biggest, the Best !!
This how the spirit shal be!!
Time to grow up kids
We play to get lots of fun!! so lets get fun there !!
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
Please keep feeding the troll, is what he wants because he craves attention
No hackers like that are not on every server or there would have been alot more talk about it.
There has been PPT hackers on all 3 of UW/FoW/BT so he’s actually right about that.
FoW was end of last year to January-ish. After that one got banned it started on UW for about 2-3 months utill that one was banned and since then it’s been on BT. With a small victory: and after that the hacking for the last 2 months started(also on BT). And a few weeks ago the perma stealth started happening.
Only thing that’s new with BT hacker is the perma stealth, that never happened before now. If you ask me I think it’s the same guy((s) -since he often has a friend) with a bunch of stolen accounts but it could just be a coincidence that T9 gets all PPT hackers <.<
You are missing the point here. The hackers that briefly appeared in UW and Fow and I am sure there are others in other servers too, didn’t cause the grief that the BT hacker does. There are way more videos, posts and complaints about BT than any other server. This guy followed them from T9 to T8 and he is appearing to be more active, just look how many videos are posted already and is not even a week in the new matchup. This guy isn’t a lonely troll anyone with a brain cell can see that
This is a open letter to the BT community (whether it exists or not).
BT, you receive all this hate for a reason:
Your commanders enable the hacker. Your commanders do not back up from a keep/tower when the defenders are killed inside by that hacker. Your commanders attempt to spawn-camp us whenever they see an opportune moment. Thx for the loot from these attempts, btw. Your commanders happily start upgrading keeps & sieging them up, after the hacker has flipped them.
You maybe do not willingly support him, but in your actions you exploit his deeds. I do not know how your community is organized, & judging from what I’ve seen, I honestly don’t care. As long as you proceed to exploit the hackers deeds in your own favor, even while the signs for his presence are painfully obvious, you will receive nothing but rightful disgust.
If you want to be recognized as upstanding and honor-driven Server, devote more effort into reporting & ignoring this guys actions, especially by making a huge curve around any structure that gets attacked by him.
In the past weeks I’ve not seen a single thread being opened by Blacktide-players complaining about the hacker on their Server. You just show up to defend the non-existent respect you still imagine to have. You want to get treated as equal combatants? Then earn this respect.
This is going to bee more funny than i think before
Plis continue Your great thoughts
Maybe all in BT server use hacks and suport hackers?
Your thoughts are great
This will be someting- i think 10 hackers will be enought to take and hold all
2 on each maps and 2 more ready when need suport
(But this will not leave any fun for the rest BT -this need be polished )
But for now looks we only have 1, we will see
Nobody will take serious any game when you cant win real money
Thats why nobody care about crying like “someone use hacks to take our precious t3 keep”- oh no its end of the world-ban them all !! (If you have enought numbers you will take it back anyway)
But someting like this make me smile
Time to grow up
Anet just need do their job done- its their work
I not ewen image that gw2 wvsw game mode on low thier can take so muth emotions on some players
Thats someting GREAT!!
In wvsw you can win noting, you can lose noting (or maybe lose time when play- but this is in all games)
If whone profit go pve, if you dont like wvsw go other game mode, or other game
Who care?
Wvsw “mathups” shows only how muth lemings have each server
Good luck for us we on EU servers – on NA 6 botton are dead(or almost)
So enjoy the fight until it still goes on!!
This gw2 reminds me Warhammer Online- it was nice game with a wvsw mode
Fights was great to the end
So if you dont enjoy wvsw:
Quit the game, get a life!!
(I get same answer some time ago when telling some ROS guild players that cheting to move trought the wall to take sm is not fair, but looks funny)
And i think you get max. 1 more answers from BT players- this drama about 1 hacker its…
Just FUNNY!!
Plis continue angry kids and newer grow up!
“It’s been fun but now I’ve got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow”
So gl, hf lemings!!
See YOU on the field !!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)