Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Bopha Debs.3290

Bopha Debs.3290

I for one am extremely scared of what our devs will do if they start to focus on WvW. Most of you are probably like me and don’t WvW for the rewards, have no real issues with the current UI and didn’t even know that WvW had a LFG before today. While I’m not against anet trying to fix things up a bit and give us better rewards or whatever; I’m REALLY uneasy about the idea of their balance team actually paying attention to us. Yes, there is a LOT of cheesy builds currently but after what they did to PvP can you REALLY say you want them messing with our game mode? Just something to chew on.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Firellis.7954


Do you really want nothing over something? :/

I’m gonna steal your heart.
-dragonbrand thief.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: redwing.9580


I for one am extremely scared of what our devs will do if they start to focus on WvW. Most of you are probably like me and don’t WvW for the rewards, have no real issues with the current UI and didn’t even know that WvW had a LFG before today. While I’m not against anet trying to fix things up a bit and give us better rewards or whatever; I’m REALLY uneasy about the idea of their balance team actually paying attention to us. Yes, there is a LOT of cheesy builds currently but after what they did to PvP can you REALLY say you want them messing with our game mode? Just something to chew on.

well they kind of need to if they want to keep that part of the game going, its falling apart though I don’t feel like the problems with the ui and like you said its more just a balance issue but atm they need to start separating pve and wvw skills (yes this is a thing) though there was a lot more things that contributed to what happened there

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678


Yes, but they need to do things right by taking an accumulation of the good ideas across the years and not just do what they think is good, like adding little castles to the upper ui or changing a buff that will break the game for 6 months.

Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Do you really want nothing over something? :/

I voted to toss out DBL because its a kittenty map for WvW that does nothing to improve it, so for me that would be yes.

I would also argue that WvW guild claiming would have been better without the 5,000+ gold paywall HoT introduced…

Or that we didnt really need Golem Week.

And that we didnt need to remove waypoint contest gaps or lord ressing.

Could have lived without the 100% AC damage boost too.

But granted, some things have been better than nothing. Being able to run down stairs without dying is great.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Considering that the post culling, pre-HoT, EBG/ABL, hammer train meta was the golden age of WvW, maybe it would be better if Anet rolled back some of the changes.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Bopha Debs.3290

Bopha Debs.3290

Considering that the post culling, pre-HoT, EBG/ABL, hammer train meta was the golden age of WvW, maybe it would be better if Anet rolled back some of the changes.

LOL if only. RIP fun gvg’s, zergbusting, and the days when blobs left roamers alone because they had better things to do than chase 1 person all the way across the map.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I would love to Anet focus on WvW but i fear WVW would become much worse than already is.,….and its dammn awfull game mode, well gw2 is a mess overall and its not getting better.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


Do you really REALLY want condis to be buffed, buffed and buffed some more and don’t forget it still needs buffing after that.

If they do even a tenth of the damage that i know they will i have one word “Crowfall”.


Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Famine.7915



Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

Yes, I want them to focus on it! Sure they will have some missteps (golem week – really?) but it cannot survive as is and sometimes they can really hit it out of the park.


Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: TheAngryDuckling.5481


Um i want rewards, kitten and dont ruin this please?

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


HoT is what hurt my enjoyment of WvW the most. The DBL was initially very poorly designed, i find the rework a lot more acceptable but that took ages. More importantly, HoT introduced a massive power creep that actually killed a ton of builds.
Variety went down significantly as suddenly classes were slinging around 5-12k damage, over long distance with at best a few measely seconds cooldown. Older builds that did not incorporate these new Elite specs often could simply not keep up.

I have a ton of alts myself, all made in a time before HoTs. With builds that were fun even if they were often not optimal, the range of ‘viable’ was quite broad. Post-HoT that range is very narrow. As elite specs demonstrated a combination of durability and damage that previously rarely seen, and never accepted as balanced. That is now the norm.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


It will decline slowly even if they don’t do anything anyway so why not? One thing I do hope they don’t do is to design WvW to make it “cool” while forgetting that WvW is a large scale pvp content.

PS: I do know LFG exist for WvW and often use it to merge/pass squads with/to other tags.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


WvW’s lifeblood is enjoyable pvp and class balance.

Focus on making the expansion specs good, flexible, power-based. Also consider breaking the stability grip that Guardian has. More specs should be able to be self-sufficient with stability. Reaper’s 3 is the hidden reason they became so good.

Also, consider nerfing your previous decisions that spamming blocks, evades, and invulns is good class balance. Mesmer shield was a dumb idea, staff evade was a dumb idea, DH block was a dumb idea. Also, mass introduction of unblockable was equally stupid.

kittening around with invuln’s (effectively evade, block, and invuln) and anti-invuln’s willy nilly that HoT did was really unhealthy for PvP.

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Do you really want nothing over something? :/

This. +1
WTF is with this mindset? Are some of you that broken? Who hurt you? lol