Do you have map awareness?

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


I often find myself reacting first to swords on camps/towers/keeps.

Do people not care or just don’t check their maps often?

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


I personally make sure to check the maps regularly as anything from swords, a moving sentry, or a vanishing yak can give a great pre-warning to an attack. I also like to keep a live map up so I can see the RI across all maps and which guild claimed it so I know whose running. ^^

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Hitsuke.5304


I’ve gotten into the habit of having eagle eyes for swords on camps. Far too many people fail to recognise the importance of keeping hold of them.

“Oh were running low on supps at Garri… who cares if a guy flips a fully upgraded camp”


Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


I’ve gotten into the habit of having eagle eyes for swords on camps. Far too many people fail to recognise the importance of keeping hold of them.

“Oh were running low on supps at Garri… who cares if a guy flips a fully upgraded camp”


Only thing I hate about camps is like at pang when I wp and I realize the stupid bats popped the swords again and I have to run all the way back lol.

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I think a lot of people get discouraged from checking the map. Call out swords and the response is usually:
1. Nobody is on the map so it doesn’t matter.
2. Ignored
3. A couple people show up and are run over by a blob of 75.
4. “____ is paper. Who cares. We’ll just karma train it back later.”
5. Tag asks “Who’s attacking?” and continues to roam aimlessly. After response tag asks “Which guild is it?” and continues to roam aimlessly. After response tag asks “How many?” and continues to roam aimlessly. After response tag asks “Wall %? Did you disable?”. You don’t respond because you are laying dead in the lord room watching it being capped. Instead of playing 50 questions that tag could have just gone there right away since nothing else was going on on the map. Hard to type when you are being overrun.

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


To the OP, do this regularly on your server and you will become the stuff of legends.

A good scout who notices things fast and calls them out — or goes into insta-whisper to commander when they see it (as they’re running to check it out) — is invaluable. No this does not mean all caps freakouts, but quick whisper saying the facts: “swords at North East tower, not sure on number, running there now” or “orange swords North East Tower, running there” (which is enough info for that commander to hop over and respond as it’s a big blob).

It’s next-to-useless to call things out, expecting someone else to run and check the info of the call out. Do it yourself, be the hero, then you can give more details like which server, how many, is it a single guild group or mixed, etc. Then you become reliable and your call outs are responded to more frequently, which for me, is a great reward — my word is being trusted and we are responding as a team.

If your server doesn’t appreciate your efforts, find a server that does. Servers with great scouts manage to thwart the enemy with fewer numbers, making the game fun and challenging. Good servers understand how vital a good scout can be to gameplay.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


5. Tag asks “Who’s attacking?” and continues to roam aimlessly. After response tag asks “Which guild is it?” and continues to roam aimlessly. After response tag asks “How many?” and continues to roam aimlessly. After response tag asks “Wall %? Did you disable?”. You don’t respond because you are laying dead in the lord room watching it being capped. Instead of playing 50 questions that tag could have just gone there right away since nothing else was going on on the map. Hard to type when you are being overrun.

I agree this can be frustrating at times but overall i’d say part of this lies with the scout as well. Saying there’s swords on something isn’t always though to warrant calling the Zerg back, especially if their busy, when it could very well be a tap from a roamer or some other small thing. In my opinion a good scout should be able to specify the location, approximate number, server, if it’s a guild group and if there’s siege down. The only questions left for the commander to ask would be if it was singed and upgraded and if there were any defenders there already but if a scout can do all of those things in one line I’d say their pretty dang good. Then you see other stuff like “____ zerg coming” which gives no info whatsoever and by the time ppl figure out where it’s already gone lol. Scouts are a valuable resource but they need to know how to present well

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I check not only the map I am on at the time, but I also watch how the enemy movement is on the remaining maps I am not on, as well as listen to scouts for call outs on those maps at the same time.

You will notice some attacks are very predictable.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Back in the day when I started wvw, I ran with the zerg mostly – was too bad to do anything on my own.
Since we usually lost a lot, if not everything, at night, I adopted a tower each day, which I brought to T3, sieged up, refreshed and all that and I opened the map whenever possible to see if it was attacked.
Nowadays I have all hands full with roaming, so I can’t always open the map as I’m in the middle of a fight.
= I know it’s important, but I often miss when something is attacked.

Edit: Oh, but my old rule still applies – whenever orange swords pop up I open the map to see where.

(edited by Jana.6831)

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Maybe I need to buy a bigger monitor but lately I’ve been trying to be more situationally aware map-wise when it comes to wvw; I just wish I could have the big full map on another screen somehow so I can simply glance at it and not have to open up the big one, haha.

But yes, I watch for orange swords or white ones. It’s annoying though when one person can simply hit a gate, run away and it pops swords making you waste your time going over there for practically nothing.

I’ve been keeping an eye on sentries, too, for they often depict movement.

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I just don’t care about ppt

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I just don’t care about ppt

Scouting doesn’t mean ppt necessarily. It’s a great way to help your server’s guild engage a good fight.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


To the OP, do this regularly on your server and you will become the stuff of legends.

A good scout who notices things fast and calls them out — or goes into insta-whisper to commander when they see it (as they’re running to check it out) — is invaluable. No this does not mean all caps freakouts, but quick whisper saying the facts: “swords at North East tower, not sure on number, running there now” or “orange swords North East Tower, running there” (which is enough info for that commander to hop over and respond as it’s a big blob).

It’s next-to-useless to call things out, expecting someone else to run and check the info of the call out. Do it yourself, be the hero, then you can give more details like which server, how many, is it a single guild group or mixed, etc. Then you become reliable and your call outs are responded to more frequently, which for me, is a great reward — my word is being trusted and we are responding as a team.

If your server doesn’t appreciate your efforts, find a server that does. Servers with great scouts manage to thwart the enemy with fewer numbers, making the game fun and challenging. Good servers understand how vital a good scout can be to gameplay.

Well said, perfectly nails it. +1000

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Do you have map awareness?

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I’m constantly watching the map when roaming, double checking camp supply lines to make sure designated yak is alive…. Yaks are awsome at giving away enemy locations, you can see them being pulled in a camp before they die or if they die on a simple journey or with vet guard then you know strait away.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.