Doing wvw should be best way to gear for wvw?
i have 6 ascended weapons + legendary on my thief, i could have had 3-4 ascended armor pieces (if i didn’t sell mats for gold) right now, most of that was made doing WvW
you know what was truly poorly rewarded? pvp… i am glad they are at least working on rewards there now
just saying
[Teef] guild :>
i have 6 ascended weapons + legendary on my thief, i could have had 3-4 ascended armor pieces (if i didn’t sell mats for gold) right now, most of that was made doing WvW
Six ascended weapons = 3,000 dragonite. Keep Lords give 3 to 5 each. The SM lord drops more, but you can only take that so often. You’ve knocked off nearly 1,000 keeps?
I’m leaving the legendary and the armor out of the equation.
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
i have 6 ascended weapons + legendary on my thief, i could have had 3-4 ascended armor pieces (if i didn’t sell mats for gold) right now, most of that was made doing WvW
Six ascended weapons = 3,000 dragonite. Keep Lords give 3 to 5 each. The SM lord drops more, but you can only take that so often. You’ve knocked off nearly 1,000 keeps?
I’m leaving the legendary and the armor out of the equation.
i did join wboss train after server reset for hour or so, hence why i said most of it was from wvw; besides you can get only so much dragonite per day from pve, 2 weapons were drops doh
run karma train, you will get plenty of mats
my point still stands, i don’t think that wvw rewards are that bad; you still have relative good chance for rare drops like precursor/ascended not to mention all the bags/t5/t6 mats, items you can salvage etc.; idk how OP or you do wvw, i know for fact my bags are always full when i run with the guild or karma train
be happy it is not as bad as in pvp, where you didn’t get anything nor could make any money from it
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
I get more dragonite per hour from the wintersday boxes from players I kill than I do capping keeps in wvw.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
I get more dragonite per hour from the wintersday boxes from players I kill than I do capping keeps in wvw.
I was about to suggest this. If you buy a bunch of boxes and sell everything else you get, you should come very close to breaking even (there is some RNG in there though). Last time I did this I wound up making 30g over the cost of the boxes (ty mini).
Dragonite is FAR easier to obtain in PvE. Emp frags are obtainable in decent quantity in WvW though (thankfully). If you need to make up the difference you’ll need to go do PvE temples for 30+ free rare + chest for pushing 1 then going afk for 5 mins… so at least that’s not hard… just sucks that it doesn’t come naturally in WvW.
As far as why WvW is so poorly rewarded… idk, but it might have something to do with the PvE players being the big gem buyers.
They do seem to care about WvW rewards… a little but don’t want it to be on par with PvE rewards.
Badges are like the red headed stepchild of tokens.
PvE token rewards -> no gold cost, can be salvaged/forged
WvW badge rewards -> gold cost, can not be salvaged/forged
I would be fairly happy if they increased the dragonite and just let us salvage out our runes (even if no ectos were given) : /
Btw, does anyone know why they stopped letting us forge WvW PVT gear?
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I get more dragonite per hour from the wintersday boxes from players I kill than I do capping keeps in wvw.
I was about to suggest this. If you buy a bunch of boxes and sell everything else you get, you should come very close to breaking even (there is some RNG in there though). Last time I did this I wound up making 30g over the cost of the boxes (ty mini).
Dragonite is FAR easier to obtain in PvE. Emp frags are obtainable in decent quantity in WvW though (thankfully). If you need to make up the difference you’ll need to go do PvE temples for 30+ free rare + chest for pushing 1 then going afk for 5 mins… so at least that’s not hard… just sucks that it doesn’t come naturally in WvW.
As far as why WvW is so poorly rewarded… idk, but it might have something to do with the PvE players being the big gem buyers.
They do seem to care about WvW rewards… a little but don’t want it to be on par with PvE rewards.
Badges are like the red headed stepchild of tokens.
PvE token rewards -> no gold cost, can be salvaged/forged
WvW badge rewards -> gold cost, can not be salvaged/forgedI would be fairly happy if they increased the dragonite and just let us salvage out our runes (even if no ectos were given) : /
Btw, does anyone know why they stopped letting us forge WvW PVT gear?
if I’m not wrong you can forge weapons that cost badges but not those that cost gold + badges but yeah still a bad deal lol
I get more dragonite per hour from the wintersday boxes from players I kill than I do capping keeps in wvw.
I was about to suggest this. If you buy a bunch of boxes and sell everything else you get, you should come very close to breaking even (there is some RNG in there though). Last time I did this I wound up making 30g over the cost of the boxes (ty mini).
Dragonite is FAR easier to obtain in PvE. Emp frags are obtainable in decent quantity in WvW though (thankfully). If you need to make up the difference you’ll need to go do PvE temples for 30+ free rare + chest for pushing 1 then going afk for 5 mins… so at least that’s not hard… just sucks that it doesn’t come naturally in WvW.
As far as why WvW is so poorly rewarded… idk, but it might have something to do with the PvE players being the big gem buyers.
They do seem to care about WvW rewards… a little but don’t want it to be on par with PvE rewards.
Badges are like the red headed stepchild of tokens.
PvE token rewards -> no gold cost, can be salvaged/forged
WvW badge rewards -> gold cost, can not be salvaged/forgedI would be fairly happy if they increased the dragonite and just let us salvage out our runes (even if no ectos were given) : /
Btw, does anyone know why they stopped letting us forge WvW PVT gear?
if I’m not wrong you can forge weapons that cost badges but not those that cost gold + badges but yeah still a bad deal lol
Which are those, the rares?
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Wait I thought ascended weapons had the same stats as exotic? I didn’t realize they had more?
Wait I thought ascended weapons had the same stats as exotic? I didn’t realize they had more?
They have a slight increase in stats over exotics.
Percentage wise, its about the same difference as between exotics and rares.
ah ok thanks for that info. man I need to get with the program
i have 6 ascended weapons + legendary on my thief, i could have had 3-4 ascended armor pieces (if i didn’t sell mats for gold) right now, most of that was made doing WvW
Six ascended weapons = 3,000 dragonite. Keep Lords give 3 to 5 each. The SM lord drops more, but you can only take that so often. You’ve knocked off nearly 1,000 keeps?
I’m leaving the legendary and the armor out of the equation.
i did join wboss train after server reset for hour or so, hence why i said most of it was from wvw; besides you can get only so much dragonite per day from pve, 2 weapons were drops doh
run karma train, you will get plenty of mats
my point still stands, i don’t think that wvw rewards are that bad; you still have relative good chance for rare drops like precursor/ascended not to mention all the bags/t5/t6 mats, items you can salvage etc.; idk how OP or you do wvw, i know for fact my bags are always full when i run with the guild or karma train
be happy it is not as bad as in pvp, where you didn’t get anything nor could make any money from it
Karma train is not WvW, karma train is PvE, karma train needs to go away.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
I was about to suggest this. If you buy a bunch of boxes and sell everything else you get, you should come very close to breaking even (there is some RNG in there though). Last time I did this I wound up making 30g over the cost of the boxes (ty mini).
Really! What size boxes, might I ask?
I was about to suggest this. If you buy a bunch of boxes and sell everything else you get, you should come very close to breaking even (there is some RNG in there though). Last time I did this I wound up making 30g over the cost of the boxes (ty mini).
…Really! What size boxes, might I ask?
Giant. The mini I got is very rare though. In general I come a little above or a little below what I spent, so it averaged out to being free dragonite/frags/charged crystals. I havn’t done it today though and the price on the sox etc. seems to have dropped a bit. Probably still average out if you get a dwayna back recipe which have gone up in price though (and are not that rare).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I was about to suggest this. If you buy a bunch of boxes and sell everything else you get, you should come very close to breaking even (there is some RNG in there though). Last time I did this I wound up making 30g over the cost of the boxes (ty mini).
…Really! What size boxes, might I ask?
Giant. The mini I got is very rare though. In general I come a little above or a little below what I spent, so it averaged out to being free dragonite/frags/charged crystals. I havn’t done it today though and the price on the sox etc. seems to have dropped a bit. Probably still average out if you get a dwayna back recipe which have gone up in price though (and are not that rare).
Thanks! It’s the Dragonite I’m after, so I’m OK with it costing me a little gold.
My luck was not so good on my first try. Spent 1gp and got 1 Dragonite. Sold everything else and made back just over 20sp.
I got all of my WvW gear from WvW. It was a combination of karma and badges of honor which I got from WvW. As a result, I’ve got 6 level 80 characters (some of which have multiple armor sets) that got all of their gear from WvW. However, it’s all exotic gear. I don’t really see ascended gear as worth it for WvW given how long it takes to get but hey it’s just me. If you choose the grind route and want ascended, it makes sense that WvW is not the fastest way to get it since PvE in general is more for money making grinders anyway.
Ascended gear should be available for badges.
Hello Peetee,
Thanks for the reminder.
As some of you might know, SOR is currently suspending karma trains on Fridays for the foreseeable future. Most of the wvw commanders are in agreement that the new batch of Rallian militia need hardcore training. We do sincerely apologize to BG and JQ wvwers.
i have 6 ascended weapons + legendary on my thief, i could have had 3-4 ascended armor pieces (if i didn’t sell mats for gold) right now, most of that was made doing WvW
Six ascended weapons = 3,000 dragonite. Keep Lords give 3 to 5 each. The SM lord drops more, but you can only take that so often. You’ve knocked off nearly 1,000 keeps?
I’m leaving the legendary and the armor out of the equation.
i did join wboss train after server reset for hour or so, hence why i said most of it was from wvw; besides you can get only so much dragonite per day from pve, 2 weapons were drops doh
run karma train, you will get plenty of mats
my point still stands, i don’t think that wvw rewards are that bad; you still have relative good chance for rare drops like precursor/ascended not to mention all the bags/t5/t6 mats, items you can salvage etc.; idk how OP or you do wvw, i know for fact my bags are always full when i run with the guild or karma train
be happy it is not as bad as in pvp, where you didn’t get anything nor could make any money from it
Karma train is not WvW, karma train is PvE, karma train needs to go away.
My luck was not so good on my first try. Spent 1gp and got 1 Dragonite. Sold everything else and made back just over 20sp.
The more you pop the more you’ll get back. I was popping like 1-2k at a time. The semi-rare stuffs make up a lot of it (ascended recipes/morph pot recipes etc.). There is also a chance to get a thing of 50 dragonite from a single box (seems to be about the same as getting 50 frags or a charged crystal).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
run karma train