Downed State needs changes

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I am so over killing people just to have them instant ressed back up. This is not fun not does it reward skillfull gameplay.

It needs serious changes or remove the whole concept from any type of pvp.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

(edited by Bunzy.8674)

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Masasume.5910


These kind of posts will be turned into a drinking game shortly.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Stop whining, shout in /say that they’re ressing and your guys despite being smaller in number need to push forward and use knock backs, AoE and DoTs on those ressing, they’ll soon leave their fallen ally!

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Stop whining, shout in /say that they’re ressing and your guys despite being smaller in number need to push forward and use knock backs, AoE and DoTs on those ressing, they’ll soon leave their fallen ally!

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.. none of them things work.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


just roll a necro and spam marks and wells on every downed player you see…

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Interrupt the people rallying them? Apply dots and aoes? Activate stability or stealth when you are about to finish them? If you’re running in a party (if not, why aren’t you?), target and burn one person at a time, making it difficult for them to be rallied? Search for similar topics before you post one? Move this to the suggestion subforum?

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


due to the downed state.

I am so over killing people just to have them instant ressed back up. This is not fun not does it reward skillfull gameplay.

It needs serious changes or remove the whole concept from any type of pvp.

You’re a D/D Ele, if you can’t get past this then it’s better off you don’t log on anymore.


Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Stop whining, shout in /say that they’re ressing and your guys despite being smaller in number need to push forward and use knock backs, AoE and DoTs on those ressing, they’ll soon leave their fallen ally!

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.. none of them things work.

Strange since they work on my server. So clearly what works for me doesn’t work for you because you clearly think everyone has the same experience as you…

Try, lead by example and people will follow, eventually but brush ‘em off like you just did there and they’ll leave you in the dirt.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Brendar.3548


These kind of posts will be turned into a drinking game shortly.

That could be fun, we’d all be drunk in no time!

Ignorance killed the cat, curiosity was framed.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Stonesolid.2706


These kind of posts will be turned into a drinking game shortly.

That could be fun, we’d all be drunk in no time!

Count me in. Let’s pool in all the negative threads.

Just make sure you’re ready for alcohol poisoning.

Stonesolid – Sylvari Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Korgov.7645


It is somehow skillful to charge into a zerg and burst some enemies down with your glass cannon build. Or snipe them down from wall. Yet you feel it is not skillful to arrange a full stomp on them. Instead the whole game mechanic must be wrong.

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


personally I love being on a cannon and getting one person into downed state and not finishing him/her. Couple friends walk up to try and rez and now you have 3 kills for the price of one.


Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


due to the downed state.

I am so over killing people just to have them instant ressed back up. This is not fun not does it reward skillfull gameplay.

It needs serious changes or remove the whole concept from any type of pvp.

You’re a D/D Ele, if you can’t get past this then it’s better off you don’t log on anymore.

Indeed… an Elementalist complaining about downed states. Unreal.

If they’re being res’d, nuke/stun/knock back the resser.

If they’re killing a mob to rally; prepare for it. Burst them down, stomp them, or be ready to re-kill.

If you’re watching the guy get back up, you’re doing it wrong.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Phzt.9864


Downed state is a bad thing in WvW and a detriment to this game in the long run. It won’t be changed, though.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Downed state is a bad thing in WvW and a detriment to this game in the long run.

This is exactly how I feel and the majority of people can’t even see it, until its too late.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Krighton.2138


I would love to post and agree with the OP. The downed state is stupid mechanic. Especially when you factor in the complete stupidity that is cloth wearers taking less damage than Leather wearers.

My thief is useless once I’m downed, might as well just be dead and skip the long drawn out “kitten emote” that is the kill animation. It gets old. It’s not epic. My enemy didn’t actually accomplish anything. 3489 players hit me at once. That’s why I died. I won’t agree because I’m back after a month long ban from the forums for thinking freely and not stroking Anet’s kitten enough.

So, leave the downed state alone! Anet is awesome! they’re perfect. They graduated MMO school 101 and really know how to deliver. If you don’t like the downed state then L2p.

Did I do that right? Is that how all this other drivel is allowed to be posted without a 30 day suspension. Lol. Anet.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Some of you need to realize that this is not PvP it’s WvW.

If the person you killed gets ressed, it’s because your server is not doing as well in that area as the enemy server. That’s how it should be.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kalemar.4873


There’s been at least 6 other threads on this topic. This seems to be the main thread to discuss this issue.

Kalemar (80 Guardian) [COTD]
Tarnished Coast

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Mindvibe.4630


15k killshot that wasnt even aimed at you. sounds like a really well thought out change.

mediocre pvpers always have the best suggestions on how to improve pvp without having to get better.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


There’s been at least 6 other threads on this topic. This seems to be the main thread to discuss this issue.

This thread isn’t even about logging off when you are downed o.O did you read it?

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


15k killshot that wasnt even aimed at you. sounds like a really well thought out change.

mediocre pvpers always have the best suggestions on how to improve pvp without having to get better.

I am sorry but if you die to a glass cannon build it is totally your fault.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


due to the downed state.

I am so over killing people just to have them instant ressed back up. This is not fun not does it reward skillfull gameplay.

It needs serious changes or remove the whole concept from any type of pvp.

The irony is … it takes skills to res from the downed state. It takes some teamwork and tactics to res your comrade from downed state without killing yourselves. And it takes some skill play to take maximal advantage of enemy’s downed state. So, how can you say it does not reward skillful gameplay.

You probably just scratch the surface of WvW tactic play, so you may not appreciate the downed state and its use in WvW tactic. I give you just one example to bring across the point:

What do most player do when an enemy is in downed state? Finished him off immediately or spam spell to kill him off as fast as possible. Right?

For me, its situational. I will assess the situation first. Especially when enemy is downed in an area where it is a ‘choke’ point, I will not let him die immediately (I cannot control it if other comrades are spamming their spells on the downed enemies. That is why I say it is situational) if conditions permit. I will attack his downed hp down to 10% and I will let him res up to 50% and will start my attack to bring his downed hp down to 10% again. I will keep him alive so that his downed state is a bait for his comrade to come and rescue him. And if you have seige support in a choke area, you are going to finish off many clueless enemies who will rush in to res their friends. It takes some skill to position yourselves and to coordinate all these with your other comrades.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


due to the downed state.

I am so over killing people just to have them instant ressed back up. This is not fun not does it reward skillfull gameplay.

It needs serious changes or remove the whole concept from any type of pvp.

The irony is … it takes skills to res from the downed state. It takes some teamwork and tactics to res your comrade from downed state without killing yourselves. And it takes some skill play to take maximal advantage of enemy’s downed state. So, how can you say it does not reward skillful gameplay.

You probably just scratch the surface of WvW tactic play, so you may not appreciate the downed state and its use in WvW tactic. I give you just one example to bring across the point:

What do most player do when an enemy is in downed state? Finished him off immediately or spam spell to kill him off as fast as possible. Right?

For me, its situational. I will assess the situation first. Especially when enemy is downed in an area where it is a ‘choke’ point, I will not let him die immediately (I cannot control it if other comrades are spamming their spells on the downed enemies. That is why I say it is situational) if conditions permit. I will attack his downed hp down to 10% and I will let him res up to 50% and will start my attack to bring his downed hp down to 10% again. I will keep him alive so that his downed state is a bait for his comrade to come and rescue him. And if you have seige support in a choke area, you are going to finish off many clueless enemies who will rush in to res their friends. It takes some skill to position yourselves and to coordinate all these with your other comrades.

This post makes absolutely zero sense.

Downed state needs to be removed in WvW. Keep it in PvE and sPvP where its actually does something, but in WvW it does nothing but promote bad play.

Granted most people here by now have pulled off some sweet ress’s on their server mates, but lets face it….the idiot should have died as punishment for his stupid behavior.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


People argue about this because people play differently. The downed state can be an interesting mechanic or a really frustrating one.

Most times it can add a little extra to the game. For example in zerg vs zerg, of balanced small fights. In these cases downed state can add a bit more strategy to the game. You need to decide when to res, who to res and who to leave for later etc.

The problem is with the other scenario. That is small group vs zerg or small party (1-3 people) vs larger parties. The problem here is that there people that are skilled enough at the game, that they could beat the odds and defeat a lot more than their number. They don’t do it by cheating or abusing, they just do it by playing really well and having a coordinated team. The downed state is a misery for people choosing to play this way. Not only are they going against the odds, but when they do manage to kill one or more enemies, they find out they actually have to kill them twice…

Personally i’ve played both ways, and my vote goes to either completely changing how the down state works in wvw or just removing it altogether.

PS: change the title of the thread.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Granted most people here by now have pulled off some sweet ress’s on their server mates, but lets face it….the idiot should have died as punishment for his stupid behavior.

I don’t think that the player who rushed in to take out the seige machines that has been defending the node and keeping the invader at bay for hours and got downed in the process is guilty of any stupid behaviour. If anything, his heroic act that ended the senseless holdout for hours should be well rewarded with a quick coordinated res from the subsequent attack waves to ensure he don’t die unnecessarily to the cause.

I have witnessed many selfless act (which may appear stupid on the surface) on the part of many players to know that they earned a well-deserved res from the downed state.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: drwookie.6391


due to the downed state.

I am so over killing people just to have them instant ressed back up. This is not fun not does it reward skillfull gameplay.

It needs serious changes or remove the whole concept from any type of pvp.

I don’t completely agree. It rewards certain types of gameplay, which could be considered “skillfull”. It adds an extra layer to large scale battles because each team needs to decide how focused they are going to be on reviving downed players. When you are reviving, you are producing no damage to your enemy. So every time you see a downed teammate you have to decide what is more important. That makes the battlefield more complex. Similarly, as the enemy you have to decide how much you are going to focus on downed enemies versus ones that are alive and continuing to deal damage. If you don’t fully kill them, they could rez. However, in the moment they are dealing minimal damage compared to their living teammates.

Now I understand you don’t like it…but I’m just saying that just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it doesn’t take some skill to deal with it on the battlefield.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: drwookie.6391


I would love to post and agree with the OP. The downed state is stupid mechanic. Especially when you factor in the complete stupidity that is cloth wearers taking less damage than Leather wearers.

My thief is useless once I’m downed, might as well just be dead and skip the long drawn out “kitten emote” that is the kill animation. It gets old. It’s not epic. My enemy didn’t actually accomplish anything. 3489 players hit me at once. That’s why I died. I won’t agree because I’m back after a month long ban from the forums for thinking freely and not stroking Anet’s kitten enough.

So, leave the downed state alone! Anet is awesome! they’re perfect. They graduated MMO school 101 and really know how to deliver. If you don’t like the downed state then L2p.

Did I do that right? Is that how all this other drivel is allowed to be posted without a 30 day suspension. Lol. Anet.

hehe someone is a little childish and very bitter.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


I think everything that could have been said on this subject was said in the last two posts you created on the topic. Do you really need to open a topic every week on the same thing?

I am sorry you do not like the Rez function. A lot of people do.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Dimk.5293


I am sorry you do not like the Rez function. A lot of people do.

And a lot of people hate it. For me personally it is major negative, skill or no skill. It is just not fun.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I think everything that could have been said on this subject was said in the last two posts you created on the topic. Do you really need to open a topic every week on the same thing?

I am sorry you do not like the Rez function. A lot of people do.

The only people who like it are those who like the fact numbers can overcome skill due to this function and those that feel they need a second chance against glass cannon builds.

I will feel the need to create a new topic every week until they acknowledge there is a problem.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


Not really. Your view is very narrow.

The rez function also helps the small group trying to defend a keep or tower against a zerg as well. If you are on the wall on seige and get AOE’d by the zerg, one of the other 5 can rez you so you can keep defending.

It goes both ways.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Not really. Your view is very narrow.

The rez function also helps the small group trying to defend a keep or tower against a zerg as well. If you are on the wall on seige and get AOE’d by the zerg, one of the other 5 can rez you so you can keep defending.

It goes both ways.

So you can stay alive with 5 people? What do you intend to do with this advantage because even if you manage to kill one of them they will get ressed back up. So you are actually putting yourself at a disadvantage in the long run. Yes you will stay alive but they will stay alive longer.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

Here are some videos, fast forward to the big fights if you like.

Our guardian POV
Our thief POV

Will eventually have videos from my POV as well as engineer.

These aren’t specially recorded only when we win, we have lots of video just pick out the particularly memorable fights. I play almost every night and we probably have about an 80% success rate, rarely ever die. Say what you want about Gate of Madness being in a lower tier, we just transferred to Dragonbrand and did the same thing again last night. There’s wipeable zergs in every tier, its all about your play and your teamwork.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

(edited by Kirrund.2654)

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


Correct, but you can keep taking out their seige to slow the taking of your tower/keep until help arrives from your mapchat information. Manning seige in an upgraded keep can delay a very large force for a long time.

The larger force attacking the keep “Should” have the advantage. They combined forces and moved as a group. The smaller group “Should” have to call for help in defending. WvW would be broken if that were not the case.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP. It will never get changed though. If you hate the downed state, best learn to deal with it. Think about the type of player who would like that kind of mechanic and then think about the vast majority of WvW players. There you have it.

More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

The problem isn’t so much for small groups. It’s that one or two skilled people should be able to wipe a group of 5 players who are terrible. Right now all of them hitting F (skill) at once or just a knockback prevents that. Perhaps the downed state is what allows your group not to get wiped by a single player and that’s why you like it.

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: ASP.8093


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP.

WvW is full of situations where you can be brought down super-fast: by focused fire, by bursty builds, by one cannonball or ballista bolt or Kill Shot you didn’t see coming in the middle of a fireworks show of fire storms, arrow barrages, wells, and mesmer bubbles. Seems like the downed mechanic is even more important here than in SPvP.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP.

WvW is full of situations where you can be brought down super-fast: by focused fire, by bursty builds, by one cannonball or ballista bolt or Kill Shot you didn’t see coming in the middle of a fireworks show of fire storms, arrow barrages, wells, and mesmer bubbles. Seems like the downed mechanic is even more important here than in SPvP.

If you didn’t see it coming then who’s fault is it? There are huge red circles on the ground for siege, balista just requires constant lateral movement. If you are getting focused, you have an out, every profession does.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP. It will never get changed though. If you hate the downed state, best learn to deal with it. Think about the type of player who would like that kind of mechanic and then think about the vast majority of WvW players. There you have it.

More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

The problem isn’t so much for small groups. It’s that one or two skilled people should be able to wipe a group of 5 players who are terrible. Right now all of them hitting F (skill) at once or just a knockback prevents that. Perhaps the downed state is what allows your group not to get wiped by a single player and that’s why you like it.

LOL. What makes you think those players are terrible? Because you deem it so? You’re probably just a bad player because you can’t deal with the downed state. You don’t understand the higher concepts in this game (or any competitive game) and can’t see why downed state is a unique mechanic that’s actually pretty interesting of a game dynamic. I can make baseless assumptions too.

Do you think you’re good just because you can run into a group of 3-4 players and spam all your glass cannon button sequences in the correct order and expect to win? Anyone can do that. Any joe can read a guide and do that.That’s not what makes you good at this game. What makes you good is teamwork, map awareness, positioning, and smart use of abilities/combo fields, knowing when to apply pressure and when not to. Just because you have a rotation and you can put out burst doesn’t make you any good. MOST people by now can do that.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP. It will never get changed though. If you hate the downed state, best learn to deal with it. Think about the type of player who would like that kind of mechanic and then think about the vast majority of WvW players. There you have it.

More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

The problem isn’t so much for small groups. It’s that one or two skilled people should be able to wipe a group of 5 players who are terrible. Right now all of them hitting F (skill) at once or just a knockback prevents that. Perhaps the downed state is what allows your group not to get wiped by a single player and that’s why you like it.

LOL. What makes you think those players are terrible? Because you deem it so? You’re probably just a bad player because you can’t deal with the downed state. You don’t understand the higher concepts in this game (or any competitive game) and can’t see why downed state is a unique mechanic that’s actually pretty interesting of a game dynamic. I can make baseless assumptions too.

Do you think you’re good just because you can run into a group of 3-4 players and spam all your glass cannon button sequences in the correct order and expect to win? Anyone can do that. Any joe can read a guide and do that.That’s not what makes you good at this game. What makes you good is teamwork, map awareness, positioning, and smart use of abilities/combo fields, knowing when to apply pressure and when not to. Just because you have a rotation and you can put out burst doesn’t make you any good. MOST people by now can do that.

I actually run a condition spec with zero burst but routinely take out 3+ people yes. They are terrible, yes because I run into solos of every profession that put up real fights.

I deal with downed state because it’s not going anywhere I’m just saying it severely limits the solo/duo play-style in WvW. You can say that play-style shouldn’t exist and that’s your opinion.

It works for you because you get be an amazing healer on demand when your teammate gets his 2nd lifebar. Having 2 people stability rez or one aoe knock-back is not an interesting or skillful mechanic at all. The one or two guys who got one of your teammates down by outplaying you was skilled. Even if I was a burst spec, you have counters to it you probably don’t even bother using because of downed state.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

Here are some videos, fast forward to the big fights if you like.

Our guardian POV
Our thief POV

Will eventually have videos from my POV as well as engineer.

These aren’t specially recorded only when we win, we have lots of video just pick out the particularly memorable fights. I play almost every night and we probably have about an 80% success rate, rarely ever die. Say what you want about Gate of Madness being in a lower tier, we just transferred to Dragonbrand and did the same thing again last night. There’s wipeable zergs in every tier, its all about your play and your teamwork.

I can see why you like it because without it your group would die. Unlike your group we don’t just fight with similar or equal numbers. I would suggest moving up a tier to the least popular server in that match up and you will see the problem quickly. You are fighting perhaps 7-10 (most under level 80) try that same tactic when you have to face 20-30.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


You didn’t watch any of the videos and see where we would fight 30+ with 5. You also ignored the part where we transferred to Dragonbrand and did it again. I can see why you don’t have much success, because you don’t pay attention.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

(edited by Kirrund.2654)

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP. It will never get changed though. If you hate the downed state, best learn to deal with it. Think about the type of player who would like that kind of mechanic and then think about the vast majority of WvW players. There you have it.

More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

The problem isn’t so much for small groups. It’s that one or two skilled people should be able to wipe a group of 5 players who are terrible. Right now all of them hitting F (skill) at once or just a knockback prevents that. Perhaps the downed state is what allows your group not to get wiped by a single player and that’s why you like it.

LOL. What makes you think those players are terrible? Because you deem it so? You’re probably just a bad player because you can’t deal with the downed state. You don’t understand the higher concepts in this game (or any competitive game) and can’t see why downed state is a unique mechanic that’s actually pretty interesting of a game dynamic. I can make baseless assumptions too.

Do you think you’re good just because you can run into a group of 3-4 players and spam all your glass cannon button sequences in the correct order and expect to win? Anyone can do that. Any joe can read a guide and do that.That’s not what makes you good at this game. What makes you good is teamwork, map awareness, positioning, and smart use of abilities/combo fields, knowing when to apply pressure and when not to. Just because you have a rotation and you can put out burst doesn’t make you any good. MOST people by now can do that.

I actually run a condition spec with zero burst but routinely take out 3+ people yes. They are terrible, yes because I run into solos of every profession that put up real fights.

I deal with downed state because it’s not going anywhere I’m just saying it severely limits the solo/duo play-style in WvW. You can say that play-style shouldn’t exist and that’s your opinion.

It works for you because you get be an amazing healer on demand when your teammate gets his 2nd lifebar. Having 2 people stability rez or one aoe knock-back is not an interesting or skillful mechanic at all. The one or two guys who got one of your teammates down by outplaying you was skilled. Even if I was a burst spec, you have counters to it you probably don’t even bother using because of downed state.

Clearly of a case of “its skill when I do it, you’re bad when you do it.”

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


You didn’t watch any of the videos and see where we would fight 30+ with 5.

I watched the first one and saw you go down and have to rely on your teammates to revive you, which led me to assume you are being biased because you have to rely on the downed state to do well, no wonder you like it.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: mischwoof.9785


Hi guys, i’m Nisha the Medicat.

I play the game, and, indeed, have built my entire character, from the name, to my role in wvwvw, around the downed state.

Since BWE 1 i’ve been a tank spec engineer built to ressurect allies. (Hence MediCat)

Please consider what removing downed state would do to team players. You CAN have people in your group that can finish people off. Just because your class can’t do it, doesn’t mean that it’s imbalanced. The game is built around teamwork, and the downed state encourages more teamwork than any other MMO i’ve played. :>

Nisha The Medicat [NEWL] | Lv. 80 Engineer | Dragonbrand

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP. It will never get changed though. If you hate the downed state, best learn to deal with it. Think about the type of player who would like that kind of mechanic and then think about the vast majority of WvW players. There you have it.

More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

The problem isn’t so much for small groups. It’s that one or two skilled people should be able to wipe a group of 5 players who are terrible. Right now all of them hitting F (skill) at once or just a knockback prevents that. Perhaps the downed state is what allows your group not to get wiped by a single player and that’s why you like it.

LOL. What makes you think those players are terrible? Because you deem it so? You’re probably just a bad player because you can’t deal with the downed state. You don’t understand the higher concepts in this game (or any competitive game) and can’t see why downed state is a unique mechanic that’s actually pretty interesting of a game dynamic. I can make baseless assumptions too.

Do you think you’re good just because you can run into a group of 3-4 players and spam all your glass cannon button sequences in the correct order and expect to win? Anyone can do that. Any joe can read a guide and do that.That’s not what makes you good at this game. What makes you good is teamwork, map awareness, positioning, and smart use of abilities/combo fields, knowing when to apply pressure and when not to. Just because you have a rotation and you can put out burst doesn’t make you any good. MOST people by now can do that.

I actually run a condition spec with zero burst but routinely take out 3+ people yes. They are terrible, yes because I run into solos of every profession that put up real fights.

I deal with downed state because it’s not going anywhere I’m just saying it severely limits the solo/duo play-style in WvW. You can say that play-style shouldn’t exist and that’s your opinion.

It works for you because you get be an amazing healer on demand when your teammate gets his 2nd lifebar. Having 2 people stability rez or one aoe knock-back is not an interesting or skillful mechanic at all. The one or two guys who got one of your teammates down by outplaying you was skilled. Even if I was a burst spec, you have counters to it you probably don’t even bother using because of downed state.

Clearly of a case of “its skill when I do it, you’re bad when you do it.”

What are you talking about? Only thing I can think of is reviving people who are downed? How am I reviving people when I’m solo?

Your the exact type of player this system helps. Any coordinated group can abuse this mechanic. If you beat an uncoordinated 30 man zerg with 5 people that shows nothing. If that zerg were coordinated but 1/4 as skilled they would win because you would never be able to finish a single one. When I take on 6 uncoordinated players I can win a 1 to 6 ratio as well. The problem is coordinated vs coordinated but outnumbered.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


That’s not me. Your reading comprehension is pretty atrocious tbh. Also, the first one is not just one single fight. There’s several fights where players don’t go down, and we fight 6-8 times our number and come out on top. Your argument was also about how downed state only helps skilless players. So, because we use downed state when far outnumbered we’re obviously not skilled.

Your argument is quickly breaking down. If you run a small group and can’t take out larger numbers, complaining that the downed skill is the reason why, but we can, but yet we’re bad because we used the downed skill(something that is only supposed to help zergs and hurt small groups); wait a minute, what?

You don’t want to accept that you’re wrong, and that you’re not god’s gift to pvp and that you need more practice and should re-evaluate how you play.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


That’s not me. Your reading comprehension is pretty atrocious tbh. Also, the first one is not just one single fight. There’s several fights where players don’t go down, and we fight 6-8 times our number and come out on top. Your argument was also about how downed state only helps skilless players. So, because we use downed state when far outnumbered we’re obviously not skilled.

Your argument is quickly breaking down. If you run a small group and can’t take out larger numbers, complaining that the downed skill is the reason why, but we can, but yet we’re bad because we used the downed skill(something that is only supposed to help zergs and hurt small groups); wait a minute, what?

You don’t want to accept that you’re wrong, and that you’re not god’s gift to pvp and that you need more practice and should re-evaluate how you play.

You aren’t taking out large numbers -.- you are fighting like ~10 people. They are also underlevelled and undergeared. You are lucky you are on a bottom tier match up. I think if you guys are serious you should transfer to Ehmry Bay.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

(edited by Bunzy.8674)

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Siad.3608


My biggest problem is every kitten class has a way to stop you at least once from finishing them off. If the Devs are so insistent upon keeping down state in the game, at least remove everything but the auto attack and heal ability.

I Steal Vcrs

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


The mechanic is horrible of WvW and just fine in PvE and even sPvP. It will never get changed though. If you hate the downed state, best learn to deal with it. Think about the type of player who would like that kind of mechanic and then think about the vast majority of WvW players. There you have it.

More complaints about the downed state. I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in all the other threads; our small group wipes zergs all the time and likes the downed state and doesn’t have a problem with it. You’re probably just not as good as you think you are and still have more to learn. Sorry. The downed state helps us small groups too. You’re just doing it wrong.

The problem isn’t so much for small groups. It’s that one or two skilled people should be able to wipe a group of 5 players who are terrible. Right now all of them hitting F (skill) at once or just a knockback prevents that. Perhaps the downed state is what allows your group not to get wiped by a single player and that’s why you like it.

LOL. What makes you think those players are terrible? Because you deem it so? You’re probably just a bad player because you can’t deal with the downed state. You don’t understand the higher concepts in this game (or any competitive game) and can’t see why downed state is a unique mechanic that’s actually pretty interesting of a game dynamic. I can make baseless assumptions too.

Do you think you’re good just because you can run into a group of 3-4 players and spam all your glass cannon button sequences in the correct order and expect to win? Anyone can do that. Any joe can read a guide and do that.That’s not what makes you good at this game. What makes you good is teamwork, map awareness, positioning, and smart use of abilities/combo fields, knowing when to apply pressure and when not to. Just because you have a rotation and you can put out burst doesn’t make you any good. MOST people by now can do that.

I actually run a condition spec with zero burst but routinely take out 3+ people yes. They are terrible, yes because I run into solos of every profession that put up real fights.

I deal with downed state because it’s not going anywhere I’m just saying it severely limits the solo/duo play-style in WvW. You can say that play-style shouldn’t exist and that’s your opinion.

It works for you because you get be an amazing healer on demand when your teammate gets his 2nd lifebar. Having 2 people stability rez or one aoe knock-back is not an interesting or skillful mechanic at all. The one or two guys who got one of your teammates down by outplaying you was skilled. Even if I was a burst spec, you have counters to it you probably don’t even bother using because of downed state.

Clearly of a case of “its skill when I do it, you’re bad when you do it.”

What are you talking about? Only thing I can think of is reviving people who are downed? How am I reviving people when I’m solo?

Your the exact type of player this system helps. Any coordinated group can abuse this mechanic. If you beat an uncoordinated 30 man zerg with 5 people that shows nothing. If that zerg were coordinated but 1/4 as skilled they would win because you would never be able to finish a single one. When I take on 6 uncoordinated players I can win a 1 to 6 ratio as well. The problem is coordinated vs coordinated but outnumbered.

That’s also not necessarily true, because we’ve fought coordinated zergs as well and when multiple players try to pickup those players are usually already damaged. We use pulls, knockbacks and aoe daze to stop recovery, and usually a bunch of people sitting there trying to rez/pickup one guy while we lay into them is a death sentence. If they use stability to rez then we made them blow cooldowns and far more people are going down faster than they can all be picked up. If people are picking up downed they aren’t doing anything, and they also aren’t dodging or moving; they’re soaking damage. There’s also always quickness dunking as well.

Your argument is fairly weak. You complain that downed state keeps you from solo vs x, but go on to say that you have no problem soloing 6 players who are uncoordinated. So what’s the complaint? Is everybody that you run into just some godmode amazing player that’s totally coordinated? I know that’s not the case, because there just aren’t that many good players. (Just like in every game)

Coordination is part of skill. Why do you assume that because you aren’t able to take out 6 coordinated players that you’re automatically better than them and deserve to win? You obviously have a high opinion of your skill level, far beyond the actual value.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Hi guys, i’m Nisha the Medicat.

I play the game, and, indeed, have built my entire character, from the name, to my role in wvwvw, around the downed state.

Since BWE 1 i’ve been a tank spec engineer built to ressurect allies. (Hence MediCat)

Please consider what removing downed state would do to team players. You CAN have people in your group that can finish people off. Just because your class can’t do it, doesn’t mean that it’s imbalanced. The game is built around teamwork, and the downed state encourages more teamwork than any other MMO i’ve played. :>

This reminds me of healing classes from other MMOs. I thought we were all meant to be diverse in our roles in this game however now you are suggesting that we should build our team strictly around comp roles (certain res masters , and downed stompers)? You have to expand on how you say it encourages more team then any other MMO – Why? Because I have yet to see how it encourages teamwork.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos