Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/The warrior one to rally him for like 15secs? I don’t how many times they get away when were near a tower or the citadel. The warrior one is not as bad b/c we can cripple them or even still kill them.


Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


The warrior one if you’ve downed us and we’re vengeancing up to get into a tower we’re still going to die and you’ll still get credit/loot. If we’re vengeancing to run away chances are we’re also going to die anyway unless we manage to find and kill a mob in that time while being traited into sweet revenge.

Chances are with a warrior you’ll get your kill credit and loot.

Ele’s will go downed → mist form → into tower → downed and then self rez right back up.

Feels like two completely different issues.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


Warrior vengence also takes time to fire. Finish them while in cooldown.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


It’s not about the loot or credit. People inside the tower can still revive him when he dead.


Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


If you want to remove that, remove mesmer clones, thieves stelth, ect.. as well.

Layer conditions on the ele’s, even if they get into the tower, more then likely their self heal wont out heal the conditions on them, and they still die.

Yes I know this, because I am an ele, and I’ve had it happen.

Also CC them, you can be in mist form and be CC’d. (Just a tip which sucks when people use it on me and I’m mist.) (Also mist doesn’t prevent condition damage, only direct damage.)

Or you could knock the ele around away from a entrance, and put a bit of thought into preventing an enemy from running into a tower/keep.
All players should be aware of incoming enemies while attacking something.
If someone isn’t aware of it, then that is their fault to be honest. If aware they can prevent any class form entering a tower/keep.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


The warrior downstate sucks, this is the only good thing about it in wvw and you wanna remove that?

Beast mode

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Also you should have finished us before we could vengeance, you do realize it isn’t instantly available on downed state like eles is right?

Beast mode

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


The warrior downstate sucks, this is the only good thing about it in wvw and you wanna remove that?

All the rest of the classes can’t. So what makes ele and warrior so special?


Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


YOu want to remove the best part about our downed state in WVW, using vengeance to move ourselves into a position for a res. Going through a gate is the only time I actually get any benefit from vengeance and you want to stop that. Yes it is annoying when it happens to you but usually I am perma immoblized and never even make it through the gate to begin with.

Beast mode

(edited by pot.6805)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


Well the other classes can’t so why only those two? Trust me warrior not the only class with crappy downed state skills. Stop being so naive.


Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Well the other classes can’t so why only those two? Trust me warrior not the only class with crappy downed state skills. Stop being so naive.

Not every class is the same obviously. Also why does it bother you so much? Are you going to claim this is really effecting fights out in the field? I see 1-2 maybe 2 warriors make it into a gate using vengeance a day.

Beast mode

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: ShishiNeko.1086


If you want to remove that, remove mesmer clones, thieves stelth, ect.. as well.

Layer conditions on the ele’s, even if they get into the tower, more then likely their self heal wont out heal the conditions on them, and they still die.

Yes I know this, because I am an ele, and I’ve had it happen.

Also CC them, you can be in mist form and be CC’d. (Just a tip which sucks when people use it on me and I’m mist.) (Also mist doesn’t prevent condition damage, only direct damage.)

Or you could knock the ele around away from a entrance, and put a bit of thought into preventing an enemy from running into a tower/keep.
All players should be aware of incoming enemies while attacking something.
If someone isn’t aware of it, then that is their fault to be honest. If aware they can prevent any class form entering a tower/keep.

All of this, for the most part, although I can’t say I’ve ever been CC’d in Mist form.

On that note, Mist form is a double-edged sword. Once Mist form wears off and you’re back to your downed state, it counts as going down again, so you start off with less health. I’ve gotten into scenarios before where I’ve accidentally killed myself because I went into Mist form. When I’m revived by a player afterwards, I still have the Red downed debuff. It forces me to stay out of combat (assuming I was revived mid-battle) until the debuff wears off, or risk dying upon being downed again.

Eliza Redstorm – Guardian Support
Myra Fireforge – Dagger/Dagger Ele.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


I care less if it lowers your health. It’s matter that you can go through portal and have people in safe zone to revive you dead or not to fight again.

I would like to hear opinion on a none Ele or warrior.


Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I think it’s amusing you are calling out 2 things, 1 of which is on a class which has the worst health pool in the game. Then you do not comment on anything anyone has said which could help you or anyone.

In all honesty it sounds as if you are upset you missed a kill in WvW.
All classes have something unique they can do. Why complain and want only 2 removed? Would you rather all have the same downed skills, and remove the learning to play aspect of GW2?

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Well the other classes can’t so why only those two? Trust me warrior not the only class with crappy downed state skills. Stop being so naive.

That’s like saying that person got Ice cream and you got a bottle of Juice……..

Just because this class has that skill, and that class has this skill, doesn’t mean all classes should use the same skills.

All classes are unique and have different Abilities.

Thieves can cloak themselves while in downed state etc……..
and yet you think Warrior & Elementalist skills are bad?

Why not just remove classes & Uniqueness altogether if people find such small things to complain about.

Elementalists have the lowest HP in the game, we Have been nerfed to Oblivion, yet people still find the smallest thing to complain about or ask for a nerf on that particular skill….

We have a skill called “Mist Form” downed state skill for a reason as we are, essentially a mage…

Warriors, have Vengence, as their class name represents them as “Warriors” who don’t stop fighting until they are actually dead.

I feel this is a L2P Issue Rather than a Complaint.

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: ShishiNeko.1086


I care less if it lowers your health. It’s matter that you can go through portal and have people in safe zone to revive you dead or not to fight again.

I would like to hear opinion on a none Ele or warrior.

Alright, you’ll hear my opinion from my Guardian’s perspective. I eat Elementalists for breakfast. They’re squishy and very easy to kill out in the open. Their AOE abilities are simple to dodge with any leap ability. Just like how some classes get the most effectiveness in field combat, some classes get the most effectiveness in tower attack/defense. Elementalist is a case of the latter.

I think this can be reflected well on the downed state abilities of various classes. A Guardian’s #2 ability is meant the push away enemies in the field, while the #3 ability is meant to speed up the healing process. The only worthwhile downed state ability an Elementalist has is Mist form, which is practically useless in the field, but is very useful in tower defense.

Eliza Redstorm – Guardian Support
Myra Fireforge – Dagger/Dagger Ele.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


I am perfectly fine with taking mist form away from eles as long as you take clones away from mesmers and stealth away from thieves.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Some people won’t be happy until WvW is nothing but two zergs facing each fighting with only their auto attack abilities. “Mesmer portals allow some tactics, can we get rid of that?”. “Thieves make me have to worry about stealthed players, can we remove their stealth?” “Sometimes warriors and elementalists get away when I want to kill them, can we keep them from doing that?”

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Cirax.9231


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/The warrior one to rally him for like 15secs? I don’t how many times they get away when were near a tower or the citadel. The warrior one is not as bad b/c we can cripple them or even still kill them.

Downed or not, regardless of class, your enemy will always have the advantage fighting near their own towers. This isn’t spvp where everything is a level playing field.

What’s the difference between every other class (cept rangers that pew pew from the top) that can troll fight around their gates, then cheeze through their portal to heal? Just because ele and warrior can do it when downed doesn’t give them any significant advantage.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I am a ranger and even though my class according to everyone is the worst in wvw I really like the gameplay and skills so I’m struggling to be a pain in the kitten :P. I don’t have much problem about the downed state off warriors, ele or thieves, I don’t think it’s a big problem, if they move in open field I only have to look where they go and re-take them down o.o

About the tower’s portal.. when you have to defend your tower why don’t use the right tricks? I don’t see anything bad, a defender of a tower should always be in an advantaged state. If not what is the meaning of taking a tower? :P I don’t think is always correct to shout at the nerfing of some professions: balance depends on a lot of things.

Instead I would look at some issues that can be considered minor but they make some situations really imbalanced. As a ranger (I don’t know a lot of classes) I noticed that when I get downed I’m practically dead there, even in 1vs1 (always searching around for poor little one-shot-kittens), no need to struggle. Pets in wvw are really umbalanced so even if it continues to attack it is of no use as you can dodge its attack only by walking. Button 3 skill (pet returns to me and should in theory get me up) practically never works, pet needs a lot of time to come back to me, it stand still on me without curing and is also an easy (and big o.o) target for aoe…. instead of helping me my cute pet contributes to my death ç_ç). Or when a thief get someone in downed state he can finish him without even uncloak, this is imba, you don’t have a chance in this case (don’t flame ù.ù I’m talking about downed state only, thieves are a pain but there are a lot of thing you can do when you’re full-skill up). Or the fact that if I’m a defender on a wall, the wall (my wall!!) obstruct my projectiles but don’t obstruct the offenders’ ones -.-", I can throw traps on a enemy wall but I can’t trow them down my own wall.. at least it should be the same for both parts.

This ones are strange things, don’t you think?

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


No, its already too easy to kill Elementalists. You can drop kick me around and kill me, but I am still going through the portal in mist form. Have a nice day.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


It’s not about the loot or credit. People inside the tower can still revive him when he dead.

Ok, there’s two scenarios that I envisage here.

A) You were going mano-a-mano with a warrior, somewhere in the vicinity of his tower. You downed him. You go to finish him but he hammers you. You’re knocked down. You get back up, start to finish again but BAM. Too slow. He’s vengeanced up and has run back to his tower. He dies, you get kill credit and loot. He’s now a dead warrior inside a tower that could potentially be empty. Maybe he gets lucky and one of the NPC’s res’s him. Maybe not. Maybe he ends up having to lie there dead till someone rez’s him. He also now has a damaged armour piece.

B) You were zerging a tower. This warrior popped out the gate while defending and started attacking. There are people inside. You’ve downed him. He vengeances and gets back into the tower at which point he dies for an immediate rez from a team mate. You get kill credit and loot again, and he has damaged armour, again. Also. This scenario would beg the question: How did you not finish him before vengeance came off cooldown?

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Denim Samurai.2379

Denim Samurai.2379

The downed states in general need to be reevaluated. These two are definitely the most powerful because they allow classes to get back into the fight immediately rather than forcing a 5 minute walk from spawn that every other class faces upon defeat outside tower walls.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


elementalist doesnt need a nerf, need a buff period.

I took an arrow to the knee

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


The downed states in general need to be reevaluated. These two are definitely the most powerful because they allow classes to get back into the fight immediately rather than forcing a 5 minute walk from spawn that every other class faces upon defeat outside tower walls.

If they change it for WvW, PvE is basically Ruined.

WvW=PvE (PvP in eviromental standards)

These skills are mostly used for PvE specific stuff..

For example, when fighting a Champion Solo as a D/D Ele, and i am not paying enough attention, Mist Form (Down skill #2) is very useful in these circumstances, skill #2 downed is also helpful in a Dungeon as a Elementalist as you can back away from the mobs and revive.

(Not played much of a warrior, so i don’t know much about their skills)

If this skill gets removed/Nerfed, then i will be upset and so will the Elementalist Community, its as if we aren’t squishy enough for you guys……

There are 2 options:
a) Deal With it.
b) Play another game.

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


I have 4 80s; Ranger Warrior, Guardian, and Thief, working on my fifth 80; Mesmer.

I’m find with the downed abilities for the Warrior, and Elementalist. It’s silly to complain about something like this.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Not so fun having ppl attack what’s unique about your class now is it, now maybe you feel how the mesmers feel about our special ability that no1 else has being threatened by posts such as this. I’ve seen plenty a warrior/ele complain along with the rest about nerfing everything a mesmer has, so yea i support nerfing the 2 skills that allow ppl to reach the safety of keeps from the downed state just in spite not that I actually have all that much of an issue with it. Just to prove that whining about stuff like this will lead to killing a class for the masses.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: darkrequiem.6258


The downed states in general need to be reevaluated. These two are definitely the most powerful because they allow classes to get back into the fight immediately rather than forcing a 5 minute walk from spawn that every other class faces upon defeat outside tower walls.

Finding this thought really funny. Warriors and Elementalists have the most powerful downed skills in the game? I’m sure some of the more experienced ele’s on this thread have already made their point on this and will have to remake it again. But as for a warrior, I would consider them to have the 2nd worst downed abilities of all classes. Only an engineer can beat them in this department. But here’s the warrior…

1. You can throw rocks at people.
2. You can throw a hammer at someone for a knockdown. This hammer can be stopped like any attack by blind where it goes on it’s cooldown and you’re going to be dead before it’s available again. Also, it can be body blocked by someone standing directly on top of the warrior.
3. You can Vengeance. As has been stated, unlike mist form this is not immediately available. Provided your hammer actually worked and gave you some time you might still be around for this to work. Vengeance is buggy and killing 1 guy does not guarantee a rally. The worst I’ve seen is 16 kills in PvE and no rally. For this reason of course most of them are going to run into the tower for a rezz.

While other classes may not have the ability to enter a tower while downed, they do possess skills that allow them an easier time getting to the door. Thieves stealth: Mesmer clones+stealth, Guardian auto aegis and activatable protective buffs, Engineers have an evade elixir, Necromancer death shroud. Can’t think of one for rangers =/ but this would be why I don’t see it as a problem that 2 classes have a way through that door if downed. If you’re really desperate for that warrior to die on your side of the gate then can I suggest killing him? You have plenty of time.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


The downed states in general need to be reevaluated. These two are definitely the most powerful because they allow classes to get back into the fight immediately rather than forcing a 5 minute walk from spawn that every other class faces upon defeat outside tower walls.

Finding this thought really funny. Warriors and Elementalists have the most powerful downed skills in the game? I’m sure some of the more experienced ele’s on this thread have already made their point on this and will have to remake it again. But as for a warrior, I would consider them to have the 2nd worst downed abilities of all classes. Only an engineer can beat them in this department. But here’s the warrior…

1. You can throw rocks at people.
2. You can throw a hammer at someone for a knockdown. This hammer can be stopped like any attack by blind where it goes on it’s cooldown and you’re going to be dead before it’s available again. Also, it can be body blocked by someone standing directly on top of the warrior.
3. You can Vengeance. As has been stated, unlike mist form this is not immediately available. Provided your hammer actually worked and gave you some time you might still be around for this to work. Vengeance is buggy and killing 1 guy does not guarantee a rally. The worst I’ve seen is 16 kills in PvE and no rally. For this reason of course most of them are going to run into the tower for a rezz.

While other classes may not have the ability to enter a tower while downed, they do possess skills that allow them an easier time getting to the door. Thieves stealth: Mesmer clones+stealth, Guardian auto aegis and activatable protective buffs, Engineers have an evade elixir, Necromancer death shroud. Can’t think of one for rangers =/ but this would be why I don’t see it as a problem that 2 classes have a way through that door if downed. If you’re really desperate for that warrior to die on your side of the gate then can I suggest killing him? You have plenty of time.

How dare you use logic on these forums! Begone!

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


The ability to occasionally die in a more appropriate position it’s overrated.

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/The warrior one to rally him for like 15secs? I don’t how many times they get away when were near a tower or the citadel. The warrior one is not as bad b/c we can cripple them or even still kill them.

Block the entrance? It’s really easy to do.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Not so fun having ppl attack what’s unique about your class now is it, now maybe you feel how the mesmers feel about our special ability that no1 else has being threatened by posts such as this. I’ve seen plenty a warrior/ele complain along with the rest about nerfing everything a mesmer has, so yea i support nerfing the 2 skills that allow ppl to reach the safety of keeps from the downed state just in spite not that I actually have all that much of an issue with it. Just to prove that whining about stuff like this will lead to killing a class for the masses.

People only want mesmer portal nerfed to the same limit all AOE’s have been nerfed to.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


The warrior downstate sucks, this is the only good thing about it in wvw and you wanna remove that?

All the rest of the classes can’t. So what makes ele and warrior so special?

That a joke? So elementalists are getting stealth and portals now?

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


The warrior downstate sucks, this is the only good thing about it in wvw and you wanna remove that?

All the rest of the classes can’t. So what makes ele and warrior so special?

My Ele does not get stealth or portals that don’t seem fair why not remove them?

Becuase then we would have one class if they were all the same.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Jupitus.4352


Perhaps Ele’s have a decent downed state skill because we’re downed more often than any other class?

[MM]Jessopia – Soft and Very Squishy – Part of Gunnars Hold Community

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


I wouldn’t need to be able to run when dead if people would stop yanking me off towers.

If you think it is so great to be able to run ten feet after you are dead roll an elementalist, you might figure out why we have it everyone can kill us.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Azariah.8420


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/

God he doesn’t want the ability itself removed, just the moving through tower portals when using it. Stop arguing like he asked to have the entire ability removed.

I agree it’s kinda annoying that they can get through portals with their skills, but mine doesn’t work(even though if i use a teleport onto the portal when alive i get ported through) this seems inconsistent and that is what annoys me.

But at the same time I’m not really fussed when they do, warriors can be spiked before they can vengeance, and ele’s need something useful in downed

80 Thief – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea of Sorrows

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Wow, when I read the thread title I was not expecting it to be a complaint thread. Warrior is by far the worst downed state in the game…or Elementalist. I am just going to assume this thread is a joke and move on.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Denim Samurai.2379

Denim Samurai.2379

Hi, hobbes. Let me introduce you to engineers. I throw 3 grenades at a time that crit for up to 1.2k each but at my downed state I am reduced to throwing 300 dmg rocks. My other ability is to pull an enemy closer to me and I’m not sure what my 3rd ability does because I never live the randomly huge amount of time it takes to activate it.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/

God he doesn’t want the ability itself removed, just the moving through tower portals when using it. Stop arguing like he asked to have the entire ability removed.

I agree it’s kinda annoying that they can get through portals with their skills, but mine doesn’t work(even though if i use a teleport onto the portal when alive i get ported through) this seems inconsistent and that is what annoys me.

But at the same time I’m not really fussed when they do, warriors can be spiked before they can vengeance, and ele’s need something useful in downed

Then I am sure All Ele’s would be saying “Anet, we are waiting to buy a better HP base so we can actually make it into towers like everyone else”

Believe me, If there are attackers and you are spotted, you are less likely to ever make it in as an elementalist then any other class.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Well … Thieves can stealth then use shortbow #5 to get closer to the gate, restealth if need be and walk in rather happily unless there’s a lot of AoE to the door.

Mesmers can stealth use blink use shatter F4 if need be and also have a fair chance of getting in.

Warriors and Eles lack teleport or stealth so they get a bit of compensation in their downed state.

And if we’re talking getting in as a reinforcement … much easier to wait on the back side of the castle for a friendly Mesmer to create a portal into the keep than to try to run the door. ^^

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


Hi, hobbes. Let me introduce you to engineers. I throw 3 grenades at a time that crit for up to 1.2k each but at my downed state I am reduced to throwing 300 dmg rocks.

Considering you were downed, why should you or any class be doing high, let alone any damage?

Houdii Hoo

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Kneemin.4235


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/

God he doesn’t want the ability itself removed, just the moving through tower portals when using it. Stop arguing like he asked to have the entire ability removed.

I agree it’s kinda annoying that they can get through portals with their skills, but mine doesn’t work(even though if i use a teleport onto the portal when alive i get ported through) this seems inconsistent and that is what annoys me.

But at the same time I’m not really fussed when they do, warriors can be spiked before they can vengeance, and ele’s need something useful in downed

Then I am sure All Ele’s would be saying “Anet, we are waiting to buy a better HP base so we can actually make it into towers like everyone else”

Believe me, If there are attackers and you are spotted, you are less likely to ever make it in as an elementalist then any other class.

On the contrary… I think elementalist is the easiest class to make it into a tower on, aside from thief b/c shadow refuge… heres why….

Swap skills to lightning flash, vapor form, and armor of earth… cast AE…. run till its out, teleport.. hit mist… you’re in. I’ve never been stopped before.

On the flip side; There really is no reason to nerf either of these… as stated, every class has unique abilites…

Warriors still die/take armor damage

As for ele…. as someone up there said, you can (and I do… all the time) be CCed (immob) while in mist form. I think this might only be carry-over. I’m not 100% sure if you can be CCed after in mist, but in order to live we have to hit mist immediately and if we are rooted prior to downed, we die.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: ilovemagdab.9724


I think they should take down state completely off of WvW. My friends and I have been so annoy by this we would run in a party of three and down state ten enemies just to get our kitten kicked by down stated people and the sad part is all our deaths are from down stated enemies just hitting us from the ground no one has time to stop while fighting to " finish " off a person on the ground when we are still fighting it’s no joy to have a person you defeated just keep hitting you while your focus attacking other players and then they just pop right back up if no one finishes them. I feel like there is no sense of purpose of defeating a player and then end up not really defeating them because of down state they just pop right back up if you don’t pay attention to them If there down they should stay dead( No skills in WvW just how fast you can downstate back up to win that’s all it’s DOWN to ). Also if you put something else in WvW like Epic Boss battle where the worlds can compete for the loot maybe more people will want to join a dead WvW server to get it to be active again no one likes to get zerg all the time because your server is dead in WvW. Thanks anet hope you take this into consideration from a consumer.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Can we remove the ability for these two to not go through the portals when they use there skill Mist form/

God he doesn’t want the ability itself removed, just the moving through tower portals when using it. Stop arguing like he asked to have the entire ability removed.

I agree it’s kinda annoying that they can get through portals with their skills, but mine doesn’t work(even though if i use a teleport onto the portal when alive i get ported through) this seems inconsistent and that is what annoys me.

But at the same time I’m not really fussed when they do, warriors can be spiked before they can vengeance, and ele’s need something useful in downed

Then I am sure All Ele’s would be saying “Anet, we are waiting to buy a better HP base so we can actually make it into towers like everyone else”

Believe me, If there are attackers and you are spotted, you are less likely to ever make it in as an elementalist then any other class.

On the contrary… I think elementalist is the easiest class to make it into a tower on, aside from thief b/c shadow refuge… heres why….

Swap skills to lightning flash, vapor form, and armor of earth… cast AE…. run till its out, teleport.. hit mist… you’re in. I’ve never been stopped before.

On the flip side; There really is no reason to nerf either of these… as stated, every class has unique abilites…

Warriors still die/take armor damage

As for ele…. as someone up there said, you can (and I do… all the time) be CCed (immob) while in mist form. I think this might only be carry-over. I’m not 100% sure if you can be CCed after in mist, but in order to live we have to hit mist immediately and if we are rooted prior to downed, we die.

I’ve had people cc me after I hit #2 to go into mist while downed.
I was talking to a guildie about it yesterday and she said it might actually be a glitch as to why it happens.

If you can’t find the time to hit F and finish someone. I suggest laying aoe’s or conditional skills under them.

I actually like the downed state. It adds more of a reason to not let people on your side die, and not to die yourself, while killing the enemy in large wvw fights. 1 persons death can rall a ton of people, so it makes players have to be aware of how they can survive otherwise they aren’t helping their server.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Just give everyone a lame pull like us engies! That’ll even the odds!

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


How on earth a troll post got so many replies come on!

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: ilovemagdab.9724


thank you for the input I do put down a aoe when the player goes down sadly that won’t kill them in a blink of an eye and I won’t get another chance to kill them if I’m getting mauled by invaders. And it is no fun to bring someone back from down state when your in a heat of battle or a dead person yelling at you to bring them back to life while you have everyone attacking you it’s a mark of death to try to bring someone back up taking aoe damage melee damage range damage by everyone at the same time. And also people will not care how they fight in a battle because they will depend on you to revive/heal them back up and depending on that too much just makes people lazy in fights they don’t run away they stand there go down and QQ to people why they don’t get pick up that makes everyone drop everything and rush in to try to save a dead person getting there own neck in danger too and most time end up dead for no reason lol.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: darkrequiem.6258


Hi, hobbes. Let me introduce you to engineers. I throw 3 grenades at a time that crit for up to 1.2k each but at my downed state I am reduced to throwing 300 dmg rocks. My other ability is to pull an enemy closer to me and I’m not sure what my 3rd ability does because I never live the randomly huge amount of time it takes to activate it.

Worst…downed state…ever. Whenever I look at the horrible aoe my mesmer’s downed state has put me in I always think: “It could be worse, you could be an engineer atm.”

As far as I’ve been able to tell, you’re meant to use 2 to pull someone towards you (hopefully away from finishing an ally) and then use 3 the blow yourself up and send them flying back. Sounds ok in theory but I’d really prefer it if the knock back actually decided to work against an opponent that doesn’t have stability. Blasted by my suicidal attempt and still channeling his finish: takes guts.

It might be better if the “drop [insert appropriate toolkit here]” trait actually put that thing in your hands. I’d love to blast a flamethrower at someone who thought he could deal with an downed engineer =)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Jonny.9370


thank you for the input I do put down a aoe when the player goes down sadly that won’t kill them in a blink of an eye and I won’t get another chance to kill them if I’m getting mauled by invaders. And it is no fun to bring someone back from down state when your in a heat of battle or a dead person yelling at you to bring them back to life while you have everyone attacking you it’s a mark of death to try to bring someone back up taking aoe damage melee damage range damage by everyone at the same time. And also people will not care how they fight in a battle because they will depend on you to revive/heal them back up and depending on that too much just makes people lazy in fights they don’t run away they stand there go down and QQ to people why they don’t get pick up that makes everyone drop everything and rush in to try to save a dead person getting there own neck in danger too and most time end up dead for no reason lol.

The example you gave was your group, a group of 4, came up against another group, a group of 10. The end result was you lost. In a 4v10. And theres some sort of issue there? I’m not seeing it. That sounds like exactly what should’ve happened.

I’d bet you had atleast 1 thief in your group of 4. Why didn’t he stealth(c/d, blinding powder, HS through smoke field) to finish off any of the downed enemies? Or maybe an engineer who can invul himself to finish a player? Or a warrior with stability? Necro with conditions? Or maybe a… well IDK… any other profession in the game, with a frenzy that turns the finisher into a ~0.5sec cast?

Its not like the other group used downed state as their ace-up-the-sleeve. I think you just have a problem with anything that isn’t pewpewpew done. And anyone who has an issue with you not reviving them when its clearly not the best action is an idiot, you should ignore their cries and tell them as such. And those who foolishly try to “help” pick up others when the situation doesn’t allow for it deserve to get downed imo.