Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


You should be able to finish off a downed warrior before they get to use Vengeance, after which they will die anyway. If you didn’t then you just took too much time about it.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Hi, hobbes. Let me introduce you to engineers. I throw 3 grenades at a time that crit for up to 1.2k each but at my downed state I am reduced to throwing 300 dmg rocks.

Considering you were downed, why should you or any class be doing high, let alone any damage?

Have you fought a thief? Sometimes I think I deal more damage downed than I do up.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


I actually love the mist form to go through the gate.

The gate itself has nothing to do with mist form. It has everything to do with the owner of the gate. If I am Red and the gate is Red, it lets me through. Simple as that.

Also, Elementalist Downed-State Mist-Form has the heaviest price out of any downed state in the game itself! Each time an Elementalist uses Mist-Form, it counts as a revival and a downed. In short our downed counter goes up by 1.

In fact if we use Mist-Form when our downed counter is Yellow, it becomes red and when we come out of it, we die.

In other words, for us to live we have to use Mistform in our first downed to get the benefit. If used anywhere else it takes far longer for us to be recovered or we die upon returning to downed status.

So please don’t act like if mist-form is unfair considering what other classes actually get.

As far as Warrior Goes…Vengeance is great! I nearly died and I used Vengeance to kill a player and revive 2 – 3 players before it wore off and I died. However I am unclear when Vengeance kills me and when it doesn’t kill me.

Sometimes I rally through it, sometimes I don’t even when I kill the player who downed me.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Jonny.9370


As far as Warrior Goes…Vengeance is great! I nearly died and I used Vengeance to kill a player and revive 2 – 3 players before it wore off and I died. However I am unclear when Vengeance kills me and when it doesn’t kill me.

Sometimes I rally through it, sometimes I don’t even when I kill the player who downed me.

Normally Vengeance rallying a warrior is based on chance. What the % exactly is, I don’t know. But if you are traited with Sweet Vengeance it will rally you 100% of the time if you kill a player.

PVE however, is different. The trick to it in PVE afaik is that you must END combat to fully rally from vengeance otherwise you will still die even if you kill 3 different npcs during vengeance. In other words, using it to try and burst down 1 enemy in a group won’t save you. You will need to kill all the enemy NPCs attacking you resulting in you exiting combat for the save.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord.9074


These are two very different things. Vengeance is a number 3 skill and has a very long Cool down before it can be used. It is useless 99% of the time. The 1% of the time it is of any use is when the player who killed the warrior does not finish right away.

If you get knocked down while finishing a warrior and you started to finish right away. You still have time to finish a second time before Vengeance is ready that is how slow the skill is.

Not only Can warriors all most never get the skill off in time but when they do they still die unless they have it traited and were lucky enough to kill something which is almost never the case. As almost no warriors trait it, and when its not traited they have a very very very small chance of staying alive if they kill something per RNG.

Eles skill is a # 2 skill it is totally different they can use it almost right away, and if they manage to get away and self res they get to stay alive.

You are mixing apples and oranges. Learn to play the game. Learn to finish people and quit QQing on the forum asking for nerfs because you are a bad player and don’t know what your talking about or doing.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: ghostchipz.2341


strictly speaking the downed state is Vapour form not mist form as in mist form you can heal in Vapour you can not.

Anyway it last 3s so you have to be very close to the gate to get in and if you can not finish off a squishy in open combat thats not our fault.

It is the only part of our downed defence thatc an get us out of a sticky situation our other downed skills are nowere near as strong as other Profesions.

The idea of an ele is to avoid and evade while laying down the hurt. So should i just lay there and take it from you the next time i meet you on the battle field or should i try to make it in to my keep so i can pour on the burn and bleed from the relitive saftey of the wall. hmmmmm i know which one i will choose every time.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Denim Samurai.2379

Denim Samurai.2379

Haha, wow. GSSBlunaspike.4153, have you ever PvPed? Downed thieves and mesmers are deadlier than ones standing up.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Quick addendum on the Vengeance skill: I’m pretty sure downing players does not count as a kill and does not trigger a rally. There’s simply not enough time to reliably down AND finish a player before you either die again or vengeance wears off. I mostly use Vengeance to rez downed allies instead.

The 100% rally trait is only useful in PvE. And it’s INCREDIBLY useful at that.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

This sort of seems like one of those things people just use when they want something new to complain about.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate